List of aircraft registration prefixes

This is a list of both current and historic Aircraft registration prefixes used by civil aircraft:

Registration Prefix Country / Region Note
2 Guernsey Current since 2013
3A Monaco Current[1]
3B Mauritius Current[1]
3C Equatorial Guinea Current[1]
3D Swaziland Current[1]
3X Guinea Current[1]
4K Azerbaijan Current[1]
4L Georgia Current[1]
4O Montenegro Current[2]
4R Sri Lanka Current[1]
4U United Nations Current[3]
4W Yemen Current[1]
4X Israel Current[1]
5A Libya Current[1]
5B Cyprus Current[1]
5H Tanzania Current[1]
5N Nigeria Current[1]
5R Madagascar Current[1]
5T Mauritania Current[1]
5U Niger Current[1]
5V Togo Current[1]
5W Samoa Current[1] since 1961
5X Uganda Current[1]
5Y Kenya Current[1]
6O Somalia Current[1]
6V Senegal Current[1]
6W Senegal Current[1]
6Y Jamaica Current[1]
7O Yemen Current[4][2]
7P Lesotho Current[1]
7Q Malawi Current[1]
7T Algeria Current[1]
8P Barbados Current[1]
8Q Maldives Current[1]
8R Guyana Current[1]
9A Croatia Current[1]
9G Ghana Current[1]
9H Malta Current[1]
9J Zambia Current[1]
9K Kuwait Current[1]
9L Sierra Leone Current[1]
9M Malaysia Current[1]
9N Nepal Current[1]
9Q Zaire Current[1]
9U Burundi Current[1] since 1962
9V Singapore Current[1]
9XR Rwanda Current[1]
9Y Trinidad and Tobago Current[1]
A Austria Used before 1939 replaced by OE[5]
AP Pakistan Current from 1947[2][5]
A2 Botswana Current[1]
A3 Tonga Current[1]
A4O Oman Current[1]
A5 Bhutan Current[1]
A6 United Arab Emirates Current[1]
A7 Qatar Current[1]
A8 Liberia Current replaced EL[6]
A9C Bahrain Current[1]
A-B Abyssinia No longer used
B-(4 numbers) China Current[1] also used by Taiwan
B-(5 numbers) Taiwan Current allocation also used by China
B-A Albania Replaced by ZA[5]
B-H Hong Kong SAR Current allocation also used by China
B-K Hong Kong SAR Current allocation also used by China
B-L Czechoslovakia Replaced by OK[5]
B-L Hong Kong SAR Current allocation also used by China
B-M Macao SAR Current allocation also used by China
C Canada Current[1]
C2 Nauru Current[1]
C3 Andorra Current
C5 Gambia Current[1]
C6 Bahamas Current[1]
C9 Mozambique Current[1]
C-B Bolivia Historic
C-U Uruguay Historic
CC Chile Current[1]
CCCP Soviet Union Actually Cyrillic-script for SSSR
CF Canada Current[1] presented as C-F
CH Switzerland replaced by HB[5]
CL Cuba replaced by CU[5]
CM Cuba replaced by CU[5]
CN Morocco Current[1]
CP Bolivia Current[1]
CR Portugal Used for overseas provinces[5]
CR-A Mozambique Colonial allocation[5] Replaced by C9
CR-C Cape Verde Islands Colonial allocation[5] Replaced by D4
CR-G Portuguese Guinea Colonial allocation[5]
CR-I Portuguese India Colonial allocation[5] Goa forcibly incorporated into India in 1961
CR-L Angola Colonial allocation[5]
CR-T Timor Colonial allocation[5] Eventually became East Timor awaiting a new allocation
CS Portugal Current[1]
CS-M Macau Colonial allocation replaced by B-Mxx
CU Cuba Current[1]
CV Romania Replaced by YR in 1929[5]
CX Uruguay Current[1]
CY Ceylon Replaced VP-C later replaced by 4R in 1954[5]
CZ Monaco Replaced by MC[5]
D Germany Current[1]
D2 Angola Current[1]
D4 Cape Verde Current[1]
D6 Comoros Current[2]
DM East Germany Now part of Germany using D
DQ Fiji Islands Current[1]
E3 Eritrea Current[4]
E5 Cook Islands Current[2]
E7 Bosnia and Herzegovina Current[2]
EC Spain Current[1]
EI Ireland Current[1]
EJ Ireland Current[1] but not used
EK Armenia Current[1]
EL Liberia Replaced by A8 after register was cancelled by the United Nations due to illegal use
EP Iran Current[1]
ER Moldova Current[1]
ES Estonia Current[1]
ET Ethiopia Current[1]
EW Belarus Current[1]
EX Krygyzstan Current[1]
EY Tajikstan Current[1]
EZ Saar Allocated during League of Nations mandate became part of Germany with D prefix in 1935[5]
EZ Turkmenistan Current[1]
F France Current[1]
G United Kingdom Current[1]
G-AU Australia From 1921 until replaced by VH in 1929
G-C Canada From 1921 until replaced by CF in 1929
G-I India From 1919 until replaced by VT in 1929
