List of Galician words of Germanic origin

This is a list of Galician words which have Germanic origin. Many of these words entered the language during the late antiquity, either as words introduced into Vulgar Latin elsewhere, or as words brought along by the Suebi who settled in Galicia in the 5th century, or by the Visigoths who annexed the Suebic Kingdom in 585. Other words were incorporated to Galician during the Middle Ages, mostly proceeding from French and Occitan languages, as both cultures had a massive impact in Galicia during the 12th and 13th centuries. More recently other words with Germanic origin have been incorporated, either directly from English or other Germanic languages, or indirectly through Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French.

Most of these words are shared with Portuguese language or with the northern Portuguese dialects, presenting most of the time just minor spelling or phonetic differences.

All along this article, any form with an asterisk (*) is an unattested reconstruction, being therefore hypothetical.

Words incorporated in the Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages

Words exclusive to Galician, or with an early presence in local documents, have been frequently attributed to the Suebi who settled in Galicia and northern Portugal in 411,[1] or alternatively to the Visigoths who annexed the Suebi kingdom in 585, although the later didn't settle in Galicia prior to the 8th century:[2]

Some words were already recorded in Visigothic legal documents: tiufatus, gardingus, escancia, sagio,[17] while some others (beyond the aforementioned) have a very early documentation in Latin documents from Galicia: varón (baro "male, man", 9th century), barragán "young, strong man" (10th century), escançan "serf (cup bearer)" (11th century), gasalian and gasaliana "companion, comrade" (9th century), saio "official" (9th century), tiufatus "commander" (10th century), roán "reddish" (raudane, 10th century in León), garda "watch" (guardia, 10th century), nastro "strip" (nastalo, 11th century, in Braga), osa "boot" (9th century), sopa "sop, soup" (soparia, 10th century), roupa "clothes" (raupa, 11th century), roubar "to rob" (raubare, 12th century), albergaria "inn" (11th century), teixón "badger" (Texunarias, first years of the 12th century), esculca "watchtower" (10th century), estaca "stake" (11th century), espora "spoor" (11th century), ganhar "to obtain", gado "cattle" (9th century), frasco "flask" (flascas, 9th century, in Asturias).

Usually, some words shared by Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, and sometimes also Catalan, Occitan or Italian, are considered of Gothic extraction: agasallar, aio, arenga, aspa, ataviar, banda, bando, barragán, bramar, brigar, brotar, casta, escanzán, escanzar, espeto, espía, espita, espora, estaca, estala, fato, gavián, gaita, galardón, ganso, garda, gardián, agasallar, gorir, grampa, grima, íngreme, látego, louzán, luva, malado, marta, rapar, rico, ripa, roán, roca, roupa, taco, tascar, teixugo, tosquiar. toldo, tregua, triscar. [18] Other words as albergue, esculca, escuma, fresco, gañar, guerra, helmo, roubar, sopa, teixón, xabrón, which can be found in all of the Western Romance languages, are more frequently considered to be Germanic loanwords incorporated into Vulgar Latin, maybe in Gaul.[19][20][21]

Map showing the historical linguistic context of the Iberian peninsula during the second millennium of our era

There is a number of Germanic words which Galician shares with French, but which are unknown in Spanish; these are either nautical direct borrowings, early importations into Iberia which felt out of use in Spanish, or loans produced independently in Galician [22] and French: gaspallar "to shatter, to trash" (French gaspailler), faísca "ashfly" (Falisca, 12th century, French flammèche), ripar "to scratch off" and ripo, ripanzo "comb" (French riper), estricar "to stretch" (Old French: estriquer), especar "to prop, to shore" (Old French esprequer), lapear "to lick" (French laper), rafar "to wear away" (Old French raffer).

