List of Maya & Miguel episodes

This is a list of episodes for the series Maya & Miguel.

Series overview

Season Episodes Original airdate
First aired Last aired
1 65 October 11, 2004 October 10, 2007

Season 1 (2004-2007)

# Episode Summary Original airdate
1 Mala Suerte When the usually meticulous Rosa scorches the family breakfast, Maya thinks the apartment is cursed with bad luck. Using Maggie's grandmother's Guide to Feng Shui (which they don't really have time to read thoroughly), Maya, Miguel and the gang redecorate the entire place in an effort to restore positive energy before Santiago brings home an important supplier for dinner that evening. But at dinner that night, the kids' freshly painted walls, makeshift Asian fountains, and rearranged furniture cause a lot more harm than good. October 11, 2004
2 The Matchmaker One evening, after Maya sees Abuela Elena dancing alone after dinner, she decides that her grandmother's cheery exterior is masking a deep loneliness - and that Abuela Elena needs to be fixed up on a date. Maya's big idea launches a quest for an eligible sixty-something bachelor, the mother of all makeovers, and a blind date that doesn't go as planned. October 12, 2004
3 When Maya Met Andy Miguel recalls the time that Andy, a boy who is missing an arm, moved into the neighborhood. Maya, eager to make Andy feel comfortable in their group, tries to steer the boys away from playing sports because she assumes that Andy won't be able to participate. The boys don't seem to have any problem with playing ball with Andy and Maya learns that true sensitivity means treating others as equals. October 13, 2004
4 The Autograph When Paco unwittingly destroys Miguel's favorite Orlando Cruz baseball card, Maya decides to fix the situation by getting an autograph from Orlando himself, who is coming to town that weekend with his team. What ensues is a Naked Gun-like series of escapades where the kids try to get ever closer to the star by impersonating a boy-band, hot dog vendors, and a big furry mascot. October 14, 2004
5 Rhymes with Gato When Chrissy's kitten runs away, Maya and her friends put up signs and spread the word about the lost "gato." Unfortunately, Maggie's Spanish is terrible, and she tells people they're missing a "pato" - a duck. Soon Maya is stuck with a disgruntled and irascible duck in her apartment, on the same afternoon, it turns out, that the landlord is coming by to make some repairs. And she still has to find the lost kitty. October 15, 2004
6 La Nueva Cocinita While Maya and Miguel are searching with their Abuela Elena for treasures through her seemingly bottomless trunk of memories, they happen upon an old menu from her defunct restaurant "La Cocinita." She rhapsodizes dreamily about the menu - summoning magical concoctions with mystical powers that can cure an ill-tempered grouch. After a walk around the neighborhood, they see grumpiness and general disharmony everywhere, and Maya quickly decides that not only Abuela Elena, but the whole neighborhood is in need of a New Cocinita to bring happiness and harmony to everyone with the magic of the old recipes. Enlisting her friends to be the kitchen and wait staff, Maya prepares for the big opening night over Miguel's steady stream of protests and warnings. Of course, Maya and her crew soon get in over their heads... October 18, 2004
7 The Letter Maya finds an abandoned letter on Miguel's desk, written to a pretty girl in their class named Esperanza. Thinking that her brother might need a little help in making friends, Maya (with the eager assistance of Maggie and Chrissy) tells Esperanza how wonderful Miguel is. No sooner does Esperanza decide that Miguel is the coolest boy in the fifth grade than Maya learns that the real author of the letter wasn'tMiguel, but Andy! Suddenly, the Tres Amigas have a lot of explaining to do.. October 19, 2004
8 Teacher's Pet When Paco stops speaking, Maya and Santiago take him to the vet, who tells them that the poor parrot is simply lonely staying at home all day. Maya solves the problem by taking Paco to school with her. But when Paco gives wrong answers in front of the class, accidentally insults kids in the hall, and eventually flies off somewhere in the school, Maya has a lot of problems to solve all at once. October 20, 2004
9 La Calavera When Maya wants to add some oomph to her presentation about Mexico for school, she consults her Abuela Elena, who allows her to borrow a prized possession: a calavera, or skull made of sugar, that is used in the yearly Day of the Dead celebration. Maya promises to let nothing happen to this special calavera. Her presentation goes well, but Maya loses the calavera! After Theo, Maggie, Chrissy and Andy each share their fantastical ideas about how the lost calavera will make Abuela feel, Maya herself feels horrible. She promised her abuela that she wouldn't let anything happen to it! Then, as luck would have it, Maya discovers that she accidentally switched backpacks with another student, and the calavera is recovered. An excited Maya can't contain herself, and while jumping up and down, breaks the calavera! Maya is determined not to let her abuela down, and goes to great lengths to have the calavera re-made. Unfortunately, this, too, is a disaster. When Abuela is finally told the truth, Maya is surprised - Abuela is happy! Not about the calavera, but about Maya's good grade on her presentation. And though Abuela misses the calavera, she thinks that rebuilding it together would make her even happier. November 2, 2004
