List of Rio de Janeiro metro stations
This is a list of stations on the underground railway system (Metrô Rio) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nowadays, the system has two lines denominated numerically: broadly Linha 1 serves the south and central zones while Linha 2 serves the north. There used to be an interchange between them at Estácio Station, but now Linha 2 uses the rails of Linha 1 to get at Botafogo Station, closing interchange at Estácio.
Linha 4 is under construction and will link south zone to Barra da Tijuca, in west zone. It is planned construct Linha 3, serving Niterói and São Gonçalo municipalities.
Current lines
Linha 1 (Line 1 - Orange)
- General Osório
- Cantagalo
- Siqueira Campos
- Cardeal Arcoverde
- Botafogo
- Flamengo
- Largo do Machado
- Catete
- Glória
- Cinelândia
- Carioca
- Uruguaiana
- Presidente Vargas
- Central
- Praça Onze
- Estácio (exchange to Line 2 only on holidays and weekends)
- Afonso Pena
- São Francisco Xavier
- Saens Peña
- Uruguai (opening until 2014)
Linha 1A (Line 1A)
Actually, Line 1A is not a new line, but it takes trains from Line 2 through Line 1 to Botafogo Station.
- Botafogo
- Flamengo
- Largo do Machado
- Catete
- Glória
- Cinelândia
- Carioca
- Uruguaiana
- Presidente Vargas
- Central
Linha 2 (Line 2 - Green)
- Cidade Nova
- São Cristóvão
- Maracanã
- Triagem
- Maria da Graça
- Nova América/Del Castilho
- Inhaúma
- Engenho da Rainha
- Thomaz Coelho
- Vicente de Carvalho
- Irajá
- Colégio
- Coelho Neto
- Acari/Fazenda Botafogo
- Engenheiro Rubens Paiva
- Pavuna
Under construction/planned
Linha 3 (Line 3 - Blue)
Planned. It will go from Niterói to Guaxindiba, in São Gonçalo. Plans include also an extension from Niterói to Carioca Station, in Rio.
Linha 4 (Line 4 - Gray)
Under construction.
- Nossa Senhora da Paz
- Jardim de Alah
- Leblon
- Gávea
- São Conrado
- Jardim Oceânico
Other planned stations
- Belford Roxo - line 2
- São João de Meriti - line 2
- Duque de Caxias - line 2
- Barra da Tijuca - line 4
- Alvorada - line 4
- Galeão (possible transference to the airport) - line 5
- "Mapa Esquematico" (PDF). MetrôRio. Retrieved 12 September 2014.