List of Hellsing characters

Hellsing is a manga series created by Kouta Hirano about a powerful vampire named Alucard and his battle against supernatural forces in service of the Hellsing Organization. The manga has two animated adaptations—a television series by Gonzo which was produced early in the manga's original run and features a largely original screenplay by Chiaki J. Konaka; and Hellsing Ultimate, an original video animation series produced by Geneon that more closely follows the plot of the manga. The series primarily takes place in the United Kingdom, which is under attack by the undead forces of a rogue Nazi battalion which survived the end of World War II.

The Hellsing Organization is a clandestine British royal order charged with defending the empire from supernatural threats. Sir Integra Hellsing serves as its leader and commands a blood pact with Alucard, Hellsing's most powerful weapon. Alucard is an ancient vampire who was pressed into service by Integra's ancestor, Abraham Van Helsing, who founded the order. Alucard is accompanied by Seras Victoria, a young vampire whom Alucard turns at the beginning of the series. Hellsing is opposed by Millennium, a remnant of the Waffen-SS which escaped to South America with its research into vampires and the occult. The war-obsessed Major leads Millennium's army of artificially created vampires in an assault on London. Between the two powers is Vatican Section XIII, the Iscariot Organization, a secret Catholic order of assassins which also specializes in combating the supernatural. Enrico Maxwell is its leader and Alexander Anderson, a paladin with accelerated healing, is its strongest asset.

Many of the characters in Hellsing were based on concepts from Hirano's prior work as a freelance manga artist. The characters of Hellsing have been praised by reviewers and maintain an enduring presence in cosplay at anime conventions.

Main characters

The main characters at the start of the series are members of the Hellsing Organization. They include Alucard, Seras, Integra, and Walter.


Main article: Alucard (Hellsing)

Voiced by: Johji Nakata (Japanese), Crispin Freeman (English)[1]

Alucard (アーカード Ākādo) is the most powerful vampire that serves the Hellsing Organization.

Seras Victoria

Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese), K. T. Gray (English)[1]

Seras Victoria (セラス・ヴィクトリア Serasu Vikutoria) is a policewoman who is turned into a vampire at the beginning of the series, and then serves as Alucard's assistant. She acts as the viewpoint character in the series. A character similar to Seras was present in its prototype version, The Legends of Vampire Hunter, named Yuri Kate.


In the series, Seras was originally a police officer who, along with the rest of her squad, was sent into the village of Cheddar, where a vampire had taken control of the town and turned its inhabitants into "ghouls" (zombies controlled by vampires). She was taken hostage by that priest vampire. After shooting through her to kill the rogue vampire, Alucard offers to turn Seras into a vampire to save her from dying. She chooses vampirism, as with virgin blood she will become a vampire rather than a ghoul.

She is also a tomboy; a very brave, strong-willed and heroic young woman who often rejects following orders of her master that cross with her personal beliefs. However, she is a loyal and trustworthy soldier who will diligently follow the orders of her commander, provided said commander has proven his or her worth.

Seras's father, also a police officer, "got in too deep" during an undercover mission. The group he had infiltrated traced him back to his home and brutally murdered him. Her mother hid Seras in a closet and then walked out to face the criminals, who immediately killed her as well. A distraught Seras charged out and stabbed one of the criminals in the eye with a fork before being shot in the gut and thrown against a bloodstained wall. The flashback ends with Seras seeing glimpses of the criminals having sex with her mother's corpse. It was also shown that, after the ordeal in her orphanage, she threw a stone at another child for taking a toy she was playing with. Near the end of the flashback, Seras is told that she may be relocated if her violence continues, as the orphanage may not be able to care for her any longer. There, she expresses her strongest wish - to become a police officer.


The Harkonnen spirit in the OVA

Victoria's signature weapon is the Hellsing ARMS Anti-Midian Cannon 'Harkonnen'. Weighing 120 lb. (~60 kg) unloaded, this 30 mm, single-shot, break action, breech loader cannon uses various types of shells, including depleted uranium with silver for piercing armored targets and incendiary napalm rounds for destroying large groups of opponents both on land and in the air. Only a vampire could carry and use this weapon. Her immense strength also allows her to use the Harkonnen while moving; sometimes, especially in the manga, she wields it with an extraordinary ease, even firing over her shoulder. Before gaining the Harkonnen, Seras used a smaller rifle, firing 13.7 mm rounds, as is seen written on the gun in the OVA. In the manga this gun is unnamed but the letters BAERLKS are spelled out on its side; in the OVA, however, the gun has Harkonnen written in the same place.

Later on, for the purpose of defending Hellsing HQ, Seras used the Extra Long-Range Bombardment Firearm system for Localized defensive use "Harkonnen Cannon II". It had a gross weight of 345 kg and sported a pair of 30 mm auto cannons belt-fed from two large ammunition boxes carried on her back. Its maximum range was 4000 m, and could snipe fast moving missiles and even shoot down Millennium airships. For additional firepower, the pair of cannons could double as a grenade launcher, launching two of the immense explosive incendiary grenades for wide-area field dominance "Vladimir", one from each barrel. Due to Seras's vampire strength, she could move around with the system with relative ease after she discarded the massive ammo boxes.

Although she loses her weapons during the confrontation with Zorin, relying instead on her "Shadow Arm", Seras makes use of firearms again during the confrontation with the Captain, using a pair of MG-42 Machine Guns salvaged from dead Millennium soldiers. In OVA X, she even used a Flak gun to destroy a bullet-proof glass wall that protected the Major.

Seras's weapons are named after the main antagonist of Frank Herbert's novel Dune, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. This is further reinforced by the appearance of the gun's "spirit" during dream sequences in the manga (and thus OVA) and episode previews in the anime; the spirit in question bears a strong resemblance to Baron Harkonnen from David Lynch's film adaptation of the novel.

TV series version

The TV series version changes numerous details of Seras' backstory, and changes her importance: while Alucard, Integra are the central characters of the manga, the anime focuses more on Seras' point of view, and her struggling to come to terms with her new life as a vampire. Her darker side, seen in the manga and the OVA series, is not present in the anime series (though a scene in episode 6 hints at it). However, it is notable that her hair is orange and her eyes become red as soon as Alucard makes her a vampire. She also starts drinking the medical blood after watching Alucard feed off Kim (the reporter from episodes 2 and 4), but no difference is seen in her appearance or behavior, other than her hair, eye, and suit color, which primarily yellow in the manga and OVA, but primarily blue in the TV series. The combat boots she wears are black in the manga, anime, OVA, and TV series. However, after she becomes a full vampire, her uniform turns red with matching red, shredded stockings, red boots, and white gloves and red eyes and gingery-blonde hair.

Her affiliation with the English police is also different. In the manga, Seras is a solitary constable assigned to Cheddar, but in the OVA, Seras was partnered with two male officers, Simon and Eddie. Both men were turned into ghouls by the priest vampire.

The TV series, however, has Seras placed in Division 11, the precursor to SO19 team sent to Cheddar to combat the vampire. Seras' D-11 teammates often watched out for her, affectionately referring to her as "Kitten". Sadly, Seras' entire D-11 team was turned into ghouls, either by the priest vampire or the other ghouls roaming Cheddar. In the manga and OVA, Seras confronted the priest vampire outside, while in the TV series Seras confronted him inside the village church.