10 Politics Unusual Maggie wants to star in the upcoming School Assembly Day show. Her teacher, Mrs. Langley, recognizes her talent and assigns her the starring role, which she must share with non-dancer Miguel. Horrified, Miguel wants to have nothing to do with this show, but Mrs. Langley won't let him out of the deal. The only person who could do that is the Class President. Maya has a bright idea: Maggie will run for Class President. She's popular, and nobody else is running! Then she can change the show to suit both her and Miguel. Unfortunately, someone else decides to run, an unassuming kid named Simon. Maya and Maggie try to out-glitz Simon, by sponsoring makeovers and re- decorating the cafeteria, with comically disastrous results. Simon, meanwhile, takes the time to listen to the concerns of the other students. In the end, Maggie comes to realize that Simon cares about what the other students want, while she was only running for selfish reasons... and so she announces at the presidential debate that she is supporting Simon. Simon wins by a landslide... and his first act as President is to appoint Maggie to be director of School Assembly Day, to change the show however she wants. November 8, 2004
11 Tito's Mexican Vacation Maya notices something's wrong with Tito. He's not interested in playing soccer or eating ice cream. Is he sick? It turns out he's homesick. It all starts when Tito gets a postcard from his cousins in Mexico. Tito misses them and misses his former home. Maya, eager to help her cousin feel better, decides that if they can't take Tito back to Mexico, they'll bring Mexico to Tito! Maya ropes the rest of the gang into helping her with the research and acquisition of Mexican objects, foods, and information. Events escalate with typically Maya-esque results, and pretty soon the Community Center is packed with all things Mexican. Unfortunately, one thing leads to another, and the entire display is destroyed... right before Tito gets to the Center. Maya is mortified, but Tito is happy. Seeing how much everyone cared about him helped to lift his homesickness. After all, he is home with Maya, too. Just then the big surprise appears: Tito's cousins, brought from Mexico! November 9, 2004
12 Prince Tito To help Tito overcome his stage fright, Maya convinces him to audition for a community theater performance called "The Doubtful Prince." Maya promises Tito that she'll get the female lead and be right with him onstage the whole time. But when the director casts Tito in the lead and Maya in a bit part, Tito is bound for stardom - but only if Maya can find a way to keep him from freezing up in front of the audience on opening night. November 10, 2004
13 The Bully and The Bunny A hulking new kid named Jimmy McCorkle moves in across the street and - at least it seems to Miguel and his friends - begins to bully everyone around. He kicks Miguel's soccer ball over the building, rips apart Maya's favorite video game, and commands Theo to remember his name...or else. Maya, however, is not so sure; she thinks maybe Jimmy's not so bad. When Jimmy buys Maya and Miguel's favorite bunny rabbit from the pet store, Maya decides they have to find out once and for all whether Jimmy really is a bully, or just misunderstood. November 11, 2004
14 Family Time Noticing that everyone in her family is overworked, overtired, and overstressed, Maya concludes that they all have been missing "family time" - quality time spent alone as a family. Maya and Miguel plan a camping trip to a state park - and do all the planning and packing themselves to make things easier on their very busy parents and grandmother. But when they arrive at their campsite, the kids have forgotten some essentials - and rain, wildlife, and a capsized boat threaten to make their escape a disaster. November 12, 2004
15 Surprise, Surprise Chrissy is down in the dumps because the pop star Enrique has not answered the hundreds of fan letters she has sent. So Maya decides to cheer her up with a surprise birthday party. When all the party preparations - from the cake to the decor to the entertainment - go awry, Maya reasons there's only one way to salvage things: get Enrique himself to show up! With Miguel and Abuelita at her side, Maya braves hordes of Enrique-maniacs in an effort to convince the megastar to make an appearance at her friend's birthday. January 17, 2005
16 Career Day It's Career Day in Maya and Miguel's class, and each kid gets to spend a whole day with a classmate's parent or grandparent as a "mentor." While Miguel lucks into spending the day with an astronaut, Maya ends up with Mort, an insurance salesman who has lost his belief in himself. Maya takes it upon herself to find Mort a new career, but ultimately discovers that what he really needs is simply some help restoring his confidence. January 18, 2005
17 An Okri-Dokey Day When Maya realizes that their neighbors Greg and Isoka Okri don't have any children of their own, she concludes that their life must be horribly empty - after all, her parents are always saying how Maya and Miguel are the light of their lives. So Maya engineers things so she and Miguel spend the better part of a weekend with the Okris. However, between roller coaster rides, kid-friendly restaurants, homemade facial treatments, and breakfast in bed, the Okris get a lot more than they bargained for. January 19, 2005
