List of Community characters

New Girl is an American television situation comedy created by Elizabeth Meriwether. The show, set in Los Angeles, depicts the interpersonal adventures of offbeat teacher Jess (Zooey Deschanel) after her spontaneous move into a loft with three men, played by Jake Johnson (Nick), Max Greenfield (Schmidt) and Lamorne Morris (Winston); Jess's best friend Cece (Hannah Simone) and old-turned-new loftmate Coach (Damon Wayans, Jr.) also appear regularly. The show stars:

The series also features a number of recurring characters.

Main characters

Recurring characters


  1. Gelman, Vlada (May 5, 2014). "New Girl Ups Damon Wayans Jr. to Series Regular". TV Line. Retrieved May 5, 2014.

External links

Wikiquote has quotations related to: New Girl (TV series)