Owing to the vastly different TV series continuity after episode 7, the interaction with Pip Bernadotte is not present. Instead, Seras must struggle with the temptation to drink Alucard's blood, thus fully realizing her vampiric powers, something she does in the final episode of the anime. She drinks his blood, but does not show the power increase that she showed in the manga/ova. It could be however, be due to Alucard being dead at the time she drank the blood. Incognito even states that "Even if you drank every last drop of your master off the tower, you will never become a true Nosferatu. You're running out of blood, and soon you will run out. You're already dead, there's nothing for you to be afraid of any more."

Integra Hellsing

Voiced by: Yoshiko Sakakibara (Japanese), Victoria Harwood (English)[1]

Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing (インテグラル・ファルブルケ・ウィンゲーツ・ヘルシング Integuraru Faruburuke Wingētsu Herushingu) is a 22-year-old noblewoman member of the Protestant Knights who is the head and last member of the Hellsing family, the Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization, and the current master of Hellsing's vampire, Alucard. Integra is usually a collected individual, rarely allowing her emotions to get in the way of business. However, she is sometimes prone to fits of anger. The Hellsing family is "on a mission from God", and she values her duties to protect the United Kingdom and the Anglican Church above everything else. For her, failure is not tolerated, especially her own. She runs the Hellsing Organization with charisma and patriotism, and she is one of the few people who can stand up to the force of Alucard's personality and command his respect. Even as a child she had developed a deep sense of duty to Hellsing, not standing for anything that may threaten her or her organization. Being the first matriarch (female leader) of Hellsing, it is evident that she struggles to maintain respect from members of the queen's government known as 'The Round Table'.[2] Often they question her judgment, even on one occasion in "Hellsing Ultimate II" scolding her, telling her that the loss of her men was her own fault, and that it was therefore her responsibility to lay these men to rest. In this moment Integra shows a great act of responsibility, correcting her servants when they speak to defend her, taking full responsibility and with an absolute reserve in emotion and a very solemn expression, shoots each of her men who had been turned into ghouls as an act of mercy and humility.[1] After this she and the round house seem to have better relation, especially with one member that it is later found, her father had contact with.[3] They [4] seem to realize she is more than capable towards the end of the series when she proves herself to be multiple times.The first time you see real emotion in her is as a young child in the first episode of the ova [5] along with another time near, both times are reserved but you witness slight changes and a building of tears. This aspect gives Integra a very human but respectable quality, a very strong heroine indeed. A prototype of her character appears as a Nazi in one of Hirano's earlier works, Hiandlow.

Walter C. Dornez

Voiced by: Motomu Kiyokawa, Daisuke Namikawa (Young Adult), Romi Park (Child) (Japanese), Ralph Lister, Liam O'Brien (Young Adult), Jessica D. Stone (Child) (English)[1]

Walter C. Dornez (ウォルター・C(クム)・ドルネーズ Worutā C. (kumu) Dorunēzu, alt. Walter C. Dollneaz) is a member of the Hellsing Organization who also serves as the Hellsing family retainer. Walter's ability to use high-velocity monomolecular wires with incredible skill and precision earned him the nickname of the "Angel of Death." Born around 1930, Walter lived with the Hellsing family for perhaps his entire life. It is known that Walter was educated at Balliol College, Oxford (where Arthur Hellsing and Sir Hugh Irons were educated) after World War II, and read philosophy and politics. During the events of Hellsing: The Dawn, Walter accompanied Alucard (in the body of a little girl) in the storming Millennium's base during World War II in Warsaw, Poland where they put end to the organization's first attempt at create an army of artificial vampires. However, due to his own fears of being forgotten and the Major drafting him after witnessing his abilities, Walter became an agent of Millennium within the Hellsing Organization's infrastructure in the aftermath of World War II.

In modern times, having apparently arranged Integra Hellsing to unseal Alucard, Walter carries on his duties as the current Hellsing head's bulter while providing special weapons for use by Alucard and Seras Victoria. Despite being in his 70s, Walter can still fight his way through hordes of undead while helping Integra make numerous difficult choices considering Alucard harming innocent humans in order to achieve mission objectives. While he appeared to accept his age with proud resignation, it was a façade to hide his fear of being useless and desire to be a true Angel of Death.

Once Millennium begins its attack on London, Walter is retrieved by Millennium's Captain to be made into an artificial vampire in preparation for his fight against Alucard. Though it restored him to how he appeared in his 30s, Walter's vampirism was hastily conducted as he lacked the ability to regenerate normally like the Last Battlion and instead become younger overtime before he would eventually die.[6] Appearing while crushing what remained of the deceased Alexander Anderson underfoot, Walter slaughtered Yumi before facing Alucard in a duel. Having regressed to his teenaged state as he revealed that he has risked everything only to prove his worth against the vampire, Walter loses his chance as he is forced to watch Alucard fall into the Major's trap and cease to be after unknowingly absorbing Schrödinger. Entering the Hindenburg II after dealing with the vengeful Heinkel Wolfe, Walter kills the Doctor before being consumed in the inferno caused by the zeppelin's explosion[7] Walter's prototype was in Daidōjin Monogatari alongside Heinkel.

Powers and abilities

Although a human for the majority of his life, Walter possessed tremendous combat skill on par with or exceeding many supernatural beings. During the initial Millennium assault on Hellsing, he dispatched a large force of ghouls with ease and confidently engaged an artificial vampire. Also, during the first attempted Millennium takeover of Sir Penwood's military compound, he managed to defeat an entire unit of artificial vampires armed with automatic weapons without taking a single step. As a 14 year old boy, he managed to hold his own against the Captain for a good portion of their fight. His headbutt to the Captain's face actually injured the werewolf, and he was even quick enough to wrap his wires around the Captain's neck (though neither attack had any lasting effect). Particularly, he was able to withstand punches from the Captain, even though an impact resulting from Seras and the Captain punching each other's fists at the same time blew off both their arms. This opens the possibility that Walter had some physical enhancement as a human; a punch to the head or gut from the Captain would have killed any normal human and probably most vampires, yet Walter withstood both one after the other (it is also possible that this is simply an inconsistency in the writing). Alternately, it is possible that the Captain's later enhancements were much improved over those from 1944 (however, judging from the fact that Walter's wires had exactly the same effect on him in 1944 as they did in 1999, this is rather unlikely).

His speed and agility are of particular note, and even in his old age he was able to dodge bullets from assault rifles. In his youth, Walter displayed great acrobatic skill and even as a senior citizen he still can perform exceptional feats of balance and coordination. His strength is also considerable, when the transformed Walter first appears in the manga, his micro-filaments wrap around several buildings and slice them in half, with no evidence of any physical strain on Walter's part.

