List of Itchy & Scratchy episodes

This is a list of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoons shown on The Simpsons. There are currently 87 of them.

100-Yard Gash

Title Pun: 100-Yard Dash
Simpsons Episode: "Lisa's First Word", Year: 1984, 1992
Synopsis: The scene is at an Olympic Games. A fanfare is heard, and then the theme for Chariots of Fire begins playing. Scratchy is participating in the 100-Yard Dash event. Shortly before the starting gun is sounded, Itchy drives a spike though Scratchy's tail with a sledgehammer, pinning Scratchy to the ground. Scratchy takes off skinless and wins the race. Later, his skeleton is shown on a Wheaties box. This is one of the few Itchy and Scratchy episodes in which Scratchy ends up happy in the end, as his skeleton expression of the Wheaties box is cheerful. At the end of the episode, there was a sign that said "Good Luck to our Athletes from Itchy & Scratchy, Official Animated Cat and Mouse Team of the 1984 Olympics."

500-Yard Gash

Title Pun: 500-Yard Dash
Simpsons Episode: The Simpsons: Hit & Run (video game), Year: 2003.
This episode, which seems to be loosely based on "100-Yard Gash" (see above), appears in the video game The Simpsons: Hit & Run once the player has collected all the collector cards. In this version, Itchy surreptitiously injects Scratchy with steroids just as the race is about to begin. At first, this makes Scratchy faster and stronger, allowing him to circle the earth several times in the time it takes Itchy to almost reach the finish line. However, the exertion takes its toll on Scratchy, and his heart literally explodes mere feet away from the finish line. The final scene shows Itchy on the winner's stand, holding Scratchy's head. This short is unique in that it was animated in cel-shaded 3D, like the rest of the game, as opposed to traditional animation.

500 Easy Pieces

Title Pun: Five Easy Pieces
Simpsons Episode: Butterfinger commercial This is an ad for Butterfinger. Itchy pokes the stethoscope into Scratchy's ear, then chomps roughly on the Butterfinger. Scratchy shatters into pieces.

A Briss Before Dying

Title Pun: A Kiss Before Dying
Simpsons Episode: "Today I Am a Clown", Year: 2003
Synopsis: Klezmer music. Itchy lies on a table, presumably for his ritual circumcision or brit milah, between a congregation of Jewish mice and Scratchy, who is saying a Hebrew prayer: "Baruch atah adonai, alohienu melech haholahm, boray pur" (a familiar blessing said over wine). Scratchy then pulls out a scalpel. Itchy jumps up on Scratchy's head, pulls his eyeballs out, and throws them out the window. Attacking Itchy, Scratchy cuts himself to pieces. Itchy picks them up and puts them through a mincer (the eyeballs reappear) and applies the product to the end of a tube, then blows it in a fireplace as if it were made of glass, turning it into a goblet. He wraps it and stamps on it while the other mice clap, shouting "Mousel Tov!" After the cartoon is over, Krusty says "And that's what I believe in now! Hoo-hoo-ha-ha-ha!"

Aah! Wilderness!

Title Pun: Ah, Wilderness!
Simpsons Episode: "Boy-Scoutz n the Hood", Year: 1993
Synopsis: Itchy nails Scratchy to the ground and uses him as a tent in order to shelter himself from the thunder storm. Scratchy is then struck by lightning multiple times.

Ain't I a Stinger?

Title Pun: Ain't I a stinker
Simpsons Episode: "Homer the Father" Year: 2010 Synopsis: Scratchy is working as a bee keeper. Itchy sucks up some bees using a vacuum cleaner. Itchy puts the nozzle in Scratchy's mouth and puts the setting from "suck" to "blow". It then shows an inside view of the bees forming a colony and making honey in Scratchy's stomach. Itchy shoves Scratchy into a cage with a grizzly bear inside. The bear samples the honey. He likes the sample, and using his claws, he claws up Scratchy in half and eats the rest of the honey.

Bang the Cat Slowly

Title Pun: Bang the Drum Slowly
Simpsons Episode: "Stark Raving Dad" Year: 1991 Synopsis: It's Scratchy's birthday. As a "gift", Itchy puts a bomb into a box and Scratchy screams, allowing Itchy to pull his tongue out and use it to wrap the box. Scratchy's tongue snaps back into his mouth and the box lodges itself in his throat. It explodes, launching his head and party hat into the air. His hat lands first on his neck, then his head falls and is impaled on the hat.

The Battle of Slaughter-Loo

Title Pun: Battle of Waterloo
Simpsons Episode: "The Wandering Juvie", Year: 2004
Synopsis: This cartoon was edited for prison viewing. Itchy and Scratchy lead two armies against each other. As they run towards each other on the battlefield, they pull out bigger and better weapons. As they collide, the episode cuts to Itchy declaring an end to "the spectacular 3D blood and gore!" Then the victorious (as usual) mice celebrate.

The Beagle Has Landed

Title Pun: The Eagle Has Landed
Simpsons Episode: "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show", Year: 1997
Synopsis: This episode marks the debut of Poochie. Itchy and Scratchy are in a car together on their way to a fireworks factory. On the way they run into their new "friend" Poochie (voiced by Homer Simpson). Poochie proceeds to rap about himself - declaring that he is half Joe Camel and one-third Fonzarelli - and finishes by telling children watching to "always recycle... to the extreme!". Poochie ends the cartoon by shouting, "Bust it!," taking Itchy and Scratchy's car, and driving past the fireworks factory. After the Simpson family, acquaintances relatives watched the episode, clueless Ned Flanders declares that "Homer, that was honestly the best episode of Impy & Chimpy that I've ever seen!"

Black & Blue Swan

Title Pun: Black Swan
Simpsons Episode: "The Ten-Per-Cent Solution", Year: 2011 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are performing ballet. Itchy then starts spinning Scratchy so fast that only half of his skeleton is left by the time Itchy finishes.

Bleeder of the Pack

Title Pun: Leader of the Pack
Simpsons Episode: "C.E. D'oh", Year: 2003 Synopsis: "Rock Around the Clock" on the soundtrack. Officer Scratchy is minding his own business, until troublemaker Itchy chains Scratchy's tail to the parking meter. Itchy then drives by in a little car, getting Scratchy's attention. Scratchy takes off on his motorcycle, chasing Itchy, and his skin gets torn off his body. Scratchy panics and lands in a bloody mess. Two mice deliver Scratchy in an ambulance to the plane (the controversial V-tail Beech Bonanza) that the Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, and Buddy Holly are riding. After Scratchy notices that the three have turned into vampires, the plane crashes. It references the fact that all three died in a plane crash.

