List of Emmerdale characters (2013)

Emmerdale is a British soap opera first broadcast on 16 October 1972. The following is a list of characters that first appeared or will appear during 2013, by order of first appearance. Alex Moss' grandmother Beattie Dixon was introduced by the soap's series producer, Stuart Blackburn. Subsequent characters have been introduced by his successor Kate Oates.[1] Ross Barton made his debut in July. Joanie Wright made her first appearance in August. October saw the introduction of Lindy, the mother of established character Ruby Haswell, and former Coronation Street actor Bill Ward as James Barton. Harriet Finch and Gil Keane debuted in November, while Pete, played by Hollyoaks star Anthony Quinlan, and Finn Barton arrived in December.

Ross Barton

Main article: Ross Barton

Ross Barton, played by Michael Parr, made his first screen appearance on 9 July 2013.[2] The character and Parr's casting was officially announced on 24 October 2013.[2] Of joining the show, Parr stated "I am thrilled to be playing a regular character in Emmerdale. It was always the plan that Laurel's carjacker would be revealed as Moira's nephew – Ross Barton. It has been fun keeping his identity and my role a secret. Although I did nearly burst from wanting to tell people. Ross is a great character and there is lots to come for him in future episodes."[2] Parr was nominated for "Sexiest Male" and "Best Newcomer" at The British Soap Awards 2014.

Joanie Wright

Joanie Wright
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Denise Black
First appearance 12 August 2013
Last appearance 14 November 2013
Introduced by Kate Oates
Classification Former; regular

Joanie Wright, played by Denise Black, made her first screen appearance on 12 August. The character and Black's casting was announced on 20 June 2013.[3] The actress began filming in the same week as her casting announcement.[3] Of joining the show, Black commented "'Joanie's a character I've never played before. My first grandma. Dear lord, that came round quick. She is going to get some very tasty stories, so I'm really looking forward to it. I already know quite a few of the cast and I met Lesley Dunlop (Brenda Walker) on my first day, who said 'you'll love it here, it's a lovely job'. The casting came through on my birthday so there we go, what a present. I can't believe my luck."[3] Series producer Kate Oates added that Joanie's story would see her play against some of the show's best-loved characters and called Black "a fabulous asset to the show.".[3] On 7 November 2013, it was announced that Black had filmed her final scenes and departed on 14 November at the end of her current storyline.[4]

Joanie is the adoptive grandmother of Kyle Wyatt (Huey Quinn), the son of Amy Wyatt (Chelsea Halfpenny) and Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley).[3] When Kyle reappears, viewers learn that he is now living with his "caring and loving grannie Joanie".[3] Black called her character "feisty" and said that enjoys playing poker and drinking pints. Black also revealed that she had let her hair grow out grey for the part, causing people to give up their seats for her on the Tube.[5]

Joanie is the mother of Karen Winchester, who dies of carbon monoxide poisoning along with her husband, Tom. She attends their funeral and wake with her grandson, Kyle Wyatt. Joanie meets Amy Wyatt and her friend, Victoria Sugden (Isabel Hodgins).

Needing to see her son, Amy goes to Kyle's playgroup with Andy Sugden's (Kelvin Fletcher) son, Jack and she panics when Joanie thinks that she remember her face. Thinking that Amy is studying childcare at college, Joanie asks her to look after Kyle, and they start making friends.

Concerned about how frequently Amy is looking after Kyle, Eric Pollard (Chris Chittell) visits Joanie and accidentally lets slip that Amy is Kyle's birth mother. Joanie is livid and threatens to call the police, but Eric calms her down, and she throws him out. The following day, Eric and Amy visit Joanie again but Eric tells Amy to stay in the car. He and Joanie talk about Amy and Kyle as they watch him play with a ball. While their backs are turned, the ball rolls onto the front garden and Kyle chases it. Amy grabs him and returns him to Joanie, who promptly accuses her of kidnapping Kyle. Joanie decides to give Amy a second chance and let her see Kyle. However, when Val Pollard (Charlie Hardwick) and Amy take Joanie and Kyle for a picnic, Kyle slips and falls into a river. Amy rescues him and they are rushed to hospital, where an upset and angry Joanie bans Amy from seeing Kyle. Thinking she can get Kyle back as she and Andy could give him a better lifestyle, Amy contacts Social Services and Joanie hears this from Amy's mother, Kerry (Laura Norton). Joanie confronts Amy and an explosive argument ensues, leading to Joanie slapping Amy when she insults Karen. Amy slaps her back and Joanie angrily declares that Amy will not see Kyle again.

