List of Danzan-ryū techniques

The Danzan Ryu lists[1] differ in concept from the Kodokan Judo lists in that the techniques are taught in kata form in some applicable context, rather than simply demonstrating and enumerating a single technique. Deashi Hayanada, for example, is not a single technique, but a combination of Deashi Harai (foot sweep) and Tenada Shime (cross arm bar). Emphasis on randori may vary greatly from one dojo to the next.

There are multiple romanizations, and many arts have more than one name. This article will attempt to represent the commonly used romanization variants. In addition, not all sources agree on the correct kanji (Japanese characters) for each technique or list. The alternative renderings are noted. The romanization was not agreed to until 1957. The earlier spellings are now archaic. Some kanji are also no longer common and not searchable (e.g. Danchu or Bitei).

The rank requirements for Danzan Ryu are not standardized, and may vary from dojo to dojo or even from instructor to instructor. However, the curriculum is divided into three levels: Shoden (初傳, beginning transmission), Chuden (中傳, intermediate transmission), and Okuden (奥傳, hidden or inner teachings). Many of the techniques are considered Kuden – to be transmitted orally and never written down.

Each of the Okuden scrolls corresponds to a level of teaching license:

Yawara – Shoden level

Hand Techniques/Gentle Arts, 20 Techniques [2]

  1. Katate Hazushi Ichi – "Single Hand Escape #1" – escape from an outside hand grab
  2. Katate Hazushi Ni – "Single Hand Escape #2" – escape from an inside hand grab
  3. Ryōte Hazushi – "Both Hands Escape" – escape from a double wrist grab
  4. Morote Hazushi – "Many Hands Escape or Multiple Hands Escape" – escape from two hands grabbing one wrist.
  5. Yubidori Hazushi – "Digit (finger) Escape" – escape from a finger hold/grab
  6. Momiji Hazushi " Maple leaf Escape" – escape from a front choke
  7. Ryo Eri Hazushi – "Both Lapel Escape" – escape from a double lapel grab
  8. Yubidori – "Digit (finger) Technique" – finger lock on the sensitive third finger
  9. Moroyubidori – "Many Digit (finger) Technique" – come-along all fingers hold
  10. Katatedori – "Single Hand Technique" – one hand wrist lock
  11. Ryōtedori – "Both Hand Technique" – double wrist lock
  12. Akushu Kotedori – "Handshake Forearm (curling) technique" – wrist and thumb lock from a handshake
  13. Akushu Udedori – "Handshake Arm technique" – arm bar from a handshake
  14. Akushu Kotemakidori – "Handshake Forearm (curling) Rolling Technique" – arm bar and wrist lock from a handshake
  15. Emondori – "Insignia Technique" – break hand from a chest push
  16. Tekubidori Ichi – "Hand Neck (wrist) Technique One" – wrist lock from an outside hand grab
  17. Tekubidori Ni – "Hand Neck (wrist) Technique Two" – thumb lock from an inside hand grab.
  18. Ryō-eridori – "Both Lapel Technique" – break and wrist lock from a two-handed lapel grab
  19. Kubinukidori – "Neck Hug Constriction" – escape from a side headlock
  20. Hagaijime – "Wing Constriction" – full nelson taken after avoiding a blow

Nage Te –Shoden level

also called Nage no Kata: Throwing Arts, 20 Techniques

  1. Deashibarai – Advanced foot sweep
  2. Sasae-ashi – Propping foot
  3. Okuribarai – Sending sweep
  4. Sotogama – Outside sickle
  5. Uchigama – Inside sickle
  6. Sotomomobarai – Outer thigh sweep
  7. Uchimomobarai – Inner thigh sweep
  8. Ogoshi – Major hip throw
  9. Utsurigoshi – Changing hip throw
  10. Seoinage – Back carry throw
  11. Ushirogoshi – Rear hip throw
  12. Seoigoshi – Back carry hip throw
  13. Tsurikomigoshi – Lifting angle hip throw
  14. Haraigoshi – Sweeping hip throw
  15. Hanegoshi – Springing hip throw
  16. Uki-otoshi – Floating drop
  17. Makikomi – Rolling angle
  18. Kanisute – Crab sacrifice
  19. Tomoenage – Comma throw
  20. Yama-arashi – Mountain Storm

