List of French sail frigates

Marine Nationale
Motto: Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline
(“Honour, Homeland, Valour, Discipline”)
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Aviation navale
FORFUSCO (Commandos Marine, Fusiliers Marins)
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Ranks in the French Navy
History of the French Navy
Future of the French Navy
Ensigns and pennants
Historic ships

   ships of the line
   Sail frigates

Historic fleets
Croix de guerre
Médaille militaire
Légion d'honneur
Rieuse, a 26-gun oar-assisted frégate légère (1674–1698)

This article is a list of French naval frigates during the Age of Sail, from the middle of the 17th century (when the type emerged) until the close of the sailing era in the middle of the 19th century. The tables excludes privateer frigates (i.e. those owned by individuals or business enterprises), which were not part of the Marine Royale, as well as frigates built for the French East India Company (Compagnie des Indes).

Classification of frigates

Early French naval frigates, until the 1740s, comprises two distinct groups. The larger types were the frégates-vaisseau, with batteries of guns spread over two decks; these were subdivided into frégates du premier ordre or vaisseau du quatrième rang (French Fourth Rates) usually with a lower deck battery of 12-pounder guns, and an upper deck battery of either 8-pounder or 6-pounder guns; and frégates du deuxième ordre or vaisseau du cinquième rang (French Fifth Rates) with a lower deck batter of 8-pounder guns, and an upper deck battery of either 6-pounder or 4-pounder guns. The smaller types were the frégates légères, with a single battery of (usually) 6-pounder or 4-pounder guns, plus a few small guns on its superstructure or gaillards. The 'modern' sail frigate, with its main battery on the upper deck, and no ports along the lower deck, emerged at the start of the 1740s.

The article categorises frigates according to the weight of the projectile fired by the main battery; the first 'true' frigates in the 1740s carried either 6-pounder or 8-pounder guns, but development soon standardised around the 12-pounder frigate, carrying thirteen pairs (occasionally fourteen pairs) of 12-pounder guns on the upper deck, and usually three pairs of 6-pounder guns on the quarterdeck and forecastle (collectively referred to as the "gaillards" in French). During the American Revolutionary War, larger types carrying an 18-pounder or even 24-pounder main battery (and more secondary guns on the gaillards) were introduced, and following the French Revolution these became predominant. Finally in the 1820s, a new type of 30-pounder armed frigate was brought into service.

Design and construction

In general, French frigates were more lightly built than their British equivalents. This reflected not a poorer quality of design (French designs were often highly prized by the Royal Navy, which copied the designs of a number of the French frigates that they captured, and built a quantity of vessels to the same designs, but with heavier scantlings), but resulted from a different strategic need. French frigates were perceived as being away from port for limited periods; they had less room for storage of provisions for protracted overseas deployments, and they sacrificed durability for speed and ease of handling. British frigates, in comparison, were more solidly built to endure lengthly times at sea (in particular, to remain for several months on blockade service off enemy harbours and thus were more able to withstand extreme weather conditions, but were slow in comparison

The number of guns is as rated; from the 1780s, many carried some obusiers (from 1800, carronades) or swivels also.

Frigates of Louis XIV (1643–1715)

This table commences with a listing of early French naval frigates of the second half of the 17th century and the early 18th century (under the reign of Louis XIV – the "Sun King" – from 14 May 1643 to 1 September 1715). Note that numerous French warships underwent changes of names in June 1671, with many other changes of names on various occasions.

Under the classification system introduced by Colbert in 1669, as altered in 1671, the "quatrième rang" (fourth rate) covered two-decked frigates (generally carrying a main battery of 12-pounder guns) of between 40 and 46 guns, increased in 1683 to between 40 and 46 guns, while the "cinquième rang" (fifth rate) comprised smaller frigates, both single-decked and two-decked (generally carrying a main battery of 8-pounder guns) of between 28 and 34 guns, increased in 1683 to between 30 and 36 guns. Below this rate were the unrated frégates légères ("light frigates") carrying fewer guns.

Frigates of the 1st Order (or 4th Rates)

These were two-decked ships, usually carrying 12-pounder guns in their lower deck battery, and generally an upper deck battery of 6-pounders (although there were exceptions to these calibres). They were classed as fourth rate vessels (vaisseaux du quatrième rang). While not rated as ships of the line, inevitably several of these frigates not infrequently found themselves taking a place in the line of battle, although their many function was for cruising and for trade protection/attack.

