List of The Dumping Ground series characters

This is a list of the characters who have appeared in the BAFTA-award-winning[1] trilogy of CBBC children’s drama series The Story of Tracy Beaker, Tracy Beaker Returns and The Dumping Ground, which have spanned thirteen years between them, although this article only includes characters from the former series if they also appeared in “Tracy Beaker Returns” and “The Dumping Ground”. The character who has appeared in the most series is the title character, Tracy Beaker (Dani Harmer), having appeared in eight series, and the only character to have appeared in all three programmes is Mike Milligan (Connor Byrne).

Current Characters

Mike Milligan

Mike Milligan MBE
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Connor Byrne
Duration 2002, 2006, 2010–
First appearance 1x01, "Tracy Returns to The Dumping Ground", 8 July 2002 (The Story of Tracy Beaker)
Classification Present; regular
Occupation Care worker (2000-06)
Head Care Worker (2010–)

Michael "Mike" Milligan MBE played by Connor Byrne is a care worker (later Head Care Worker) throughout all three of the shows making up the trilogy. He made his first appearance during the first episode of “The Story of Tracy Beaker”, which aired 8 July 2002, before departing the series on 14 October 2002. Byrne agreed to reprise his role in 2004, and he made his return at the start of series 5 of the original show in 2006. Mike continued the role of head care worker into Tracy Beaker Returns and returned in The Dumping Ground, being the only character to appear in the three shows in the Tracy Beaker series.

Mike is tall and slim, with grey hair and blue eyes.[2] He is portrayed as a lovable, kind but firm guardian to the children in his care, able to deliver anger and humour to the children in equal doses.

Mike makes his first appearance in the first episode of “The Story of Tracy Beaker”; he is a care worker at Stowey House, and has been for some time – he is already on good terms with Tracy Beaker (Dani Harmer), thinking she's a 'good kid on the whole'. He leaves at the end of series 1 after accepting a higher paying job in another care home. Mike returns in series 5 as Elm Tree House's new chef. When Head Care Worker, Shelley Appleton, decides to leave Elm Tree House she holds interviews for possible head care workers, who none of the young people like, so they beg Mike to take up the role which he does.

The character of Mike returns in “Tracy Beaker Returns”, appearing in every episode of the show; it is implied that he never left Elm Tree House and continued to act as Head Care Worker. Mike is first seen when he collects Liam O'Donovan (Richard Wisker) from the local police station and meets Tracy after she is arrested for fraud. Mike offers her a job at the Dumping Ground because it is short staffed, with only himself and Gina Conway (Kay Purcell) working there. As a result of this, Tracy and Mike to get to know each other again and become closer. In the third series of the show, Mike is offered an MBE and accepts it, and later in the series he only just survives when a roof falls on him.

Mike continues to appear as Head Care Worker throughout “The Dumping Ground”; in the first episode he leaves to go on holiday, only for chaos to occur at Elm Tree House.

Tee Taylor

Tee Taylor
Tracy Beaker Returns The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Mia Mckenna-Bruce
Duration 2010–
First appearance 8 January 2010
Classification Present; regular

Tee Taylor, played by Mia Mckenna-Bruce throughout all series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and “The Dumping Ground”, is Johnny Taylor’s younger sister. She is fourteen years old as she was nine in series 1 of tracy beaker returns.[3] Tee is small and diminutive, yet understanding, kind and caring, although her brother’s controlling and overprotective influence over her in the first series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” made her a quieter character – eventually she grows to become bolder, and protective of her brother. She has dark blonde, almost brown, hair and brown eyes. She also shows a caring personality towards little kids, like Mo, Floss and her younger sister Hope

In By The Book, when Tracy is told to enforce the cleaning rota, Johnny believes it will get him and his sister, Tee fostered and starts volunteering himself and Tee for everyone's chores in return for gold stars in his file. He begins to force her to do chores when she doesn't want to. But Tracy's attempt to deal with the situation results in Tee almost getting injured, resulting in Johnny lashing out at her for not looking after Tee properly, and she begins to reconsider her future at the Dumping Ground, until Tee and Johnny apologise to her the next day.

In What You Don't Know, Tee and Johnny return to the 'Dumping Ground' from their trial foster placement with Mr and Mrs Watson. Everyone who is involved in the placement faces an awkward situation: the Watsons are happy to foster Tee, but not Johnny. Eventually, Tee decides not to be fostered as she doesn’t want to leave her brother behind.

In "Shadows", Tee finds a trail of riddles, each leading to a different clue, which eventually leads her to the time capsule which was buried at the dumping ground in story of Tracy Beaker

In "Summer Holiday", she ruins a holiday by accidentally forgetting to close a gate and letting sheep get into the farm house where they are staying. She eventually manages to find a better holiday.

In Oh, Mo, Tee was made to look after new, eccentric resident, Mo and Mike would always but soon regretted her decision when Mo started clamouring for her company and saying they were best friends.

In "Hope" Tee gets a letter from her mum, who wants to meet up with her and Johnny. Johnny tells her not to, as he thinks it might be a trap, but Tee goes to see her mum at the women's refuge and meets her baby sister, Hope. It is revealed that Tee's mum has left her boyfriend Keith. Tee later gets worried that her mum is not looking after Hope properly and steals her but she bumps into Faith, who notifies Johnny. He pretends to go along with Tee's plan to get the baby fostered but secretly texts their mum. She has got into a state worrying about Hope convinces Tee that she'll look after her properly.

In "Now you see me", Tee makes friends with a street artist, and starts doing graffiti, which nearly results in her getting arrested.

In "Breaking In", Tee and Kazima are at the dumping ground on their own, and end up battling against two burglars who break into the house.

In "Dragon Slayer", Tee's older brother, Johnny, leaves to join the army.

Carmen Howle

Carmen Howle
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Amy-Leigh Hickman
Duration 2010-
First appearance 8 January 2010
Classification Present; regular

Carmen Howle, portrayed by actress Amy-Leigh Hickman, has been a resident of Elm Tree House, and later Ashdene Ridge, during all series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and “The Dumping Ground”.

Carmen is an exceptionally outgoing girl who shares much of her life with Lily, becoming saddened when she leaves the Dumping Ground. Carmen is medium-height with long brown hair and brown eyes and often wears a lot of make-up. She seems eager, kind and caring, but impatient, although she has a tendency to appear light-headed, to be judgemental, and to spill secrets. Her favourite colour is pink, and she has turbulent relationships with many of the other residents of the Dumping Ground, such as Bailey and Elektra. She also has a terrible relationship with her mother, who abandoned her when she was little, so that she could have a holiday.