Shime Te –Shoden level

also called Shime no Kata: Constriction Arts, 25 Techniques

  1. Erigatame – Lapel Pin
  2. Katagatame – Shoulder Pin
  3. Jujigatame – Cross Pin
  4. Shihogatame – Four corners Pin
  5. Sankakugatame – Three angle (triangle) Pin
  6. Ushirogatame – Rear Pin
  7. Namijujijime – Normal Cross Constriction
  8. Gyakujujijime – Opposite Cross Constriction
  9. Ichimonjijime – Single line Constriction
  10. Tsukkomijime – Thrusting angle Constriction
  11. Hadakajime Ichi – Naked Constriction #1
  12. Hadakajime Ni – Naked Constriction #2
  13. Hadakajime San – Naked Constriction #3
  14. Dakikubijime – Embrace Neck Constriction
  15. Osaegamijime – Grabbing Hair Constriction
  16. Kotejime – Forearm (curling) Constriction
  17. Tenatajime – Hand blade Constriction
  18. Dojime – Body Constriction {which causes Compressive asphyxia}
  19. Ashigaramijime – Leg Entangle Constriction
  20. Ashinatajime – Leg Blade Constriction
  21. Ashiyubijime – Leg Digit (toe) Constriction
  22. Momojime – Thigh Constriction
  23. Shika no Issokujime – Foot of Deer Constriction
  24. Shidarefujijime – Big toe Hanging wisteria Constriction
  25. Tatsumaki Shime – Wind roll (Tornado) Constriction

Yonenbu no Kata – Shoden level

Form for the Children's Section, 15 Techniques

  1. Deashi Harai or Deashibarai – advance foot sweep
  2. Sasae-ashi – retard (stopping) leg
  3. Okuriharai or Okuribarai – Sending sweep
  4. Soto Gama – Outside sickle
  5. Uchi Gama – Inside sickle
  6. Soto Momo Harai or Sotomomobarai – Outer thigh sweep
  7. Uchi Momo Harai or Uchimomobarai – Inner thigh sweep
  8. O Goshi – Major hip throw
  9. Seoinage – Back carry throw
  10. Seoi Goshi – Back carry hip throw
  11. Tsuri Komi Goshi – Lifting angle hip throw
  12. Harai Goshi – Sweeping hip throw
  13. Hane Goshi – Springing hip throw
  14. Makikomi – rolling angle
  15. Tomoe Nage – Swirl throw

Oku no Te – Chuden level

also called Oku no Kata: Interior (secret) techniques, 25 Techniques

  1. Deashi Hayanata – Advanced-foot Quick blade
  2. Ogoshi Hayanata – Major Loin Quick blade
  3. Seoi Hayanata – Back-carry Quick blade
  4. Sumigaeshi – Corner reversal
  5. Norimi – Riding body
  6. Mizu Kuguri – Underwater dive
  7. Mae Yamakage – Front Mountain Shadow
  8. Komi-iri – Swept along entry
  9. Kotegaeshi – Forearm (curling) accepting reversal
  10. Sakanuki – Sloping draw
  11. Gyakutenage – Joint-lock throw
  12. Hon Tomoe – Basic swirl
  13. Katate Tomoe – Single hand swirl
  14. Shigarami or Teshigarami – Arm entanglement
  15. Gyakute Shigarami – Joint-lock entanglement
  16. Kote Shigarami – Forearm entanglement
  17. Koguruma – Minor wheel
  18. Tora Nage – Tiger throw
  19. Tora Katsugi – Carry a Tiger on shoulders
  20. Arashi Otoshi – Storm drop
  21. Hiki Otoshi – Pulling drop
  22. Kine Katsugi – Pestle shoulder carry
  23. Kin Katsugi – Testicle shoulder carry
  24. Kazaguruma – Windmill
  25. Jigoku Otoshi – Hell drop