There are other words of Germanic origin which are characteristically Galician, being mostly unknown in Spanish: graba "ditch, trench", íngreme, esgrevio "rough, steep", deluvar "to peel, to rub", maga "sardine's guts", gaspeto "nail", bremar "to be anxious, to fret", gulapo "gulp", rispar "to snatch, to rub", tripar, trispar "to tread", tripadela "stomp", gueste "food offered to a group of workers", estinga "stingray", espolarte "bottlenose dolphin, killer whale", falcatrúa "evil deed, treason, cheat, mischief", rampelo "thin person/horse/cow", garimar "to lend, to bring close", escarpa "splinter, thorn; rough bark (of a tree)", fouveiro "blonde", tasca "type of net", anazar "to mix something with liquids", nafre "nose" and esnafrar "to hurt one's nose".


At least two Germanic suffixes became productive in Galician, Portuguese and Spanish. The first one is -iskaz (medieval francisco 'French', grecisco 'Greek', alemaniscus 'German', frisiscus 'Frisian', mauriscus 'Moor'; personal names Uandaliscus 'Vandal', Uniscus 'Hun', Unisco 'Hun woman';[23] the second one is -ingaz,[24][25] whence the Galician reguengo 'royal property' (regalengo, in the 10th century), avoengo 'property of the lineage' (abolenga, 10th century), abadengo 'monastical property' (12th century), mullerengo 'effeminate', andarengo 'swift', tourengo 'heat, mating season of the cattle', millarengo 'linnet', podenco 'hound'...

List of words

Aspa or sarillo
Brétema in the coast of Galicia
Foro or constitutional charter of 1228 of the Bo Burgo ('Good-Burg') of Castro Caldelas
Estinga (stingray)
Faíscas (embers)
A gaiteiro playing a gaita (bagpipe)
Ganso (gander or goose)
Goldra (weld)
Laverca (skylark)
Lobio (vine bower)
Luvas (gloves)
Meixengra (tit)
Teixugo (badger)

Other Germanic words incorporated during the Middle Ages

Many other words of Germanic origin were incorporated into the Galician language, most notably from during the 12th and 13th centuries, from French and Occitan, as French and Occitan culture (through the Cluniac reform and Cistercian monks; French noblemen, migrants, pilgrims and stonemasons; and Provençal lyrics) had a massive cultural impact in Galicia during the Middle Ages.

Another large number of words, related to seafaring and navigation, were incorporated also through French, English, Dutch, or Frisian navigators.

guaita (shore rockling)
Balcón (balcony)
Bandeira (flag)
Esmaltes (glazed tiles) in Pontevedra
Galopando (galloping)
renarte (fox), also known as raposo or golpe


Grampín (grapnel)

Recent Germanic loanwords

Some other Germanic words have been incorporated recently, from English, Dutch, French, or Italian, but frequently with the intermediation of Spanish. Among them:

A few words have been taken directly from English navigators during the last centuries:

