List of National Natural Landmarks in Nebraska

From List of National Natural Landmarks, these are the National Natural Landmarks in Nebraska. There are 5 in total

Name Image Date Location County Description
1 Ashfall Fossil Beds 2006 Orchard42°26′26″N 98°08′53″W / 42.440556°N 98.148083°W Antelope A rare example of a lagerstätten, a thick bed of volcanic ash, contains hundreds of extraordinarily complete skeletons of extinct mammals.
2 Dissected Loess Plain 1987 Lincoln Eroded canyons and deep valleys in loess deposits over 200 feet (61 m) thick
3 Fontenelle Forest 1964 Sarpy The largest virgin forest in Nebraska.
4 Nebraska Sand Hills 1984 Nebraska The largest sand dunes complex in the Western Hemisphere.
5 Valentine National Wildlife Refuge 1976 Cherry Sandhill tall grass prairie ecosystem unique to the central Great Plains.