In 'Family Values' Carmen is lonely when Lily gets fostered. No-one wants to hear her problems so she takes a precious item from each resident.In 'Viva Carmen' Carmen's Mum returns, saying she wants Carmen to live with her in Spain. However Helen dumps Carmen for her ex Lee. In 'The Werewolf' Carmen thinks she saw a werewolf. The werewolf is actually Sapphire's brother Riff wearing a mask.

Carmen's best friend is Lily but is also shown to be good friends with Tee. She also has on and off friendships with Jodie and Elektra. Floss seems to look up to Carmen. Carmen also went out with Rick in the episode 'Be My Girl' but the two broke up after finding their relationship too hard.

Harry Jones

Harry Jones
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Philip Graham Scott
Duration 2010-
First appearance 8 January 2010
Classification Present; regular

Harry Jones is played by Philip Graham Scott and is a resident of Elm Tree House, and later Ashdene Ridge, during all series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and “The Dumping Ground”. In the third series of "The Dumping Ground" it is revealed he was placed into care in 2009.

During “Tracy Beaker Returns”, Harry looks up to Sapphire Fox, as he is one of the younger residents, and she is a maternal figure – he finds it difficult to adjust when she leaves Elm Tree House to get her own flat, and later identifies Faith Davis as a maternal figure to him. He is initially a diminutive but cheeky character; he enjoyed carrying round his treasured toy giraffe named Jeff, until Floss took him for herself when she arrived at the Dumping Ground. Harry is small, with a thicket of curly blond hair and blue eyes. He appears to be wearing wellies most of the time during the earlier series.

During “The Dumping Ground”, Harry finds new friends in Mo Michaels and Floss Guppy, later revealing his secret passion for wrestling. He does leave in Series 3 episode 6 but then soon returns, when something goes wrong with his foster family and with a friend Finn McLainne

Tyler Lewis

Tyler Lewis
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Miles Butler-Hughton
Duration 2012–
First appearance 6 January 2012
Classification Present; regular

Tyler Lewis is a tricksterish, troublemaking resident of Elm Tree House and later Ashdene Ridge during the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, and “The Dumping Ground”. He is ten during his first appearance, and has an Afro hairstyle. His best friends include Carmen Howle, Rick Barber and Jody Jackson.He shared a room with Rick until he left.

In Slow Burn, Carmen recognises him as the young joker whom she blames for nicking her stuff while she was at Burnywood, after he and three other children from Burnywood arrive at Elm Tree House following a fire. They reignite their turbulent relationship, Tyler proves himself to be a prankster, however he reveals his softer side when he breaks down in tears as he sees the burnt remains of the only birthday card his mother ever gave to him.

In series two of “The Dumping Ground”, Tyler's mum decides to visit but Tyler then discovers she is not taking her medication for her bipolar disorder, so he gets angry, but eventually they reconcile.

Jody Jackson

Jody Jackson
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Kia Pegg
Duration 2012–2016
First appearance 9 March 2012
Classification Present; regular

Jody Jackson, portrayed by Kia Pegg during the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and during “The Dumping Ground”, is a resident at Elm Tree House and later Ashdene Ridge.

During her first appearance, she is portrayed as being like a tramp, having lived in squalor; she is dressed in simple clothes and smells terrible – this means Carmen develops a low opinion of her, before she discovers she is sharing with her. Carmen immediately resents and is unsympathetic to Jody and feels that her presence is intrusive.

When she reveals she is afraid to take a bath, Tracy entices her with bath jelly, which Jody seems to like. Jody tells Tracy that her mother used to scrub her with a scrubbing brush, only when the Social Worker attended. She also reveals that when she was naughty, people used to hold her under the water. Jody borrows a cardigan from Carmen. Elektra responds by locking Jody in the toy cupboard. Jody manages to escape by knocking out one of the wood panels from the door. Jody then disappears and Tracy thinks that Jody might have gone to her old home, where Jody used to live with her mother and Jody's brothers. Mike and Tracy arrive to find the place vacant, with the exception of Jody. Carmen shows compassion towards Jody later on in the episode. Later in in the night, Carmen, Gus and Gina discover Jody sleeping under the kitchen table. Jody says that she was scared to sleep in a room with another person. A very sympathetic Gina offers to make up a bed for Jody in the quiet room. The episode concludes with Elektra and Sapphire sharing a room so that Jody is able to have a room of her own. In Goodbye Tracy Beaker, new careworker Melanie saves Jody's life when Jody goes into anaphylactic shock.

In “Jody in Wonderland”, Jody’s dilemma over having to give a witness statement against her brother Kingsley propels her into a Wonderland-esque world full of bubbly characters – her experiences in Wonderland eventually make her realise that she needs to testify against her brother. Later on in the second series, “

Floss Guppy

Floss Guppy
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Sarah Rayson
Duration 2013–
First appearance 1 February 2013
Classification Present; regular

Floss Guppy is a character in The Dumping Ground portrayed by Sarah Rayson, who made her first appearance on 1 February 2013. She is a resident of Elm Tree House and Ashdene Ridge during “The Dumping Ground”. She is in care because she was abandoned by her mother in a nail salon, when she was 18 months old. Floss Guppy is good friends with Harry Jones , Mo Michaels and Toni and Billie Trent although initially she was wary of Harry, even stealing his toy giraffe Jeff, after he scared her with stories of the bad things that happened at Elm Tree House.

In Be My Girl, Floss meets some prospective parents. She starts to think about her mother and when a little boy in the park questions her 'Where is your mum, haven't you got one?' in an evil way, Floss goes over the tipping point and pushes him and his ice cream to the ground. Floss' potential foster parents shout at Floss causing her to get upset. May-Li reveals that Floss is in care because she was abandoned by her mother in a nail salon, when she was 18 months old; this is why she is so attached to nail varnish. At the foster parents’ house they ask her to remove her nail varnish causing Floss to throw food around. Floss tells all the people at the Dumping Ground that whilst there is a chance her mum might come back she will wait.

Floss is an incredibly bubbly young girl, with short curly Ginger hair and brown eyes.