See also


  1. Cf. Ferreiro 2001: 30; Kremer 2004: 133-148; Kremer 2004b: 9-25; Rivas 1989: 51; Carvalho Calero 1979: 59; Hilty 2005: 473-480
  2. "The small proprietors in contrast were men of overwhelmingly Celtic, Roman and Suevic stock, not Visigoths, for in the century since Leovigild's conquest of the Suevic kingdom in 585 there had been no perceptible Visigothic migration to the northwest.", Bishko, Charles Julian (1984). Spanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600-1300. London: Variorum Reprints. p. 21. ISBN 978-0-86078-136-3.
  3. Rivas 1989: 51; Rivas 2007: 150-152; Coromines 1997 s.v. marcar
  4. DuCange s.v. grani
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Kremer 2004: 140
  6. Ferreiro 2001: 19
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Kremer 2004: 140, 146
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Rivas 1989: 51
  9. Orel 2003 s.v. *laiwarikōn
  10. Kremer 2004: 146
  11. Rivas 2007: 84-85
  12. 12.0 12.1 Rivas 2007: 150-152
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Carvalho Calero 1979: 58
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Hilty 2005: 475
  15. 15.0 15.1 Martins: 6
  16. REW 8864
  17. Kremer 2004: 12
  18. Kremer 2004: 139; Hilty 2005: 475
  19. Kremer 2004: 139
  20. Ferreiro 2001: 20
  21. Dworkin 2012: 69- 73
  22. Suebic origin have been proposed for some of them, cf. Rivas 1989: 51
  23. Varela Sieiro 2003: 400-401
  24. Kremer 2004: 137-138
  25. Dworkin 2012: 77
  26. DCECH s.v. abeitar
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 Orel 2003 s.v.
  28. REW §3985; Orel 2003 s.v.
  29. REW §4045; Orel 2003, s.v. bergō
  30. Varela Sieiro 2008: 127
  31. cf. Carvalho Calero 1979: 58
  32. GERT §32; REW §456; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  33. DCECH s.v. anca; Orel 2003 s.v. xanxaz II
  34. DCECH s.v. angazo
  35. REW §4209
  36. REW §4054; Orel 2003 s.v.
  37. REW §4069; Orel 2003 s.v.
  38. REW §8601; Orel 2003 s.v.
  39. REW §933; Varela Sieiro 2008: 306; Varela Sieiro 2003: 134; Orel 2003 s.v.
  40. 40.0 40.1 REW §929
  41. REW §929; Orel 2003 s.v.
  42. Hilty 2005: 475; Coromines 1997 s.v.
  43. 43.0 43.1 REW §981
  44. REW §1004; Orel 2003 s.v.
  45. cf. Montenegro Rúa, Enrique Jorge (2011). "SANTA EULALIA DE BÓVEDA Y EL CASTRO DE CORVAZAL: UNA APROXIMACIÓN AL ESTUDIO ARQUEOLÓGICO DE LO PRÓXIMO". Férvedes (7): 175–184. Retrieved 28 October 2012.
  46. 46.0 46.1 cf. Orel 2003 s.v.
  47. REW §1273; Orel 2003 s.v.
  48. REW §1276
  49. DCECH s.v. bregar; Orel 2003 s.v.
  50. DCECH s.v. bramar
  51. REW §1270
  52. DCECH s.v. brétema; Hilty 2005: 475; Orel s.v. 2003
  53. Cf. REW §1312; Orel 2003 s.v.; Rivas 2007: 150-152
  54. Cf. REW §1321; Orel 2003 s.v.
  55. Cf. REW §1349; Orel 2003 s.v.
  56. Cf. REW §1397, §1408; Kremer 2004: 140, 146; Rivas 1989: 51
  57. Coromines 1997 s.v.; Orel 2003 s.v. bauþaz
  58. CNRTL s.v. bot
  59. REW 1299; Coromines 1997 s.v. bregar; Orel 2003 s.v.
  60. Cf. REW §1417
