List of National Natural Landmarks in Puerto Rico

From List of National Natural Landmarks, these are the National Natural Landmarks in Puerto Rico. There are 5 in total,.

Name Image Date Location Municipality Description
1 Bano de Oro Natural Area 1980 The only contiguous area in Puerto Rico that contains subtropical wet forest, rain forest, dwarf forest, and Pterocarpus.
2 Cabo Rojo 1980 Cabo Rojo An excellent example of a tombolo with two sand spits.
3 Mona and Monita Islands 1975 Mayagüez Caves on these islands are some of the most extensive flank margin caves in the world.
4 Puerto Mosquito 1980 Considered the best example of a bioluminescent bay in the United States.
5 Río Abajo State Forest 1980 An excellent example of karst topography with numerous sinkholes and well-developed tower karst.