May-Li Wang

May-Li Wang
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Stacy Liu
Duration 2013-
First appearance 16 December 2013
Classification Present; regular
Occupation Care Worker

May-Li Wang, portrayed by Stacy Liu in “The Dumping Ground”, is a care worker at Ashdene Ridge and the replacement for Gina Conway. She is bossy and firm, cheeky but cares for the children, as Gina did, and is of Chinese descent.

She likes football and supports England and Liverpool as seen in "Endurance". She resolves many disputes and judges competitions, for instance, the story competition in 'I have a Dream' and the bake-off between Faith and Rick after Frank ruins their laundry.

Bailey Wharton

Bailey Wharton
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Kasey MacKellar
Duration 2014–
First appearance 10 January 2014
Classification Present; regular

Bailey Wharton is a resident of Ashdene Ridge played by Kasey McKellar, aged fourteen. He is shown to be quite aggressive and cocky, with a very short temper, and likes to wind people up, especially Johnny and Mike. He is a skilled footballer and is often criticised by the others for thinking he is better than he is and making unnecessary comments. It is later revealed he is dyslexic. In terms of his personality, he is quite introvert and tends to shut people out of his life, thus making him quite withdrawn.

Ryan Reeves

Ryan Reeves
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Lewis Hamilton
Duration 2015-
First appearance 16 January 2015 (Law and Disorder part 2)
Classification Present; regular

Ryan Reeves, portrayed by Lewis Hamilton in the third series of “The Dumping Ground”, is a manipulative resident of Ashdene Ridge. He joined Ashdene Ridge in the wake of a disastrous foster party where wallets and purses were reported stolen, and became embroiled in the events, eventually working out the identity of the thief and blackmailing them to keep it a secret. He is aged thirteen with a Liverpudlian accent and short brown hair, and quickly proves himself to be mischievous, deceitful and cunning. He also becomes friends with Johnny Taylor when Ryan managed to keep Johnny's army dream alive.

Toni Trent

Toni Trent
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Nelly Currant
Duration 2015-
First appearance 23 January 2015
Classification Present; regular

Toni Trent, played by Nelly Currant in the third series of “The Dumping Ground”, first arrived at Ashdene Ridge along with her identical twin sister Billie in “Stuck with You”, becoming swept up in the events as Floss tried to find the key for some handcuffs. She is aged nine and quickly formed a friendship with Floss. In "Fake it to Make It", Toni and Billie tried to convince everyone that they were telepathic. However, the plan backfired when Bailey, Mo and Tyler started avoiding the twins because of it. In "Breaking in" Toni was upset as since there weren't enough tickets she wouldn't be allowed to go to a theme park with Billie and the other dumping ground kids. However, she was allowed to go after all as Tee gave Toni her ticket. In "Dragon Slayer", Toni found a rabbit in the garden and believed it was a re-incarnation of a rabbit she had owned which had been killed by foxes after her dad left open its hutch to punish her. She was upset when she found out that it had an owner. Eventually May-Li managed to convince Toni that the rabbit wasn't hers as it was female.

Billie Trent

Billie Trent
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Gwen Currant
Duration 2015-
First appearance 23 January 2015
Classification Present; regular

Billie Trent, played by Gwen Currant in the third series of “The Dumping Ground”, first arrived at Ashdene Ridge along with her identical twin sister Toni in “Stuck with You”, becoming swept up in the events as Floss tried to find the key for some handcuffs. She is aged nine and quickly befriended Floss. In "Fake it to Make It", Billie and Toni tried to convince everyone that they were telepathic. However, the plan backfired when Bailey, Mo and Tyler started avoiding the twins because of it. In "Dragon Slayer", Billie was worried about her sister Toni, who got upset about a rabbit she found in the garden. Eventually Billie told May-Li that Toni had owned a rabbit when they lived with their parents.

Finn McLaine

Finn McLaine
The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Ruben Reuter
Duration 2015–
First appearance 6 March 2015
Classification Present; regular

Finn, played by Ruben Reuter in series three of “The Dumping Ground”, is a new addition to Ashdene Ridge. Finn is first fostered by the same family that Harry was fostered by but when things start to go wrong and Harry sends for help, Finn finally escape the foster home and joins the Dumping Ground and makes a quick friendship with Harry and Ryan. .[4] He has Down syndrome.


The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Sage
Duration 2015–
First appearance 30 January 2015
Classification Present; regular

Mischief, portrayed by ten-year-old Border collie Sage,[5][6] is owned originally by a homeless man who Bailey bumps into; when the man later dies in hospital, Bailey’s conscience means he becomes Mischief’s new owner. However, when Mischief comes back to Ashdene Ridge, it soon becomes clear that he is very unruly – but Bailey must train him, or he will be put down. Eventually, all becomes well, and Mischief becomes the new Ashdene Ridge pet.[7]

Past Characters

Tracy Beaker

Tracy Beaker
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Dani Harmer
Duration 2002–06, 2010–12 , 2016-
First appearance 8 July 2002
Last appearance 23 March 2012
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Student (2002-06)
Care worker (2010-12)
Home Stowey House (2002-04)
Elm Tree House (2006)

Tracy Beaker, played by actress Dani Harmer, is the main (and title) character throughout The Story of Tracy Beaker and Tracy Beaker Returns. She made her first appearance during the first episode of The Story of Tracy Beaker, which aired on 8 July 2002, in which she returns to care after an unsuccessful fostering.

After appearing in all five series of “The Story of Tracy Beaker” and continuing to appear in all three series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, Harmer announced that she would not be returning to the series in order to pursue other acting work.[8] Therefore the character departed the series in the final episode of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, aired March 23, 2012.

Tracy Beaker is the main character of the original series, despite taking less prominent roles in the later series of the show. She resided in a care home (first Stowey House and then Elm Tree House), affectionately nicknamed “The Dumping Ground”, and was a resident there for some time. Tracy is a tomboy with behavioural problems, probably a consequence of her mother’s abandonment of her and failure to show an interest in her. Known for her lies which exaggerate her mother’s fame and fortune, she tried to convince herself continually her mother would one day appear. She was often reluctant to show her emotions, attributing tears to hayfever. In later series, writer Cam Lawson (portrayed by Lisa Coleman) and her new husband Gary adopted Tracy. Tracy disliked Gary at first, as she considered him an intruder on her life with Cam, although the series ended with them on good terms.