G-NZ New Zealand From 1921 until replaced by ZK in 1929
G-UA South Africa From 1921 until replaced by ZS in 1929
H4 Solomon Islands Current[1]
HA Hungary Current[1]
HB Liechtenstein (plus national emblem) also used by Switzerland. Current[1]
HB Switzerland (plus national emblem) also used by Liechtenstein. Current[1]
HC Ecuador Current[1]
HH Haiti Current[1]
HI Dominican Republic Current[1]
HJ Colombia Current[2]
HK Colombia Current[1]
HL South Korea Current[1]
HP Panama Current[1]
HR Honduras Current[1]
HS Thailand Current[1]
HZ Saudi Arabia Current[1]
I Italy Current[1]
J2 Djibouti Current[1]
J3 Grenada Current[1]
J5 Guinea Bissau Current[1]
J6 Saint Lucia Current[1]
J7 Dominica Current[1]
J8 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Current[1]
JA Japan Current[1]
JU Mongolia Current[2]
JY Jordan Current[1]
K United Kingdom Replaced by G
KW Cambodia Temporary usage replace by XU
LN Norway Current[1]
LQ Argentina Current[1]
LV Argentina Current[1]
LX Luxembourg Current [1]
LY Lithuania Current [1]
LZ Bulgaria Current[1]
M Isle of Man Current[6]
MC Monaco Replaced by 3A[5]
N United States Current[1]
O-B Belgium Historic
OB Peru Current[1]
OD Lebanon Current[1]
OE Austria Current[1]
OH Finland Current[1]
OK Czech Republic Current,[1] originally Czechoslovakia
OM Slovakia Current[1]
OO Belgium Current[1]
OY Denmark Current[1]
P North Korea Current[1]
P2 Papua New Guinea Current[1]
P4 Aruba Current[1]
PH Netherlands Current[1]
PI Philippines Replaced by RP
PJ Netherlands Antilles Current[1]
PK Indonesia Current [1]
PP Brazil Current[1]
PR Brazil Current[1]
PT Brazil Current [1]
PU Brazil Current [1]
PZ Suriname Current[1]
R-A Argentina Historic
RA Russian Federation Current[1]
RDPL Laos Current[1]
RF Russian Federation Current
RP Philippines Current[1]
RR Russian Became CCCP as the Soviet Union[5]
RX Panama Replaced by HP[5]
S2 Bangladesh Current[1]
S5 Slovenia Current[4]
S7 Seychelles Current[1]
S9 São Tomé and Príncipe Current[1]
SE Sweden Current[1]
SL Saar Used during French protectorate from 1947 - became part of Germany again in 1957 with the D prefix.[5]
SL Slovenia Temporary used before the official allocation of S5
SP Poland Current[1]
SSSR Soviet Union Historic used Cyrillic-alphabet as CCCP
ST Sudan Current[1]
SU Egypt Current[1]
SX Greece Current[1]
T2 Tuvalu Current
T3 Kirbati Current
T7 San Marino Current[1]
T8 Palau Current[6]
T9 Bosnia and Herzegovina Current[1]
TC Turkey Current[1]
TF Iceland Current[1]
TG Guatemala Current[1]
TI Costa Rica Current[1]
TJ Cameroon Current[1]
TL Central African Republic Current[1]
TN Congo Current[1]
TR Gabon Current[1]
TS Tunisia Current[1]
TT Chad Current[1]
TU Ivory Coast Current[1]
TY Benin Current[1]
TZ Mali Current[1]
UH Hejaz Pre-1940s allocation later became HZ as Saudi Arabia
UK Uzbekistan Current[1]
UL Luxembourg Replaced by LX[5]
UN Kazakhstan Change to UP to avoid confusion with the United Nations
UP Kazakhstan Current[1]
UR Ukraine Current[1]
V2 Antigua and Barbuda Current[1]
V3 Belize Current[1]
V4 Saint Kitts and Nevis Current[1]
V5 Namibia Current[1]
V6 Micronesia Current[1]
V7 Marshall Islands Current[1]
V8 Brunei Current[1]
VH Australia Current[1]
VN Vietnam Current
VO Newfoundland Became part of Canada with CF prefix in 1949[5]
VP-A Gold Coast Colonial allocation[5] became Ghana and was replaced by 9G
VP-A Anguilla Current[6]
VP-B Bahamas Colonial allocation[5] replaced by C6
VP-B Bermuda Current[4]
VP-C Ceylon Colonial allocation replaced by CY[5]
VP-C Cayman Islands Current[4]
VP-F Falkland Islands Current[6]
VP-G Guyana Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 8R
VP-G Gibraltar Current[4]
VP-H British Honduras Colonial allocation[5] replaced by V3 as Belize
VP-J Jamaica Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 6Y
VP-K Kenya Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 5Y
VP-L British Virgin Islands Current[4]
VP-M Montserrat Current[4]
