List of Lepidoptera that feed on Silene
Silene species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including:
- Monophagous species which feed exclusively on Silene
- Coleophora case-bearers:
- C. apicialbella
- C. nutantella
- C. otitae
- C. silenella
- Polyphagous species which feed on Silene among other plants
- Coleophora case-bearers:
- C. corsicella (recorded on S. nutans)
- C. leucapennella
- C. lithargyrinella (recorded on S. vulgaris)
- Cabbage Moth Mamestra brassicae
- Grey Chi Antitype chi
- Lime-speck Pug Eupithecia centaureata
- The Lychnis Hadena bicruris
- The Shark Cucullia umbratica