List of Japanese deities

This is a list of divinities native to Japanese beliefs and religious traditions. Many of these are from Shinto, while others were imported via Buddhism or Taoism and "integrated" into Japanese mythology and folklore.

Major kami

Minor kami


Further information: Japanese Buddhist pantheon

Seven Lucky Gods

Main article: Seven Lucky Gods

See also


  1. 平林, 章仁 (Akihito Hirabayashi) (1974). "『日本書紀』<大人>の用字について". 古代文化 (古代學協會). 26 (3): 161–. catalog "神を斎主する神を斎の大人とよんだと伝えるのであるが、斎主される神とは具体的神名は伝えられていないが、おそらく天神(天照大神)であったろう"