List of Indonesian beverages

A cup of Java coffee, Javanese kopi tubruk

This is a list of Indonesian beverages. The most common and popular Indonesian drinks and beverages are teh (tea) and kopi (coffee). Indonesian households commonly serve teh manis (sweet tea) or kopi tubruk (coffee mixed with sugar and hot water and poured straight in the glass without separating out the coffee residue) to guests. Fruit juices (jus) are very popular, and hot sweet beverages can also be found, such as bajigur and bandrek.

Many popular drinks are based on ice (es) and can also be classified as desserts. Typical examples include young coconut (es kelapa muda), grass jelly (es cincau) and cendol (es cendol or es dawet). As a Muslim-majority country, Indonesian Muslims share Islamic dietary laws that prohibit alcoholic beverages. However, since ancient times, local alcoholic beverages were developed in the archipelago. According to a Chinese source, people of ancient Java drank wine made from palm sap called tuak (palm wine).

Hot beverages

Name Image Region Type Description
Bajigur West Java Hot sweet drink Coconut sugar and coconut milk hot drink.
Bandrek West Java Hot sweet drink Coconut sugar and ginger hot drink with bits of young coconut.
Java coffee
Jahe Telor A drink made of ginger and raw egg. Some variants colloquially known as STMJ (Susu Telor Madu Jahe or "milk egg honey ginger").
Kopi Luwak Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Coffee beverage Coffee beverage made of beans that already digested by palm civet.
Sara'ba South Sulawesi, Makasar Hot Drink A drink made of palm sugar/brown sugar and ginger. It can be mixed with coconut milk, milk or raw egg yolk.
Sekoteng Chinese Indonesian, Nationwide Hot ginger drink A hot drink made of ginger, sugar and milk with peanuts, slices of bread, and pacar cina.
Teh poci Nationwide Tea beverage Hot tea served in clay teapot with large cristalized sugar.
Teh Talua West Sumatra Hot tea beverage with yolk Mixed of hot tea and blended egg yolk.
Wedang Jahe Central Java Ginger tea/drink Fresh ginger juice mixed with palm or rock sugar and served hot.
Wedhang angsle Yogyakarta a hot soupy dessert of coconut milk with sago pearls, glutinuous rice and mung beans.
Wedhang ronde Yogyakarta Hot ginger drink A hot dessert containing glutinous rice balls stuffed with peanut paste, floating in a hot and sweet ginger and lemongrass tea.

Cold beverages

Name Image Region Type Description
Cendol Nationwide Sweet jelly drink
Cincau Nationwide Jelly drink Grass jelly and shredded ice with sugar or syrup.
Dadiah West Sumatra Yoghurt Traditional West Sumatran water buffalo milk yoghurt.[1]
Es bir Betawi, Jakarta
Es buah Nationwide Fruit cocktail
Es campur Nationwide Cold dessert
Es dawet Banjarnegara, Central Java Cold dessert
Es doger Bandung, West Java Cold sweet dessert
Es goyobod
Es kelapa muda Nationwide Cold drink Chilled or iced young coconut flesh, coconut water and syrup.
Es puter Nationwide Cold dessert Coconut ice cream.
Es siwalan Nationwide Cold dessert Sweet and chewy palm fruit, served with basil seed and flavored syrup.
Es teler Nationwide A mixed of avocado, young coconut, jack fruit, shredded iced with sweet condensed milk.
Legen East Java A drink made of Siwalan palm sap.
Liang teh Chinese Indonesian, Medan, North Sumatra Sweet iced tea
Teh botol Nationwide Sweet iced tea Bottled tea

Alcoholic beverages

Name Image Region Type Description
Bintang Beer Nationwide Beer Local brand beer
Brem Bali Sweet alcoholic beverage Brem is made from fermented tape. Brem is a special beverage from Bali. Usually brem also present in solid form as snacks.
Moke Flores
Tuak North Sumatra

See also


  1. Akuzawa R, Surono IS. 2002. Fermented milks of Asia. In: Encyclopaedia of dairy science. London: Academic Press. p 1045–1048

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