The Buck Chops Here

Title Pun: The Buck Stops Here
Simpsons Episode: "Burns' Heir", Year 1994 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy take a tour of the federal mint. Itchy clobbers Scratchy with a bag full of money and prints Scratchy into money. Itchy circulates the Scratchy bills to smoking dogs at a tycoon convention, who burn them to light their cigars.

Burning Down the Mouse

Title Pun: "Burning Down the House"
Simpsons Episode: "Homer Goes to College", Year 1993

Burning Love

Title Pun: "Burning Love"
Simpsons Episode: "Krusty Gets Busted", Year: 1990 Synopsis: Scratchy is sleeping outside and Itchy fires a burning arrow at him, setting him alight.

Butter Off Dead

Title Pun: Better Off Dead
Simpsons Episode: "Little Girl in the Big Ten", Year: 2002 Synopsis: Farmer Itchy runs out of butter. As farmer Scratchy visits (both are dressed like Amish men, complete with beards), Itchy shoves Scratchy into a cow's mouth, and an inside view of the cow shows Scratchy being digested by its four stomachs. Itchy then milks the digested Scratchy out of the cow and pours the milk into a butter churn to create his own "I Can't Believe It's Not Scratchy!" butter. When he spreads this on his toast, Scratchy's eyeballs are seen, and after saying a quick prayer Itchy chomps down on the toast.

Notes: This episode of Itchy & Scratchy is (extremist) commentary on the lives of farmers being gradually eradicated by modern technology. It is also one of three I&S cartoons to be referred to by a production code assigned to a Simpsons episode; it is called "Episode CABF06", the production code for the Simpsons episode "Skinner's Sense of Snow," by the professor who uses it in his class. The other two such episodes, both called out in "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show," are referred to by codes 4F12 (the code for that very episode, in which Poochie leaves the show) and 2F09 (the code for "Homer the Great", which Homer's ex-college roommate Doug uses to point out an otherwise viewed as "silly" continuity error). Another fan at the Android's Dungeon begins to refer to another 4F production line I&S cartoon before Comic Book Guy interrupts him.

Candle in the Wound

Title Pun: "Candle in the Wind"
Simpsons Episode: "Treehouse of Horror IX", Year 1998 Synopsis: See Treehouse of Horror IX#The Terror of Tiny Toon. In a Holloween special, Itchy decapitates Scratchy's head and prepares to use it as a jack-o'-lantern. However, Bart and Lisa are trapped in the cartoon and are caught laughing at Scratchy's pain. As a result, the cat and mouse duo tend to teach the Simpson kids a lesson.


Title Pun: Ratatouille
Simpsons Episode: "Pay Pal", Year 2014 Synopsis: Itchy is controlling the mind of Scratchy, a chef in a restaurant frequented by cats. Itchy makes Scratchy use a knife to cut his intestines and fry them, remove his eyeballs to stir them and roll them into the cups, put nitrogen on them and put the cooked intestines and the eyeballs on the dish. (Itchy does the same with other chef cats before Scratchy.) Itchy sends the cats in the restaurant the dish, which they eat. Itchy then holds up a sign that says "You're eating cat." The cats all throw up, causing a massive buildup of dangerously explosive vomit (due to the nitrogen), in which all the cats drown.

The Cat's Speech

Title Pun: The King's Speech
Simpsons Episode: "The Ten-Per-Cent Solution" Year 2011 Synopsis: Scratchy is reading a speech for the cats that are at war in an animal-esque World War II. Itchy forces Scratchy to swallow some hot marbles, which form bleeding holes in his body and Scratchy screams in pain. Adolf Hitler comes in the room and flattens Scratchy's remains.

Cat Splat Fever

Title Pun: "Cat Scratch Fever"
Simpsons Episode: "Radio Bart", Year 1992 Synopsis: Scratchy thinks Itchy wants to take his own life by jumping into a well, and jumps in to save the mouse. Itchy never did though and Scratchy is eaten by an alligator inside the well. As Scratchy's ghost rises upwards, Itchy takes out his gun and shoots him. This episode is "Dedicated to Timmy O'Toole".

Cat's in the Cradle

Simpsons Episode: "Labor Pains", Year 2013 Synopsis: As Harry Chapin's "Cats in the Cradle" plays in the soundtrack, Itchy opens the door. He sees Scratchy (who was a black kitten) with a sign that says "Love Me". Itchy adopts him as his son and raises him with great love and affection. He dutifully sees his adopted son through all the usual milestones (first walking steps, teaching him how to drive, meeting his date to the high school prom). After many years the middle-aged Scratchy visits his adoptive father, Itchy gives him a present, a bomb, which blows Scratchy's head off. Itchy sheds a genuine tear, which he wipes away, genuinely saddened at having had to fulfill his pre-determined fate of always killing Scratchy.

Circus of the Scars

Title Pun: Circus of the Stars
Simpsons Episode: "The Bart Wants What It Wants" Year: 2002 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are trapeze artists in a circus. While swinging towards each others, Scratchy hanging with his hands, Itchy with his legs, Itchy pulls out two knives and cuts Scratchy's hands off. Scratchy falls on the safety net, which slices him into dices. An elephant standing there starts eating the pieces of Scratchy as if they were peanuts.

Note: Bart and his then-girlfriend Greta Wolfcastle watched this episode on a DVD. In the DVD commentary, Scratchy says that the episode was filmed at 4:00 A.M. and the crew was very cranky; Itchy shows up and cuts his head off.

Come Flay with Me

Title Pun: Come Fly with Me
Simpsons Episode: "He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs" Year: 2007 Synopisis: Scratchy is on a plane filled with Itchy-like mice. A large Itchy gives him less room. A baby Itchy screams in his ears, making them bleed. An Itchy attendant comes by and Scratchy's hand gets cut off. An Itchy passenger in front of him pulls the seat back, squeezing him. The attendant opens the luggage case and various weapons come out and attack Scratchy. The attendant says the passengers have to spend three more hours on the tarmac and Scratchy screams in horror. Notes: This episode of Itchy & Scratchy is actually a social commentary on the treatment airlines give their customers. In the Simpsons episode, which contained this short, Homer got to enjoy flying on corporate jets. What happened to Scratchy is a stark contrast to what the bigwigs enjoy.

