List of Irish music collectors

Plaque commemorating Liam de Noraidh

This is a list of notable Irish music collectors:


  • Collection of National Irish Music for the Union Pipes c. 1800
  • O'Farrell's Pocket Companion for the Irish or Union Pipes 1806-11

Significant Irish music collections by unknown authors

See also

References and notes

  1. In 1927 Maighréad Ni Annagáin and her husband, Séamus Clandillon, authors of a song collection called Londubh an Chairn, sued the Irish Statesman Publishing Company Ltd. and a reviewer, for libel. They claimed that the defendants published an article, in the course of which it was stated that in the collection, which consisted of seventy-five airs, there was no note stating the source of airs or words. They also claimed that there were allegations of slovenliness and ignorance on the part of the authors, and that they had taken up a disproportionate amount of space broadcasting their own merits and platform successes. They sought £2,000. The Irish Statesman lost the case.