List of The Legend of Qin characters

(for the article's context, see The Legend of Qin,Qin's moon (animated TV series), the Chinese animated series, 2007 on)

Hundred Schools of Thought

Directionists (纵横家)

(Chinese: 纵横家; pinyin: zòng héng jiā) A mysterious school, also called the Guigu (Ghost Valley) School. The school name means Longitudinal and Latitudinal, named after Longit Union and Latit Bonds which separately fought against and assisted Qin Kingdom. There are only two students in each generation, and one of them has to be defeated and die. The living one will control the rise and fall of all under heaven. "When they rise the kings are frightened; when they settle the world rests in peace."

Mohists (墨家)

(Chinese: 墨家; pinyin: mò jiā) Developed by Mozi,this is a school that holds the ideas of "No wars" and "Equal love". The Mohists are masters of machinery skills and build a Machinery Cities. The city is a paradise of the people, protected by all kinds of machines and traps. Many of the Mohists are martial art masters.

Confucianists (儒家)

(Chinese: 儒家; pinyin: rú jiā) Confucianists is the best respected school, the school of Master Confucious. The school has very orthodox beliefs, teaching the students to study for the country, but the emperor sees this school as a big threat due to its great influence. In the latter half of Season 3, Tianming and Shaoyu study here as Confucianists' students.

Taoists (道家)

(Chinese: 道家; pinyin: dào jiā) The school of Lao-tzu. Divided into two sections: the Heaven Clan and the Human Clan. The former focuses on self-cultivation and the nature, while the latter cares about the policies and situations, which causes conflicts between the two.

Yin-Yang theorists (阴阳家)

(Chinese: 阴阳家; pinyin: yīn yáng jiā) In real history, Yin-Yang theorists focuses on Astrology, the mysteries of the five elements and Eight Diagrams, many of Yin-Yang theorists are said to have studied on divinity. Therefore in this story, Yin-Yang theorists have magical powers. Some of their names belong to the gods and goddesses in The Nine Odes by Qu Yuan, the first poet of ancient China.


Other antagonists

Quicksand (流沙)and Inverse Quicksand(逆流沙)

(Chinese: 流沙; pinyin: liú shā) (Chinese: 逆流沙; pinyin: nì liú shā)

Qin Empire (秦帝国)

(The following characters in this part but Gongshu Chou have prototypes in the history of Qin; Gongshu's name probably derives from that of Gongshu Ban who was a contemporary of Mozi.)