At the beginning of "Tracy Beaker Returns", Tracy had written and was promoting her new autobiography, “Who Cares”, when she was arrested and brought into police custody after it came to light that the book was published by using Cam’s credit card without permission. At the police station, she met resident, Liam O’Donovan (Richard Wisker) and head careworker, Mike Milligan (Connor Byrne). Cam withdrew her accusation of fraud and Tracy was cleared of all charges, but was ordered to undergo community service by writing a column for the local newspaper. Finding herself threatened by her adopted mother’s angry answerphone messages, she returned to Elm Tree House seeking solace in Mike, who offered her a job as a careworker.

Although her new career did not begin well, she soon began to improve as a careworker, although her actions put her boss Mike’s career in jeopardy after a protest she led resulted in Lily Kettle (Jess Williams) falling off the roof. Also, Tracy finds it hard to cope when Cam goes to New York, and ends up suffering a panic attack. Following this, Tracy continued working at Elm Tree House, using amateur detective skills to unmask new careworker Denis Stockle as a smoker, sustaining minor injuries falling down stairs in panics, and meeting her childhood rival Justine Littlewood (Montana Thompson) again.

The final episode saw Tracy preparing to leave Elm Tree House to leave for work in another career home with better pay, soon after gaining a qualification as a care worker. After causing an accident which resulted in a roof collapsing on Mike, and making sure everybody was alright, she left Elm Tree House for the last time.

Gina Conway

Gina Conway
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Kay Purcell
Duration 2010-13
First appearance 1x01, "Tracy Beaker Superstar", 8 January 2010 (Tracy Beaker Returns)
Last appearance 1x13, "Scary Beasts", 15 March 2013 (The Dumping Ground)
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Care Worker

Gina Conway, played by Kay Purcell, is a careworker at Elm Tree House in Tracy Beaker Returns and the first series of The Dumping Ground. She first appeared on 8 January 2010, the start of Tracy Beaker Returns, and continued appearing until 15 March 2013, the final episode in series 1 of The Dumping Ground. Her absence from the second series of The Dumping Ground is unexplained.

Gina is of Jamaican descent with black and highlighted hair. She is kind and a great house mother to the children, but can't spare much time for Tracy. Gina is very clever towards the children and the residents seem to respect her. She is able to control the children without them resenting her interventions, however the children sometimes see her as loud and brash when she is angry.

Gina first encounters Tracy Beaker (Dani Harmer) when she opens the door to her after Tracy arrives at the Dumping Ground. Not really understanding who Tracy is, Gina tells Tracy that Mike Milligan (Connor Bryne) has gone out somewhere. Gina is sympathetic and lets Tracy in as it is pouring with rain outside. The kids at the Dumping Ground recognize Tracy from a television broadcast and Tracy gives a copy of her signed autobiography to Gina for 99p less. Gina allows Tracy to tuck all the kids into their beds. When Tracy finally talks to Mike, he accidentally lets slip to Gina that Tracy was arrested for using Cam Lawson (Lisa Coleman)'s credit card. Gina is angry because she let Tracy put the kids to bed. Gina does not warm to Tracy at first, but grows to adore her and usually stand up for her. Gina then encounters trouble with one of the older children, Sapphire Fox (Saffron Coomber) when she doesn't allow her to go with her dad on his tour.

Gina appears throughout “The Dumping Ground”’s first series, continuing her role as a care worker, although she departs at the conclusion to the first series.

Sapphire Fox

Sapphire Fox
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Saffron Coomber
Duration 2010–12
First appearance 1x01, "Tracy Beaker Superstar", 8 January 2010 (Tracy Beaker Returns)
Last appearance 3x13, "Goodbye Tracy Beaker", 23 March 2012 (Tracy Beaker Returns)
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Student

Sapphire 'Saff' Fox, played by Saffron Coomber, was a resident of “Elm Tree House” during all three series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, although due to a busy schedule, the character only appeared on a recurring basis during the third series. Coomber did not return for the Tracy Beaker Returns spin-off, The Dumping Ground. Sapphire is tall and of mixed race. She has long (it is shorter in series 2) dark-brown curly hair and often wears large earrings, and her character is a guide and an older sister to most of the children, notably Harry Jones (Phillip Graham Scott). She attends college as of the third series. She can be motherly and protective, but also hides many secrets. During the third series she gets her own flat, but due to a flood she finds herself moving back to Elm Tree House and sharing with Elektra. Sh is sixteen on her last appearance.

Frank Matthews

Frank Matthews
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Chris Slater
Duration 2010–14
First appearance 1x01, "Tracy Beaker Superstar", 8 January 2010 (Tracy Beaker Returns)
Last appearance 2x13, "Face the Music", 28 March 2014 (The Dumping Ground)
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Student (until 2012)
Waiter (2013)

Frank Matthews, played by Chris Slater, was a resident of Elm Tree House throughout “Tracy Beaker Returns” and the first two series of “The Dumping Ground”. He suffers from cerebral palsy, and is 19 years old as of 2014 – he is tall and has blonde hair and brown eyes. He is a kind, caring and often gullible character who supports Manchester United, and enjoys pranking people along with his best friend Liam O'Donovan. During the course of “The Dumping Ground”, he becomes a waiter, begins a relationship with another waitress, Jade, and is reunited with his best friend Liam, eventually leaving Ashdene Ridge so they can live together.

Liam O'Donovan

Liam O'Donovan
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by Richard Wisker
Duration 2010–12, 2014
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 28 March 2014
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Student

Liam O'Donovan is a former resident of Elm Tree House played by actor Richard Wisker. He was a resident of Elm Tree House throughout “Tracy Beaker Returns”. Liam is of medium-height and has brown hair and eyes. His best friend is Frank. Liam is sarcastic, cunning and sly, but he is kind, cute and loyal to those he considers friends; he enjoys pranking and scamming people.

Liam is living with a foster family at the start of the first series but is sent back to the care home due to his bad behaviour. In the third series of the show, Liam buys pirate DVDs at the local market with Elektra's money. When the owners of the stall refuse to give him the money back, he trashes the stall from where he purchased them. The owners of the stall chase Liam. During the pursuit, Liam crashes into a woman, who drops her purse as a result of the collision. When Liam tries to assist her, she comes to the conclusion that he was trying to steal her bag. Meanwhile, Tracy then receives a letter from a person named Jack brother. It turns out that Jack is actually Liam's brother. Jack is a police officer who has been involved in an undercover operation. Although Jack offers Liam the opportunity to live together, Liam is hesitant to accept. He tells Tracy that he likes it at the care home because he is comfortable and has friends there. The episode concludes with Liam and Frank saying good-bye to one another. Liam then leaves the 'Dumping Ground' on the back of his brother's motorbike, waving good-bye to his best friend.