Walter's primary weapons are a set of very long microfilament razor wires, which he controls as if they were extensions of his own body. The wires are sharp enough to slice through steel and concrete with no trouble though he can use them to bind and restrain targets without damaging them. Also, he can create extensive movements of the wires with very little bodily movement; a simple hand gesture can enable him to cut down scores of foes. When turned into an artificial vampire by Millennium, all of his abilities were restored to their full extent and augmented far beyond it. In his final battle with Alucard, he demonstrated previously unseen abilities with his wires, including stopping a high fall (slicing several buildings in half in the process), forming mesh shields to block bullets, and binding targets and controlling them as puppets.

Formidable as his new form was, the rushed and flawed transformation procedure rendered his body highly unstable. This manifested by his growing increasingly younger until he resembled his fourteen-year-old self. At this point, he could no longer withstand bodily harm, and later his right arm crumbled apart. In his final moments before dying, he reverted to his original, aged body.

Pip Bernadotte

Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Yuri Lowenthal (English)[1]

Pip Bernadotte (ピップ・ベルナドット Pippu Berunadotto) is a French man with an eye patch over his left eye who is from a long line of mercenaries and leader of the Wild Geese that his ancestors were members in for six generations. While experienced with AK-74 as his weapon of choice, Bernadotte can be a narrow-minded womanizer with a compulsive smoking habit. Bernadotte and the Wild Geese were hired by Walter in the aftermath of Hellsing's military form slaughtered by the Valentine Brothers and their Ghouls. While Bernadotte initially refuses to believe in vampires during his first debrief, he is quickly put in his place when Seras put him in his place by nearly breaking his skull by merely flicking him with her fore-finger. Soon after, flirty with the latter on a regular basis, Bernadotte supports Alucard and Seras during their mission in Brazil where Pip and Seras started to bond.

During Millennium's attack on London, Bernadotte and his men suffer losses due as they and Seras attempt to defend Hellsing manor from Zorin Blitz's forces. Though already severely injured, Bernadotte tries to save Seras from Zorin before the Millennium member impales him. After finally getting Seras to kiss him, Bernadotte tells her to suck his blood to save herself by awakening her full vampire abilities. The act results with Bernadotte becoming Seras's Familiar as his memories enable her to resist Zorin's attack before killing her. Later, during Seras's fight with the Captain, Bernadotte makes his presence known as he advises Seras in her fight before manifesting from her body to land the deathblow for his Seras.[7] In the series epilogue, as noticed by Heinkel as she hurts him to so the other Iscariot members can see, it is revealed that Seras has Bernadotte function as the restored Hellsing manor's security system in the form of a shadowy mass covering the estate.


The Iscariot Organization, also known as Vatican Section XIII, is a top-secret wing of the Vatican charged with the active pursuit and extermination of supernatural entities and heretics. Iscariot also has a bitter rivalry with the Hellsing Organization, as it is Protestant in nature like the rest of London. During Hellsing's battle against Millennium's invasion of London, Iscariot followed suit as part of a power mad Enrico Maxwell's scheme to wipe both factions alongside Londoners caught in the crossfire. However, due to Alucard's familiars wiping out Maxwell and his amassed army followed by the deaths of Father Anderson and Yumie, Iscariot lost much of its strength as it would be centuries before the organization is strong enough to rival Hellsing again with Makube as the new leader and Heinkel being the new top enforcer.

Alexander Anderson

Voiced by: Nachi Nozawa(TV) Norio Wakamoto (OVA)[8] (Japanese), Steven Brand[8] (English)

Alexander Anderson (アレクサンド・アンデルセン Arekusando Anderusen) is a paladin within Iscariot, serving as its trump card against Alucard, who refers to him as his nemesis. The reason for this was that Anderson's body was genetic modified into being a Regenerator, a superhuman able to fight supernatural creatures. Anderson's mission as a monster hunter, which reflects his own personal beliefs, is also the destruction of Alucard and the Hellsing organization. Anderson's arsenal includes blessed bayonets and use of holy barriers to corner his quarry. He has a Scottish accent in the English adaptations of the manga and anime series, but canonically his nationality is unknown; he lives in Italy, where he operates an orphanage.


Alexander Anderson has short, spikey blond hair (grey in the manga), brown/tanned skin, green eyes (blue in the manga), a heavy-set squared jaw, and constant stubble. He also has a large, wedge-shaped scar on his left cheek. In the first televised anime series, he was depicted with prominent, sharp canines, possibly to heighten his resemblance to a vampire and make him a symbolic counterpart to Alucard, the "tame monster" of the Hellsing Organization. Anderson is quite an imposing man, being very tall (slightly taller than Alucard, who himself is over 2 meters in height) and lean with broad shoulders. He wears round glasses, a large grey cassock (has purple trim in the TV series and white trim with blue interior in the OVA), grey pants (black in the OVA and white in the TV series), black boots, a black shirt (black with blue trim in the OVA and white in the TV series), a clerical collar (absent from both of the anime series), white gloves, and a silver cross (which often glows gold in the OVA) around his neck. On his gloves, there are inscriptions written across the crosses drawn on the back:

In the manga, these inscriptions change sometimes, in Anderson's later appearances his gloves read Iscariot Section XIII, the organization to which Anderson belongs. The character Father Barre portrayed by Michael Gothard, an exorcist and wild instigator depicted in Ken Russell's The Devils (film) (1971) (a dramatisation of Urbain Grandier), has been cited as a possible inspiration for Father Anderson.


Alexander Anderson normally appears as a calm and collected priest; he works at an orphanage in the manga and OVA and acts very kindly towards the children under his care. During battles, however, he reveals a darker side. Anderson carries an obsession for what appears to be his "crusade," and compulsively quotes passages of the Holy Bible as he speaks. He is extremely determined to achieve his end, however, he abhors the methods chosen by Maxwell to put it in motion. In battle, he is merciless and almost unstoppable due to his abilities. He has a habit of hissing during fights, and often loses all control of himself much like Alucard. Despite this, he can stop himself and focus on his mission. He has a measure of self-restraint when innocents are caught in the middle (like tourists) or when someone has caught his admiration (as Integra did).


Alexander Anderson is an ardent Catholic. His words and his constant quoting of scripture indicate a clear, almost fanatical obedience towards "the word of God". His behavior in the first volume was depicted as an intense Catholic priest, who went as far as calling Integra "Babylon", as a reference to Whore of Babylon, and displayed an immense hatred for Protestants (like Integra). In the first episode of Hellsing Ultimate, some of Anderson's statements heavily imply a fanatical hatred for all non-Catholics. Anderson tells a pair of young boys that they should only engage in violence against "monsters and non-believers," and comments to his superiors that it is fortunate that a large vampire population must be killing many English Protestants. Anderson resents the control of England over Northern Ireland, which he believes is Catholic territory, and states that it is his mission to kill unbelievers.

In the TV series, Order 3: Sword Dancer, Paladin Alexander Anderson's actions are vaguely relativist. He ignores his true mission, and instead focuses on the basic requirements of his crusade; thus, attacking Seras Victoria, Alucard and killing Captain Gareth of the Hellsing Organization, though Gareth was a human being and attempting to exterminate the same target as Alexander Anderson. While his orders from Iscariot specified the extermination of a single rogue vampire, he engages in combat with Alucard as well.

