List of Icelandic composers

The composers in this list are those having Icelandic nationality, or whose main residence is Iceland. Icelandic names differ from most current Western family name systems by being patronymic (occasionally matronymic) in that they reflect the immediate father (or mother) of the child and not the historic family lineage.

This list is in alphabetical order according to the Icelandic alphabet.

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

A to D

E to K

L to R

  • Leifur Þórarinsson (13/8/1934-24/4/1998)
  • Oliver Kentish[1]
  • Páll Ivan Pálsson (1981)
  • Ragnhildur Gísladóttir (1956)
  • Ríkharður H. Friðriksson (1960)

S to Ö

  • Sigvaldi Kaldalóns (1881-1946)
  • Skúli Sverrisson (1966)
  • Snorri Sigfús Birgisson (1954)
  • Stefán Arason (1978)
  • Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson (1847–1927)
  • Tryggvi M. Baldvinsson (1965)
  • Þórður Magnússon (1973)
  • Þorkell Sigurbjörnsson (1938–2013)
  • Þráinn Hjálmarsson (1987)


  1. "Cadenza Musicians Directory". Retrieved 2008-12-02. In recent years, [Kentish] has devoted more of his time to composition and conducting, and is a member of the Society of Icelandic Composers, having taken Icelandic citizenship in 1989. Oliver now lives and works in and around the capital, Reykjavik.