18 Chrissy's Big Move Maya's friend Chrissy discovers that her father has been transferred and is moving the whole family to Hong Kong. Chrissy is so distraught that she doesn't want to go. Eager to help her friend adjust to a very different culture, Maya enlists Miguel and the gang to " introduce" Chrissy to Hong Kong. They stage an imaginative (and homemade) "voyage" to show her a variety of interesting places: a restaurant that serves dim sum, a pink dolphin-watching cruise, and the dragon boat races. By the end, Chrissy is so enchanted that she can't wait to move to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, the transfer falls through...and Chrissy doesn't move. But at least "las tres amigas" get to stay together! January 20, 2005
19 I've Got to be Mi-Guel Tito really admires his big cousin Miguel. So much so, in fact, that he begins to feel bad about himself - after all, Miguel does everything so well, it's sometimes hard to measure up. But at Maya's inadvertent suggestion, Tito realizes there is one way to be just as cool as Miguel: to imitate everything Miguel says, does, and wears, from his sneakers to his haircut. Miguel is flattered by this new "mini-Miguel," but Maya gradually finds the whole thing annoying, and even more so because the flattery is clearly going to Miguel's head. It's only when Tito - in helping Maya and Miguel in an emergency - discovers some of his own talents that he goes back to being just plain Tito. Everyone is thrilled to have him back. January 21, 2005
20 Soccer Mom When Maya and Miguel's soccer coach leaves to become a professional player, the gang is left without a coach. A frantic search for a new coach is unsuccessful. Finally, Maya notices that her mom is a fairly adept player. perhaps she should be the new coach! Rosa is talked into the idea. Rosa turns out to be an excellent coach, and all the kids love her. except Maya and Miguel don't like the two parts of their lives crossing over like this. Rosa keeps telling stories about them and calling them cute names that are embarrassing! They ask Rosa to step down as coach, which she agrees to do. But when they realize that they don't play as well without her, Maya and Miguel beg her to come back and help them before a big game. Rosa declines. During the game, Maya and Miguel's team is losing badly. so the new coach turns to Rosa for a little inspiration. Rosa gives the team a pep talk and some coaching from the sidelines. and the gang wins! February 15, 2005
21 The Adventures of Rabbit-Bird Man Miguel enters a comic book contest. Before he can finish his original comic book loosely based on Aztec mythology entitled, "The Adventures of Rabbit-Bird Man," Miguel comes down with a bad cold. Miguel has left the hero in grave jeopardy, and he implores Maya to finish the comic book and save him. Maya rounds up the gang to help her think of a way to save the hero from the bad guy. In a series of vignettes, we see each kid's proposed ending: Tito imagines a heroic soccer player (who looks just like him) saving the day, Theo pitches a robot boy (who looks just like him) saving the day, and Maggie and Chrissy imagine a fantastic singing duo (who look just like them) saving the day. With the clock ticking and no clear ending, Maya decides that they should combine all of their endings together, and make one grand finale. February 16, 2005
22 Maya and Miguel, Come on Down! Maya and Miguel seem to have an aptitude for their favorite TV game show. But when they decide to audition, they discover that they have very different approaches to training. As they move from one stage to the next—preparing for the audition, passing the trial, training for the show—their own rivalry grows more intense, and they lose the knack of working together. Only when they are on live TV, confronted by an unscrupulous contestant who will do anything to win, are they able to put aside their little differences and work together as sister and brother. February 17, 2005
23 The Wrestler Next Door A new neighbor moves into the apartment building: Sr. Lopez, who is opening a new bakery in town. Tito is certain that Sr. Lopez is actually "El Guamazo Lopez," a famous Mexican masked wrestler! He tries to prove it to a skeptical Maya and Miguel... but when they see some intriguing evidence, they decide to help Tito find out the truth. The three of them, along with Abuela Elena's help, try to uncover Sr. Lopez' secret past... but even putting him face-to-face with the masked wrestler's nemesis doesn't manage to reveal him. Finally, when an old piece of baking equipment goes on the fritz, Sr. Lopez must fight the mechanical beast using "El Guamazo Lopez'" signature wrestling move. Tito is vindicated! Sr. Lopez finally admits to having been the famous wrestler in the past. But it's more important for him to be known as a good baker from now on. February 18, 2005
24 A Little Culture When Maya forgets to buy tickets for the summer blockbuster movie all her friends are eagerly awaiting, she desperately suggests that they go instead to the Natural History Museum. Maggie and Theo aren't quick to forgive her, and mope about the museum while Maya and Miguel rummage in the gift shop for peace offerings. But before they know it, Theo and Maggie find themselves enraptured by exhibits on ancient African and Chinese cultures. In Theo and Maggie's parallel fantasies, we see the enactment of age-old stories—of course, with Theo and Maggie providing a contemporary twist. In the end, the kids find everything in the exhibit that they had hoped for in the big summer movie, and all is forgiven among the friends. May 3, 2005