In the manga (and by extension, the OVA, which is closer to the manga than the TV series), however, his character is much more complex. He shows a greater sense of morality both in his treatment of the orphans under his care and his eventual assistance to Integra and betrayal of Enrico Maxwell (who becomes drunk with power and starts killing innocent humans), quite unlike the TV series Anderson who is portrayed as little more than a mindless, psychotic killer. His complexity in the manga is later demonstrated by his respect for Integra's conviction and for Seras's bravery. Specifically, he agrees to escort Integra to Hellsing HQ, because it would be impolite to leave a lady to walk there alone. Anderson tells the members of Iscariot to retreat from battle when Alucard releases his familiars, wanting them to live on and protect the Catholic religion; as he believed there are already enough souls in limbo. He also appears to have a form of respect for Alucard, shouting "The black peril comes!" while laughing as Alucard enters the Thames at the end of Volume 7. In his final moments, Anderson consoled his grieving rival in his own way, telling him that monsters do not cry. In the TV series, Alucard refers to Anderson as a "dog of the Church" and is neither human nor monster (and is therefore incapable of killing him, only a human can do that). In the manga and OVA, however, Alucard shows great respect for Anderson and goes so far as to compare him to the men who were able to defeat Dracula (Integra's grandfather, Abraham Van Helsing and the other men from Bram Stoker's Dracula), stating that although they were mere humans they possessed the will to destroy a monster such as Alucard. This changes, however, when Anderson chooses to use the Nail of Helena on himself in order to become a monster on an equal level to Alucard. At this point Alucard rules that Anderson, having sacrificed all of his humanity in exchange for power, is no longer worthy of destroying him and that Anderson must be killed. Alucard had previously stated that he would be proud to die in battle against Anderson, but clearly Anderson forfeited that right by turning himself into a monster rather than a (regenerating) human.


Anderson wielding a bayonet

In battle, Alexander Anderson is often depicted using scores of blessed bayonets presumably made of silver as well as smaller blades which are held between his fingers like claws. He is shown to have extraordinary physical abilities, including strength, speed, and stamina. He is shown using pages from bibles as barriers to ward off vampire movement, and also appears to be able to teleport himself amongst clouds of bible pages. Anderson is a "Regenerator", meaning he utilizes Iscariot-developed technology that allows him to restore body parts that are lost and heal himself (this ability does not work in his battle with Alucard in OVA part 8, due to Alucard injuring him with the Jackal - an over-sized pistol especially designed to be used against "Regenerators"). When using the nail of Helena his body becomes a mass of thorns and his healing factor has become more advance to the point it rivals Alucard's as well as burning unholy beings enhanced his strength and speed.The cost is however is losing his self as it caused him to become a mindless plan monster and can only be killed by removing his nail pierced heart where he returned to normal before dying.He is also shown to be a more charismatic and more morally right as a leader compared to Maxwell.


The early history of Alexander Anderson is largely unknown, such as when he joined Iscariot or what his childhood life was like. Supposedly his history is revealed in the manga Angel Dust, however, given that Hirano has not made any definite links to his past works this is uncertain. He first appears in Hellsing volume 1, when he is convinced by Father Renaldo to travel to Northern Ireland to deal with Alucard and Seras Victoria who are hunting a vampire. Believing that Northern Ireland is Catholic land and Protestant England has no jurisdiction there, Anderson agrees and travels there. He confronts Alucard, cutting off his head and chasing Seras through the building they are in. He catches up to Seras and is stopped by Integra just as he is about to kill her. Anderson states that he will not back down against a "Protestant whore" and swiftly kills Integra's bodyguards. Before he can kill Integra herself, Alucard regenerates himself and engages Anderson. Anderson retreats when he realizes he can't defeat Alucard with his current weapons and teleports away, shouting: "We'll meet again, Hellsing! Next time, I'll butcher you all". Anderson also appears in Crossfire.

Anderson appears in volume 2 with Enrico Maxwell, the head of Iscariot to discuss with Integra about the instigator of the attack on the Hellsing manor led by Luke and Jan Valentine. Alucard appears after Maxwell insults Integra, and Maxwell responds by calling Anderson into play. Before they can start another duel, Alucard and Anderson are interrupted by Seras leading a group of elderly Japanese tourists (possibly because of some agreement with Walter that Alucard would not destroy the museum, since the two smiled at each other after everyone had gone). The two decide to postpone their fight. Anderson proceeds to leave, commenting on the quality of the museum and asking Maxwell if next time he could bring some of the orphans to visit. In an almost humorously agitated manner, he then swears that he will rip Alucard to pieces the next time they meet.

In volume 3, Anderson is briefly seen watching the fight between Tubalcain Alhambra and Alucard on television. In volume 4, Anderson is sent to deliver a message to Alucard and Seras to return to London and report on the Millennium Organization, a task which he fails to accomplish without first getting into a brief scuffle (specifically, a fistfight) with Alucard. Afterward, he engages in battle with some paramilitaries (possibly from a Neo-Nazi group) sympathetic to the Millennium cause.

In volume 6, after The Major declares war against England, Anderson brings the rest of Iscariot with him to England and saves Integra from a group of Nazi vampires. When Heinkel Wolfe attempts to apprehend her, Integra disagrees and asks Anderson if this is permissible, to which Anderson says it is not. He instructs Iscariot to follow Integra's instruction by escorting her back to the Hellsing manor.

Later, in volume 7, Maxwell arrives in England with the remnants of the armies used in the Holy Crusades and takes the opportunity to kill all English "heretics". Seeing this, Anderson believes Enrico has quit serving God and now only serves his own power. When Heinkel informs Anderson of Iscariot's new orders to take Integra prisoner, Anderson expresses his displeasure. Before he can act against the rest of Iscariot, Seras arrives with her new powers awakened and does it for him. Anderson acknowledges her newfound power, telling Heinkel that Seras was not something the ordinary members of Iscariot could hope to fight any longer.

In Volume 8, Anderson engages in what he considers the final confrontation with Alucard. He is wounded severely by Alucard's Jackal, a weapon unfamiliar to Anderson. Trapped in a mesh of undead, Anderson is saved by the remnants of Section XIII. Anderson then reveals the weapon that Vatican Section III Matthew had provided him with: Helena's Nail. Alucard begs Anderson not to become a monster like himself. Anderson ignores this warning, impaling himself with the nail and transforming. Anderson is transformed into a kind of thorn like monster version of himself, still appearing as human but any time that he is injured, his body is revealed to actually be a living mesh of thorns and vines held together and self-regenerating. They battle, with Anderson-monster nearly destroying Alucard, before Seras intervenes. Although it could be that Alucard actually allowed Anderson-monster to attack due to being in deep shock himself - as he had hoped Anderson to be a worthy human opponent for "releasing" the vampire from his eternal "dream". This version is supported due to Alucard's response to Seras' cry - "Quit screaming, police-girl. I perfectly hear your voice." followed by immediate and effortless victory over Anderson-monster in Volume 9, where after healing, Alucard psychically dissolves the thorns surrounding him and by the same token shatters Anderson's blade. Alucard then charges Anderson and, plunging his hand into Anderson's chest, removes the nail along with Anderson's heart. This destroys most of Anderson's body in the process. As Anderson dies, he and Alucard exchange words as what remains of him decays and turns to ash. In Volume 10, he alongside Maxwell appeared in an omake.

