List of Tokyo Majin episodes

Tokyo Majin is a Japanese anime series, which premiered in Japan on the anime satellite TV network Animax. A large part of the Tokyo Majin Gakuen franchise, it is loosely based on a series of Japan-only video games, and is directed by Shinji Ishihara. The first season, Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō: Tō (東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖, lit., "Tokyo Wizard Academy Cursed Records Flight of the Dragon") originally aired on January 19, 2007, and ended on April 20, 2007. All of the episodes in the season are called the 'Dark Arts Chapters' (外法編 Gehou-hen). A second season, titled Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō: Tō - Dai Ni Maku (東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 第弐幕, lit., "Tokyo Wizard Academy Cursed Records Flight of the Dragon - Second Act") originally aired on July 27, 2007 to October 12, 2007. Its first five episodes are called the 'Martial Fist Chapters' (拳武編 Kenbu-hen), its next five episodes are called the 'Stars of Fate Chapters' (宿星編 Shukusei-hen), and the last two episodes are called 'Extra Chapters' (番外編 Bangai-hen). The 'Extra' episodes do not run in the chronological timeline of the story, but are flashbacks and fillers.

Funimation published the DVDs in 2 boxsets. The First boxset Tokyo Majin-Part One, Dark Arts Chapters. The Second boxset Tokyo Majin-Part Two, Martial Fist Chapters, which showed the two story arcs and two extras.


Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō

Dark Arts Chapters

No.Kanji TitleRomaji TitleTranslation TitleDVD English Title[1]Original Air Date
1 逢魔ヶ刻 Ōmagadoki Arrival of the Demon Timen First Night: Moment of the Demonic Encounter January 19, 2007
Summary:An introduction into the story.
2 桜下春怨の遭遇 Sakura-ka shunen no sōgū Encountering the Grudge in Spring Under the Cherry Tree Second Night: Encounter with Lamentation Beneath the Cherry Blossoms January 26, 2007
3 人ならざる力 Hito narazaru chikara Inhuman Power Third Night: Inhuman Powers February 2, 2007
4 集えものども Tsudoe monodomo Congregation Fourth Night: The Gathering February 9, 2007
5 夢地獄 Yume jigoku Dream Hell Fifth Night: Dream Hell February 16, 2007
6 生地獄 Ikijigoku Living Hell Sixth Night: Living Hell February 23, 2007
7 鬼道衆 Kidōshū Demon Masses Seventh Night: The Demoniacal Horde March 2, 2007
8 穴の女 Ana no onna Hole Woman Eighth Night: The Hole Lady March 9, 2007
9 激しさと優しさで Hageshisa to yasashisa de In Violence and Tenderness Ninth Night: Gently & Furiously March 16, 2007
10 菩薩眼 Bosatsugan Bodhisattva Eye Tenth Night: Bodhisattva Eye March 23, 2007
11 散花離別する命 Sanka ribetsu suru inochi Falling Petals and the Diverging Fates Eleventh Night: Scattered Blossoms, Divergent Lives March 30, 2007
12 九角復興 Kozunu fukkō Kodzunu Revival Twelfth Night: Revival of the Kodzunu April 6, 2007
13 外法の谷 Gehō no tani Valley of the Dark Arts Thirteenth Night: Valley of the Dark Arts April 13, 2007
14 堕ちる星 Ochiru hoshi The Falling Star Fourteenth Night: Falling Star April 20, 2007

Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō: Dai Ni Maku

Martial Fist Chapters

No.Kanji TitleRomaji TitleTranslation TitleDVD English Title[2]Original Air Date
1 拳武編 「拳武十二神将」 Kenbu hen "Kenbu jūnishinshō" Martial Fist Chapter: Twelve Divine Generals of the Martial Fist First Night: The Twelve Generals of the Martial Fist July 27, 2007
2 拳武編「煉獄する咆哮」 Kenbu hen "Rengoku suru hōkō" Martial Fist Chapter: Purging Roar Second Night: Purgatorial Hell August 3, 2007
3 拳武編「心から変わろう」 Kenbu hen "Kokorokara kawarō" Martial Fist Chapter: To Change Heart and Soul Third Night: Let's Change Ourselves From the Inside August 10, 2007
4 拳武編「拳は命を奪わない」 Kenbu hen "Ken wa inochi o ubawanai" Martial Fist Chapter: The Fist Does Not Take Lives Fourth Night: The Fist Does Not Take Lives August 17, 2007
5 拳武編「護る拳」 Kenbu hen "Mamoru Ken" Martial Fist Chapter: Fist That Protect Fifth Night: The Protecting Fist August 24, 2007

Stars of Fate Chapters

No.Kanji TitleRomaji TitleTranslation TitleDVD English Title[2]Original Air Date
6 宿星編 白虎之章「聖夜は微笑まない」 Shukusei hen Byakko no shō "Seiya wa hohoemanai" Stars of Fate Chapter: Byakko Chapter "A Christmas Eve Without Smiles" Sixth Night: Story of Byakko - A Mirthless Christmas Eve August 31, 2007
7 宿星編 玄武之章「渦王須」 Shukusei hen Genbu no shō "Kaosu" Stars of Fate Chapter: Genbu Chapter "Kaosu" Seventh Night: Story of Genbu - Chaos September 7, 2007
8 宿星編 朱雀之章「滅日」 Shukusei hen Suzaku no shō "Metsunichi" Stars of Fate Chapter: Suzaku Chapter "Destruction Day" Eighth Night: Story of Suzaku - Destruction Day September 14, 2007
9 宿星編 青竜之章「集う宿星」 Shukusei hen Seiryuu no shō "Tsudou Shukusei" Stars of Fate Chapter: Seiryuu Chapter "Congregation of the Stars of Fate" Ninth Night: Story of Seiryu - Gathering Stars of Fate September 21, 2007
10 第拾夜 宿星編 黄龍之章「散らない桜」 Shukusei hen Kōryū no shō "Chiranai sakura" Stars of Fate Chapter: Kouryuu Chapter: "Cherry Blossoms that do not Scatter" Tenth Night: Story of the Golden Dragon - Cherry Blossoms That Do Not Fall September 28, 2007

Extra Chapters

No.Kanji TitleRomaji TitleTranslation TitleDVD English Title[2]Original Air Date
11 番外編「歩め子らよ」 Bangai hen "Ayume ko ra yo" Extra Chapter: Walking with the Children Eleventh Night: Walk Onward, Children October 5, 2007
12 番外編「ありがとう」 Bangai hen "Arigatō" Extra Chapter: Thank You Twelfth Night: Romeo & Juliet October 12, 2007


  1. Tokyo Majin - Part One Collection 2008
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Tokyo Majin - Part Two Collection 2009

External links