Liam returned to The Dumping Ground in the second series as part of an online mini-series titled 'Liam's Story'; his story was resolved as he returned to “The Dumping Ground” in the final episode of the second series, departing from the show.

Lily Kettle

Lily Kettle
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Jessie Williams
Duration 2010-14
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 24 January 2014
Classification Former; regular

Lily Kettle is the daughter of Steve Kettle (Ben Cartwright) and a resident of Elm Tree House throughout “Tracy Beaker Returns”. She appears as a resident on-and-off throughout the show, and throughout the first two series of “The Dumping Ground”, before eventually departing for good.

She proves herself quite quickly to be a competent and protective mother figure to her younger sisters, Poppy (Katie Anderson) and Rosie Kettle (Claudia Colling / Millie Redfearn), following their mother’s death and father’s inability to care for them, eventually challenging their foster parents as she finds it difficult to not be in control.

Lily has a strong friendship with Carmen Howle (Amy-Leigh Hickman) during the first series onwards. Lily and Carmen fall out when Lily accuses Carmen of wanting to take over the motherly role of Lily's younger sisters, Poppy and Rosie. However, the two friends reconcile. Lily and her sisters are fostered in Family Values - Carmen is deeply saddened. Lily returns to the 'Dumping Ground' in Sisters. Despite the protests of her foster parents Matt and Christie, Lily still wanted to have primary control over the care of her sisters. This is because she has been the 'mother figure' to her sisters for a very long time. Tracy’s attempts to resolve the matter end in failure.

However, in Fallen, Matt and Christie decide to take her back, against Lily's wishes. A dramatic episode ends in Lily falling from a two storey roof; however, besides minor injuries and a broken leg and arm she makes a full recovery. Cam eventually decides to foster Lily, after expressing her doubts about fostering another child. Lily and Carmen's friendship is tested to the core when Carmen and Sapphire Fox (Saffron Coomber) purposely blame Lily for them and the rest of the children being sent to Burneywood because of the budget cuts. However, Carmen makes up with Lily upon defending her from the other kids who are mean to Lily because of recent events. In Crushed, Tracy soon resents Cam and Lily's relationship and takes a night job at a cafe. She begins to be slightly mean and spiteful to Lily. At the end of the episode, Tracy decides that she would like to act as a proper and caring older sister for Lily.

In The Scare Game, Lily encounters her father Steve during a shopping trip with Tracy. The problem is that Steve has a restraining order against him which precludes him from having contact with his three daughters; however, the issue is resolved as Steve manages to get the restraining order removed so he can be a proper dad to Lily. In Belongings, Liam shows animosity towards the couple who fostered her sisters, Poppy and Rosie. She feels that they should all be together. Lily does not feel as if the foster family can take care of her sisters properly.

In Baby, Steve's girlfriend Shannay, who is moving in, becomes heavily pregnant. At first, Lily is unhappy with the situation, but when Shannay goes into early labour Lily blames herself what has happens and locks herself in the bathroom. When Lily is sleeping, she gets a text from her dad with a picture of her new half-brother, Jonah. She then becomes very fond of him.

In episode 4 of the second series, Lily breaks the news to Carmen that she is leaving to live in Brighton with her dad and Shannay, who have been asked by Shannay's sister to run a local café nearby the sea. Carmen accuses Steve of wanting to make Lily move away with him, but Lily admits to Carmen that she wants to go with her family, to see her brother, Jonah grow up. Lily promises to visit, as her sisters still live in the town, and leaves Ashdene Ridge and goes to Brighton with her family. She sends Carmen a picture of them together via message.

Toby Coleman

Toby Coleman
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by John Bell
Duration 2010–11
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 25 March 2011
Classification Former, Regular

Toby Coleman is a resident of Elm Tree House throughout the first two series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, who made his first appearance in the first series of Tracy Beaker Returns. He is played by actor John Bell. He moved into care after his parents died in a car crash. Throughout his stay at the Dumping Ground, he proves to be a loyal friend and is usually a source of calm at the residence. He is best friends with Johnny and gets along with the older residents like Liam, Frank and Elektra.

In Bad Luck Boy, Toby is convinced that his life is jinxed, inspiring Tracy to write a funny column called "Bad Luck Boy" commenting on his bad luck. He becomes the butt of everyone's jokes. When Tracy finds out from Sapphire that Toby's parents died in a car crash, as well as his foster parents, Tracy sets about making amends before he meets another set of prospective foster parents. When Toby sees the new foster parents' car arrive, Toby decides to run away because he is afraid of his bad luck. Tracy eventually finds him in the garden. Toby is upset because he doesn't want foster parents but wants his own parents instead. Toby is worried that his bad luck will strike again. Tracy convinces Toby to go back to the Dumping Ground to meet the foster parents but decides that he does not wish to get fostered.

In Crushed, Toby befriends a girl named Sara at a comic book store. He likes her because he realizes that the two have very much in common but when Toby tells her that his parents are still alive, Sara tells Toby that her mother had died. Toby returns to the Dumping Ground realizing everything he owned had been stolen by the others because they believed he wasn't returning but Liam and Frank decide to help him get his comics back. Toby asks Liam for help about Sara in telling the truth about his parents. Toby gives Sara his old, rare comic book and tells her the truth about his parents, she is hurt by this and runs off home, but when Toby follows her, he discovers that she has been lying all along and that her mother is still alive after which he is frustrated with her but she gives him a kiss on the cheek.

It is mentioned at the beginning of the third series that Toby has been fostered.

Gus Carmichael

Gus Carmichael
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Noah Marullo
Duration 2010–13
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 25 January 2013
Classification Former; regular

Gus Carmichael is played by Noah Marullo, and was a resident of Elm Tree House during “Tracy Beaker Returns” and the first series of “The Dumping Ground”. Gus has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism, which makes him eager to keep tidy, and so he is a stickler for detail. Gus is tall for his age with black curly hair. He is always seen wearing a black shirt and beige trousers, and enjoys playing the piano, but is socially awkward due to the Asperger’s; he despises too much noise, and hates disorder, feeling that everything must be timetabled. During “The Dumping Ground”’s first series, he was fostered by a lesbian couple.