Dazed and Contused

Title Pun: Dazed and Confused
Simpsons Episode: "The Front" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Itchy is hitting Scratchy, relatively gently, on the head with a mallet. Itchy laughs each time as Scratchy says "Ow". At the end they both say "Kids! Say no to drugs!" and smile. This is one of the few episodes in which Itchy doesn't kill Scratchy. (This extremely tepid episode of I&S is the one that prompted Bart and Lisa to write their own episodes.)

Deaf Comedy Blam!

Title Pun: Def Comedy Jam
Simpsons Episode: "In Marge We Trust" Year: 1997 Synopsis: Scratchy is an ear trauma patient. Itchy uses his stethoscope with his ears and stretches it until he reaches a French nuclear testing site. When the bomb explodes, the sound travels through the stethoscope until it reaches Scratchy and makes his head explode; another patient leans over to tell him to be quiet.

diePod Slaylist

Title Pun: iPod Playlist
Simpsons Episode: "Mypods and Boomsticks" Year: 2008 Synopsis: Itchy cranks up Scratchy's myPod volume so loud that it melts his brain. Itchy replaces Scratchy's brain with that of Albert Einstein. Scratchy invents the atomic bomb, then, upon realizing its destructive power, he invents a time machine and goes back in time to stop himself from inventing it. Just as he goes to warn himself, he realizes it's a trap; Itchy has replaced the old Scratchy with an A-bomb decoyed as Scratchy. Itchy watches from a distance as the A-bomb explodes and then enters his own time machine and heads for Studio 54, circa the 1970s. This episode was shown on Lisa Simpson's myPod (the episode was exclusive to myTunes).

Dogday Hellody of 1933

Title Pun: The Broadway Melody
Simpsons Episode: "How Munched is That Birdie in the Window?" Year: 2010 Synopsis: A court with Itchy as judge and a bunch of Scratchys as jurors is held against a dog, who is guilty for crimes against animals. Then Edward G. Robinson appears and shoots the dog with a machine gun, then Will Rogers hangs the dog with his lasso, then W. C. Fields appears to drink the dog's blood, after that Harpo Marx cut the dog's tongue and Bing Crosby appears and hits the dog with a bat, something the judge and the jurors all enjoy. This is one of the few episodes in which Scratchy doesn't die.

Downton Tabby

Title Pun: Downton Abbey
Simpsons Episode: "The Winter of His Content" Year: 2014 Synopsis: A group of cats, with a few mice, all apparently in a state of staid, formal equanimity, is seen in a fancy drawing room. An elderly mouse, looking to be in very bad shape, is wheeled into the drawing room. After a few minutes the elderly mouse revives himself and the mice immediately murder all the cats, mostly by decapitation.

Esophagus Now

Title Pun: Apocalypse Now
Simpsons Episode: "Lisa the Vegetarian" Year: 1995 Synopsis: Scratchy is dining at a restaurant and orders a steak. Itchy is the waiter and while Scratchy is putting on his napkin Itchy sneaks under the table and shaves off a section of Scratchy's fur pulling out his stomach without him noticing. Itchy serves it as rare steak decorated with an olive. Scratchy starts to eat it but the chunk he chews on goes down his throat and out his stomach back onto the plate. This situation is repeated three more times. Itchy hands Scratchy the bill (which is $100). When Scratchy sees the bill, he shrieks and his head explodes.

Note: James L. Brooks, on the commentary for "Lisa the Vegetarian", commented that the concept came from a story that he had written during high school, but not being able to fit in a suitable ending, the writers just stuck in a simple, tongue-in-cheek concept of Scratchy's head exploding from the impact of the over-expensive bill.

Field of Screams

Title Pun: Field of Dreams
Simpsons Episode: "Like Father, Like Clown" Year: 1991 Synopsis: Scratchy and his son are playing catch in the park. They are killed by Itchy and his son with a combine. Itchy and son play catch using Scratchy's head as the ball. Krusty comments on how sweet the ending scene is.

Flay Me to the Moon

Title Pun: Fly Me to the Moon
Simpsons Episodes: "Homer the Heretic", "Another Simpsons Clip Show" Year: 1992 Synopsis: Scratchy reads of a space launch in the paper. Itchy sneaks into his house, and pulls his tongue out like a fishing-line, runs outside and ties it to the spaceship. It takes off, with Scratchy's tongue unwinding to enormous proportions until the vessel orbits the moon twice and ties a knot around it with the tongue. This pulls the moon towards the earth, and Scratchy only noticing now, panics and hides in his closet. The moon crushes his house with him inside. Inside NASA headquarters, 'Itchy' mice celebrate a successful mission and drink champagne.

Notes: This episode is one of the most popular and well-known, being shown in two episodes. In the episode "Another Simpsons Clip Show", Marge asks whether Bart and Lisa have seen this episode before. Bart replies "It's a new episode", referring to the fact that the episode had been shown before. Lisa then adds that it is "new" to the eyes of impressionable youth. In the other episode, Homer and the kids are watching the episode before church.

Foster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

Title Pun: Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Simpsons Episode: "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily" Year: 1995 Synopsis: Scratchy is reading a newspaper. As he hears his doorbell ring, he sees Itchy at the door, disguised as a baby. The minute Scratchy picks up Itchy, Itchy breaks a glass bottle in half and stabs Scratchy with it. Itchy steals Scratchy's TV and runs off, with Scratchy saying his last words: "Why, my only son?"

Note: This episode was the first viewed by Ned Flanders and his family. Lisa and Bart laugh at the end but Rod makes no attempt to mask his fear, and asks his father, "What was coming out of kitty's ear?" Ned unconvincingly answers, "Uh ... um ... raspberry jam."

Four Funerals and a Wedding

Title Pun: Four Weddings and a Funeral
Simpsons Episode: "A Star Is Burns" Year: 1995 Synopsis: Scratchy is getting married to a girl cat. During the ceremony Itchy replaces the bride with one made entirely of explosives, and lights the fuses. We see Scratchy kissing his newlywed wife, feeding her with wedding cake. After this we see Scratchy sitting on a sofa next to his wife, while two children, also made entirely of explosives are playing on the floor. Finally, we can see old Scratchy, with his wife, still fuses ignited, sitting calmly on the porch of an old folks home in rocking chairs. His wife finally explodes, taking Scratchy with her. Old Itchy runs to the scene, laughing at Scratchy's burnt remains, but later grasps his chest, grunts and falls to the floor, dead. This is one of the very few episodes in which Itchy dies.

NOTE: This short won the Springfield Film Festival Award for Outstanding Animated Short.