  61. Cf. REW §1376; GERT 329; Orel 2003 s.v.
  62. Cf. REW §1407; Varela Sieiro 2008: 41; Orel 2003 s.v.
  63. Coromines 1997 s.v. guiñapo
  64. REW §1708
  65. Coromines 1997 s.v. casta
  66. cf. DCECH s.v. cierne
  67. Cf. REW §2024
  68. REW §7970; Orel 2003 s.v.; Varela Sieiro 2003: 243
  69. REW §7973, §7974; Orel 2003 s.v.
  70. REW §7999; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  71. REW §7982; Orel 2003 s.v.
  72. REW §7979a; Orel 2003 s.v.
  73. GERT §1939; REW §8006a; Orel 2003 s.v
  74. Cf. Memidex s.v. skulk
  75. REW §8013; Orel 2003 s.v.
  76. 76.0 76.1 cf. Köbler 2007 s.v.
  77. Cf. REW §8125; Orel 2003 s.v.
  78. DCECH s.v. espía II
  79. Cf. REW §8163: Orel 2003 s.v.
  80. REW §8136-7; Orel 2003 s.v. *spexōjanan
  81. REW §3056 and §6748
  82. REW §8178; Orel 2003 s.v.
  83. REW §8002; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  84. Meyer-Lübke 1911, §7994; Orel 2003 s.v.
  85. REW §8218; Orel 2003 s.v.
  86. REW §8219; Orel 2003 s.v.
  87. DdD: Panisse 1977 s.v. stinga; Orel 2003 s.v.
  88. cf. CRNTL s.v. étriquer; Orel 2003 s.v.
  89. Cf. REW §3152
  90. REW §3158; Orel 2003 s.v.
  91. REW §3162
  92. Cf. REW §3184
  93. Cf. REW §3218
  94. REW §3305; Varela Sieiro 2003: 182
  95. REW §3174
  96. REW §3355
  97. REW §3521; Orel 2003 s.v.
  98. REW §3541; GERT §629
  99. DCECH s.v. gabarse
  100. Cf. REW §3626; Rivas 1989: 51; Carvalho Calero 1979: 58
  101. Coromines 1997 s.v.; Hilty 2005: 475; Orel 2003 s.v.
  102. REW §9529; Orel 2003 s.v.; Coromines 1997 s.v.
  103. Hilty 2005: 476
  104. Pianigiani, Ottorino (1907). Vocabolario etimologico della lingua italiana. s.v. gualdrappa
  105. REW §3677; Hilty 2005: 475
  106. Cf. Coromines 1997 s.v. ganar; REW §9483; Orel 2003 s.v.; but Hilty considers that this word is a Gothicism: Hilty 2005: 476
  107. REW §9502; Orel 2003 s.v.; Hilty 2005: 475
  108. REW §3697; Orel 2003 s.v.
  109. GERT §684; CNRTL s.v. gaspiller
  110. Coromines 1997 s.v. gavilán
  111. Cf. REW §3828; Orel 2003 s.v.
  112. REW §4754, §4760; Orel 2003 s.v.
  113. Du Cange s.v. granones
  114. REW §3867; Orel 2003 s.v.
  115. REW §3870; Orel 2003 s.v.
  116. Rivas 2007: 84-85; Orel 2003 s.v.
  117. Cf. REW §3019; GERT §1219; Orel 2003 s.v.
  118. REW §9490; Orel 2003 s.v.
  119. REW §9504; Orel 2003 s.v.
  120. REW §9507
  121. Coromines 1997 s.v. guedeja; Orel 1997 s.v.
  122. Cf. REW §9535, §9536; Orel 2003 s.v.
  123. REW §9554; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  124. Cf. Orel 2003, s.v.
  125. REW §9528; Orel 2003 s.v.; Coromines 1997 s.v. 'guiar'
  126. REW §9555; Orel 2003 s.v.
  127. Cf. REW §4130; Orel 2003 s.v.
  128. Cf. Carvalho Calero 1979: 58; REW 3834; Orel 2003 s.v.
  129. cf. REW §4905; Orel 2003 s.v.
  130. REW §4933; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  131. Coromines 1997 s.v. lata
  132. Hilty 2005: 475; Coromines 1997 s.v. látigo
  133. Cf. REW §4954; Orel 2003 s.v.
  134. Cf. REW §5041; Orel 2003 s.v.