Rosie Kettle

Rosie Kettle
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by Claudia Colling (2010)
Millie Redfearn (2011–12)
Duration 2010–12
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 27 January 2012
Classification Former; Minor

Rosie Kettle is now 11 years old and is the younger sister of Lily Kettle and older sister to Poppy Kettle during “Tracy Beaker Returns”. Making her first appearance in Tracy Beaker Superstar, Rosie and her sisters were moved into care after their alcoholic father Steve couldn't cope. They were successfully fostered in Family Values but Lily was sent back to the Dumping Ground for being overprotective. Actress Claudia Colling played Rosie in 2010. Rosie was then played by Millie Redfearn from 2011 onwards.

Poppy Kettle

Poppy Kettle
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by Katie Anderson
Duration 2010–12
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 27 January 2012
Classification Former; Minor

Poppy Kettle is the younger sister of Lily and Rosie Kettle during “Tracy Beaker Returns”. Making her first appearance in Tracy Beaker Superstar, Poppy and her sisters were moved into care after their alcoholic father Steve couldn't cope. They were successfully fostered in Family Values but Lily was sent back to the Dumping Ground for being overprotective – this turbulent series of events ended in Poppy and her sister being released into the care of their dad Steve.

Johnny Taylor

Johnny Taylor
Tracy Beaker Returns, The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Joe Maw
Duration 2010–15
First appearance 8 January 2010
Last appearance 13 March 2015
Classification Former; regular

Jonathan "Johnny" Taylor, played by Joe Maw throughout all series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and “The Dumping Ground”, is Tee Taylor’s older brother. He is a very tidy person, who is initially overprotective of his sister Tee following a difficult relationship with their stepdad. Johnny is medium-height, with brown hair and dark grey eyes, and gets on well with many residents of the Dumping Ground, forming frienemyships with characters such as Elektra and later Bailey. He is eleven years old when he is introduced in the series.

In the first series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, he is introduced as an overprotective brother desperate to get both himself and his sister Tee fostered, although he later softens his approach. As the series progresses, he learns not to let his anger get the better of him, although in “The Dumping Ground”’s first series, he is verbally attacked by the other children for displaying homophobic attitudes.

Near the end of series 2, Johnny tackles a mugger and he wants a career in the army. Johnny leaves the show in the last episode Series 3 Part 1, as he goes to join the army.


Seth Forman
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by Ashley Taylor-Rhys
Duration 2011–12
First appearance 28 January 2011
Last appearance 23 March 2012
Classification Former; recurring
Occupation Social worker
Band member

Seth Forman is played by Ashley Taylor-Rhys and was Toby's social worker, and later Tracy’s boyfriend, during “Tracy Beaker Returns”’s second and third series. Seth is tall and mixed race and has brown eyes. He is kind and humorous, and likes Tracy a lot: they eventually begin a turbulent relationship.

When a bag of money is found mysteriously in the garden, Toby immediately points the finger at Seth who is a new social worker. Seth then begins to act strangely towards Toby. Liam and Frank decide to spend their share of the money on a new television but end up running from security. Two police officers arrive at the Dumping Ground to search for the money but after searching the garden, the police officers find no trace of the money. Toby tells Johnny that he thinks that Seth is looking for the money and he wants it back, so Toby decides to follow Seth around and spy on him to get some evidence that he has stolen the money, when Seth leaves the room, Toby steals Seth's phone and Gus tells Tracy to meet Toby in the toy cupboard without telling Seth. Toby tells Tracy that Seth has text messages on his phone regarding to the money and Toby then shows Tracy the money but Tracy then witnesses Seth telling Toby to give his "stolen property" back and she pushes him onto the floor and they lock him in the basement. Carmen and Lily tease Tracy about crushing on Seth. At the end he decides to quit and asks Tracy to tour with him. After Tracy declines this offer, she kisses Seth.

In Justine Littlewood Returns, Tracy tells everyone that Seth is now her boyfriend. When Seth discovers that this was just a ruse to make Justine jealous, he becomes cross with Tracy and tells her that she needs to figure out what she wants. She later finds out that she wants to be with Seth. Seth returns in Goodbye Tracy Beaker to say how proud he is of Tracy.

Elektra Perkins

Elektra Perkins
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by Jessica Revell
Duration 2011–13
First appearance 4 February 2011
Last appearance 15 March 2013
Classification Former; regular

Mandy "Elektra" Perkins was a difficult and rebellious resident of Elm Tree House during the second and third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and the first series of “The Dumping Ground”, and was portrayed by Jessica Revell. Elektra presents herself as a tough young lady who is happy to bully and intimidate people. She is quite mean, sarcastic, and cunning, and whilst she does have caring moments, and begins friendships with Liam and Carmen, she mainly displays her tough, uncaring and mean side.

Elektra arrives in Elektra, during the second series, instantly beginning her stay by fighting Liam, later explaining this as a reflex reaction following several tough experiences in other care homes. She begins to form a gang with the other residents, forcing them to commit thefts for her personal gain to test their loyalty to her.

In “A Day in the Country”, Elektra is left jilted after Carmen almost dies falling off a bridge due to her actions; she also saves Harry from an adder. During “Snake Bite”, Elektra is reunited with her old gang, the Cobras, although after they try to rob Toby she realises that what they’re doing is wrong, and she moves on, leaving the gang behind.

Going Home reveals more about Elektra's character and family background. Elektra's sister, Melissa Perkins, arrives at Elm Tree House in order to ask Elektra to be her bridesmaid. The residents find it amusing that Elektra's real name is Mandy. Melissa breaks the news that she is going to get married to a man named Harvey. The two sisters shop for dresses and Elektra observes through Melissa's behaviour that her mother has a strong influence upon every aspect of the wedding. Elektra is emphatic that she not be forced to change her hair, no matter what her controlling mother dictates. Elektra's mother put Elektra in care despite the fact that Elektra did not want to go into care. Melissa convinces Elektra that both of her parents love her and that they would welcome her if she came to lunch. Tracy accompanies Elektra to lunch with her parents. Although they kicked Elektra out of the house, they have made an effort to see her since. Elektra appears to be pleased that her mother took the time to buy a vegetarian lasagne for her. Her mother seems to think that Elektra has severe behavioural problems and wants to focus upon the wedding whereas Elektra's father at first seems to be more concerned about his daughter's welfare and putting the past behind them. History seems to repeat itself when Elektra's mother assumes control by saying that bridesmaids cannot have blue hair. Elektra becomes infuriated when her mother tells her that she must keep the fact that she resides at a care home a secret from Harvey. Mrs Perkins told Harvey that her daughter was away at a boarding school. Elektra rings the wedding planner in order to cancel the wedding by pretending to be her mother. Mandy comes to the Dumping Ground and gives Elektra a gift, a new pair of white boots for the wedding. Melissa is furious when she discovers that Elektra cancelled the wedding. She states that Elektra does not deserve a family. She also showcases her feelings of resentment when she states that she always had to be the good daughter and that she was not able to attend her own prom because her parents were too busy dealing with Elektra's problems with the police.

