List of Thunderbirds 2086 episodes

This is an episode guide for the children's animated television series Thunderbirds 2086, made by Jin Productions and redubbed into English by ITC Entertainment. The show was loosely inspired by the 1960s Supermarionation series Thunderbirds produced by Gerry Anderson, but is not included in that series canon due to Anderson's non-involvement. The show first aired in Japan as Scientific Rescue Team TechnoVoyager in 1982, and the English version was shown in the US in 1983 (on the Showtime pay channel) and the UK on BBC1 between 6 January and 7 April 1986. The airdates given below are for the Japanese version, as US transmission dates of the English version are unknown, and in UK BBC 1 only screened 13 of the 24 episodes.

Season One (1982)

Episode Title Original airdate Production number
1"Firefall"1 May 198203
International Rescue set out into space to rescue the captain of the space colony Rosa-Dante, but this puts Dylan through memories of when his friend once saved his life.
2"Computer Madness"19 June 198209
While Jesse and Little John handle repairs on Thunderbird 6, the remaining Thunderbird Team must travel to the moon to de-activate a super computer.
3"One of a Kind"29 May 198206
Grant's mental conscience is put to test when the thunderbirds are sent to a severe forest fire, where a biologically engineered stag is on the loose.
4"Snowbound"17 July 198212
The thunderbirds head out to rescue a trapped monorail during a snow storm, leaving Dylan to get inside the buried area, and Grant removing the snow in Thunderbird 5.
5"Space Warriors"28 August 198216
Dylan joins The space patrol to track down a renegade rider who is on the run.
6"Sunburn"4 September 198217
This episode is based on the original Thunderbirds episode "Sun Probe". The space observatory Sunbeam is on a failing orbit into the sun, The Thunderbirds race there to repair the booster rockets, While Grant is aboard the Sunbeam, Kallan attaches the new rocket to the hull in Thunderbird 1, Jesse and Little John in Thunderbird 2 to clear the damaged areas but this leaves Dylan on a dangerous task by flying Thunderbird 17 into the sun itself to release a massive amount of energy from a large solar flare.
7"Fear Factor"8 May 198204
The Thunderbirds encounter a scientist and his alienated son, who suffers from fear of being in space.
8"Fault Line"15 May 198205
Dylan and Kallan must use Thunderbirds 1, 4 and 13 to rescue a friend of theirs as they become trapped in a fault line where magma is about to spill out into the ocean and right underneath an oil refinery.
9"Shadow Axis"12 June 198208
Kallan is captured by the Shadow Axis, an organization who follow the orders of Star Crusher, leaving Thunderbirds 4 and 13 at the bottom of the ocean.
10"Star Crusher"11 September 198218
In Japan, this program is terminated at this episode because of very low audience rating. Star Crusher lures the Thunderbirds to a construction site where the Prototype Engine For The newly built Thunderbird 18 is undergoing final tests, but trouble ensares when Thunderbird 2 is Hijacked and heading towards the waterfall, Jesse uses Thunderbird 12 to lift Thunderbird 2 out of the water.
11"Shockwave"17 April 198201
The thunderbirds must save a space bus full of children after an explosion at a power station, but problems arise when underwater missiles are launched for "Operation Shockwave", Leaving Dylan, Kallen, Jesse and Little John to use Thunderbirds 7 and 8 to disable the missiles.
12"Guardian"14 August 198215
The thunderbirds must use the help of a dying space traveller to stop a spaceship carrying the traveller's cryogenically frozen brother.
13"Thunderbolt"31 July 198214
Star Crusher sabotages a huge atmospheric flying air carrier, the Thunderbolt, with an explosion aboard the vessel that disables its controls. With the one-and-a-half mile long Thunderbolt never being designed to land, the Thunderbirds have to develop a safe runway for the ship in order to prevent it from crashing down into a heavily populated city.
14"Big Deal"24 July 198213
The solar system's largest company, Asteroid Mines Inc., has suffered a series of sabotages on its mining ships carrying the rare material cryolite. The Thunderbirds are sent to investigate and uncover a plot to take over the company itself.
15"Kudzilla"3 July 198210
The thunderbirds must deal with a large acid spitting plant in space, Leaving Kallan in Thunderbird 9 to collect samples of the plant's DNA to create an antidote.
16"Nightmare"10 July 198211
Dylan and his brother Danny head out in Thunderbird 10 to a space station where all people are terminally ill and under the influence of Star Crusher.
17"Cloudburst"24 April 198202
After a meteor shower damages a weather satellite in the South Pacific, massive storms explode all over the ocean. There are heavily populated islands in the southern seas, and the Thunderbirds will have to act fast to evacuate and rescue the populations in peril.
An aircraft carrying an illegal shipment of dangerous chemicals being transported by Agent Ultra crashes into the ocean, spilling the chemicals close to a top secret underwater research laboratory that is breeding valuable marine life. The Thunderbirds are sent to the lab in order to clean up the chemical spillage and prevent the deaths of the near-extinct animals present there.
19"Metal Head"N/A20
The Thunderbirds must navigate a maze of obstacles in a city run by a computer intelligence known as "Metal Head", Thunderbird 1 is damaged in an attack, which leaves Dylan and Little John to cycle the city to save the passengers of a damaged transporter and bring them back to Thunderbird 4.
Dylan volunteers to test fly a highly advanced interstellar spacecraft prototype called the Centauri. Unfortunately, before lift-off, the craft was damaged in an accident, resulting in Dylan heading out of control towards the planet Jupiter's atmosphere, along with a Blue Angels pilot. The rest of the Thunderbirds mount a daring rescue mission to save them.
21"Mind Meld"N/A23
The thunderbirds head back to the moon where a strange crystal is turning the people into one collective mind.
On the distant planet Pluto, astronauts discover an unusual organic stone like structure and end up being trapped by it. The Thunderbirds are sent to Pluto to rescue the astronauts and discover that the stone is in fact an alien monitoring device that is ready to send a signal reporting the nature of the human race. In a trial to determine the worthiness of the human race, the Thunderbirds must convince the device that the people of the Earth are not evil and that their planet is truly at peace.
23"Child's Play"5 June 198207
During a tour of IRO Headquarter, two young boys who idolize the Thunderbirds wreck havoc when they mistakenly launch Thunderbird-1 and crash into a building.
A giant red comet enters the solar system and is discovered to be on a collision course with the Moon. Within 24 hours of the comet's arrival, extreme weather conditions and other natural disasters have occurred on Earth, due to the comet's proximity. The Thunderbirds discover that it is really an alien spacecraft that has been sent to steal energy from the Sun and return with it to its own dying solar system.

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