List of Parliaments of the United Kingdom

This is a list of Parliaments of the United Kingdom, tabulated with the elections to the House of Commons and the list of members of the House.

The Parliaments are numbered from the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. For previous Westminster parliaments, see the list of Parliaments of Great Britain and list of Parliaments of England. For pre-Union Dublin parliaments, see the list of Parliaments of Ireland. For pre-1707 Scottish parliaments, see the list of Parliaments of Scotland.

Monarch Number Start date Election Members Prime Minister(s) Party Percentage of popular vote
George III 1st 1801 none: co-opted William Pitt the Younger,
Henry Addington
2nd 1802 election MPs Henry Addington,
William Pitt the Younger
3rd 1806 election MPs William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Lord Grenville Whig
4th 1807 election MPs William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland,
Spencer Perceval,
Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool
5th 1812 election MPs The Earl of Liverpool Tory
6th 1818 election MPs The Earl of Liverpool Tory
George IV 7th 1820 election MPs The Earl of Liverpool Tory
8th 1826 election MPs The Earl of Liverpool, George Canning,
Frederick John Robinson, 1st Viscount Goderich,
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
William IV 9th 1830 election MPs Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey Whig
10th 1831 election MPs The Earl Grey Whig
11th 1832 election MPs The Earl Grey,
William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne,
Robert Peel
Whig 67.0
12th 1835 election MPs William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne Whig 55.2
Victoria 13th 1837 election MPs The Viscount Melbourne Whig 51.7
14th 1841 election MPs Sir Robert Peel, Bt Conservative 56.9
15th 1847 election MPs The Lord John Russell, 1st Earl Russell Whig 53.8
16th 1852 election MPs Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby,
George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen
Conservative 41.9
17th 1857 election MPs Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston,
Earl of Derby
Whig 65.9
18th 1859 election MPs The Viscount Palmerston Liberal 65.7
19th 1865 election MPs John Russell, 1st Earl Russell,
The Earl of Derby,
Benjamin Disraeli
Liberal 59.5
20th 1868 election MPs William Ewart Gladstone Liberal 61.5
21st 1874 election MPs Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield Conservative 44.3
22nd 1880 election MPs William Ewart Gladstone Liberal 54.7
23rd 1885 election MPs Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury,
William Ewart Gladstone
Liberal (minority) 47.4
24th 1886 election MPs The Marquess of Salisbury Conservative 51.1
25th 1892 election MPs William Ewart Gladstone,
Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery
Liberal (minority) 45.4
26th 1895 election MPs Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil,
3rd Marquess of Salisbury
Conservative 49.0
27th 1900 election MPs The Marquess of Salisbury,
Arthur Balfour
Conservative 50.3
Edward VII
28th 1906 election MPs Henry Campbell-Bannerman,
Herbert Henry Asquith
Liberal 48.9
29th 1910 (Jan) election MPs Herbert Henry Asquith Liberal (minority) 43.5
George V
30th 1910 (Dec) election MPs Herbert Henry Asquith,
David Lloyd George
Liberal (minority) 43.2
31st 1918 election MPs David Lloyd George Coalition 47.1
32nd 1922 election MPs Andrew Bonar Law Conservative 38.5
33rd 1923 election MPs Ramsay Macdonald Labour (minority) 30.7
34th 1924 election MPs Stanley Baldwin Conservative 46.8
35th 1929 election MPs Ramsay MacDonald Labour (minority) 37.1
36th 1931 election MPs Ramsay MacDonald National Government 67.2
37th 1935 election MPs Stanley Baldwin,
Neville Chamberlain,
Winston Churchill
National Government 53.3
Edward VIII
George VI
38th 1945 election MPs Clement Attlee Labour 49.7
39th 1950 election MPs Clement Attlee Labour 46.1
40th 1951 election MPs Winston Churchill Conservative 48.0
Elizabeth II
41st 1955 election MPs Anthony Eden,
Harold Macmillan
Conservative 49.7
42nd 1959 election MPs Harold Macmillan,
Alec Douglas-Home
Conservative 49.4
43rd 1964 election MPs Harold Wilson Labour 44.1
44th 1966 election MPs Harold Wilson Labour 48.0
45th 1970 election MPs Edward Heath Conservative 46.4
46th 1974 (Feb) election MPs Harold Wilson Labour (minority) 37.2
47th 1974 (Oct) election MPs Harold Wilson,
James Callaghan
Labour 39.2
48th 1979 election MPs Margaret Thatcher Conservative 43.9
49th 1983 election MPs Margaret Thatcher Conservative 42.3
50th 1987 election MPs Margaret Thatcher,
John Major
Conservative 42.2
51st 1992 election MPs John Major Conservative 41.9
52nd 1997 election MPs Tony Blair Labour 43.2
53rd 2001 election MPs Tony Blair Labour 40.7
54th 2005 election MPs Tony Blair,
Gordon Brown
Labour 35.2
55th 2010 election MPs David Cameron Coalition N/A (59.1; Conservatives: 36.1; Liberal Democrats: 23)

The parties listed are those that won the election. During the nineteenth century, the party of government sometimes changed between general elections.


See also