List of Doctor Who directors

This is a list of directors for the science fiction television series, Doctor Who. It is sortable by a number of different criteria. The list defaults to ascending alphabetical order by writer's last name.

Director Number of Stories First Story Last/Latest Story Notes
Joe Ahearne 4 "Dalek" "Bad Wolf"/"The Parting of the Ways"
Christopher Barry 10 The Daleks The Creature from the Pit Directed episodes 1,2,4, & 5 of The Daleks with Richard Martin taking on the other episodes.
Morris Barry 3 The Moonbase The Dominators
Rodney Bennett 3 The Ark in Space The Masque of Mandragora
Paul Bernard 3 Day of the Daleks Frontier in Space
Lovett Bickford 1 The Leisure Hive The Leisure Hive
John Black 2 The Keeper of Traken Four to Doomsday
Farren Blackburn 2 "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" "The Rings of Akhaten"
Darrol Blake 1 The Stones of Blood The Stones of Blood
Gerald Blake 2 The Abominable Snowmen The Invasion of Time
Keith Boak 2 "Rose" "Aliens of London"/"World War Three"
Michael E. Briant 6 Colony in Space The Robots of Death
Alan Bromly 2 The Time Warrior Nightmare of Eden
Douglas Camfield 9 Planet of Giants The Seeds of Doom Directed only episode 3 of Planet of Giants. Directed only the first two episodes of Inferno before falling ill. Producer Barry Letts took over directing duties but Camfield retained credit on all episodes.
Jonny Campbell 2 "The Vampires of Venice" "Vincent and the Doctor"
Richard Clark 4 "Gridlock" "Night Terrors"
Chris Clough 6 Terror of the Vervoids Silver Nemesis
Timothy Combe 2 Doctor Who and the Silurians The Mind of Evil
Frank Cox 2 The Edge of Destruction The Sensorites
John Crockett 1 The Aztecs The Aztecs
Fiona Cumming 4 Castrovalva Planet of Fire
Hugh David 2 The Highlanders Fury from the Deep
John Davies 1 The Macra Terror The Macra Terror
Tristan DeVere Cole 1 The Wheel in Space The Wheel in Space
Terence Dudley 1 Meglos Meglos
Michael Ferguson 4 The War Machines The Claws of Axos
Sheree Folkson 1 "In the Forest of the Night" "In the Forest of the Night"
Derrick Goodwin 1 The Invisible Enemy The Invisible Enemy
John Gorrie 2 The Keys of Marinus The Reign of Terror
Brian Grant 1 "The Long Game" "The Long Game"
Ken Grieve 1 Destiny of the Daleks Destiny of the Daleks
Peter Grimwade 4 Full Circle Earthshock
Andrew Gunn 2 "The Beast Below" "Victory of the Daleks"
Graeme Harper 11 The Caves of Androzani "The Waters of Mars"
Michael Hart 1 The Space Pirates The Space Pirates
James Hawes 4 "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" "School Reunion"
Michael Hayes 3 The Androids of Tara City of Death
Toby Haynes 3 "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang" "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon"
Sarah Hellings 1 The Mark of the Rani The Mark of the Rani
Henric Hirsch 1 The Reign of Terror The Reign of Terror
Peter Hoar 1 "A Good Man Goes to War" "A Good Man Goes to War"
Steve Hughes 1 "Closing Time" "Closing Time"
Nick Hurran 5 "The Girl Who Waited" "The Day of the Doctor"
Waris Hussein 2 An Unearthly Child Marco Polo
Michael Imison 1 The Ark The Ark
Ron Jones 6 Black Orchid Mindwarp
Paul Joyce 1 Warriors' Gate Warriors' Gate When Joyce was not available, the role of director on Warriors' Gate was taken by production assistant Graeme Harper.
Mat King 1 "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS"
Michael Kerrigan 1 Battlefield Battlefield
Michael Leeston-Smith 1 The Myth Makers The Myth Makers
Barry Letts 5 The Enemy of the World The Android Invasion Directed Episodes 3-7 of Inferno after Douglas Camfield fell ill. However, Camfield retained credit on all episodes.
Euros Lyn 9 "The End of the World" The End of Time
Kenny McBain 1 The Horns of Nimon The Horns of Nimon
Colm McCarthy 1 "The Bells of Saint John" "The Bells of Saint John"
Hettie MacDonald 1 "Blink" "Blink"
Douglas Mackinnon 6 "The Sontaran Stratagem"/"The Poison Sky" "Flatline"
Nicholas Mallett 3 The Mysterious Planet The Curse of Fenric
David Maloney 8 The Mind Robber The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Richard Martin 4 The Daleks The Chase Directed episodes 3, 6, & 7 of The Daleks with Christopher Barry taking on the other episodes.
Derek Martinus 6 Galaxy 4 Spearhead from Space
Lennie Mayne 4 The Curse of Peladon The Hand of Fear
Saul Metzstein 5 "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" "The Name of the Doctor"
Gerry Mill 1 The Faceless Ones The Faceless Ones
Peter Moffatt 6 State of Decay The Two Doctors
Andrew Morgan 2 Time and the Rani Remembrance of the Daleks
Catherine Morshead 2 "Amy's Choice" "The Lodger"
Paul Murphy 2 "Robot of Sherwood" "The Caretaker"
Michael Owen Morris 1 The Awakening The Awakening
Charles Palmer 3 "Smith and Jones" "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood"
Mervyn Pinfield 4 The Sensorites Galaxy 4
Jamie Payne 2 "Hide" "The Time of the Doctor"
Mary Ridge 1 Terminus Terminus
Pennant Roberts 6 The Face of Evil Timelash
Matthew Robinson 2 Resurrection of the Daleks Attack of the Cybermen
Paddy Russell 4 The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve Horror of Fang Rock
Geoffrey Sax 1 Doctor Who Doctor Who
Bill Sellars 1 The Celestial Toymaker The Celestial Toymaker
Richard Senior 1 "Let's Kill Hitler" "Let's Kill Hitler"
Julian Simpson 1 "The Rebel Flesh"/"The Almost People" "The Rebel Flesh"/"The Almost People"
Adam Smith 2 " The Eleventh Hour" "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone"
Julia Smith 2 The Smugglers The Underwater Menace
George Spenton-Foster 2 Image of the Fendahl The Ribos Operation
Norman Stewart 2 Underworld The Power of Kroll
James Strong 5 "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit" "Planet of the Dead"
Rachel Talalay 1 "Dark Water"/"Death in Heaven" "Dark Water"/"Death in Heaven"
Colin Teague 2 "The Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords" "The Fires of Pompeii"
Alice Troughton 2 "The Doctor's Daughter" " Midnight"
Rex Tucker 1 The Gunfighters The Gunfighters
Tony Virgo 1 The King's Demons The King's Demons
Alan Wareing 3 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy Survival
Ashley Way 1 "The Hungry Earth"/"Cold Blood" "The Hungry Earth"/"Cold Blood"
Jeremy Webb 2 "The Curse of the Black Spot" "The Wedding of River Song"
Ben Wheatley 2 "Deep Breath" "Into the Dalek"
Paul Wilmshurst 3 "Kill the Moon" "Last Christmas"
Stephen Woolfenden 1 "Nightmare in Silver" "Nightmare in Silver"
Dan Zeff 1 "Love & Monsters" "Love & Monsters"