List of English animal nouns

The following is a list of English animal nouns, (the common names of kinds of animals). This list includes the common names used for the animal in general; names for the male animal and the female animal where such names exist; the name used for the young or juveniles of the animal; the common name given for the sound the animal makes, if any; the group noun where applicable; and the name of both the natural shelter and (if applicable) an artificial shelter for the animals.

ANIMAL Male Female Young Sound Collective Natural Shelter Artificial Shelter
alligator; crocodilebullcowhatchling, nestling bask, congregationriverpool
alpacabullcowcriabrayherd corral
antdronequeen; workerlarva; antling army, colony, nest, swarm, state, bikeant hillinsectarium, terrarium, formicarium
antelopebuckdoecalf, fawn herd
apebullfemalebaby, infantgibber, screamtroop, shrewdnessgrovecage
armadillo pup
ass; donkey; burrojack, jackassjenny, jennetcolt; foalbraypace, drove, herd, coffle barn, corral
baboonbullfemalebaby, infanthowltroop, flangegrovecage
badgerboarsowkit, cob cete, company, colony
batmalefemalebitten colony, cloudcavecage
bearboar, he-bearsow, she-bearcubgrowl[1]sleuth, sloth, sloughtdenden
beaver kit, kitten family, colony, lodgedampen
beedronequeen; workerlarvabuzz, humswarm, cluster, gristhivehive
beetle larvadrone terrarium
buffalobullcowcalf herd, gang, obstinacy corral
butterfly larva; pupa; caterpillar; chrysalis swarm, flutter; army (caterpillars)
camelbullcowcalf, coltgruntherd, flock, train, caravan corral
carabao, water buffalobullcowcalf herd corral
cariboubull, stag, hartdoecalf, fawnbellowherd
cattom, tomcattabby, pussy, queenkittenmeow,[2] meu;[3] purr;[4] caterwaulclowder, clutter, pounce, glorying; kindle (kittens); litter (kittens); destruction (wild cats)denhome
cattlebullcowbull calf; heiferlow, moo,[5] bellowherd, drove, drift, mob; flink (cows), kine (cows) barn, corral
cheetah cub coalitiondenden
chimpanzee baby, infantscreamband, troopgrovecage
chinchillabuckdoepup colonynestcage
cicada nymphbuzzcolonynest
clam larva, littleneck bed pool
cockroach nymph intrusionnest
cod codling, hake, sprag, sprat school, lap aquarium; pond; tank
coyotedogbitchcub, pup, puppy, whelphowlpack, routdenden
crab cast
cricket larvachirp[6] nest
crow; raven nestlingcaw[7]congress, murder, unkindness, flocknestbird house
deerbuck, stagdoefawn herd, mob, leash
dinosaur hatchling herd (plant-eaters); pack (flesh-eaters)
dogdogbitchpup, puppy, whelpbark; growl;[8] howl; yelp; whine; arf,[9] bow wow,[10] woof[11]pack, gang; litter (pups)dendog house, kennel
dolphin, porpoisebullcowcalf pod, school, herd, gamsanctuaryaquarium; tank
duckdrakeduckducklingquack[12]flush, sordpond, nestcorral
eel elver, leptocephalus bed, swarm, bind, draft, school, fry, wisp aquarium; pond; tank
elephantbullcowcalftrumpet[13]herd, paradesavannahenclosure
elkbullcowcalfbellowgang, herd
ferrethobjillkit business, fesynes
fish spawn; egg; larva; fry; fingerling; minnmow shoal, school; catch, haulsanctuaryaquarium; pond; tank
fly grub, maggotbuzzbusiness, cloud, swarm, gristnest
foxrenard, reynard, dog fox, todvixencub, pup, puppy, whelphowl, yelpskulk, leash, brace, troop, earthdenden
frog; toad tadpole, polliwogcroak;[14] ribbit[15]chorus, army, knotnestterrarium
gerbilbuckdoepup hordenestcage
giraffebulldoecalf, pup herd, corps, troop, towersavannahenclosure
gnat larvabuzzcloud, swarm, horde, plaguenest
gnu, wildebeestbullcowcalfbellowherd
goatbilly goatnanny goatkidbleat[16]flock, trip, herd, tribe barn, corral
goldfish fry, fingerling troublingsanctuaryaquarium; pond; tank
gorillabullfemaleinfantgrunt, screambandgrovecage
grasshopper nymph cloud, swarmnest
guinea pigboarsowpup groupnestcage