From Here to Infirmity

Title Pun: From Here to Eternity
Simpsons Episode: "HOMR" Year: Circa early 1960s Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are kissing on a beach when Itchy drags in a shark and Scratchy kisses it instead. The shark tears him apart and the director of the show stops it for the commercials. While advertising Laramie Cigarettes, Itchy starts smoking a cigarette and a mutilated Scratchy soon joins him. The episode ends with Itchy, Scratchy and their Rochester-esque butler coughing up their lungs.

Germs of Endearment

Title Pun: Terms of Endearment
Simpsons Episode: "Marge in Chains" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Scratchy visits Dr. Itchy and wants Itchy to do a tonsillectomy exam on him. Itchy opens Scratchy's mouth and ties Scratchy's organs to a brick and tosses the brick out the window. Scratchy dives out the window and puts his organs back where they belong, and lands on a cactus.

The Glass Moan-agerie

Title Pun: The Glass Menagerie
Simpsons Episode: "Girly Edition" Year: 1998 Synopsis: Scratchy applies for an apprenticeship with Itchy, who runs a store selling glass sculpture. Itchy accepts the offer, and tosses him into a kiln. After Itchy blows Scratchy into a glass "NO VACANCY" sign for a motel, he sits and admires his finished work while sipping a drink with a female mouse in the pool.

Good Cats, Bad Choices

Title Pun: Good kids, bad choices (a phrase sometimes used by parenting advisors)
Simpsons Episode: "Bart After Dark" Year: 1996 Synopsis: The setting is a talk show, and Scratchy is the guest. "Says mouse friend mistreats him" reads the caption. Backstage, Itchy feels he is the victim, and goes on-stage with a broken bottle. Scratchy "doesn't know slashing is imminent", but panics when reading this last caption. Itchy then comes on to the stage and attempts to kill Scratchy with the bottle, but the episode is then interrupted by Kent Brockman who reported on an oil spill.

The Great Brawl of China

Title Pun: Great Wall of China
Simpsons Episode: "Angry Dad: The Movie" Year: 2011 Synopsis: Styled as per a martial-arts movie (and spoken primarily in Chinese with English subtitles), the plot proceeds in the following chapter-based format:

Chapter 1: Scratchy and his father harvest rice in medieval China. Emperor Itchy rides up to them and demands Scratchy's father's hat. When the old cat denies him, Itchy slices his head off. Scratchy vows revenge.

Chapter 2: Scratchy seeks out a monk to train him in the arts of warfare. He is ultimately deemed ready after several years of training.

Chapter 3: At last, Scratchy arrives at a (now-elderly) Itchy's palace. Though Emperor Itchy warns him to "Enter … and die", Scratchy gains the upper hand early and is about to dismember his foe when his mentor appears behind him and reminds him that a warrior can have no greater weapon than a capacity for mercy. Scratchy thanks his master for freeing him from his desire for revenge that enslaved him. However, the monk promptly sheds his costume and reveals himself to be Itchy's son, who sends Scratchy into the air. Itchy dices Scratchy into several small pieces, and the two mice eat Scratchy with chopsticks.

Hold That Feline

Title Pun: Hold that line, college football cheer in common use before World War II
Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" Year: 1990 Synopsis: Maggie sneaks up behind Homer and hits him on the head with a mallet. Marge is initially clueless as to what would motivate Maggie to do such a deed, but then notices that, when Maggie sees an episode of The Itchy & Scratchy Show, a cartoon which is known for its violence, she mimics its content. The "Itchy and Scratchy" episode itself features a lot of explosives-related violence.

Hoop Screams

Title Pun: Hoop Dreams
Simpsons Episode: "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life" Year: 2010 Synopsis: A basketball game between teams of Itchies and Scratchies is about to begin. As a zebra referee tosses the ball into the air for the opening jump, the center Itchy takes out a knife and decapitates the center Scratchy, whose head is caught by another Itchy, who tosses it to a teammate. The teammate jumps to attach the Scratchy head below the rim of the basket with its mouth open to conform to the rim. Another Itchy dribbles down the court and removes the skin of the basketball to reveal a lit bomb which he slam dunks into the Scratchy head. The bomb falls through the neck opening of the headless Scratchy and explodes, sending body parts scattering. The Itchys cheer. As another Scratchy watches in disgust, an Itchy decapitates him and, with the help of a teammate, lifts him and pours his blood over the head of the Itchy coach as is often done with Gatorade.

House of Pain (also called "This Old Mouse")

Title Pun: House of Pain/This Old House
Simpsons Episode: "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" Year: 1991 Synopsis: Itchy impales and kills Scratchy, who is tied to a wooden column, with a nail. A picture of the duo hangs ironically on the column.

I'm Getting Buried in the Morning

Title Pun: I'm getting married in the morning, first line of "Get Me to the Church on Time" from My Fair Lady
Simpsons Episode: "Bart's Friend Falls in Love" Year: 1992 Synopsis: It's Scratchy's wedding and Itchy is the minister. After the wedding, Itchy uses his reverend hat as a boomerang to cut the bride's head of which Scratchy was holding on to and then himself. The cartoon ends with Itchy driving off with his car with the heads of Scratchy and his wife.

It's a Wonderful Knife

Title Pun: It's a Wonderful Life
Simpsons Episode: "White Christmas Blues" Year: 2013 Synopsis: In a monochrome animation, Scratchy runs through a town, and passing Itchy's house, he wishes a merry Christmas to Itchy, who decapitates Scratchy's head with Christmas lights and pulls out his eye with a nutcracker. Krusty blocks all the rest of the show, because it's Christmas and he is supposed to block anything violent.

Itchy & Scratchy meet Fritz the Cat

Title Pun: Fritz the Cat
Simpsons Episode: "The Day the Violence Died", Year: 1996, Synopsis: An X-rated 1970s-style I&S cartoon. Scratchy is attempting to pick up a prostitute when he sees Itchy driving by in a car. When Itchy gets out of the car, Itchy pours gasoline on him and sets him alight with a cigarette. While Scratchy is burning Itchy drives off with the prostitute. The only known version of the cartoon is a bootleg video that Comic Book Guy owned. It was presumably only available in bootleg form "because of its frank depiction of sex and narcotic consumption". Despite the title, Fritz the Cat does not actually appear in the cartoon, but since Bart and Lisa entered Comic Book Guy's store where the film was playing and because he switched the film off before the viewer could see what Itchy and the prostitute did next, it can be assumed that Bart and Lisa and us, as the viewers, only saw a few scenes of what's perhaps a longer film where Fritz the Cat might have appeared or appear.