Amy visits Joanie a week after the argument and Joanie sends her love to Diane Sugden (Elizabeth Estensen) following Cameron Murray's (Dominic Power) hostage siege at The Woolpack, after she saw it on the news. Joanie reveals that she has spoken to Social Services and that Amy cannot get custody because she is Kyle's legal guardian. She also tells Amy to leave her and Kyle alone. Social Services confirm this to Amy but this simply makes her desperate to have contact with her son as she now regrets having him adopted. Amy then plans to snatch Kyle and go on the run but Kerry tells her that it is a bad idea but Amy refuses to listen to her. Knowing how it feels to not have contact with your child, Kerry gave in and helped Amy take Kyle from playgroup and drove her to the ferry. She even grabbed a pushchair that had been left in the carpark but Eric, Val and Cain caught up with them. Cain found Amy and told her what life on the run would be like and persuaded her to return Kyle to his grandmother but Amy stays on the ferry, knowing that she would not be allowed any contact and could even face a criminal prosecution.


Lindy, played by Nimmy March, made her first screen appearance on 11 October 2013.[6] The character and March's casting was announced on 21 September 2013.[7] Lindy is Ruby Haswell's (Alicya Eyo) mother. A show spokesperson commented that Lindy and Ruby's relationship "is far from rosy" and Ruby becomes desperate to keep her identity a secret from her girlfriend Ali (Kelli Hollis).[7]

James Barton

James Barton
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Bill Ward
Duration 2013–
First appearance 25 October 2013
Introduced by Kate Oates
Classification Present; regular
Occupation Farmer

James Barton, played by Bill Ward, made his first screen appearance on 25 October 2013. The character and Ward's casting was announced on 29 August 2013.[8] The actor will begin filming his first scenes in September.[8] Of his casting, ex-Coronation Street actor Ward said "I'm really looking forward to it. The Emmerdale team are a very talented bunch indeed and I'm extremely chuffed to have been asked to join them."[8] Series producer Kate Oates commented that she was "delighted" to welcome Ward to the show and added that the arrival of his character would mark a new era for the popular Barton family.[8] James is the older brother of John Barton (James Thornton). The brothers were estranged at the time of John's death due to a rift that was not healed.[8] James is a single father to three sons and is a farmer like John.[8] He will make "an unexpected visit" to John's widow Moira (Natalie J. Robb) at Butler's farm.[8]

James is contacted by his sister-in-law, Moira, who reveals that his son, Ross (Michael Parr), is staying at her farm in Emmerdale. James arrives at the farm and it emerges that he and Ross have not seen each other in years.

It is suggested over a period of weeks that James has feelings for Moira, and it is later revealed they had a dalliance many years ago. The night before a meeting about the farm's potential supermarket contract, James tells Moira that he still has feelings for her and believes she does for him too. She is angry and the following day she tells Cain. However, James overcomes his feelings for Moira and begins a relationship with Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter).

In 2014, James begins to believe that his nephew Adam (Adam Thomas), the son of his late brother John (James Thornton), may, in fact, be his son, as he had a one night stand with Moira months before Adam's birth. Moira is eager to ignore James' questions, but he is adamant that Adam is his son. James secretly gets DNA proof that Adam is his son and tells Moira, but she begs him not to tell anyone. The first person he tells is Chas. Later, whilst watching an old video of the family, Moira and James are seen to be arguing in the background and it is later revealed that James is Adam's biological father.

Harriet Finch

Harriet Finch
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Katherine Dow Blyton
Duration 2013–
First appearance 21 November 2013
Introduced by Kate Oates
Classification Present; regular
Occupation Vicar

Harriet Finch, played by Katherine Dow Blyton, made her first screen appearance on 21 November 2013.[9] The character and casting was announced on 31 October 2013.[9] Of her casting, Dow Blyton commented "I am delighted to be joining the cast of Emmerdale. Harriet is great fun and I'm looking forward to seeing the character unfold."[9] Harriet is a relative of established character Edna Birch (Shirley Stelfox) and will become a rival for Ashley Thomas (John Middleton), who wants to be the vicar of St Mary's church again.[9]

In 2014, Harriet befriends Dom Andrews (Wil Johnson) and helps his daughter Gemma (Tendai Rinomhota) with a school project. When Gemma goes missing, Harriet, Ashley and many other locals help Dom find her. Harriet is the person who spots Gemma lying in a ditch, and demands that Zak Dingle (Steve Halliwell) calls for an ambulance. Harriet goes to the hospital with Dom and is devastated when the doctors reveal that Gemma has died. Harriet tries to help Dom through his grief, but he is having none of it and throws her out of his house. Harriet is the vicar who performs Gemma's funeral later in March. Dom later apologises to her for his actions.