Elektra left Elm Tree House following the conclusion to the first series of “The Dumping Ground”.

Rick Barber

Rick Barber
Tracy Beaker Returns character
Portrayed by Daniel Pearson
Duration 2012–14
First appearance 6 January 2012
Last appearance 28 March 2014
Classification Former; regular

Rick Barber (played by Daniel Pearson) is a resident of Elm Tree House, and later Ashdene Ridge, during the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and the first two series of “The Dumping Ground”; he went into care when his parents went to prison for fraud. Rick is tall with brown hair and blue eyes. He is nice but can also be moody at times. He is a very fair character, and has good morals. He finds a friend in Carmen, is naturally protective of Tyler, and plays the guitar and enjoys listening to his parents old vinyl records, feeling that they are all that is left of the memories he had with them.

Rick expresses a wish for a sibling, but says his parents never had more children as it was impractical in case they needed to pack up and leave suddenly, due to being scammers. When Rick and Carmen become closer, Carmen learns more about Rick's character. He tells Carmen that both of his parents used to con people out of money. Things were good for a while until his parents got sent to prison and Rick ended up in the care home. Rick feels guilty because his parents used to involve him in their scams and this meant that his parents were able to purchase nice things for him. He regrets benefitting from exploiting people.

In Dreamland, Rick gets a huge shock when he finds his dad, disguised as a boiler man, inside the Dumping Ground. Gerry is on leave from prison for a short amount of time and insists that he’s above board now and promises Rick a happy family future, but it quickly becomes clear that Gerry still loves the buzz of a hustle, and Rick is distraught.

Rick leaves Ashdene Ridge following the conclusion to the second series of “The Dumping Ground”.

Faith Davis

Faith Davis
Tracy Beaker series character
Portrayed by Leanne Dunstan
Duration 2013–14
First appearance 4 January 2013
Last appearance 28 March 2014
Classification Former; regular

Faith Davis is a resident of Elm Tree House and Ashdene Ridge during the first two series of “The Dumping Ground”. She is portrayed by Leanne Dunstan. Faith, who shares a room with Elektra, is one of the elder children who tries to be responsible, and proves her capabilities and maturity when she acts as a surrogate careworker in the opening episode of “The Dumping Ground”.

In The Real Faith Davis the police call and the children suspect something is wrong. All the children start spreading rumours about her being a drug dealer; until Faith tells them the truth. She reveals that the police might have found the body of her brother, Razz, who had been missing. Frank uses this as a way to get more sponsors for her charity run. Faith is disgusted and tells Elektra that she was put in care because she told a teacher that she lived alone; which resulted in them calling social services. The police tell her that the body was not a match, she hides in the garden and finds Floss who helps her gain some composure. The next day she completes her charity run with everyone supporting her.

Faith is one of the older residents and is tall for her age, with long black hair. She wants to be a distance runner when she grows up, but a car crash incident in “Booting Up” temporarily halts her plans. She left the series following the conclusion to the second series of “The Dumping Ground”.

Future Characters


The Dumping Ground character
Portrayed by Annabelle Davis
Duration 2015–
First appearance October 2015
Classification Present; regular

Sasha, portrayed by Annabelle Davis, the daughter of entertainer Warwick Davis,[10] during the second half of the third series of “The Dumping Ground”, is a new arrival at Ashdene Ridge.

Guest Characters

This section includes only the significant guest characters who have appeared throughout “Tracy Beaker Returns” and “The Dumping Ground”.

Justine Littlewood

Justine Littlewood is played by Montanna Thompson, is the arch-enemy of Tracy Beaker (Dani Harmer) and one of the main characters of “The Story of Tracy Beaker”, appearing between 2002 and 2006 throughout all five series of the show. She made a reappearance on February 10, 2012 in “Tracy Beaker Returns”, reigniting her enmity with Tracy and announcing she was engaged. Justine is small and slim, with long dark brown hair and brown eyes, and her hair is usually seen worn in a plait down her back; she is antagonistic but smart.


Kitty is a very withdrawn girl and socially awkward girl, who makes her only appearance in Slow Burn (2012), when a fire at her care home, Burnywood, means she must move to the Dumping Ground, although it is later revealed that she was moved to a care home more equipped to help her with her problems. She dislikes it when people touch her and is uncomfortable with loud noises. In Slow Burn, Tracy tries to encourage Kitty to open up to the care workers and speak to the other children. While Dennis scours the Dumping Ground to find out who stole Johnny's money, all the noise and fuss causes Kitty to push Tracy down the stairs. Kitty's intense fear of loud noises results in this disproportionate reaction. Kitty is medium-height with brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. She is shy and awkward, and finds a protective figure in Rick.

Matt and Christie Perry

Matt Perry, played by Chris Robson, and Christie Perry, played by Vicky Hall, appear in “Family Values”, “Sisters”, “Fallen” and “Belonging”, all episodes of “Tracy Beaker Returns”. They are the foster parents of Poppy and Rosie Kettle, and Lily Kettle for a short while. Christie in particular is very protective over Poppy and Rosie, but Lily doesn’t like her, thinking that she is taking too much control over her sisters.

Helen Howle

The mother of Carmen Howle, played by Fiona Wade, appears in “Viva Carmen”, part of the first series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”. She is constantly abandoning her daughter for her boyfriend, Lee. She left Carmen on her own for a week while she and Lee went on holiday to Spain; she promised to look out for Carmen and offered to bring her to Spain too, until she got a call from Lee saying that they'll give their relationship another go which upset Carmen and resulted in Mike and Carmen ordering her to leave. She is portrayed as selfless, and is of Hispanic descent with long black hair.

Riff Fox

Sapphire’s half-brother, who appears in “The Werewolf” in the first series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and was played by Jordan Hill. He ran way from home to find her and their father. At the end, he decided to go back home, told by Sapphire that he can call her whenever he wants.