Kiai no Maki – Chuden level

Scroll of Unified Spirit, 27 Techniques –-( AJJF Board of Professors includes a number of additional techniques under this heading. See below)– Includes weapons techniques, and a variety of oral teachings (kuden)

  1. Waribashi Ori – Split chopstick fold
  2. Karatake Wari – Chinese bamboo split
  3. Hara-age Ishi Wari – Abdomen lifting stone split
  4. Shiraha Watari – Naked blade transit

Tessen No Maki

  1. Katate Hazushi – single hand escape
  2. Mune Dori – Chest hold
  3. Miken Wari – Forehead split
  4. Uchikomi Dome – Stop a strike
  5. Katate Ori – Single-hand fold
  6. Katsura Wari – 'Katsura' tree split

Tanto No Maki

  1. Hibara Hazushi – Flank escape
  2. Katate Hazushi – Single-hand escape
  3. Tsukkomi Hazushi – Thrust escape
  4. Ryote Dome – Stop with both hands

Daito No Maki

  1. Nukimi Dome – Stop a draw
  2. Shiraha Dori – Naked blade hold
  3. Suso Harai or Susobarai – Hem sweep

Bo No Maki

  1. Hanbo Uchikomi Dori – Hold from strike with a 3ft staff
  2. Rokushaku Bo Furi – Six-foot staff swing
  3. Mune Gatame – Chest pin
  4. Shiho Gatame – Four direction pin
  5. Futari Shime or Ninin Shime or Nininjime – two-man constriction
  6. Furo Shime or Furojime – Bathtub strangle
  7. Shichinin Shime or Shichininjime – seven-man constriction

Tanju No Maki

  1. Gan Hazushi or Me Hazushi – Face or Eye escape
  2. Mune Hazushi – Chest Escape
  3. Hibara Hazushi – Flank escape

The following were added to Tanju no Maki by AJJF:

  1. Ushiro Hazushi Ichi – Rear Escape #1
  2. Ushiro Hazushi Ni – Rear Escape #2
  3. Mawari Hazushi – Turning Escape

Further additions to Kiai No Maki by AJJF in 1976 included the following additional techniques:

Keri Te

  1. Tombogeri – Dragonfly kick
  2. Kin Geri – Testicle Kick – (In the AJJF Kin Geri is the terminology used, even though the three kicks in the curriculum target the knee, groin, and solar plexus with a front kick)
  3. Yoko Geri – Side kick
  4. Mawashi Geri – Roundhouse Kick
  5. Ryo-ashi Geri – Double foot kick
  6. Mae Tobi Geri – Front flying kick

Uke Te

  1. Jodan Uke – Upper-level Block
  2. Nagashi Uke – Flowing Block
  3. Shuto Uke – Knife Hand Block
  4. Gedan Uke – Lower-level Block


  1. Atemi Ichi – Strike One (Side of jaw)
  2. Atemi Ni – Strike Two (Upward palm strike to chin)
  3. Atemi San – Strike Three (Upward palm strike to nose)
  4. Atemi Yon – Strike Four (Side of head above ear)
  5. Kasumi Dori – Seized by Haze (grazing knife-hand/forearm strike to side of neck)
  6. Hibara Uchi – Flank Strike (elbow to floating ribs/liver)
  7. Sui Getsu – Moon in the Water (Uppercut to solar plexus)
  8. Hon Getsu – True Moon (downward punch to bladder)
  9. Kin Geri – Testicle Kick (knee to groin)

Hanbo no Maki

  1. Ganseki Otoshi Garami – Stone-drop Entanglement
  2. Oni Kudaki – Demon Smash
  3. Ashi Kujiki – Leg Crush
  4. Ashi Gatame – Leg Pin
  5. Bo Gaeshi _ Staff Reversal
  6. Koku – Empty

Goshinjutsu – Chuden level

Self-Defense Techniques: 28 techniques[3] added by the AJJF Board of Professors, and modified periodically by them. Other DZR groups may not recognize this as a separate list, but instead may practice these techniques as common variations of techniques found in other lists. Formerly called Jokyu Yawara, Advanced Yawara, or Ladies' Yawara. Based on the original Fujin Goshin no Maki.