25 The Bet When Maya comes to believe that Miguel has grown overly obsessed with playing videogames, she challenges him to go cold turkey. He agrees—on the condition that she refrain from meddling in other people's business. Whoever gives in first will do the other's chores for two weeks. Miguel has to summon all his strength to resist the lure of electronic games, while Maya is going batty trying to keep herself from offering advice to friends in need. Finally, Maggie has a problem that's just too much for Miguel to solve by himself, so he gives up on the bet in order to enlist Maya's help to find one more big idea. May 4, 2005
26 The Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters Maya and her friends are in love with the new girls action cartoon, "The Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters". They join the fan club, wear the T-shirts, chant the chants, and begin to drive their friends and families up a wall. Things only get worse when their efforts to spread sweetness, happiness and love in the manner of their two- dimensional idols seem to backfire. Only a very surreal experience of trying to find a bird-napped Paco makes Maya realize that perhaps she's taken this latest fad a bit too far. May 6, 2005
27 Team Santos Maya accidentally sets off an air horn during an important soccer play, ruining Miguel's kick and losing the game for him. Feeling terrible, she embarks upon a plan to cheer him up. If he could only win the big carnival competition, he'd feel a lot better... and also perhaps forgive Maya. Unfortunately, the carnival competition pits Miguel against the soccer player who beat him in the previous game... and all his athletic brothers! Maya and Miguel must compete against them with the only family members at their disposal: Abuela Elena, Tito, and Paco. Maya's plan is unraveling; there's no way they can win against the other team. But Abuela Elena points out that there's more to competing than just winning. It's also important to have fun! It turns out that Abuela was a ringer all along, and with her help, they win the carnival competition. May 5, 2005
28 Friends Forever? "Las Tres Amigas" get into an argument and split up. Miguel, Theo and Andy watch their breakup with amusement. As the girls return each other's borrowed belongings and try to avoid each other in the lunchroom, the boys smugly believe that such a thing could never happen to them. But when Theo and Andy discover that Miguel has been secretly coaching each of them for an open position on the soccer team, that's exactly what happens. The guys find themselves doing exactly the same splitting-up routine, returning all their borrowed stuff. Before long, however, the girls and the boys realize that no kid is an island; each person is different from the other, but it makes the whole group better. October 21, 2005
29 The Slump When Miguel's baseball batting average drops off the charts because he's continually distracted by Kylie, the bad vibes begin to extend into all areas of his life. In a desperate attempt to help Miguel regain his magic, Andy and Theo put Miguel through a series of slump-busting exercises... but nothing works, and Miguel quits the team. Meanwhile, Maya is on a mission to get the team new uniforms through sponsorship from neighbors. Friends are skeptical when she sets the extremely high goal of signing twenty- five sponsors, but she perseveres and succeeds. When Miguel sees the shiny new uniforms, he is inspired by his sister's determination. He returns to the team just in time to break out of his slump. July 15, 2005
30 The Dogwalkers In order to send their neighbor, the retired Broadway dancer Mrs. Salviati, to her high school reunion, Maya and Miguel decide to open a pet-care business to raise money for the plane fare. But when they take on a few too many jobs, they are overwhelmed with neighborhood pets needing to be walked, fed, bathed, groomed and clipped. In the end, they learn not to bite off more than they can chew. October 13, 2005
31 Recipe for Disaster Maya wants to win an award offered to the student who donates the most books to a local book fair, so she collects every unwanted volume from her apartment, including some old cookbooks of Rosa's. The only problem is that Rosa has an old friend coming to visit, and she needs a favorite recipe from one of the books that Maya gave away. Now Maya and Miguel have to get the book back before Rosa's friend arrives. October 11, 2005
32 The Pen-Pal For school, Miguel is assigned an electronic pen-pal from Puerto Rico. When they start corresponding, Miguel thinks his pen-pal, Roman, has a much more glamorous life than he does. So, with a little prompting from Paco, Miguel slowly starts embellishing the details of his life. Then, to his horror, Roman comes to visit. October 14, 2005
33 Abuela Upmanship Maya is sick about hearing how wonderful Lola's grandmother is - she seems to do everything just perfectly. Maya feels her own Abuela is pretty great and wants her to be recognized too. So she happens to mention that Abuela used to be a movie star! Now Maya has to prevent her friends and neighbors from discovering that Abuela's acting career was limited to a supporting role in a high school play. October 12, 2005
34 Fashionistas When the girls decide that the school needs a fashion show, Miguel agrees to help out. The problem is, he didn't know he agreed to actually be a model. What's more, in the audience is going to be the new coach of the local soccer travel team - which Miguel is trying out for! Miguel, worried that the coach won't want a player who dresses up in outrageous clothes for a fashion show, has to decide whether to participate or whether to "take a dive." October 28, 2005
