List of ancient Western doctors
This is an alphabetical list of writers from Ancient Greece and Rome who were doctors, or have left us material that contributes to our knowledge of ancient medicine. In some cases their names look familiar but are not the same as their famous homonyms (thus earning them an epithet).
- Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century AD)
- Adamantius Judaeus (4th century)
- Aegimus
- Aëtius Amidenus (6th century)
- Agathinus (1st century AD)
- Aglaïs Poet. (physician) (1st century AD)
- Aias/Abas (5th-4th century BC)
- Alexander Trallianus (6th century AD)
- Andromachus (physician) (1st century AD)
- Antonius Castor (2nd century AD)
- Apollonius of Citium (1st century BC)
- Apollonius (physician) (3rd century BC)
- Archigenes (2nd century AD)
- Aretaeus (2nd century AD)
- Aristotle (4th century BC)
- Asclepiades Pharmacion (1st-2nd century AD)
- Asclepiades of Bithynia (2nd-1st century BC)
- Athenaeus of Cilicia (1st century BC)
- Aulus Gellius (2nd century AD)
- Bolus of Mende
- Caelius Aurelianus (5th century)
- Cassius Felix (3rd century)
- Charixenus (2nd century AD)
- Crateuas (physician) (2nd century BC)
- Criton of Heraclea (1st-2nd century AD)
- Ctesias (5th century BC)
- Damocrates (1st century AD)
- Demetrius of Apamea
- Dexippus of Cos
- Dieuches
- Diocles of Carystus
- Dioscorides (1st century AD)
- Erasistratus (3rd century BC)
- Erotianus (1st century AD)
- Eudemus (physician)
- Euthydemus (physician)
- Fronto
- Galen (2nd century AD)
- Gargilius Martialis (3rd century)
- Harpocratio (1st-2nd century AD)
- Heliodorus (1st-2nd century AD)
- Heraclas
- Heraclides of Tarentum (1st century BC)
- Herodotus (physician) (1st century AD)
- Herophilus (3rd century BC)
- Hicesius (physician) (1st century BC)
- Hippocrates (Hippocratic Corpus) (5th century BC)
- Joannes Actuarius
- L. Annaeus Seneca
- Leonidas (physician) (1st-2nd century AD)
- M. Porcius Cato
- Marcellinus (physician) (2nd century? AD)
- Marcellus of Side (2nd century AD)
- Meges of Sidon (1st century AD)
- Meletius
- Menemachus (1st century AD)
- Mnesitheus of Athens (3rd century BC)
- Mnesitheus of Cyzicus
- Nepualius (Neptunalius, Neptunianus)
- Niger, Sextius
- Oribasius (4th century)
- Ovid (1st century AD)
- Palladius (physician)
- Paulus Aegineta (7th century)
- Phasias of Tenedos
- Philagrius of Epirus (3rd-4th century)
- Philinus of Cos (3rd century BC)
- Philistion of Locri (5th-4th century BC)
- Philo Tarsensis
- Philotimus
- Philoxenus (physician) (3rd century BC)
- Philumenus (3rd century AD)
- Phylotimus
- Pliny the Elder (1st century AD)
- Plistonicus
- Plutarch (2nd century AD)
- Posidonius (3rd-4th century)
- Praxagoras of Cos (4th century BC)
- Serenus Sammonicus
- Rufus of Ephesus (2nd century AD)
- Scribonius Largus (1st century AD)
- Serapion (3rd century BC)
- Severus (physician) (4th century AD)
- Sextus Empiricus
- Soranus of Ephesus (2nd century AD)
- Stephanus Med. (7th century)
- Stephanus, Phil (7th century)
- Themison of Laodicea (1st century BC)
- Theon Gymnasiarcha
- Theophilus Protospatharius
- Theophrastus
- Thessalus of Tralles (1st century AD)
- Thrasymachus of Sardis
- Timotheus of Metapontion
- Xenocrates of Aphrodisias (1st century AD)
- Zopyrus (physician) (1st century AD)