In July 2014, Harriet becomes curious when Ashley begins talking about a woman he met named Carole (Tracy Brabin). Harriet believes that Ashley is making Carole up, so she texts Carole from Ashley's mobile phone to meet him in Emmerdale village. Harriet is later shocked when Carole arrives in Emmerdale and is jealous as she secretly has feelings for Ashley. In December 2014, Harriet officiates an unauthorized wedding blessing for Ruby and Ali at St. Mary's church and is later sacked by the bishop.

Gil Keane

Gil Keane, played by David Easter, made his first screen appearance on 21 November 2013.[10] The character and Easter's casting were announced on 5 November 2013.[10] Gil is a businessman and acquaintance of Declan Macey (Jason Merrells). Declan contacts Gil, hoping that he can help him out with his financial problems. Declan believes Gil might be interested in buying his properties.[10] Gil takes a shine to Declan's half-sister Megan (Gaynor Faye), and they begin dating for a short while. At a celebration party, Declan begins gambling and if he wins, then Gil has to invest in Home Farm. Megan manages to stop the proceedings, which infuriates Declan. Gil leaves, and Declan slaps Megan for ruining his chances.

Pete Barton

Peter "Pete" Barton, played by Anthony Quinlan, made his first screen appearance on 6 December 2013.[11] The character and casting was announced on 5 November 2013.[11] Of joining Emmerdale, the ex-Hollyoaks actor Quinlan commented "I'm really excited to be part of Emmerdale as it's an iconic serial drama. I'm privileged to be working with such a great cast and crew on a fantastic production."[11] Pete is the eldest of James Barton's (Bill Ward) sons.[11] He is "a nice guy", who cares for his family, even when he finds himself at odds with his brother Ross (Michael Parr).[11] Quinlan was nominated for the "Sexiest Male" award at The British Soap Awards 2014. In 2014, Pete and his brother Ross find themselves battling for the affections of Debbie Dingle (Charley Webb). Debbie and Pete sleep together after they fix Debbie's Land Rover together when it breaks down. Pete tries to be friendly with Debbie's daughter Sarah, who takes a shine to him. She draws a picture of him, which Debbie sees on the fridge where he lives. Debbie tells him she wants to sleep with him, but he declines, shocked, saying she scarcely pays him attention. Pete and Debbie later get back together, but the pair argue when Pete takes Sarah out on her bike, and Debbie tells him that if Sarah falls and cuts herself, she could die after her fanconi anaemia. Pete shouts at Debbie, saying she should have told him, before storming off.

Finn Barton

Finlay "Finn" Barton, played by Joe Gill, made his first screen appearance on 6 December 2013.[11] The character and casting was announced on 5 November 2013.[11] Of his casting, Gill said "I'm very grateful to be given this opportunity. The cast and crew have been class with me so far and the fact I'm able to learn from these experienced professionals everyday is just brilliant. I'm hoping my character can contribute to how amazing the show is doing at the moment."[11] Finn is the youngest of James Barton's (Bill Ward) sons.[11] Unlike his brothers, he has a university education and plans that do not involve rural living.[11]

Upon his arrival, Finn reveals to Val Pollard (Charlie Hardwick) that he is gay and has a crush on David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden). Finn befriends Victoria Sugden (Isabel Hodgins) and begins working for Val and her husband Eric (Chris Chittell) at the B&B and later takes up a job working for Declan Macey (Jason Merrells), whom he reveals he also has a crush on. In 2014, Finn makes a plan to move to Tokyo to start a new life, but needs to raise funds in order to get there. He decides that the job working for Declan is not making him enough money, so he applies for another job, asking Declan to give him a reference. However, to his anger, Declan gives him a disappointing reference of £15.


