List of Hunnic rulers

This is a list of rulers of the Huns.

360–378Balamber (perhaps confused with Valamir)
422–432Octar and Rugila[1]
432–c. 437Rugila
c. 437–445Bleda and Attila[2]
445–453Attila (alone)
453–c. 455Ellac


  1. Jordanes. History of the Goths. in Geary, Patrick J., Readings in Medieval History. p. 100
  2. Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen. The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture, pp. 91–94, 104–105. Maenchen-Helfen demonstrates that the commonly reported date of 434 for Ruga’s death, based on the Gallic Chronicle of 452, is not credible, and that Theodoret’s dating of sometime after 435 is to be preferred.
  3. Priscus. Excerpta de legationibus. Ed. S. de Boor. Berolini, 1903, p. 586 "Ernakh had two sons: one called Utigur and another called Kutrigur. After their father's death they shared the power and gave their names to the subjected peoples, so that even nowadays some of them are called Utigurs and the others - Kutrigurs."