Ade and Dayo

Ade, played by Timi Lamikanra, and Dayo, played by Mohammed Mansaray, appeared in “Refugees”. They ran away from their home in Libya, living at Elm Tree House for a few days. Ade and Dayo tell the children that when soldiers killed their parents, they hid underneath rubbish in order to escape from their country. They were also badly beaten by soldiers. They were able to escape to England because they feared that they would be killed if they remained in Libya. When the residents learn what happened to the two boys, they are very moved and hide Ade and Dayo in the attic. They fear that once the immigration officials discovered their existence, they will be sent back to Affrica It soon emerges that the Immigration Officials have found the brothers a home and they have leave to remain in the United Kingdom until they are eighteen years old.

Mr, Mrs and Hannah Watson

Mr Watson, played by Daymon Britton, Mrs Watson, played by Karen Traynor, and Hannah Watson, portrayed by Daisy Dodge-Hill, appear in “What You Don’t Know” during series two of “Tracy Beaker Returns”. They fostered Tee and Johnny Taylor for a trial period, but decided they only wanted to foster Tee permanently. Despite this, Tee decided she preferred staying with her brother and living at Elm Tree House. Johnny thought that the Watson didn't want to foster them Tee borrowed something from Hannah and didn't give it back.

Steve Kettle

Steve Kettle, played by Ben Cartwright from the second series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” to the second series of “The Dumping Ground”, is the ex-alcoholic father of Lily, Rosie and Poppy Kettle. He came to find Lily to say sorry for the past; Lily then went to live with him and he later adopted Shadow the dog and Rosie and Poppy Kettle. In Belonging he accidentally got hit in the face with a swing.


Lizanne, portrayed by Lauren Mote in “Slow Burn” during the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, was a sexy new girl who arrived to stay at Elm Tree House due to a fire at her previous care home, Burnywood, which she accidentally caused by leaving her hair straighteners on overnight. When she arrived she flirted with Johnny, Frank and Liam, although she only did this to get a better room and money. She is a compulsive liar, and her mother is in a psychiatric hospital.

Denis Stockle

Denis Stockle, played by James Gaddas in “Slow Burn”, is the careless, controlling and unkind care worker who brings the Burnywood kids to Elm Tree House following a fire. He proves himself to be a condescending and bossy person who doesn’t really care for the children in his care; his attitude infuriates and aggravates the children and careworkers. He is shown to be an impatient bully, who takes control of Elm Tree House, becomes Head Careworker, and imposes bans on multiple luxury items. He resigned after Tracy and Gus found out that he started a fire at Elm Tree House by smoking in the attic and not stubbing the cigarettes out properly.

Jack O’Donovan

Jack O’Donovan, portrayed by Callum Callaghan in the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns” and Chris Finch in the second series of “The Dumping Ground”, is the older brother of Liam Donovan, an ex-Dumping Ground kid. When Liam first meets him, Jack is the owner of a DVD stall who sells pirate DVD's. At this point, neither Liam nor Jack knew that they were brothers, so Jack let Liam be arrested. At the court, Jack found out about them being brothers, and sends him a letter. At first, Liam is in shock, but when he confronts him, he is arrested for breaking curfew. At the police station, Jack reveals that he is actually an undercover police officer trying to find a pirate DVD making gang. He invites Liam to come and live with him, and Liam agrees.


Shadow, played by Connie in the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, is a three-legged dog who followed Frank into the Dumping Ground after Frank went to the park. After she proves troublesome, she is taken to the animal shelter before being adopted by Steve and Lily Kettle.

Melissa, Maryl and Bernard Perkins

Melissa, played by Angela Terence, Maryl, played by Lizzy McInnerny, and Bernard Perkins, portrayed by Ron Webster, are Elektra’s sister, mother and father, who appear in “Going Home” during the third series of “Tracy Beaker Returns”. Melissa came to Elm Tree House to tell Elektra that she was getting married, in the process embarrassing Elektra by revealing her real name. After visiting her family, who put in care as they didn’t want her, Elektra rebels against her mum’s controlling influence by cancelling Melissa’s wedding; despite this, Melissa still got married (in a field) and forgave her.


Melanie, played by Emily Glenister in the final episode of “Tracy Beaker Returns”, is Tracy Beaker’s highly qualified replacement as a care worker. She began her tenure at Elm Tree House during Tracy’s leaving party, saving Jody Jackson’s life after she had an anaphylactic shock. Tracy finds herself resenting Melanie and jealous of her status among the kids and the praise Mike is giving her. Eventually she and Tracy part on good terms, although Melanie left Elm Tree House a short while later.


Shannay, played by Holly Quinn-Ankrah during the first series of “The Dumping Ground”, is Steve Kettle’s heavily pregnant girlfriend. Following a violent verbal assault from a resentful Lily, she goes into early labour, giving birth to Lily’s stepbrother, named Jonah. At first she and Lily had a turbulent relationship although they later got on well.

Denise, Kingsley and Luke Jackson

Denise, played by Victoria Alcock, Kingsley, played by David Avery, and Luke Jackson, played by James Bartlett, appear throughout “The Dumping Ground” as the mother and brothers of Jody Jackson. Jody’s mother Denise’s actions are controlled by her eldest son Kingsley, and she is frightened of standing up to him. Kingsley has been to prison and has a criminal record; he is very controlling and harsh to Jody, and has handled stolen goods. Eventually Jody gives a witness statement against him. Luke is Jody’s other brother who is studying graphic design and doesn’t receive much attention from the other members of the family, although he is compassionate towards Jody.

Razz Davis

Razz Davis, played by Isaac Ssebandeke in the first series of “The Dumping Ground”, is Faith Davis’ older brother who meets Faith at Elm Tree House after she presumed he was dead. He tried to apologise to Faith for abandoning her, and was revealed to be in possession of stolen money.


The bubbly Sasha, played by Angela Griffin in the second series of “The Dumping Ground”, is a polite and well-mannered filmmaker who comes to Ashdene Ridge to make a training video for social workers. She is supportive of Jody, despite the latter’s reluctance to be part of the video, and encourages her to make her own training video.


Sian, played by Gabrielle Glaister in the second series of “The Dumping Ground”, is a council representative. After the council makes threats against the running of Ashdene Ridge following misbehaviour from Frank and Liam, Floss and Harry invited her to have tea at Ashdene Ridge, where she quickly took a shine to Mike.