  135. Cf. REW, §5083; Orel 2003 s.v.
  136. Cf. REW §4936; Orel 2003 s.v.
  137. Varela Sieiro 2008: 282
  138. Rivas 2007: 231-232
  139. Dworkin 2012: 74
  140. Cf. REW §3803
  141. Varela Sieiro 2003: 127
  142. DCECH s.v. amagar
  143. Cf. REW §5233; Orel 2003 s.v.
  144. Cf. REW §5238; Orel 2003 s.v.; Hilty 2005: 475
  145. Cf. REW §5239; Orel 2003 s.v. *markō
  146. Cf. REW §5364; Orel 2003 s.v.
  147. 147.0 147.1 REW §5373; Orel 2003 s.v.
  148. REW §5384; Orel 2003 s.v. *marduz
  149. REW §5467; Orel 2003 s.v. *maisōn.
  150. REW §5435; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  151. Cf. REW §5914; Orel 2003 s.v;
  152. DCECH s.v. rebuznar
  153. REW §4195; Orel 2003 s.v.
  154. Varela Sieiro 2003: 123
  155. Cf. Martins: 6; Orel 2003 s.v.
  156. Cf. REW §6509; Orel 2003 s.v.
  157. Cf. REW §6309; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  158. REW §7005; Orel 2003 s.v.*xrappjanan
  159. REW §6309; Orel 2003 s.v. *xrampaz
  160. REW §7057; Orel 2003 s.v.*xrappjanan
  161. REW §7077; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  162. REW §7315; Orel 2003 s.v.; Coromines 1997 s.v. rico
  163. Cf. REW 1911, §7319 and §7321; Orel 2003 s.v.; Carvalho Calero 1979: 58
  164. Coromines 1997 s.v. ripia; Orel 2003 s.v. *rebjan, and cf. REW §7298
  165. Cf. REW §7332; Orel 2003 s.v.
  166. CNRTL s.v. riper
  167. Coromines 1997 s.v. roano; Orel 2003 s.v.
  168. REW §7433; Orel 2003 s.v.
  169. REW §7092; Orel 2003 s.v.
  170. REW §7090; Orel 2003 s.v.
  171. Varela Sieiro 2003: 102
  172. Kremer 2004: 140, 146; Orel 2003 s.v. *saliz
  173. REW §7507
  174. REW §8464; Orel 2003 s.v.
  175. Varela Sieiro 2003: 243
  176. Cf. REW §7626; Martins: 6; Orel 2003 s.v.
  177. REW §8565; Orel 2003 s.v.
  178. 178.0 178.1 REW §8579; Orel 2003 s.v.
  179. Cf. REW §8592; Orel 2003 s.v.
  180. REW §8593; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  181. REW §8606; Orel 2003 s.v.
  182. Rivas 2007: 415-416
  183. Cf. Dworkin s.v. tetta; REW §8759; Orel 2003 s.v.
  184. GERT 2181; Coromines 1997 s.v.; Orel 2003 s.v.
  185. Cf. REW §8719; Orel 2003 s.v.
  186. Cf. Coromines 1997 s.v. tormo
  187. Coromines 1997 s.v. esquilar; Orel 2003 s.v.
  188. REW §8863; Orel 2003 s.v. trappōjanan
  189. Rivas 2007: 416-417
  190. Cf. REW §8927; Orel 2003 s.v.
  191. REW §8713; Orel 2003 s.v. *þrengwanan
  192. REW §8915; Orel 2003 s.v. trappōjanan
  193. REW §8715; Orel 2003 s.v.
  194. DCECH s.v. trocir
  195. REW §8864; Orel 2003 s.v.
  196. DCECH s.v. trousa
  197. REW §962; Orel 2003 s.v.
  198. Coromines s.v. jabón; Orel 2003 s.v.
  199. REW §1065
  200. cf. REW §159
  201. REW §9479; Orel 2003 s.v.
  202. REW §159
  203. REW §4032; Orel 2003 s.v.; Coromines 1997 s.v.
  204. REW §4042; Orel 2003 s.v.
  205. REW §4042
  206. Carvalho Calero 1979: 58; REW §4209; Orel 2003 s.v.
  207. cf. Coromines 1997 s.v.
  208. Cf. REW §1098
  209. REW §907
  210. 210.0 210.1 REW §928
  211. REW §1152
  212. Varela Sieiro 2003: 369
  213. REW §924
