List of Soviet films of 1971

A list of films produced in the Soviet Union in 1971 (see 1971 in film).


Title Original title Director Cast Genre Notes
The Battle of KerzhenetsСеча при КерженцеYuriy Norshteyn and
Ivan Ivanov-Vano
BumbarashБумбарашAbram Naroditsky and
Nikolai Rasheyev
DauriaДаурияViktor Tregubovich
Gentlemen of FortuneДжентльмены удачиAleksandr Seryj
King LearКороль ЛирGrigori Kozintsev
OfficersОфицерыVladimir Rogovoy
Stariki-razboynikiСтарики-разбойникиEldar Ryazanov
Treasure IslandОстров сокровищYevgeni Fridman
Trial on the RoadПроверка на дорогахAleksei German
Liberation: The Direction of the Main BlowОсвобождение: Направление главного удараYuri Ozerov
Liberation: The Battle of Berlin/The Last AssaultОсвобождение:Битва за Берлин, Последний штурмYuri Ozerov

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