List of Rolls-Royce personnel codes

The Rolls-Royce company used an internal list of personnel shortcodes to identify its senior engineers and designers. These were usually based on a shortened form of the surname, later the initials. Such codes appeared on technical drawings and internal memos. The identities behind these codes represent an important part of the company history, especially during the period of intense development immediately before and during World War II.

Name Code
Ray Dorey Dor [1][2]
Tony Dunwel Dnl [3]
J Ellor Lr Carburettor and inlet system designer of the Goshawk[4]
William Gill WG Financial Director [5]
Len Hall LBH Assistant Design Engineer to Lovesey on the Kestrel[6]
R W Harvey-Bailey By [7] [4]
Lionel Haworth LH [8]
Ernest Hives Hs [9]
Stanley Hooker SGH [3]
Mick Hoolahan Hln Patents Manager at Derby, c. 1960[10]
Adrian Lombard Lom [11]
Cyril Lovesey LOV [1][3]
Sir Denning Pearson Psn Chief executive and Chairman, c. 1970 [12]
A J Rowledge Rg [1]
Henry Royce R [1]
Arthur Rubbra Rbr [1][3]
Geoff Wilde GLW [3]
Harry Wood Wd Engineer on the development of sleeve valve compression ignition engines[13]