  214. REW §1216
  215. Rivas 2007: 281; CNRTL s.v. bois
  216. 216.0 216.1 REW §1007
  217. REW §1313
  218. 218.0 218.1 Cf. REW §1347
  219. REW §1340
  220. Varela Sieiro 2003: 325
  221. REW §1224
  222. Cf. REW §9497; Orel 2003 s.v.
  223. REW §4747
  224. REW §4686; Orel 2003 s.v.
  225. REW §2479; Orel 2003 s.v.
  226. REW §2780; Orel 2003 s.v.
  227. REW §448; Orel 2003 s.v.
  228. Donkin 1864: 56
  230. REW §8007
  231. REW §7992
  232. REW §8040; Orel 2003, s.v.
  233. 233.0 233.1 Coromines 1997 s.v.; Orel 2003 s.v.
  234. REW §7992; Orel 2003, s.v.
  235. REW §8226
  236. GERT 877
  237. REW §3304
  238. REW §3541
  239. REW §3405
  240. Coromines 1997 s.v. flecha; Carvalho Calero 1979: 58
  241. REW §9489; Orel 2003 s.v.
  242. REW 9505
  243. REW §9573; Orel 2003 s.v.
  244. REW 9510; Orel 2003 s.v.
  245. REW §4787; Orel 2003 s.v.
  246. Coromines 1997 s.v. engastar; REW §4682; Orel 2003 s.v.
  247. REW §9474; Orel 2003 s.v.
  248. REW §3757
  249. REW §4764
  250. REW 9524; Orel 2003 s.v.
  251. REW §3763; Orel 2003 s.v.
  252. Varela Sieiro 2003: 365
  253. REW §9500; Orel 2003 s.v.
  254. Coromines 1997 s.v.; CNRTL s.v. huche.
  255. REW §4855; Orel 2003 s.v.
  256. REW §5084; Orel 2003 s.v.
  257. REW §5128; Orel 2003 s.v. *xlautaz
  258. REW §5265; Orel 2003 s.v. *malxaz
  259. REW §5344; Orel 2003 s.v.
  260. REW §5364; Orel 2003 s.v.
  261. REW §4080; Orel 2003 s.v.
  262. REW §9084
  263. 263.0 263.1 REW §7042; Orel 2003 s.v.
  264. REW §7172
  265. Coromines 1997 s.v. renco
  266. REW §4209; Orel 2003 s.v.
  267. REW §4206
  268. REW §4217
  269. REW, §7098; Köbler 2007 s.v.
  270. cf. Coromines 1997 s.v.; Orel 2003 s.v. *saliz
  271. REW §7932
  272. REW §7946; Orel 2003 s.v.
  273. Cf. REW §8720; Orel 2003 s.v.
  274. Cf. REW §8788; Orel 2003 s.v.
  275. Cf. REW §8938
  276. Cf. REW §8939; Coromines 1997 s.v.; Orel 2003 s.v.
  277. cf. REW §3763
  278. REW §1135; Orel 2003 s.v.
  279. REW §270; Orel 2003 s.v.
  280. REW §3997; Orel 2003 s.v.
  281. REW §478
  282. REW §4046
  283. REW §7435; Orel 2003 s.v.
  284. REW §985
  285. REW §1005; Orel 2003 s.v.
  286. REW §1215; Orel 2003 s.v.
  287. REW §4723; Orel 2003 s.v.
  288. REW §2455; Orel 2003 s.v.
  289. REW §7711a; Orel 2003 s.v.
  290. REW §7707; Orel 2003 s.v.
  291. REW §7797; Orel 2003 s.v.
  292. REW §8297; Orel 2003 s.v.
  293. Orel 2003 s.v.; Coromines 1997 s.v.; Online Etymology Dictionary. Web. 31 Oct 2012, s.v. freight
  294. Cf. REW §4761; Orel 2003 s.v.
  295. REW §9546
  296. REW 9545; Coromines 1997 s.v. guindar; Orel 2003 s.v.
  297. REW §4922
  298. Cf. REW §5251; CNRTL s.v. maquereau1
  299. REW §5397; Orel 2003 s.v.
  300. REW §5957; Orel 2003 s.v.
  301. REW 9526; Orel 2003 s.v.
  302. REW §4698
  303. REW §7438
  304. REW §8424; Orel 2003 s.v.
  305. REW §8708; Orel 2003 s.v.
  306. REW §8710; Orel 2003 s.v.
  307. REW §8861
  308. REW §9477; Orel 2003 s.v.
  309. REW 9574; Orel 2003 s.v.


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