Itchy & Scratchy Movie Trailer

Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie", Year: 1992
Synopsis: Is the promotional trailer for "The Itchy and Scratchy Movie" (Movie plot, see below) Itchy shaves Scratchy fur off, scribbles his face with a marker and blows his brain out. Also shown some "scenes" from the movie: Itchy has Scratchy tied to a log on a conveyor belt, moving toward a circular saw; and Itchy dress up some dynamite as a "female cat", who Scratchy falls in love with. At the end of the trailer, a voiceover says: "53 percent new footage".

Note: The "new footage" promoted is a nod to Warner Bros. and Looney Toons movies such as Daffy Duck's Fantastic Island that were released from the 1970s through late 1980s. Those movies featured framing animation centered around a theme. In the case of Fantistic Island, the theme centered around the TV series Fantasy Island.

Itchy the Lucky Mouse in: Manhattan Madness

Title Pun: Mouse in Manhattan, one of the first Tom and Jerry cartoons
Simpsons Episode: "The Day the Violence Died", Year 1919
Synopsis: The very first Itchy cartoon (in canon) parodying both the Tom and Jerry short "Mouse in Manhattan" and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit name. The plot revolves Itchy (looking noticeably different due to this cartoon being drawn by Itchy's original creator Chester J. Lampwick) strutting around Manhattan while decides to hurt people throughout the day. The victims include an Irish man (who is rung through an old washing machine starting with his beard) and Theodore Roosevelt (decapitated with an axe). Itchy winks at the screen and the cartoon ends with credits posed by Lampwick.

Kitchen Kut-Ups

Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" Year: 1990 Synopsis: After bonking each other with mallets, Itchy stabs Scratchy with a knife, then chases him with an eggbeater.

Kitty-Kill Condition

Title Pun: Critical condition
Simpsons Episode: "The Heartbroke Kid" Year: 2005 Synopsis: Scratchy visits a mouse cardiologist (Itchy). When a female mouse brings Scratchy in for a stress test, Itchy speeds up the treadmill, building up Scratchy's stress, to the point Scratchy has a heart attack. Itchy takes out Scratchy's heart and the heart runs all over the treatment room. Itchy catches the heart, sticks dynamite in it and puts the heart back in Scratchy's belly. Itchy shows a picture of him with Scratchy's wife, causing Scratchy to die. During Scratchy's funeral, the dynamite explodes, killing all the cat mourners.

Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

Title Pun: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Simpsons Episode: "Brother from the Same Planet" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are at a bowling alley. Itchy pulls Scratchy's tongue into the ball returner. Itchy then lights a bomb and bowls it down to the end. As the bomb comes back up the returner, Scratchy tries sawing his tongue in half to save himself, but the bomb appears before him and explodes. Itchy sells Scratchy's remains to dogs who are seen eating them.

Koyaanis-Scratchy: Death Out of Balance

Title Pun: Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance
Simpsons Episode: "Stealing First Base" Year: 2010 Synopsis: At the Grand Canyon, Itchy cuts Scratchy's head off and throws it over the edge. Scratchy's headless body begins to chase the severed head. After a while, it reaches the Hoover Dam, and is carried of by an eagle. After much time passes (shown by a set of time lapses), Scratchy's body finally finds its head, which had two eagle eggs planted in its neck. When he puts the head back on his body, a pair of baby eagles burst out of his eyeballs. Then, Itchy shoots Scratchy with a shotgun, splattering his guts everywhere.

La Mort d'un Chat sur la Lune

Title Pun: A Trip to the Moon Simpsons Episode: "Moe Letter Blues" Year: 2010 Synopsis: Itchy (the director) and Scratchy (the camera operator) film a silent movie where some mice are headed to the moon but there are problems. First Scratchy runs out of film. Itchy cuts open Scratchy's intestines and feeds it into the camera. While the camera is rolling, the mice get into the rocket ship. At a critical moment, the moon falls. To solve this problem, Itchy decapitates Scratchy's head and uses it as the new moon. Filming resumes for a final time, Itchy launches the rocket and it lands on the moon taking out Scratchy's right eye in the process.

Let Them Eat Scratchy

Title Pun: Let them eat cake
Simpsons Episode: "Bart Gets an F" Year: 1990 Synopsis Scratchy is chasing Itchy, armed with a sword, until Itchy cuts off Scratchy's head using a guillotine. Itchy sticks dynamite in Scratchy's mouth and Scratchy's head explodes.

Little Barbershop of Horrors

Title Pun: Little Shop of Horrors
Simpsons Episode: The Front Year 1993 Synopsis: Scratchy goes to a barber shop for a haircut, with Itchy as the barber. In the first sketch, Itchy is about to cut Scratchy's hair, but cuts Scratchy's head off instead with the razor and dances around a red, bloody fountain on Scratchy's body. In the second sketch, Itchy pours barbecue sauce on Scratchy, whose head is eaten by ants which Itchy releases on him, leaving behind only his skull. Itchy propels Scratchy and his chair into the air, and into Elvis Presley's television. Elvis comments that "This show ain't no good", pulls out a revolver, and shoots the TV. First chapter that is written by Bart and Lisa. This is the only episode so far to have an ending theme performed by Maggie Roswell (the song is similar to the opening, only in a piano version). This episode was created by Bart and Lisa Simpson, but the viewers think that Abraham Simpson wrote it.

Messenger of Death

Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" Year: 1990 Synopsis: Itchy blows Scratchy's head off with a bazooka. Later, Itchy puts out Scratchy's eyes with a mallet, inserting two cherry bombs in their places. Scratchy then goes to the bathroom to comb his hair when the bombs explode and Scratchy is blown up.

Moo Goo Gai Pain

Title Pun: Moo goo gai pan
Simpsons Episode: "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore" Year: 2004 Synopsis: Scratchy notices an "All You Can Eat Cat Special" at a Chinese restaurant; unfortunately, he's on the menu. The result, Itchy chops him up, sprinkles MSG on his pieces, and then eaten by the customers (all mice), leaving his head (showing a relieved Scratchy). An hour later, hungry again, the mice customers eat Scratchy's head, leaving his skull intact.

Mouse M.D.

Title Pun House M.D.
Simpsons Episode: Postcards from the Wedge Year: 2010 Synopsis: Scratchy comes to the clinic because of a sore paw. Itchy (with a beard reminiscent of that of Dr. House) first saws off his legs, then cuts out his heart, all with "Teardrop" playing in the background.