Enrico Maxwell

Voiced by: Hideyuki Tanaka (TV) Shō Hayami (OVA)[8] Risa Hayamizu (Young) (Japanese), JB Blanc (Adult)[8] Yuri Lowenthal (Young) (English)

Enrico Maxwell (エンリコ・マクスウェル Enriko Makusuweru) is the fanatical leader of the Vatican's Special Section XIII, the Iscariot Organization. Enrico controls his organization with an iron fist. However, his seemingly blind devotion to his mission often makes his underling Alexander Anderson question his motivations. As a small child, Enrico lived at Ferdinand Luke's, an orphanage outside Rome where Anderson lived and worked. His parents had abandoned him, likely because he was the 'son of a mistress'. Though Anderson tried to raise him as well as he could, Enrico remained angry and spiteful. He grew determined to become someone that people couldn't look down on. Maxwell also appeared in Crossfire extras.

During the standoff between Alucard and the Millennium led police force in Rio de Janeiro, Anderson watches the scene unfold on the news with a sense of indignation and fury, while Enrico seems to revel in the ensuing violence. Enrico also has a bitter rivalry with Integra Hellsing, Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization, due to their similar occupations and differing ideologies. Enrico seems to suffer from a facial tic characterized by repeated wincing of his left eye, much to the amusement of fans. He also appears to drool whilst he sleeps. His prototype was in Angel Dust alongside Anderson.

After being promoted to the rank of bishop, Enrico is very quickly promoted again to archbishop by the Pope in light of Millennium's attack on London with a force of 3,000 Templars. However, Enrico becomes drunk with power as he orders his crusaders to slaughter London's Protestant survivors alongside Millenium and Hellsing. Eventually, Enrico witnesses his army being destroyed by Alucard's familiars before his helicopter was shot down by Rip Van Winkle. Though the armored glass protected him from the fall, Maxwell's protection from the amassing familiars was shattered by Anderson after deeming the man's selfish ambitions as a threat to the Vatican. Maxewell's determination proved to be his hamartia as he ended up dying of impalement in the same way that he had lived; alone.

In the manga, Maxwell has blonde hair and blue eyes, while both animated versions give him silver hair. He has green eyes in the TV series and violet eyes in the OVA series.

Heinkel Wolfe

Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese), Karen Strassman (English)

Heinkel Wolfe (ハインケル・ウーフー Hainkeru Ūfū) is an androgynous German assassin and priest within the Iscariot organization, partnered with her childhood friend Yumie under Alexander Anderson. Heinkel's weapon of choice are pistols. While she first appeared as a bodyguard for Enrico Maxwell, Heinkel later leads a brigade of Catholic priests sent to apprehend Integra during Millennium's attack on London. As a result, Heinkel witnesses the death of Father Anderson before attempting to avenge Yumi when she is killed by Walter C. Dornez.[6] But Heinkel is wounded after the Captain shots a bullet through her cheeks as his way of telling her not to interfere in Walter's fight with Alucard.[6] Despite the warning, and haven taken the Captain's mercy and medical aid as an insult, a furious Heinkel refused to quell her desire to avenge Yumie and she takes a Dragunov SVD sniper rifle with the intent to kill Walter. However, while Walter initially allowed her to fire to her heart's content, Heinkel finds herself crippled by the artificial vampire after he sliced her arm and leg off.[7] Though rescued by Iscariot, the ordeal made Heinkel violent and impulsive. she is eventually made a regenerator prior to the events of the epilogue so as to replace Anderson's place as a trump card. Heinkel appeared in the Crossfire extras in the first three volumes along Yumie prior to their debut to the main story. Heinkel's prototype was in Daidōjin Monogatari along with Walter.

Yumie Takagi

Voiced by: Yūko Kaida (Japanese), Siobhan Flynn (English)

Yumie Takagi (高木 由美江 Takagi Yumie) is a katana-wielding Japanese nun. She is a fanatical Catholic and seems to genuinely enjoy killing people using her almost superhuman sword skills alongside her childhood friend Heinkel. Yumie knows various Batto-jutsu (sword drawing) techniques and is adept enough to kill even from outside the room where her victim is, but is quite capable of smashing men's heads into walls with her bare hands as well. During Millennium's attack on London, after witnessing Walter C. Dornez desecrating Father Anderson's remains, Yumie attempted to cut him down. However, she is outmatched and cut into pieces by Walter's wires.[6]

Yumie appears in the Crossfire manga along with a split personality known as Yumiko Takagi (高木 由美子 Takagi Yumiko). In contrast to Yumie, the Yumiko persona is shy and timid. Yumiko has commented how hard it is for her to "get Yumie to sleep" after she has been provoked into action. The two personalities switch through dueling for control inside of their mind, Yumiko taking off her glasses to trigger the change, or a strong blow to the head. "Yumiko" does not appear to exist in the main Hellsing continuity. Her prototype was in Hi and Low alongside Integra's.


Voiced by: Osamu Saka (Episode 1), Takahiro Yoshino (Episode 3) (Japanese), William Fredrick Knight (English)

Renaldo is an old Iscariot member that debut in volume 1 informing Anderson of a vampire attack and then later appeared with Maxwell in Volume 2 and 4. He appeared in a flashback in volume 8 talking to Maxwell where he will be raised by Anderson. He also appeared in the omake in Volume 7. Renaldo is also the only Iscariot member to appear in the TV series alongside Anderson and Maxwell.Renaldo's prototype was in Magic School.


Voiced by: Takashi Taniguchi (Japanese), Jesse Merlin (English)

Makube is the leader of Iscariot in 30 years in the final volume and not much is known about him other than he appears to be aware of the supernatural. He Also appears to be more level-headed than Maxwell having more patience than his predecessor and seems more of a friendly rivalry with Integra. His prototype was from Hirano's earliest works, Susume Seigaku named Azaraku.


Publication information

Japan Shounengahosha
United States Dark Horse Comics
France Editions Tonkam
Germany Planet Manga
Spain Norma

Poland J.P. Fantastica
First appearance Hellsing volume 2
Created by Kouta Hirano
In-story information
Type of organization Pre-war Nazi Remnant
Base(s) Hindenburg II (Deus Ex Machina), Jaburo, Brazil
Leader(s) Major
The Doctor
Agent(s) The Captain
Warrant Officer Schrödinger
Walter C. Dornez
Luke and Jan Valentine
Tubalcain Alhambra
First Lieutenant Rip van Winkle
First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz

Millennium is a fictional Nazi organization from the manga series Hellsing by Kouta Hirano, they serve as the primary antagonists in the series. Its name is a reference to the "Thousand Year Reich" which Adolf Hitler sought to establish during World War II. Within the series, the mysterious group pools its resources after the war and, with substantial help from the Vatican, is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. Millennium's researchers discover a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means (although it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involved), and monitors them using implanted computer chips. Most of the members are monsters of some sort, or have found a way to prolong their lives.