Frigates of the 2nd Order (or 5th Rates)

These generally carried 8-pounder guns in their lower deck battery, and were classed as fifth rate vessels (vaisseaux du cinquième rang). Note this list is incomplete, and requires expansion.

Light Frigates (Frégates légères)

These were single-decked unrated ships (i.e. classified as below the cinqième rang), carrying a battery of 6-pounder or 8-pounder guns on their sole gundeck. An estimated 162 of these were placed in service between 1661 and 1715, of which the following is simply a partial list, and needs expansion.

Frigates under Louis XV (1715–1774)

From 1715 onwards, it is more appropriate to classify frégates according to their principal armament, i.e. by the weight of shot fired by the principal battery of guns carried by those ships. The smaller frigates were those mounting 6-pounder guns in their main battery, while larger frigates carried 8-pounder or 12-pounder guns (note that these "pounds" were actually French livres, of about 7.9% greater weight than British Imperial pounds). Later in the century, 18-pounder or 24-pounder frigates were introduced, and from the 1820s 32-pounder guns were carried as the principal battery on larger frigates.

6-pounder armed frigates (frégates légères)

8-pounder armed frigates (frégates du deuxième ordre)

12-pounder armed frigates (frégates du premier ordre)

18-pounder/24-pounder armed frigates

Frigates of Louis XVI (1774–1792), the Revolutionary era and the First Empire (to 1815)

12-pounder armed frigates

Thétis, Cybèle and Concorde were built on the same pattern, but armed with 18-pounders.

The above list excludes some 12-pounder frigates captured from the British Navy at various dates, or from other navies.

18-pounder armed frigates

18-pounder frigates captured or purchased by French Navy

24-pounder armed frigates

Fight of the Poursuivante – 28 June 1803, Louis-Philippe Crépin

France experimented early with heavy frigates, with a pair being built in 1772 (however the 24-pounder guns of this pair were quickly replaced by 18-pounders in service). Several more were constructed duringh the French Revolution, but the Romaine Class of "frégate-bombardes", to which curious design (incorporating a heavy mortar into the design) at least thirteen vessels were ordered (24 were originally planned), proved over-gunned, and no further 24-pounder armed frigates were begun until after 1815.

Frigates under Louis XVIII and later (1815–1860)

After 1815, French frigates continued to be graded according to the calibre of their main battery as frégates portant du 18, 24 or (after 1820) 30. However, in 1827 they were classified as either 1st, 2nd or 3rd Class. The 1st Class carried a main battery of 30-pounder guns, and the 2nd Class a main battery of 24-pounder guns. The 3rd Class initially comprised the remaining pre-1815 vessels with 18-pounder guns, but after 1830 a new group of 3rd Class frigates was built with 30-pounder guns (although fewer in quantity than the 1st Rate frigates carried). In 1837 this classification was amended to base the division on the number of guns carried.

Third Class frigates (from 1830), 30-pounder armed

Initially defined as frigates with a main armament of 18-pounder guns, this category was amended to define them as frigates of either 46 or 40 guns.

Second Class frigates, 24-pounder armed

Initially defined as frigates with a main armament of 24-pounder guns, this category was amended to define them as frigates of 58 guns, later either 52 or 50 guns.

French frigate Némésis at the Siege of Đà Nẵng, Vietnam in 1858.

First Class frigates, 30-pounder armed

Initially defined as frigates with a main armament of 30-pounder guns, this category was amended to define them as frigates of 60 guns.

See also



  • Demerliac, Alain (1996) La Marine De Louis XVI: Nomenclature Des Navires Français De 1774 À 1792. (Nice: Éditions OMEGA). ISBN 2-906381-23-3
  • Frégate – Marine de France 1650–1850 – Jean Boudriot and Hubert Berti, Editions ANCRE, Paris, 1992 ISBN 2-903179-11-5
  • Nomenclature des navires francais – Alain Demerliac, Editions OMEGA, Nice – series of volumes: (i) 1614–1661 (ii) 1661–1715 (iii) 1715–1774 (iv) 1774–1792 (v) 1789–1799 (vi) 1800–1815
  • A history of the French navy, from its beginnings to the present day (1973) – E. H. Jenkins ISBN 0-356-04196-4
  • Conway's All the world's fighting ships, 1860–1905 (1979) – Conway Maritime Press ISBN 0-85177-133-5
  • Warships of the Napoleonic Era (1999) – Robert Gardiner ISBN 1-86176-117-1
  • The 50-gun ship (1997) – Rif Winfield ISBN 1-86176-025-6