35 Maya Quixote and Miguel Panza Maya reads Don Quixote de la Mancha and is inspired by the themes of truth, honor, and courage found in the novel. When Miguel's favorite flavor of ice cream is discontinued, she decides they must go on a Don Quixote-style quest to get the flavor reinstated. They don a variety of household objects as makeshift knight's armor, and set out on their trusty "steeds" (Maya's bike and Miguel's skateboard). On the way to the ice cream shop, they encounter several people in need. Maya (who acts as Don Quixote in this tale) says that as knights, they must stop and help them. Miguel (who takes the place of Sancho Panza) wants to get to the ice cream shop as soon as possible, but is convinced by Maya to help. They stop and help Mrs. Salviati (who Maya sees as a helpless damsel) cross the street, Sr. Felipe deliver the mail (Maya sees him as a medieval scribe facing a bull), and return a cellphone to a businessman (Maya sees him as a King who has dropped a jewel). They finally make it to the ice cream shop and confront the "giant" (i.e., the shop owner, in Maya's fantasy), but their numbers are too small to convince him. Spying a nearby TV reporter, Miguel gets an idea and convinces her to help them. With her report, everyone in the neighborhood shows up to support Maya and Miguel's quest... and the ice cream flavor is reinstated. November 4, 2005
36 The Taming of Mr. Shue When the beloved teacher Mrs. Langley leaves to have a baby, the kids get a long-term substitute, Mr. Shue. Mr. Shue seems much more serious and not nearly as much fun as Mrs. Langley, so the kids decide they have to win him over. The only problem is, he only seems to like one thing - math. With the help of Celia Lopez, Gus the baker's niece, they eventually succeed, and in the process learn that sometimes you need to give people a chance. November 11, 2005
37 Tito's Pet After a school-wide pet fair, Tito is upset because the winners, Freddy and Cesar Castillo, make fun of his tarantula and gloat about winning the first prize. When their teasing goes a little too far, Tito (with Maya's encouragement) blurts out that he has an even better pet - a chupacabra (a mythical winged carnivore of Puerto Rican lore). Now Freddy and Cesar, along with half the neighborhood, want to see the creature, and Maya and Tito have to figure out how they're going to make this legendary creature appear. January 6, 2006
38 Real Twins When a TV commercial announces that a new reality show about twins is looking for entrants, Maya thinks that she and Miguel should send an audition video. Miguel points out that he and Maya are not identical twins, which is what is usually shown on TV, but Maya says the name of the show is "Real Twins"...and she and Miguel are real! Maya and Miguel film a video highlighting all of their talents, hoping this will separate them from the crowd. The director of the show appears, telling Maya and Miguel that they are finalists for the show! Maya and Miguel are thrilled... until they see the audition tape of the other finalists: Barry and Gary, two identical twins at their school who are eerily alike, even for twins. Maya is convinced that she and Miguel need to be more alike to get on the show. With their friends' help, they re-decorate their rooms to be exactly alike and begin wearing similar clothes. When the director follows them to school, where they are most different, Maya and Miguel must continue the charade, trying to finish each other's sentences and engaging in activities they don't actually enjoy. In the end, the entire act unravels, and Maya and Miguel are revealed to be very un-alike twins. The director admits that Maya and Miguel's many talents in the audition tape were what attracted the director in the first place. Unfortunately, while trying to be exactly alike, they never demonstrated any of their talents. Maya and Miguel learn to be themselves and treasure their unique talents. October 10, 2005
39 Give Me a Little Sign Tito befriends a new boy, Marco, who is deaf. Marco starts to teach Tito some American Sign Language, and they decide to do a project together for the school's "Contraption Convention." Tito has trouble pronouncing some words, such as "yellow" and "fish", he decides he doesn't want to do the project anymore, since it involves public speaking. Only when he sees how Marco persists in getting across what he wants to say - even when people misunderstand him at first - does he realize the value of practice and determination, and decides to go ahead with the project. September 25, 2006
40 A Star Is Born Santiago is going to make a television commercial for his pet store... but when Maya hears what he has in mind, she decides to take over and produce something flashier, to really draw in customers. Together with Miguel, she puts together the entire production. Paco, meanwhile, dreaming of his big break in show business, continually pops up, trying to get on camera... but is repeatedly rebuffed as Maya's production goes haywire. Santiago wants to make his simple commercial, but Maya won't hear of it. She enlists a professional director (Fabian) to come and make it even more stupendous... but he ends up replacing Santiago with an actor playing him! In the end, Fabian is removed, and Maya comes to realize that Santiago should make a commercial that honestly represents him and his pet store... which he does. January 20, 2006