The Major

Voiced by: Nobuo Tobita (Japanese), Gildart Jackson (English)[8]

The Major (少佐 Sturmbannführer) is the main antagonist of the series and is the leader of Millennium. He is small, plump, unprepossessing, and ruthless psychopath whose unpleasant smile is the mask on a warmongering madman who is indifferent towards and even encourages rape, sex, and acts of violence. He commands with a good-natured attitude, which can change in a moment to cruelty or grandiose elation. Through the intelligence Enrico Maxwell got from a corrupt priest he interrogated, the Major is believed to have been born between 1913 and 1914.

According to his prototype character in another one of Kohta Hirano's earlier works called Coyote, where he was named Montana Max, it is implied that the Major grew up in a troubled home with an alcoholic father and a prostitute mother who received clients in their own home. After his father's death, the Major's mother continued her adultery by engaging in sexual services for various men before he murdered her and a client with his father's pistol and wandered the streets until he was recruited by Adolf Hitler to join the Nazi party.

As first lieutenant of the SS and leader of a Werwolf special force, the Major was issued special order #666 directly from Hitler to create an army of vampires, instigating the founding of Millennium who used Mina's blood to perfect artificial vampirazation, so the Nazis would win the Second World War and establish the Thousand Year Reich. After suffering mortal injuries as a consequence of young Walter Dornez and Alucard coming to Warsaw in 1944, the Major had an apathy that the immortality that vampires possess at the cost of individuality is something he cannot accept and came to see Alucard as his mortal enemy.[7] From there, assuming a different form of immortality by becoming a clockwork cyborg,[7] the Major recruited Walter before he and his subordinates resumed their work in South America. However, by the events of the series, the Major had altered Millennium's goal to be a means to start a war without end as his vampire followers executed other high ranking Nazi officers who attempted to exert their authority when the Major openly declares war on Hellsing and England as he brings the Hindenburg II to London.

Eventually, having waited for her to become a worthy enough adversary, the Major invites Integra Hellsing to face him.[6] From there, the Major reveals his attack on London was nothing more but a formulated plan to end Alucard. After Alucard is apparently dispatched, an attack by Seras reveals the Major's cybernetic modifications as he explains that he is still human because of his own will. Despite Integra having shot him in the head, the Major dies with a smile on his face because he took out her eye alongside achieving his goals of a grand war and Alucard's apparent demise at the cost of three million lives.[7]

The Doctor

Voiced by: Hiroshi Naka (Japanese), Marcelo Tubert (English)[8]

The Doctor (or "Doc") (博士(ドク) Doctor (Doku or Dokuta)), his nametag reading as Avondale Napyeer in volume 3, is Millennium's top scientist of the fields of physiology and technology, and the genius behind many of their projects. An unstable and eccentric genius, the Doctor dug up the body of Mina Harker, code named "The Shi", from her grave to create a Nazi vampire army out of 1,000 volunteers in the 'Letztes Battalion'. The Doctor also saved the Major's life in the aftermath of Hellsing: The Dawn. He is also the creator of Schrodinger whom he frequently scolds. After the Major died, the Doctor attempted to flee the exploding Hinderburg II to rebuild his research before being confronted by a dying Walter. Vexed by Walter accusing him of being a fraud, the Doctor attempted to detonate the explosive charge in the youth before losing his limbs and hitting the ground while dragging the curtain covering Mina's skeleton. Seeing Mina's skeleton, noting the woman's history and her possessing faint traces of Alucard's being in her bones, Walter notes the Doctor can create imitations before crashing the scientist to death under debris.

The Captain

The Captain (大尉 Taii, Hauptsturmführer) is a character in the manga Hellsing and a member of the Millennium forces and the Waffen-SS.

The Captain is the Major's silent, stoic adjutant and bodyguard. Unlike the Major and Lieutenant Rip van Winkle, he still wears a full uniform in the main story, which is similar to a M42 Greatcoat with its neckguard constantly turned up, and an M43 officer's cap emblazoned with the Totenkopf symbol. The Captain is a natural werewolf, able to transform at will and fight in either human, werewolf or wolf form. Like Alucard is Hellsing's trump card, and Alexander Anderson is Iscariot's, he could be considered Millennium's. He is the second highest-ranking member of Millennium implying to be second in command, but it is implied that he does not believe Millennium's ideology and merely wants to find someone capable of killing him.

Abilities and Weapons

The Captain possesses immense superhuman ability, even while in human form. This includes superhuman senses, strength (strong enough to bend steel bars or shatter limbs with a single kick), speed, reflexes/reactions, agility, dexterity, flexibility, coordination, balance, and endurance. His iron-like flesh can withstand Walter's wires (which can easily slice solid steel), even as they are tightened around his bare neck. He seems to be able to fall great distances without sustaining any damage, as seen in chapter 58, Wizardry (2). The Captain has some regenerative ability, as he quickly regenerated his mutilated hand in The Dawn. Being a real life 'wolf-man' he also has the ability to transform into white, fur-like mist similar to Alucard and is shown on several scenes growing fur. In addition to his natural abilities, the Captain possesses two modified Mauser C96s with incredibly long barrels, and a combat knife though he never uses it.

The Captain in Hellsing Vol. 6


The mysterious SS officer fought a fourteen year-old Walter C. Dornez as well as Alucard during an attack on Millennium's main research facility in Warsaw during World War II in 1944,[9] in the yet unfinished prequel story Hellsing: The Dawn. He squared off with Walter and managed to resist his wires, then choke him into submission before the fight was interrupted by Alucard. Alucard, on the other hand, backed out after getting kicked in half by the Captain, and left Walter to fend for himself while chasing after the Major. It is believed, based on information in the main storyline, that Walter came to an agreement with Millennium and left the compound, having seemingly aided in the destruction of the early undead soldier project. However, there is no official word that explicitly confirms or denies this yet.

Later in the same year, the Captain participated in the infamous Malmedy massacre on 17 December,[10] during the Battle of the Bulge. (Based on a photograph in chapter 82.) From a photograph taken on the 20th, he and the Major were still in the Ardennes area. (On the backcover of volume 3.) He would ultimately travel with the rest of Millennium to South America and stay in hiding for decades.

Over 55 years later, the Captain was sent to retrieve Walter for a certain process, during the invasion of England in 1999. As Walter and Integra Hellsing attempted to drive back to Hellsing HQ, Walter spotted the Captain blocking the road and approaching them. Walter then urged his master to flee, and attacked The Captain with his wires. The Captain caught them in his hands, and it looked like it would lead into a great duel, except the duel was never shown, leading fans to speculate about the Captain and Walter's relationship and Walter's loyalties. Later on, The Captain leaped from the Major's zeppelin to confront Alucard with Alexander Anderson. He was surprised to see Alucard's 'counter-attack', and backed off for the time being.

