List of Dutch naval heroes

This is a TOP-40 List of Dutch naval heroes from the 17th century.

During the 17th century the strength of the Dutch Navy made the (Dutch) United Provinces a major maritime power. Many battles were fought with the Spanish, Portuguese, British, Swedish and French, and these naval battles generated a large number of naval heroes, especially as the presence of no less than five Dutch admiralties ensured that many flag officers took part. Hero worship was exuberant in the trade-dependent Dutch Republic, and the victors were honoured in all possible ways. At the time it was possible for a man of humble origins to attain high command. The populace readily identified with popular admirals, like the acclaim for sportstars of our day.

Marine-historian Prud'homme van Reine made a "top-40" of Dutch sea heroes of that period. He based the rankings on the number of portraits published per hero. In case of an ex aequo, the size of the sepulcher was decisive.

TOP 40 (and number of portraits)

  1. Michiel Adriaanszoon de Ruyter - 45
  2. Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp - 44
  3. Cornelis Tromp - 31
  4. Piet Pieterszoon Hein - 21
  5. Witte Corneliszoon de With - 21
  6. Jacob van Wassenaer Obdam - 18
  7. Jan van Galen - 17
  8. Johan Evertsen de Oude - 16
  9. Jacob van Heemskerk - 10
  10. Pieter Florisse - 9
  11. Aert Jansse van Nes - 9
  12. Adriaen Banckert - 8
  13. Cornelis Evertsen de Oude - 7
  14. Willem Joseph van Ghent - 6
  15. Egbert Bartholomeusz Kortenaer - 6
  16. Abraham van der Hulst - 6
  17. Hendrick Lonck - 6
  18. Tjerk Hiddes de Vries - 5
  19. Isaac Sweers - 4
  20. Gerard Callenburgh - 4
  21. Gilles Schey - 4
  22. Auke Stellingwerf - 4
  23. Jan Meppel - 4
  24. Cornelis Jansz de Haen - 3
  25. Cornelis Evertsen de Jongste - 3
  26. David Vlugh - 3
  27. Joost van Trappen Banckert - 3
  28. Philips van Dorp - 3
  29. Cornelis Evertsen de Jonge - 2
  30. Geleyn Evertsen - 2
  31. Joos de Moor - 2
  32. Philips van Almonde - 1
  33. Willem van der Zaan - 1
  34. Jan van Brakel - 1
  35. Johan de Liefde - 1
  36. Willem Bastiaensz Schepers - 1
  37. Volckert Schram - 1
  38. Engel de Ruyter - 1
  39. Jan Jansse van Nes - 1
  40. Govert 't Hoen - 1