41 Paper Girl Maya decides that the lackluster school newspaper needs some zing, so she agrees to be editor and enlists all her friends to help out. But when their articles are a little too ordinary, she injects a dose of creative editing that makes the paper the talk of the school. But when people realize Maya doesn't have her facts straight, her reputation as a journalist is on the line, and she has to make amends—before the midnight deadline. January 27, 2006
42 Miguel's Wonderful Life It's Christmas, and the Santos family is getting ready for the festivities. Maya, in her enthusiasm, manages to mess up things for Miguel: she spills juice on his book report, volunteers him to hang a pinata in class (a task which makes him take a humiliating fall), volunteers him to wear a too-big Santa suit and follow her around wishing their neighbors happy holidays (his pants fall down in front of everyone), and smudges a painting he was making as a gift to his parents. Frustrated, Miguel angrily declares that he wishes he never had a sister. The next day, he awakens to find his wish has come true; Maya doesn't exist, and nobody's ever heard of her. Paco (who has inexplicably become incredibly articulate) follows him aroundcommenting as Miguel takes in how the world has changed. At first, it seems like all his Maya-made troubles are over... but then Miguel sees how the lack of Maya's influence has adversely affected the world: Maggie and Chrissy aren't friends because they had a difference of opinion (which Maya had previously helped them overcome) Mr. Nguyen isn't their teacher because he felt unappreciated (Maya had made him feel appreciated), Jimmy McCorkle became a bully, etc. Finally realizing how much worse everything is without Maya, Miguel regrets he ever made the wish, and wishes it all to be reversed. Poof! The world goes back to normal. Maya is back, Miguel's painting is still ruined, and Miguel couldn't be happier to have a twin sister. November 25, 2005
43 The Video Abuela's old friend from Mexico, Carlota, cancels a planned visit and Abuela is heartbroken. Or at least that's how she seems to Maya. To cheer her up, Maya, Miguel, and friends decide to make a secret "surprise" video of "A Day in the Life" of their grandmother. But their amateur efforts at documentary go awry when they keep losing track of their star in her travels through their neighborhood. January 13, 2006
44 Decisions, Decisions Maya and Miguel are thrilled when they win tickets to an extreme sports competition... but disappointed to see they have only four tickets, not enough for them to bring all their friends. The twins devise competitions to decide which two of their four friends will get their extra tickets. Abuela Elena, meanwhile, has decided to return to her previous love of running, and enter a competition especially for seniors, with Maya and Miguel helping her train. The twins are horrified to discover that their extreme sports expo is on the same day as Abuela's senior race. How will they decide which event to attend? Their parents advise them to listen to their heart. After much soul searching (and coin-flipping), Maya and Miguel decide they want to see their Abuelita's competition. And the lucky beneficiaries are their four friends, who receive the tickets to the extreme sports expo. October 3, 2006
45 A Rose is Still A Rose When Abuela Elena leaves town for a few days, she entrusts an eager Maya with the care and feeding of her prized roses. Unfortunately, while Maya's heart is in the right place, she is too eager to get Abuela's roses growing quickly. Miguel, meanwhile, wants to become a wrestler and begins taking lessons from Gus "El Guamazo" Lopez, former luchador. But instead of getting an exciting luchador costume and learning show-wrestling moves, Gus teaches Miguel the actual principles of wrestling (which often, to Miguel's horror, resemble baking in Gus' bakery). As Maya slowly destroys Abuela's roses, Miguel gets frustrated with the slow pace of his training and quits. But when Maya's overzealousness in the garden leads to a flood of over-watering, Miguel hops into action, using the moves taught to him by Gus Lopez to overcome the flood. In the end, both Maya and Miguel learn the value of patience and consistency - in gardening, wrestling and life. October 4, 2006
46 Role Reversal When Maya and Miguel keep talking about how easy their parents' lives seem to be, the children and parents decide to switch roles for a day. Maya and Miguel run the pet store and keep the apartment in order, while Rosa and Santiago spend the day at dance, soccer, and the " activities fun club." All of them end up exhausted and with new appreciation for the others. NOTE: The storyline of this episode also occurs in the Family Guy episode Trading Places. October 5, 2006
47 After School After Maggie arrives late for class one day and talks back to Mr. Nguyen, he issues her an "after school" - requiring her to stay late one day. Maggie is appalled, since this has never happened to her before, and she tries every trick in her book to get Mr. Nguyen to change his mind. October 6, 2006