Several facts about this man were revealed in later chapters of The Dawn:

Although he was seen in chapter 68 Might and Magic (2) with long strands of hair forming on his face, chapter 74 Relics shows The Captain swiftly shooting Heinkel Wolfe in his human form. It is revealed in chapter 76 Finest hour that he deliberately shot through her cheek to spare Heinkel's life. The Captain attempts to directly communicate with Heinkel by making gestures with his head, which is interpreted as a warning to not interfere with Walter and Alucard's duel. After tossing Heinkel a first aid kit, he leaps up into the air and departs. This scene has been a subject of interest to many fans. The Captain, a werewolf with incredible strength, speed, and the ability to regenerate, would have no need for a first aid kit, and hence, no need to even carry one. Hirano's intentions in making the Captain spare Heinkel remain unclear though it may simply be that Hirano intended to show that the Captain was more noble than his comrades, and/or had some sense of chivalry for fellow warriors.

At the end of chapter 81, the Captain confronted Seras Victoria and Sir Integra, who stormed the Major's zeppelin. In chapter 82, the Captain allowed Integra to pass, even pointing out the direction of the bridge to her, then engaged Seras in a gun battle, which ended with him transforming into a werewolf. In chapter 84, he stood in a two-page spread, facing Seras in the form of a monstrously large wolf. The Captain then flew toward her in a similar way to Alucard's Baskerville familiar and dealt a powerful blow to Seras, ricocheting her off a wall and the ceiling. He swiftly changed into his bipedal werewolf form and kicked her down through the floor of the Hindenburg II and onto the ground below, jumping down to follow her. In chapter 85, he displays even more of his mist-like abilities, as even after being dealt what would appear to be a fatal blow from Seras' shadows, the Captain just dissolved into mist only to reform, standing atop her shadows, unharmed.

In chapter 86, he continued to trade blows with the Draculina, until Seras managed to stop one of his kicks by biting and holding his leg in her mouth. This gave Pip Bernadotte (from within Seras' body) the chance to thrust a tooth with a silver filling from a concentration camp prisoner into the Captain's chest. The chapter ends with the Captain's dogtag falling to the floor and splitting in half. The Captain then falls to the floor dying, he lies still while a smile slowly creeps on his face. He is then shown laughing (like a child according to Seras) before his body bursts into flames like previous Millennium members. Unlike the rest of the Millennium members, this may have been because he had finally been freed from the horrendous things he had done and could finally rest in peace. This can be determined from his chivalrous nature shown several times throughout the manga series.

The Captain is based on a character named Hans Gunshce in one of Hirano's older works, called "Desert Shutzstaffel". Unlike his Hellsing counterpart, this early incarnation of the Captain spoke and opposed the Axis forces during World War II. Interestingly, the Captain shows little enthusiasm for Millennium's Nazi traditions. While the other soldiers wear Swastikas and address the Major as their Führer, the Captain's only badge of allegiance is the Totenkopf on his cap. Given that he was already a century old by the beginning of World War II, it is possible that the Captain's motive for joining Millennium was to find a worthy opponent to be slain by, rather than the hysteria of the Third Reich that gripped Germany prior to the war.

Rip van Winkle

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (Japanese), Kari Wahlgren (English)[11]

First Lieutenant Rip van Winkle (リップヴァーン・ウィンクル中尉 Rippuvān Winkuru Obersturmführer) is one Millennium's top soldiers and a member of the Werewolf special forces. While a youthful-looking freckled vampire with glasses, van Winkle is actually 70 years old by the time of the series. She also seems to be childish and bipolar with a passion for Der Freischütz as she often sings songs from the opera while comparing herself to its lead character Caspar. This also plays in her use of a long-barreled flintlock musket that fires magic bullets which "punish all without distinction," tracking targets of their own accord by changing trajectories in mid-flight, seemingly armor-piercing and repeatedly pepper a target before expiring. van Winkle seems to have a limited amount of these bullets as she only uses one at a time. Her prototype was in Coyote.

As revealed in Hellsing: The Dawn, while bearing the rank of Junior Warrant Officer, van Winkle encountered Alucard half a century ago after his initial defeat by the Captain and while he was smoking with his sentient coffin. Though she eventually recognized Alucard as an enemy, van Winkle is easily dispatched and since developed a phobia after the Major compared Alucard to Zamiel, the demon that eventually drags Caspar to Hell.

During the main storyline, van Winkle is assigned by the Major to take the VTOL carrier Eagle as a distraction for Alucard in what is later revealed to be the Major's attempt to strand the vampire in the middle of the Alantic Ocean so Millennium can begin its invasion of London. After slaughtering the ship's vice-captain and his associates, van Winkle switched sides and orchestrated the mutiny of vampires, then renamed the British ship as Adler and painted a swastika in blood on the main deck while the members of the Letztes Battalion awakened. Though van Winkle is able to snipe down any approaching planes, Alucard uses a remodeled SR-71 Reconnaissance Jet to reach the ship and slaughter the entire Letzte Battalion. Despite a last ditched effort to kill Alucard, with the Major telling the Doctor to let her die a hunter's death instead of incinerating her as a rare gesture of "generosity", van Winkle is consumed in the vampire's shadows and becomes his familiar.

Rip later shows up as a familiar after Alucard releases his zero restriction, merged with Tubalcain Alhambra while manifesting from their master's body. After helping shoot down Maxwell's helicopter, she is destroyed in a massive fire along with all the other familiars after Alucard is mortally wounded by Anderson. This scene was not published in Young King OURs, but was added to volume 9. In several scenes she is also seen with an umbrella, which could be a reference to the practice of World War II German snipers to use umbrellas with camouflage foliage woven between the arms as light, adaptable, and mobile personal camouflage.

Zorin Blitz

Voiced by: Yoko Soumi (OVA)[11] (Japanese), Hellena Taylor (Ep. 4)[11] Rachel Robinson (eps. 5-7) (English)

First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz (ゾーリンブリッツ中尉 Zōrin Burittsu Obersturmführer) is a member of the Millennium forces and is a tall, massively muscled female vampire who works for the Millennium organization and is part of its Werwolf force. She is also the commander of one of Millennium's zeppelin forces, and is apparently the instigator of the Valentine Brothers' attack on the Hellsing mansion (though this is simply conjecture from mixing the manga and anime storylines).

She is a formidable fighter, wielding a giant scythe with enough force to cut a man in half. One side of her body is covered with tattoos, which include some designs but are mostly letters (into which Hirano occasionally sneaks phrases such as "Trigun Maximum," "Gungrave," and "Elvis Lives"); when exercising her power of illusion, they flow from her body onto the walls and ground around her, extending her influence over the area. She can also read a person to determine the ideal illusion to use on them.

Zorin attacked the Hellsing mansion during Millennium's invasion of London (Operation Seelöwe 2), having been warned prior to not underestimate Seras Victoria as her forces execute the members of the Wild Geese before she personally kills Pip Bernadotte. However, not taking the Major's warning seriously as she only maimed Seras, Zorin finds herself facing the young vampire after drinking Bernadotte's blood to awaken her latent vampiric powers. As a result, Serah becomes immune to Zorin's powers become due to making Bernadotte her familiar and thus his soul and memories incorporated into Seras's mind. From there, Schrödinger briefly appears to tell Zorin that she will have an undignified death instead of being incinerated. True to Schrödinger's word, Zorin is killed by Seras in a spectacularly violent and bloody manner with her face scrapped across a wall like butter across toast.

