List of banking families

Philippine Welser, a member of the patrician Welser banking family, and the wife of Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria
Jakob Fugger, of the Fugger family
Johann Hinrich Gossler (1738–90), of the Berenberg-Gossler family

Banking families are families which have been involved in banking for multiple generations, in the modern era generally as owners or co-owners of banks, often named for their families. Banking families have been important in the history of banking, especially before the 20th century.



Family Companies Place of origin Principal
countries of residence
Mexico family Compagnia dei Bardi Italy Italy
Baring family Barings Bank Bremen Germany Germany United Kingdom UK
Berenberg-Gossler-Seyler banking dynasty Berenberg Bank Antwerp Belgium Belgium, Germany Germany
Cerchi Florence Italy Italy
Clifford family (bankers) Clifford, Herefordshire United Kingdom UK, Netherlands The Netherlands
Fugger Augsburg Germany Germany
Gondi family Florence Italy Italy
Hoare Family C. Hoare & Co London United Kingdom UK
Hope family Hope & Co. Amsterdam Netherlands Netherlands
Hochstetter Höchstädt Germany Germany
Oppenheim family Germany Germany
Rockefeller family Rockefeller Financial Services (Rockefeller & Co), J.P. Morgan Chase Cleveland, OH, New York, NY United States USA
Rothschild family Frankfurt Germany Germany
House of Medici Florence Italy Italy
Mellon family Bank of New York Mellon Pittsburgh, PA United States USA
Metzler Metzler Bank Frankfurt Germany Germany
Morgan family Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan Chase New York, NY United States USA
Peruzzi Florence Italy Italy
Solaro (family) Asti Italy Italy
Wallenberg family SEB, Investor Linköping Sweden Sweden
Warburg family Warburg Pincus, UBS Germany Germany
Welser Augsburg Germany Germany