My Bloody Valentine

Title Pun: My Funny Valentine
Simpsons Episode: "I Love Lisa" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy give each other Valentine's Day gifts. Scratchy gives Itchy a heart-shaped card. Itchy gives Scratchy the cat's own real heart. At home, Scratchy reads a newspaper saying he needs a heart to stay alive but dies before he can reach it on his mantelpiece (in the background Act II of Alexander Borodin's "Polovtsian Dances" is playing).

My Dinner with Itchy

Title Pun: My Dinner with Andre
Simpsons Episode: "Homer Defined" Year: 1991 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are dining at a fine restaurant and are about to drink wine. Scratchy drinks the wine first, thus learning that Itchy actually gave him carbonic acid. After noticing his lower body is nothing but his own skeleton, Itchy removes the cloth covering the label "ACID" and then throws his "wine" into Scratchy's eyes. Screaming in pain, Scratchy runs into the street where he is run over by a streetcar.

Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors

Synopsis: This episode was only referenced, in the episode "Itchy & Scratchy Land". While we do not know for sure if it is an I&S cartoon, we do know that Roger Meyers Sr. produced it in 1938, and was the one exception to his being "beloved by the world".

O Solo Meow

Title Pun: "O Sole Mio"
Simpsons Episode: "When Flanders Failed" Year: 1991 Synopsis: Scratchy is at an Italian-type restaurant, Itchy serves Scratchy spaghetti with a bomb. Scratchy eats the food, and while swallowing, notices the fuse. Panicking, Scratchy runs out, hits his head to the door frame, and is beheaded. The rest of his body runs out and explodes. This is one of the only episodes of the show to include closing credits, but the credits from this one has a similar version to the theme song as BGM.


Title Pun: Up
Simpsons Episode: "Loan-a Lisa" Year: 2010 Synopsis: Scratchy gets married to a female cat. Then they view clouds shaped like Disney/Pixar characters from a hill, become elderly, repeat the cloud-watching sequence in elderly form but get shot by Itchy. Scratchy's wife's name is revealed to be Mrs. Scratchy on her gravestone. They fly up towards Heaven but get sucked into a vacuum cleaner by Itchy. He throws out the vacuum bag and sets it on fire with Scratchy and Mrs. Scratchy inside it.

Par for the Corpse

Title Pun(s): Par for the Corps, Par for the Course
Simpsons Episode: "Blame It on Lisa" Year: 2002 Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy play golf. Itchy uses Scratchy's head as the golf ball, which he hits to the moon.


Title Pun: Pinocchio
Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy Land" Synopsis: Scratchy, a woodworker, has just finished making a wooden doll that looks just like Itchy. Scratchy tells the wooden doll (Pinitchio) not to lie. Pinitchio promises that he will never hurt Scratchy. Immediately afterwards, however, Pinitchio's wooden nose grows several feet, its razor-sharp point impaling Scratchy's head. Scratchy screams in pain.

Planet of the Aches

Title Pun: Planet of the Apes
Simpsons Episode: "Bart of Darkness" Year: 1994 Synopsis: A season finale episode of The Itchy & Scratchy Show featured on the season finale of The Krusty the Klown Show. The plot involves Itchy placing Scratchy behind a cinderblock wall and sealing him inside. Three millennia later, futuristic Itchy-like mice (with large bulging heads with visible brains) open up the wall with lasers. They find Scratchy now feeble, emaciated and bearded. The mice nurse helps Scratchy back to health, dress him and groom him with their telekinetic powers. Lastly, he is taken to a large Flavian-esque amphitheater where all the mice smile indulgently. They then use their telekinetic powers to launch blades and knives at Scratchy, dismembering him as the audience applauds.

Note: After the cartoon ends, Krusty announces he will be leaving for the remainder of the summer, and that episodes of Klassic Krusty would follow. True to his word, we cut to the February 9th, 1961 edition of the show where Krusty and AFL/CIO President George Meany discuss collective bargaining agreements. Ironically, this episode of Itchy & Scratchy aired during the premiere of Season 6. This episode was meant to be the actual season 5 finale, but held over as a season premiere. Also, this episode followed the debut of the NFL on FOX as the network took over the NFC package from CBS.

Porch Pals

Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" Year: 1990 Synopsis: This lovey-dovey Itchy and Scratchy cartoon is the antithesis to the violent Itchy and Scratchy cartoons. Itchy and Scratchy drink lemonade on the porch, dancing together and at the end of the episode, Scratchy reads Itchy a bedtime story. It featured special introductory titles with a new theme song indicating the pair now "Love and Share" (we can literally see Itchy has a heart and Scratchy with some wrapped gifts) instead of "Fight and Bite". This may have also been the first I&S cartoon where the pair actually speak, using radically different voices from those heard later in the series, and their pupils are larger than usual.

Remembrance of Things Slashed

Title Pun: Remembrance of Things Past
Simpsons Episode: "The Day the Violence Died" Year: 1996 Synopsis: Itchy is upset after reading the newspaper saying that Scratchy has died of an illness. Scratchy comes back as a ghost to haunt Itchy. Itchy tries to stab Scratchy but the knife goes through him. Itchy then sucks him up with a vacuum cleaner and blows him out into the freezer. When Scratchy is frozen solid, Itchy chips the eyes out and uses them as ice cubes in his drink. This episode was shown in honor of Itchy & Scratchy's 75th anniversary.

Reservoir Cats

Title Pun: Reservoir Dogs
Simpsons Episode: "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious" Year: 1997 Synopsis: In this episode, a pastiche of the Quentin Tarantino feature film Reservoir Dogs, Itchy is seen splashing gasoline over Scratchy and cutting his ear off with a straight razor to Stealer's Wheel's "Stuck in the Middle with You" (as in Reservoir Dogs).

A cartoon Quentin Tarantino then appears and says, "What I'm trying to say in this cartoon is that violence is everywhere in our society; you know, it's like even in breakfast cereals, man..." At that point, Itchy sharpens his razor and chops Tarantino's head off. Itchy and Scratchy high-four and dance around Tarantino's freshly decapitated body, similar to a dance scene in his film Pulp Fiction.

Roses Are Red, Violence is Due

Title Pun: Roses are red
Simpsons Episode: "The Daughter Also Rises" Year: 2012 Synopsis: Itchy pretends to offer Scratchy a dozen roses, but instead takes out Scratchy's heart, then opens it and stuffs it with Scratchy's eyeballs, tongue and teeth. Itchy closes Scratchy's heart, ties it with Scratchy's intestines, and gives it to him. Scratchy likes the present but dies from his injuries.