Her tattoos are different from panel to panel, in terms of images (in volume 7 she is shown to have a pentagram on her right cheek, though in at least one panel it is a hexagram instead) as well as number and arrangement of letters, though it's never stated if they actually change or if Hirano simply didn't bother trying to maintain identical patterns of hundreds of letters and images.

Zorin appears briefly at the end of OVA III, with a full appearance in OVA IV, appears in OVA V, is a central character in OVA VI, and makes her final appearance in OVA VII. Her last name means "lightning" in German and may be a reference to the World War II German military tactic of Blitzkrieg. In the James Bond 007 movie A View to a Kill, actor Christopher Walken plays a villain named Max Zorin who was a chem-engineered ubermensch created in late World War II by Nazi Germany and who possessed a Zeppelin-based flying HQ. He also had May Day, a giant, muscular female bodyguard. It is entirely possible that Hirano drew from these elements in creating his Hellsing character.


Voiced by: Ryoko Shiraishi (Japanese), Laura Bailey (English)[11]

Schrödinger as depicted in volume 4.

Junior Warrant Officer Schrödinger (シュレディンガー准尉 Shuredingā jun'i) is a member of Millennium's Werewolf special forces who is a creation of the Doctor's. Resembling a young teenage blond boy in a Hitler Youth uniform with cat ears and a perpetual smirk, Schrödinger shares the Major's love for war and bloodshed while mainly serving as his envoy for Millennium. This is possible by Schrödinger's power, named after "Schrödinger's cat" scenario in quantum physics, an ability to be "everywhere and nowhere" at the same time that allows him to appear at any location and negating any fatal injury through will and sense of self. Schrodinger's prototype was a catgirl named Azmodeus from Doc's story who was raped and impregnated by Hitler which he called a Schrodinger.

In the main storyline, Schrödinger is sent by the Major to appear before Hellsing during Integra's meeting with Iscariot and the Queen of England to deliver Millennium's war declaration. Although he is blasted in the head by Alucard, he then appears on the Deu Ex Machina ship with The Major.[11] He also appears at the moments where Rip van Winkle and Zorin Blitz are killed in battle. Later, Schrödinger greets Integra and Seras as they enter the landed Hindenburg II, provoking Integra to shoot him in the head.[6] However, he appears once again, where as part of the Major's plan to finally end Alucard by putting him in a situation where he must replenish himself with new familiars, Schrödinger cuts off his head and his body and blood flows into the blood being absorbed by Alucard. His paradoxical blood "poisons" Alucard, causing the latter to fade out of existence during the fight with Walter. Thirty years later, when Alucard has dealt with the millions of souls he had harbored, he mentions he still has remnants of Schrodinger's.[7]

Tubalcain Alhambra

Voiced by: Hōchū Ōtsuka (Japanese), Steve Wilcox (English)[8]

Tubalcain Alhambra (トバルカイン・アルハンブラ Tobarukain Aruhanbura) is a member of Millennium who also known as "The Dandy" ("The Dandy Man" in the OVA),a tall and thin man who resembles a malandro archetype in Brazilian culture. According to the character descriptions in the Dark Horse version of Volume Four, Tubalcain was a First Lieutenant in Millennium. In a fight, Tubalcain uses razor-sharp playing cards that can cut through anything or create illusions.

In the storyline, Tubalcain promised Brazilian police and military officers immortality through becoming vampires in exchange for killing Alucard and Seras Victoria, who were staying in a local hotel. Though Alucard consider the use of pawns to be cowardly, Tubalcain also planned to reduce the vampire's ammunition as he gets the upper hand in their duel. However, Alucard toyed with Tubalcain before releasing his restrictions to level one while making use of Sera's distraction so he can attack Alhambra at close range. Alucard proceeds to cripple Tubalcain before absorbing the man's blood and soul to access his memories to know Millennium's plan. Though the Doctor activated the incineration chip on Tubalcain, his soul ended up in Alucard's body. His soul later reappears, along with all the others absorbed by Alucard over the ages, when Integra releases his control art restriction system to Level Zero in volume 8. After helping shoot down Maxwell's helicopter and attacking Anderson, he is destroyed in a massive fire along with all the other familiars. This scene was not published in Young King OURs, but was added to volume 9.

The Valentine Brothers

Luke Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English)[1]
Jan Voiced by: Kazuya Nakai (TV) Wataru Takagi (OVA)[1] (Japanese), Josh Phillips[1] (English)

A pair of vampire brothers who work for Millennium, having apparently worked as hit-men or have a long history in criminal activity while being presumably Americans. In the anime, the brothers were night club owners before their conversion. While the volatile and rude Jan Valentine (ヤン・バレンタイン Yan Varentain) is a run of the mill vampire armed with a pair of heavily modified, suppressed FN P90s, the calm and reserved Luke Valentine (ルーク・ヴァレンタイン Rūku Varentain) is specially modified to have accelerated healing and speed with the use of a pair of sawed-off M1 Garand rifles, a curved bowie knife, and a Walther PPK concealed up his sleeve. With an army of ghouls in militant garb, the brothers stormed Hellsing HQ. While Jan faced off against Walter and Seras, incinerated by Millennium upon failure and using his final moments to reveal the group's name, Luke descended into the basement to kill Alucard for the sake of infamy as believed he was superior to his opponent. But when Alucard removes his restriction seal over who he thought to be a worthy opponent, Luke is revealed to be unable to regenerate loss limbs and is devoured by Alcard's Baskerville familiar.

In Hellsing IX, during Alucard's fight with Walter, Luke emerges briefly from Alucard's Baskerville familiar which was sliced in half. He is subsequently used by Walter as a puppet to fight Alucard. However, Alucard used his powers to turn Luke into a decoy to catch Walter off guard.[6] The Valentine Brothers also appear in the omakes in the manga after their debut, making light of their deaths. Their prototypes were in The Legends of a Vampire Hunter.

Anime characters


The antagonist of the anime series, Icognito is a masochistic vampire from Africa who came to England with the mission to destroy London and eat Alucard after defeating him. After numerous acts after converting the SAS soldiers, he slaughtered into a new breed of FREAK vampires so he can use them to attack Cambridge and Trafalgar Square. Incognito captures Integra for a ritual to summon Sett, but Incognito ends being killed by Alucard after Integra enables him to fight to his full abilities.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 "Hellsing II". Hellsing Ultimate. Episode 2. September 27, 2014. Closing credits. Adult Swim.
  2. The round house table
  3. Sir Penwood, who promised to protect Integra to her father who was living at the time, after he died.
  4. The round house table or order of the protestant knights
  5. 'Hellsing OVA'
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 "Hellsing IX". Hellsing. December 6, 2014. Adult Swim.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 "Hellsing X". Hellsing. December 13, 2014. Adult Swim.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 "Hellsing III". Hellsing Ultimate. Episode 3. October 4, 2014. Closing credits. Adult Swim.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 "Hellsing IV". Hellsing Ultimate. Episode 4. October 11, 2014. Closing credits. Adult Swim.

External links