48 The Wedding Rosa's cousin, Angelina, has just gotten engaged! As she shares her fantasy for the perfect wedding with the Santos family over dinner, the grim-faced groom arrives with some news: he has received a promotion that will take him out of the country. Angelina is disappointed; she had wanted a wedding with her family, in town. Maya proclaims that they can host the wedding at their house, and have everything ready in just two days! Though stunned by this, Rosa and Santiago agree to help, and the countdown begins. Abuela is baking Mexican wedding cookies for the reception, Santiago is playing guitar and singing, Rosa is sewing the dress, Miguel is giving the toast, and Maya has been given a great honor: to hold the 13 gold coins for the ceremony known as Las Arras. As always seems to happen at weddings, many things start to go wrong. Paco has eaten all the cookies for the reception, Santiago has lost his voice, and the wedding dress is mangled in a faulty sewing machine. The Santos family is devastated. But Maya won't let them lose heart and is determined to help them fix everything before the wedding. It seems everything is going according to plan again, until Maya realizes she has lost the gold coins for Las Arras! Certain they were lost in the dough for the cookies, Maya and Miguel hop into action. They break open or eat many of the baked cookies... to no avail. At the ceremony, Maya tries to tell Angelina that she doesn't have the 13th coin... until Paco arrives, clutching the lost coin, and hands it off to Maya! Angelina and Pedro are thrilled by their meaningful wedding, all thanks to Maya and family. October 1, 2007
49 Puppy Love A fat little dog follows Miguel home one day, and he doesn't have the heart to leave it alone in the street at nightfall. So he brings it inside. Before he can tell Abuela (Rosa and Santiago are away), he opens his closet door to discover that the fat little dog has had puppies! Now Maya and Miguel have thirteen dogs to look after - and a lot of explaining to do when their parents come home. January 15, 2007
50 Mother's Day Mother's Day is coming up, and Maya and Miguel have bought their mother the perfect gift: a cat-shaped potholder. Their friends are not impressed with this gift, however... and Maya vows to make something that will help their hard-working mom feel more relaxed and happy. They decide to make a facial mask which consists of a series of highly exotic ingredients, including hummingbird feathers, snakeskin and yak's milk. Maya, Miguel and the gang split up to collect the ingredients, but encounter many difficulties... including some of the ingredients mysteriously disappearing! In the end, Maya and Miguel have failed to bring it all together and go back to the original potholder. Rosa is delighted with the gift. After all, it's the thought that counts. May 12, 2006
51 The Big Fight When Theo and Miguel have a big fight about a remote-controlled race-car derby, Maya takes it upon herself to set things right between the two estranged friends. But whatever she does only seems to make things worse. October 2, 2007
52 The Best Thanksgiving Ever Santiago's mother, Tata Santos, is coming from Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving, and Maya and Miguel want to make sure that she gets to have the best Thanksgiving ever. But one by one, things don't go quite as planned - the parade, the family football game, even the enormous turkey Rosa intended to serve - and Maya and Miguel have to salvage what could turn out to be a disastrous holiday. November 18, 2005
53 Cupid Miguel hates Valentine's Day. He considers it a greeting card holiday. Maya loves Valentine's Day. She considers it an opportunity to tell your loved ones how much you care about them. As Maya prepares herself for the best Valentine's Day ever, Miguel is horrified to learn that he has been chosen as the official Cupid of the school this year, and must deliver valentines throughout the school, attired in cupid wings. He begs and pleads with anyone and everyone to take over his job, to no avail. He straps on the wings and begins halfheartedly delivering the valentines to thrilled students throughout the school. At the end of the day, he tosses the whole getup in the trash, eager to be done with this accursed holiday. Maya, meanwhile, thinks Miguel is lucky to be able to deliver so much happiness and joy, and gets the idea to start a free valentines delivery service for the rest of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, her helper Paco manages to stuff the wrong valentines into the wrong envelopes, and all the valentines are delivered to the wrong people, with insulting results. Soon a mob confronts Maya. Miguel, seeing the mob, digs his cupid wings out of the trash and hops into action to save his sister. In the end, the once angry neighbors are thrilled with the job Miguel does of spreading Valentine's Day cheer... and Miguel's heart grows a few sizes towards the holiday he once hated. February 14, 2006
54 Papi Joins the Band Miguel, Theo, and Andy decide to enter a talent contest at the Community Center by putting together a band. When Santiago hears the news, he tells the boys that he used to have his own band, and he offers his services. The problem is that Santiago soon goes from offering gentle advice to becoming a fourth member of the band, and Miguel has to find a way to tell his father to let the boys do it their own way. June 15, 2007
55 Crushed Miguel gets a crush on a new substitute teacher, Miss Cisneros, and studies like crazy in her class. At the same time, Tito has to read a poem over the school PA system. As (bad) luck would have it, Tito gets inspiration for the poem by watching the enamored Miguel, and when he reads his poem, he exposes Miguel's crush to the whole school. Miguel is mortified, but with some kind words from his teacher realizes that he did manage to get the highest score in the class on a test - and also finds a friend his own age. October 3, 2007