Safety Last

Title Pun: Safety First
Shown exclusively with The Simpsons Ride Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy show guests what can happen to them if they do not follow ride rules as a female voice over goes over several safety tips before boarding the ride, as 'legally required' introduced by Sideshow Bob. Scratchy is ready to run into the ride room when Itchy nails his tail to the floor, causing his skin to be ripped off. The loud speaker tells riders to walk (not run) when the doors open. Itchy and Scratchy place their loose articles against the ride room walls (all fragile items must be leaned against the wall and loose items must be carried safely), and Scratchy bangs his head while trying to enter the vehicle, followed by Itchy banging him with a mallet. Scratchy puts his arm around his girlfriend and his hand gets close to Itchy. Annoyed, Itchy then pulls Scratchy's arm outside and around the ride vehicle and closes the doors causing Scratchy's arm to be sliced off (riders must remain seated and keep their arms and legs inside at all times). Scratchy begins to take photographs on the ride, causing multiple giant missiles to be shot at him as no taking of photography is allowed, destroying his camera and burning off his skin. Itchy safely puts his camera in his pocket. The episode ends with the voiceover saying, "Thanks for your attention. Enjoy the ride!" and a list of the safety reminders that the riders should remember.

Scar Trek: The Next Laceration

Title Pun: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Simpsons Episode: "Deep Space Homer" Year: 1994 Synopsis: Scratchy is cruising in his spaceship. Itchy pops out of his stomach and tosses Scratchy into the airlock and hits the "Blow Hatch" button. Scratchy quickly dons his spacesuit before being blown out into space. Itchy then emerges from the ship in a space pod like that of 2001: A Space Odyssey and cuts Scratchy in half using Saturn's rings (which act as a sawblade), then removes Scratchy's space helmet, causing Scratchy's head to inflate. Itchy then punctures Scratchy's inflated head with a pin, causing blood to splatter everything in the scene and spell out "THE END". A warning appears after the cartoon, announcing: The preceding program contained scenes of extreme violence and should not have been viewed by young children.


Title Pun: Fantasia
Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy Land" Year: 1994 Synopsis: Scratchy appears as a sorcerer's apprentice (like Mickey Mouse in Fantasia), brandishing an axe. He attacks Itchy, which splits him into several smaller Itchies, who then attack Scratchy. Scratchy attacks again, chopping, until the Itchies are nothing more than pink powder. He sighs and accidentally inhales the powder. Inside his body, countless microscopic Itchies attack his cells with axes, killing him.

Screams from a Mall

Title Pun: Scenes from a Mall
Simpsons Episode: "The Front" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Scratchy is shopping at a mall. Itchy nails his feet to the escalator. Scratchy gets caught in the escalator and gets his fur torn off. Itchy sells Scratchy's fur at a fur shop. A rich couple buys Scratchy's fur and Scratchy takes his fur back. He leaves the mall, only to be beaten by animal rights activists for wearing fur. This was the second episode to be created by Bart and Lisa Simpson, and in the viewers' point of view, the second episode to be written by Abraham Simpson.

Skinless in Seattle

Title Pun: Sleepless in Seattle
Simpsons Episode: "Bart Sells His Soul" Year: 1995 Synopsis: Scratchy is supposed to meet his lover at the Space Needle, but this is actually yet another of Itchy's schemes to kill Scratchy. Itchy throws down a penny but it misses Scratchy, who is lovesick for his mystery lover and oblivious to Itchy's attempted murder. Miniature souvenir Space Needles also fail to kill Scratchy; instead they form an ironic heart shape around him. Visibly annoyed, Itchy then saws off the top half of the Space Needle, which hits Scratchy in the eye as he looks up. Scratchy runs around in agony with half the Space Needle stuck in his eyeball.

As a result of having sold his soul to Milhouse days prior, a distracted Bart remarks: "I know that that's funny, but I am just not laughing."

Slaughter is the Best Medicine

Title Pun: Laughter is the Best Medicine
Station identification shown for Sky1 in the United Kingdom. Synopsis: Scratchy walks down the street and sees a painted sign on the ground reading "UNSAFE". He steps forward onto a square reading "SAFE". Due to a pun, Itchy throws a pile of safes onto Scratchy, crushing him. He is taken to the hospital where he is relieved to see a sign that seems to read "A&E" (which shows that this is a British ident—in America, the A&E, or Accident and Emergency, is called ER) -- which soon turns out to be "SUPER KILLING LASER". The laser is turned on Scratchy, who appears unscathed, until the Sky1 "crystalline" logo falls down and squashes him. He stands up and finally tries to run as the logo is zapped with the laser, causing the logo to shatter into shards, slicing him into pieces.

The Social Petwork

Title Pun: The Social Network
Simpsons Episode: "The Ten-Per-Cent Solution" Year: 2011 Synopsis: Scratchy is practicing rowing in a rowing tank. Itchy attacks Scratchy, leaving him unconscious. He scoops out Scratchy's guts and then we see Itchy rowing down a stream with Scratchy as the boat. Then a note comes up, which reads: "Scratchy sued over being turned into a canoe and won 65 million dollars. He was given a sack with a dollar sign on it, but when he opened the sack, he saw a bomb with a lit fuse. He threw the bomb out the window and got a relieved look on his face. However, the bomb landed on a trampoline held up by mice firemen, bounced back into the room, and killed him."

The Sound of Silencers

Title Pun: "The Sound of Silence"
Simpsons Episode: "Bart the Murderer" Year: 1991 Mimicking the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, various suspect cat criminals, including Scratchy, are up against a wall. Itchy, disguised as a policeman, shoots Scratchy and the other cats until they all bleed heavily. Itchy pauses, and shoots another cat writing "THE END" on the cat's bloody body using his gun. After the short, local mobsters Fat Tony and his boys start laughing, ending with Fat Tony saying, "It's funny because it's true."

Spay Anything

Title Pun: Say Anything
Simpsons Episode: "Cape Feare" Year: 1993 Synopsis: Scratchy walks along Itchy's Cat Hospital and looks at a sign that says "We Pay Your Pet $75". The minute Scratchy enters the hospital, Itchy reveals the sign actually says "We Spay Your Pet $75"! Two bulldogs strap Scratchy to a table and Itchy turns on the spaying mechanism — a giant laser. To save himself, Scratchy has to use James Bond-like maneuvers to deactivate the machine, using his tongue to unplug it. He feels relieved, but Itchy plugs the machine in again and the laser slices Scratchy to pieces. In a deleted scene shown on the DVD, Itchy sews Scratchy back together, then gives Scratchy the medical bill. After Scratchy sees the bill, he shoots himself.

