List of Indian commissions

Commissions are constituted by the Government of India either in ad hoc or permanent basis, to guide, advice or provide solutions to various issues coming under the concerned ministry.

List of commissions

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Permanent commissions

No. Commission Formed Objectives Ministry Website
1 Atomic Energy Commission of India 3 August 1948
  • Plan and implement various measures on sound technical and economic principles and free from all non-essential restrictions or needlessly elastic rules in the field of atomic energy
Department of Atomic Energy
2 Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices 1965
  • Stabilize agricultural prices
  • Meaningful real income levels to farmers
  • Essential agricultural commodities at reasonable prices
Ministry of Agriculture[1]
3 National Commission for Backward Classes[2] 14 August 1993
  • Consider inclusions in and exclusions from the lists of castes notified as backward for the purpose of job reservations
  • Advice to the Central Government on such matters
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
4 National Commission on Cattle 2002
  • Suggest ways of improving the condition of cattle
Ministry of Agriculture[3]
5 Competition Commission of India 14 October 2003
6 National Statistical Commission 1 June 2005
  • Reduce the problems faced by statistical agencies in the country in relation to collection of data.
  • Special emphasis on ensuring collection of unbiased data so as to restore public trust in the figures released by the Government.
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
7 Telecom Commission[4] 1989
  • responsible for policy formulation, licensing, wireless spectrum management, administrative monitoring of PSUs, research and development and standardization/validation of equipment etc. [5]
Mininstry of Communications and Information Technology[6]]
8 Election Commission 25 January 1950
  • conducts the elections to the offices of the President and Vice-President of India,parliament,State Legislative assemblies and legislative councils[7]
9 Chief Labour Commissioner 1945
  • Prevention and settlement of industrial disputes through conciliation/mediation.
  • Enforcement of Labour Laws and Rules made there under in Central Sphere.
  • Quasi-Judicial functions.
  • Verification of Trade Union membership etc.[8]
10 Planning Commission 1950
  • Formulates India's Five-Year Plans, among other functions[9] /
11 Law Commission 1955
  • Reforming the Law For Maximising Justice in Society and Promoting Good Governance under the Rule of Law[10]
Ministry of Law & Justice[11]
12 Finance Commission 22 November 1951
13 Human Rights Commission 12 October 1993
14 University Grants Commission 28 December 1953 * Coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of university education.
  • It provides recognition to universities in India, and disburses funds to such recognized universities and college.
Ministry of Human Resource Development
15 Vigilance Commission (CVC) February 1964
  • To address governmental corruption
16 Knowledge Commission 13 June 2005
17 National Commission for Women 1992 * protecting and promoting the interests of women in India
18 Scheduled Tribes Commission 19 February 2004 * protection, welfare and development & advancement of the Scheduled Tribes
19 Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector 2004 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
20 Census Commission 1872
21 Central Forestry Commission 1965
22 Central Water Commission
23 Electronics Commission 1971
24 Commission for Additional Sources of Energy 21 March 1981
25 Floods Commission 1976
26 Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission 1972
27 Khadi and Village Industries Commission 1957
28 Space Commission 1962
29 Staff Selection Commission 1 July 1976
30 University Grants Commission 1953

Ad hoc commissions

No. Commission Year Objectives
1 States Reorganisation Commission 1955
  • Recommend the reorganization of state boundaries
2 Kapur Commission 1966
  • To inquiry into the conspiracy that led to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
3 Khosla Commission 1970
4 Mandal Commission 1980
  • Identified over 450 backward classes comprising 52% of the country's population
  • Recommended 27% of the seats in academic institutions and jobs in Govt. organisations for these classes.
5 Mukherjee Commission 1999
6 Nanavati Commission 2000
7 Narendran Commission 2000
  • Study and report the representation of Backward Classes in the State public services.
8 National Commission to review the working of the Constitution February 2000
  • Suggested changes in the electoral laws, setting up a national judicial commission for appointing judges and election of the Prime Minister by Lok Sabha.
9 Nanavati-Shah commission 2002
  • To probe the Godhra train burning incident and the post-Godhra carnage, 2002
10 Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities 2004


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