List of animals in Camperdown Wildlife Centre
The following is a list of animals which can be found in Camperdown Wildlife Centre, Dundee, Scotland.
- Spiny mouse- Acomys minous
- Marmoset- Callithrix (Callithrix) jacchus
- Eurasian Wolf- Canis lupus lupus
- Pygmy goat- Capra hircus
- Guinea pig- Cavia porcellus
- Fallow deer- Dama dama
- Donkey- Equus africanus asinus
- Shetland pony- Equus caballus
- Red-bellied lemur- Eulemur rubriventer
- Scottish Wildcat- Felis silvestris silvestris
- Common genet- Genetta genetta
- Crested porcupine- Hystrix cristata
- Ring-tailed lemur- Lemur catta
- European otter- Lutra lutra
- European lynx- Lynx lynx
- Wallaby- Macropus parma
- Burmese brown tortoise- Manouria emys
- Pine marten- Martes martes
- Striped skunk- Mephitis mephitis
- European polecat- Mustela putorius
- Ferret- Mustela putorius furo
- Short-tailed bat- Mystacina tuberculata
- Sheep- Ovis aries
- Mouflon- Ovis orientalis
- European brown bear- Ursus arctos arctos
- Black and white ruffed lemur- Varecia variegata
- Mallard duck- Anas platyrhynchos
- Golden eagle- Aquila chrysaetos
- Ne-ne- Branta sandvicensis
- Eagle owl- Bubo bubo
- Snowy owl- Bubo scandiacus
- Stone curlew- Burhinus oedicnemus
- White stork- Ciconia ciconia
- Waldrapp Ibis- Geronticus eremita
- Partridge- Perdix perdix
- Pheasant- Phasianus colchicus
- Chough- Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
- Eider duck- Somateria mollissima
- Great grey owl- Strix nebulosa
- Ural owl- Strix uralensis
- Barn owl- Tyto alba
- Violet Turaco - Musophaga violacea