Date(s) Character Actor Circumstances
3 January–27 August Beattie Dixon Eileen O'Brien[12] Beattie is Alex Moss' (Kurtis Stacey) grandmother. She comes to the village looking for Edna Birch (Shirley Stelfox), after she learns Alex has been accused of stealing from her, before apparently fleeing the village. She vows to find her grandson and clear his name, as she could not believe he would be capable of such a thing.
3 May– Neil Gutterson Cameron Stewart Neil is the foreman working on construction of Declan Macey's (Jason Merrells) Glamping Site in the woods. Neil goes to Declan to inform him that they have found what appears to be human remains. Neil and Declan ultimately agree to turn a blind eye to the discovery in order to keep the building project on schedule, appalling Declan's wife, Katie (Sammy Winward). Declan's sister, Megan (Gaynor Faye) says she has heard that the Dingles once buried an old poacher in the woods. Neil is played by Cameron Stewart, who had previously appeared in Emmerdale as businessman Larry Jacobs.
13–24 May Kirk Stoker Matt Kennard[13] Kirk is a shady young businessman, introduced to Debbie Dingle (Charley Webb), by mutual friend, Robbie Lawson (Jamie Shelton). However Robbie becomes jealous when Kirk and Debbie go on a date or two, and after the pair fall out, Robbie tricks Debbie into thinking the disgruntled Kirk is trying to harm her, convincing her that he knows what he can be like. Robbie even goes to extreme measures such as smashing Debbie's windows, saying it must have been Kirk and persuading her to let him protect her and her kids. It is clear that Robbie has a crush on Debbie and hopes to win her affections. However, Debbie learns the truth after finding out that Kirk could not have been responsible for harassing her as her father put him in hospital after thinking he was.
29 May– Natalie Gemma Danielle Salusbury[14] Natalie is farm-girl who lives with her family on a neighbouring farm to the Barton's. She is a supplier to Butler's Farm and Moira Barton (Natalie J. Robb) takes her on to help out, after her son Adam (Adam Thomas) quits his job. Adam had previously tried to bribe Natalie into seducing Moira's partner Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley).
1 August– Gary Benson Stephen Donald[15] Gary is Rhona Goskirk's (Zoe Henry) drugs dealer.
August– DS Shields Jayne Ashbourne[16] Shields and Flanagan investigate the discovery of Alex Moss' (Kurtis Stacey) body on the Home Farm estate.
August– DC Flanagan Tom Roberts[16]


  1. Kilkelly, Daniel (15 October 2012). "'Emmerdale': Kate Oates named new producer". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 4 January 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Kilkelly, Daniel (24 October 2013). "'Emmerdale' unveils new regular Ross Barton in storyline twist". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 "Ex-Coronation Street star Denise Black to join the cast of Emmerdale". The Independent. 20 June 2013. Retrieved 13 August 2013.
  4. Dainty, Sophie (7 November 2013). "'Emmerdale's Denise Black to revisit singing roots after soap exit". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 7 November 2013.
  5. Dainty, Sophie (8 August 2013). "Emmerdale newcomer Denise Black:'Joanie will be feisty'". Digital Spy (Hearst Magazines UK). Retrieved 13 August 2013.
  6. "Ruby's mum Lindy turns up". What's on TV. IPC Media. 11 October 2013. Retrieved 11 October 2013.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Mum's the word". TV Magazine (News International): 21. 21–27 September 2013.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Kilkelly, Daniel (29 August 2013). "'Emmerdale': Bill Ward joins soap as James Barton". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 29 August 2013.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Klompus, Jack (31 October 2013). "'Emmerdale' casts new regular Katherine Dow Blyton". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 31 October 2013.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Harris, Jamie (5 November 2013). "'Brookside' actor David Easter for 'Emmerdale' stint". Digital Spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 "Casting news: Meet the Barton boys". 5 November 2013. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
  12. "Eileen O'Brien". Jane Hollowood Associates. Retrieved 4 January 2013.
  13. "Video: Grimsby actor in TV soap Emmerdale". Grimsby Telegraph. 13 May 2013. Retrieved 13 August 2013.
  14. Brown, David (19 May 2013). "Emmerdale spoilers: Cain is the victim of a honey trap seduction - first look pictures". Radio Times. Retrieved 13 August 2013.
  15. "News – Emmerdale". Linton Management. 19 July 2013. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  16. 16.0 16.1 "Emmerdale – Episode 6641". Radio Times. Immediate Media Company Limited. Retrieved 26 August 2013.

External links