Spherical on 34th Street

Title Pun: Miracle on 34th Street
Simpsons Episode: "Funeral for a Fiend" Year: 2007 Synopsis: During the Thanksgiving Day Parade, Itchy fills Scratchy up with hydrogen, turning him into a parade balloon. Itchy then fires a flaming arrow at Scratchy. After 10 commercials from the Krusty the Clown show which the Simpsons could ignore, thanks to TiVo, Scratchy explodes and his guts spray the street and Itchy, as a reporter, shouts, "Oh, the hilarity!", a parody of the exclamation made famous after the Hindenburg disaster by Herbert Morrison: "Oh, the Humanity!" After that, the mice Pilgrims eat a chunk of Scratchy's body.

Steamboat Itchy

Title Pun: Steamboat Willie
Simpsons Episodes: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" and "The Day the Violence Died" Synopsis: First to show Itchy and Scratchy together. Essentially a parody of Steamboat Willie. It starts with Itchy cheerfully piloting an anthropomorphically happy steamboat (in the Mickey Mouse role and design). Scratchy (in Pete's role) joins him blissfully. Itchy shoots Scratchy's legs off at the knees with a Tommy Gun and shoves his head in the furnace. It then ends with an iris in on Scratchy's burned head and Itchy laughing at the cat's burned head. The only line in this cartoon was said by Itchy: "Oh me, oh my!"

Sundae Bloody Sundae

Title Pun: Sunday Bloody Sunday
Simpsons Episode: "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" Year: 1991 Synopsis: Itchy is working as a soda jerk. Scratchy comes along and orders a drink. Itchy puts Scratchy into a glass and blends him into a drink. Note: The title pun listed would be used again in the episode "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday" which is an actual Simpsons episode.

Tears of a Clone

Title Pun: The Tears of a Clown
Simpsons Episode: "Little Big Mom" Year: 2000 Synopsis: Scratchy has recently died, and mourners (including Poochie) visit his coffin at a funeral. Itchy is depressed and alcoholic without Scratchy, and reminisces about all the times he killed him. He notices a newspaper headline about a cloned sheep (resembling Dolly the cloned sheep) and he decides to make clones of Scratchy. He builds a cloning machine, then using a sample of Scratchy's blood from a meat cleaver, he makes Scratchy clones. As the clones come out from the machine, Itchy kills them all using various weapons. He can't keep up with the rate of the machine, and after getting tired of killing Scratchy by hand, he builds a killing machine and puts it directly after the cloning machine. When the blood of the clones sprays out of the machine it spells "THE END" on the wall.

That Happy Cat

Simpsons Episode: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" Year: Synopsis: The first Scratchy cartoon. Scratchy, in a 1920s style cartoon, walks down the street whistling while wearing a hat. He stops and tips his hat forward, rocks backwards and forwards, then continues walking. The cartoon was 14 seconds long and, in-universe, is described by Kent Brockman (who is narrating a feature on the "Itchy & Scratchy" franchise) as having done "very poorly."

To Kill a Talking Bird

Title Pun: To Kill a Mockingbird
Simpsons Episode: "Jaws Wired Shut" Year: 2002 Synopsis: This is a cinema notice. Itchy and Scratchy and the other animals in the theater's audience grow annoyed with a duck talking too loudly on his cell phone. Itchy and Scratchy replace the duck's phone with dynamite, killing it. The meaning of this sequence is that cell phones must be turned off during the feature presentation of the film. After the explosion, the duck is a skeleton and says "uh-oh". Then, Itchy removes Scratchy's intestines from his body to write "Please No Talking" on the screen, which reminds audience to be quiet during the feature presentation.

The Un-Natural

Title Pun: The Natural
Simpsons Episode: "I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" Year: 2007 Synopsis: Scratchy strikes out and meets Itchy who suggests he should use steroids. Scratchy hesitates as he could develop health problems and Itchy claims he could have millions of dollars. Scratchy takes them and hits a home run that goes all the way to the North Pole. Scratchy becomes famous but six years later, he is uncovered. Scratchy goes to court and pleads guilty. The effects of the steroids turn Scratchy into a walking disaster and he destroys the whole courthouse. The Lincoln Monument comes to life and rips off his head then hits it for a home run. Mice paparazzi arrive to take a picture of Scratchy's head on display at the Hall of Fame podium. Kent Brockman interrupts the cartoon for a status on the prison escape. According to Brockman, this episode of the "Itchy & Scratchy Show" won an Annie Award.

What's Nuked, Pussycat?

Title Pun: What's New Pussycat?
Simpsons Episode: "Fraudcast News" Year: 2004 In an episode written and directed by C. Montgomery Burns, Scratchy is protesting outside the Nuclear Power Plant, when Itchy spears him with a forklift truck, telling Scratchy about the benefits of nuclear power, such as generating energy for the local orphanage and hospital. When Scratchy suggests that wind power is cheap and safe, Itchy chops Scratchy's head off with the blades of a wind turbine. An eagle flies into shot, looking like (and voiced by) Mr. Burns, telling viewers that "Nuclear power is your friend, and so is Monty Burns". Scratchy's head tells viewers, "Don't end up like me. Vote Republican", with Itchy saying "God Bless America!" before adding, "This cartoon was made in Korea".

Why Do Fools Fall in Lava?

Title Pun: Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
Simpsons Episode: "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show" Year: 1997 Synopsis: Scratchy pays Itchy for a bungee jump in the volcano, and Itchy cuts open Scratchy's belly and ties his intestines. Then he shoves him into the volcano, and as soon as he is about to plunge in the lava, the intestines hold on. As Scratchy sighs with relief, Itchy fills his intestines with gasoline. Scratchy tries to hold the gasoline inside, but he pops and is reduced to cinders by the lava.

The Itchy & Scratchy Movies

Simpsons Episodes: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" & The Simpsons Movie (a sequel to this film) Synopsis:

Unnamed cartoons

Note: The first appearance of Itchy & Scratchy during the regular season run. Also, the only time they are seen in a Tom and Jerry-esque domestic "Cat & Mouse" setting.
Note: Guest Director Oliver Stone
Note: Because of large cutbacks at the network, the normal voice actors quit, and Krusty dubs his voice over the cartoon, sounding very uninterested (mainly due to irritation that his show had to be affected because Kent Brockman swore on the air). He reckons that Itchy killed Scratchy because Scratchy was messing with his wife.

The Simpsons: Road Rage (videogame)

See also