VP-P Western Pacific Islands Colonial allocation for islands not administrated by Australia or New Zealand and not part of the New Hebrides Condominium.[5] r
VP-R Northern Rhodesia Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 9J as Zambia
VP-T Trinidad and Tobago Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 9Y
VP-U Uganda Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 5X in 1962
VP-V St Vincent Colonial allocation[5] replaced by J8
VP-X Gambia Colonial allocation[5] replaced by C5
VP-Y Rhodesia Colonial allocation[5] replaced by Z as Zimbabwe
VP-Z Zanzibar Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 5H when it became part of Tanzania
VQ-B Barbados Colonial allocation[5] replaced by C6
VQ-C Cyprus Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 5B
VQ-B Bermuda Current[6]
VQ-F Fiji Islands Colonial allocation[5] replaced by DQ
VQ-G Grenada Colonial allocation[5] Replaced by J3
VQ-H Saint Helena/Ascension Current[4]
VQ-L St Lucia Colonial allocation[5] replaced by J6
VQ-M Mauritius Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 3B
VQ-S Seychelles Colonial allocation[5] replaced by S7
VQ-T Turks and Caicos Current[4]
VQ-Z Bechunaland/Botswana/Swaziland Colonial allocation[5] VQ-ZAA to ZDZ Lesotho, VQ-ZEA to ZEZ and VQ-ZHA to ZHA Botswana, VQ-ZIA to ZIZ Swaziland
VR-A Aden Colonial allocation[5]
VR-B Bermuda Colonial allocation[5] replaced by VP-B
VR-G Gibraltar Colonial allocation[5] replaced by VP-G
VR-H Hong Kong Colonial allocation[5] replaced by B-Hxx, B-Kxx, B-Lxx
VR-L Sierra Leone Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 9L in 1961
VR-N Nigeria Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 5N
VR-O North Borneo/Sabah Colonial allocation[5] became part of Malaysia
VR-S Straits Settlements Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 9M as part of the Federation of Malaysia
VR-T Tanganyika Colonial allocation[5] replaced by 5H when it became part of Tanzania
VR-U Brunei Colonial allocation[5]
VR-W Sarawak Colonial allocation[5]
VT India Current[1]
X-C China Historic
XA Mexico Current[1]
XB Mexico Current[1]
XC Mexico Current[1]
XT China Replaced by B
XT Burkino Faso Current[1]
XU Cambodia Current[1]
XV Vietnam Current[6]
XY Myanmar Current[6]
XZ Burma/Myanmar Allocated[4][5] but doesn't appear to have been used
YA Afghanistan Current[1] originally Y-A
YE Yeman [5]
YI Iraq Current[1]
YJ Vanuatu Current[1]
YK Syria Current[1]
YL Latvia Current[1]
YM Danzig Incorporated into Germany with D prefix[5]
YN Nicaragua Current[1]
YR Romania Current[1] since 1929
YS El Salvador Current[1]
YU Serbia Current was Yugoslavia[1]
YV Venezuela Current[1]
Z Zimbabwe Current[1]
Z3 Macdonia Current[1]
Z6 Kosovo Current
ZA Albania Current
ZK New Zealand Current[1]
ZL New Zealand Current[1]
ZM New Zealand Current[1]
ZP Paraguay Current[1]
ZS South Africa Current[1]
ZT South Africa Current[1] but not used
ZU South Africa Current[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 1.118 1.119 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 1.124 1.125 1.126 1.127 1.128 1.129 1.130 1.131 1.132 1.133 1.134 1.135 1.136 1.137 1.138 1.139 1.140 1.141 1.142 1.143 1.144 1.145 1.146 1.147 1.148 1.149 1.150 1.151 1.152 1.153 1.154 1.155 1.156 1.157 1.158 1.159 1.160 1.161 1.162 1.163 1.164 1.165 1.166 1.167 1.168 1.169 1.170 1.171 1.172 1.173 1.174 1.175 1.176 1.177 1.178 1.179 1.180 1.181 1.182 1.183 1.184 1.185 1.186 1.187 1.188 1.189 1.190 1.191 "Aircraft Nationality Assignments". Federal Aviation Administration. 2 May 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 ICAO Annex 7
  3. "Aircraft Registration Prefixes". Retrieved 2013-12-25.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks Annex 7 to the Convention of International Civil Aviation - Fourth Edition July 1981
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.50 5.51 5.52 5.53 5.54 5.55 5.56 5.57 5.58 5.59 5.60 Robertson 1967, pp.21-115
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 "Aircraft Nationality Marks, National Emblems and Common Marks". ICAO. 9 May 2014.