hamsterbuckdoepup hordenestcage
harebuckdoeleveret down, huskburrow, warrenhutch
hedgehogboarsowpiglet arraynestpen
herring fry, fingerling armysanctuaryaquarium; pond; tank
hippopotamusbullcowcalfbellowherd, bloatriverpen
hornet larvabuzzswarm, cloudnest
horsestallion, studmare, damfoal; colt (male); filly (female)neigh;[17] snort; whinny[18]herd, string, set, stud, remuda, harras, rag; team (harnessed); string (race horses); rage (colts); rake (colts)rangestable, paddock, corral
hounddogbitchpup, puppy, whelpbark; howl, baypack, cry, sute, mutedendog house, kennel
hyena cub, pup, whelplaughpack, clan, cackledenden
impalaramewe corral
insect larvabuzzswarm, cloud, horde, plaguenestinsectarium, terrarium
jackal bitchpuphowlpackden
jellyfish ephyna smack, smuck, brood aquarium
kangaroo, wallabyjack, buck, boomerjill, doe, flyer, roojoey mob, troop
leopardleopardleopardesscubgrowl[19]leap, prowldenden
lionlionlionesscubroar; growl[20]pridedenden
lizard loungenest
llama cria herd corral
locust larvabuzzswarm, cloud, horde, plague, hostnest
louse nit, nymph colony, infestation
mallarddrakeduckducklingquack[21]flush, sordnest
mammothbullcow herd, tusk
manateebullcow pod aquarium; pond
marten richness
minkboarsowkit, cub den
minnow fry, fingerling shoal, school, steam, swarm
mole pup company, labournestcage
monkey infantchatter, gibber, howl, screamtroop, barrel, cartload, tribegrovecage
mosquito wriggler, nymph, tumbler scourge, swarm, cloud, horde
mouse; ratbuckdoepinkie, pup, kittensqueakhorde, colony, swarm, mischiefnestcage
mulejohnmollyfoalbrayspan, barren, pack, rake, team (harnessed) barn, corral
muskrat kit cage
otterdogbitchpup, whelp family, lodge, bevy, romp, raft
oxbullock, steercowcalf, stotlow, bellowdrove, herd; yoke (harnessed), team (harnessed) barn, corral
oyster spat, set seed bed, cast pool
pandaboarsowcub denden
pig, hog, swine; wild pigboarsowpiglet, shoat, farrowgrunt, squealherd, sounder, drove, drift, trip; litter (piglets)stysty/pigsty, pen/pigpen
platypus puggle colony
porcupine prickle cage
prairie dogboarsowpup coterie, town
pugdogbitchpuppybarkgrumbledendog house
rabbitbuckdoebunny husk, colonyburrow, warrenhutch
raccoonboarsowkit, cub nursery, gaze
reindeerbuckdoefawn herd
rhinocerosbullcowcalf crash, herd
salmon smolt school, run, bind aquarium; pond; tank
sardine fry family, shoal, schoolsanctuaryaquarium; pond; tank
scorpion bed, nestnest
seal, sea lionbullcowpupbarkherd, pod, harem, rookery, tripdenden
serval kitten denden
sharkbullfemalecub, pup shiver, shoal, school aquarium; tank
sheepramewelamb, lambkin, cossetbaa,[22] bleat[23]flock, herd, drove, drift, trip, hurtle, hirsel corral
skunkboar kit, kitten surfeit cage
snail rout, walk terrarium
snake hatchling, nestlinghiss[24]bed, knotnest, pitterrarium
spider spiderling cluster, cluttercobwebterrarium
squirrelbuckdoepup, kit dray, colony, scurry
termitedronequeen; workerlarva, nymph colony, swarmhillterrarium
tigertigertigresscubgrowl;[25] roarambush, streakdenden
trout fingerling hoversanctuaryaquarium; pond; tank
turtle; tortoise hatchling bale, dole, dule terrarium; pond; tank
walrusbullcowcalf, cubhowlherd, pod, huddlesanctuary
waspdronequeen; workerlarvabuzzswarm, colonynest
weaselbuck, hob, jack, dogbitch, doe, jillkit gang, packdencage
whalebullcowcalfsingpod, gam, herdsanctuaryaquarium; tank; pool
wolfhe-wolf, dogshe-wolf, bitchcub, pup, puppy, whelphowlpack, rout, routedenden
wombatjackjilljoey mob
woodchuckhe-chuckshe-chuckkit, cob colonyhole
worm bunch, clat, clew, bed terrarium
yakbullcowcalfbellowherd; team (harnessed) barn, pen
yellow jacketdronequeenlarvabuzzcloud, swarm, colony
zebrastallionmarefoal, colt (male)neigh[26]herd, zeal, cohorts, crossingsavannahenclosure

See also