56 The Red Jacket Miguel picks up a very special "Melissa Rojas" jacket for Kylie as a birthday gift. But when Maya discovers it, she thinks it's a gift for her - and won't take it off! January 16, 2007
57 Maya Mascot Maya is a big hit as the parrot mascot for Miguel's community basketball team. But when Miguel turns his ankle, Maya has to help take care of him, and has to miss the games. After all, she can't be in two places at once. January 18, 2007
58 Good Luck Paco After a couple of coincidences, the kids become convinced that Paco is a good luck charm. At first it's great fun, but soon Paco is in so much demand to give everyone good fortune that the poor parrot is getting worn out. October 4, 2007
59 Paging Dr. Maya When a break from school comes, everyone looks forward to frittering away the days doing something fun and enjoyable. Maya's idea of "fun and enjoyable" is helping people. She tries to volunteer at the Community Center bingo game, but ends up accidentally wreaking havoc. When one of the bingo players recommends Maya volunteer for his daughter, Dr. Dasgupta the veterinarian, Maya jumps at the chance. She has a special bond with animals, after all. But when Maya mis-hears a conversation Dr. Dasgupta is having, she mistakenly believes that Dr. Dasgupta is going out of business. Eager to help her favorite vet, Maya launches a campaign to draw more business to Dr. Dasgupta's clinic... which works too well! Soon even elephants are lining up for treatment. Dr. Dasgupta is mortified... she wasn't planning on going out of business, she was planning on going on vacation! Fortunately, it all works out in the end when Maya calls in Dr. Dasgupta's father, who is also a veterinarian. May 4, 2007
60 Battle of the Birthdays Sick of having to share everything, Maya and Miguel opt to have separate birthday parties. Rosa and Santiago are taken aback at first, but agree to help each one plan the party of their dreams. Eager to attract more people to their parties, Maya and Miguel begin a game of one-upmanship, which culminates in them accidentally planning their parties at exactly the same time. Now all the guests must race back and forth between the two parties to catch the highlights. As the guests get more and more worn out, Maya and Miguel start to feel something's missing from their parties. They come to realize that the best thing is missing from both of their parties: each other. January 17, 2007
61 Say Cheese! School picture day is coming up and the girls are excited to look their best for the big day. But Maggie, much to her dismay, gets braces put on just before the shoot. Maya does everything she can to make things better for her friend, but nothing seems to be working. October 8, 2007
62 A House Divided Tired of constantly bumping into each other, Maya and Miguel opt to split the apartment in half. They run a piece of tape down the middle, and promise not to cross it under any circumstances. Unfortunately for Maya, the bathroom is on Miguel's side. Unfortunately for Miguel, the umbrellas are on Maya's side, and it's raining. Splitting the apartment turns out to be harder than they thought! When they are forced to work together on a diorama for school, they enlist Tito's help to move supplies back and forth between them, rather than cross the tape. During the project-making, Paco ends up in a bucket of paper machier, and Maya and Miguel finally cross the tape barrier to save him. In the end, they learn from Tito (an only child) what a gift it is to have a sibling. October 9, 2007
63 Every Day is Earth Day For a school Earth Day project, the kids decide to clean up an old lot and plant a community garden. But as the deadline approaches, a rainstorm hits, turning the patch of dirt into a muddy mess. April 21, 2006
64 The Big Idea Miguel's soccer team has made it to the championships, and he's nervous. Maya has a great idea to quell his nerves: intensive training the morning of the game. Miguel is skeptical of Maya's idea, worried that he might be late to catch the bus to the game, but Maya assures him she will keep him on schedule. Unfortunately, she fails; Miguel misses the bus. He fumes and blames Maya and her "big ideas", which always cause grief. Maya defends her big ideas, while also promising Miguel to get him to the game on time. Maya and Miguel go on a transportation-hopping adventure as they take trains, trucks, buses and finally a horse and carriage, in a desperate effort to get Miguel to the game on time. Through it all Maya asserts that the reason her ideas work is that she believes in the person she's trying to help. In the end they make it to the game, Miguel helps his team win the Championship, and finally admits that Maya's ideas are big and beautiful. January 19, 2007
65 I Love Maya Maya learns that Fabian's new play centers around a 10-year-old girl. Maya is determined to get the part... it's perfect for her! After all, she's a 10-year-old girl! She goes all out to convince Fabian that he should pick her, which he finally does. Maya's thrilled... until she learns that the main character sleeps through the whole play! She switches gears, trying to get others to swap roles with her, but fails. Finally she decides that sleeping in a bed is not her idea of acting, and quits the play. Rosa counsels her to see her commitments through, and a guilty Maya goes back to the auditorium, just in time to crawl into bed and be the "star" of the play. Despite the fact that she has no lines, Maya has fun, and learns the value of keeping her promises. October 10, 2007

See also

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