List of Warcraft locations

This page contains the different locations in Warcraft ranging from the islands, the continents, the planets, the planes of existence, and the elemental planes.


Azeroth is the name of a planet that is the main setting of Warcraft. The Old Gods used to rule Azeroth with their Elemental Lieutenants until they were overthrown by the Titans

Eastern Kingdoms

The Eastern Kingdoms are the eastern continents on Azeroth.

Azeroth Continent

The Azeroth Continent' is one of the three continents that form the Eastern Kingdoms. It was held at some time by the Horde until it was freed by the Alliance. It is home to the human kingdom of Stormwind.

Khaz Modan

Khaz Modan is a mountainous continent that is one of the three continents that make up the Eastern Kingdoms and is home to the local dwarves. It is the home of the Ironforge Clan which is ruled by the Bronzebeard Clan.


Lordaedon is a subcontinent in the Eastern Kingdoms.


'Vashj'ir is an undersea kingdom that is featured in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. It was originally a Highborne City before it was swallowed by the sea during the cataclysm.


Kalimdor is a continent that is west of the Eastern Kingdoms and is southwest of Northrend.

Central Kalimdor

Central Kalimdor is the central region in Kalimdor.

Northern Kalimdor

Northern Kalimdor is the northern region in Kalimdor.

Southern Kalimdor

Southern Kalimdor is the southern region of Kalimdor and is the wildest areas of Kalimdor.


Northrend is a northern icy continent which serves as the evil source of the Scourge.


Pandaria is a legendary place in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria that is filled with bamboo forests that is located in the southern parts Azeroth. It is the home of the Pandarens.


Argus was the original homeworld of the eredar (and hence the draenei who are physically identical to the original eredar). It was apparently a utopian world whose inhabitants were both vastly intelligent and highly gifted in magic.


Draenor was the homeworld of the Orcs. Following the fight with the Alliance, Draenor was destroyed and its remnants became Outland.


Outland is an extradimensional realm that is made from the floating remnants of Draenor.


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