  1. Kata Eri Hazushi – Single lapel escape
  2. Katate Tori Ni – Single hand hold #2
  3. Katate Tori San – Single hand hold #3
  4. Katatedori Shi – Single hand hold #4
  5. Emondori Ni – Breast-of-garment hold #2
  6. Katamunedori – Single chest technique
  7. Udedori – Arm-lock
  8. Genkotsu Udedori – Gripping with the fist arm technique
  9. Udegyaku Ichi – Arm-lock #1
  10. Udegyaku Ni – Arm-lock #2
  11. Ninin Yubidori – Two-man finger-lock (formerly called Ninin Kotegarami)
  12. Kataeridori – Single lapel hold
  13. Ushirogyaku – Rear reverse
  14. Katahagai – Single wing
  15. Tekubi Shigarami – Wrist entanglement
  16. Genkotsu-otoshi – Fist drop
  17. Hongyaku Ichi – Basic Reverse #1
  18. Hongyaku Ni – Basic Reverse #2
  19. Ushiro Dakinage – Rear bearhug throw
  20. Mae Dakinage Ichi – Front bearhug throw #1
  21. Mae Dakinage Ni – Front bearhug throw #2
  22. Kataguruma – Shoulder wheel
  23. Hizagarami – Knee entanglement (formerly called Hiki-otoshi Ichi)
  24. Mae Osaegaminage – Front hair-grab throw
  25. Ushiro Osaegaminage – Rear hair-grab throw
  26. Kesa Nage – Scarf throw
  27. Ashigarami-Leg entanglement
  28. Sannin Nage – Three-man throw (called Sannin Hazushi by Prof. Law and listed in his Shinin Notes; previously included by AJJF in Shinin no Maki with same name as noted below)

Fujin Goshin no Maki – Chuden level

Women's Self Defense Scroll, 35 Techniques

1. Katate Hazushi Ichi – Single hand Escape #1.
2. Katate Hazushi Ni – Single hand Escape #2.
3. Morote Hazushi – Many hand Escape.
4. Ryote Hazushi – Double hand Escape.
5. Kata Eri Hazushi – Single Collar Escape.
6. Ryo Eri Hazushi – Double Collar Escape.
7. Momiji Hazushi Ichi – Maple tree Escape #1.
8. Momiji Hazushi Ni – Maple tree Escape #2.
9. Momiji Hazushi San – Maple tree Escape #3.
10. Ushiro Daki Nage – Rear Bearhug Throw.
11. Mae Daki Nage Ichi – Front Bearhug Throw #1.
12. Mae Daki Nage Ni – Front Bearhug Throw #2.
13. Mae Daki Hazushi – Front Bearhug Escape.
14. Ninin Hazushi – Two-man Escape.
15. Genkotsu Otoshi – Fist Drop.
16. Osaegami Nage – Hair grab Throw.
17. Akushu Kote Tori – Handshake Wrist-lock.
18. Akushu Ude Tori – Handshake Arm-lock.
19. Akushu Kotemaki Tori – Handshake Forearm-winding hold.
20. Katatedori Ichi – Single hand Hold #1.
21. Katatedori Ni – Single hand Hold #2.
22. Emondori – Breast-of-garment Hold.
23. Dakikubidori – Head-lock Hold.
24. Yubidori Hazushi – Finger-lock Escape.
25. Yubidori – Finger-lock.
26. Moroyubidori – Multi-finger lock.
27. Ryotedori – Double hand Lock.
28. Tekubidori – Wrist-lock.
29. Hagaidori – Wing Lock.
30. Shoto Hibara Hazushi – Knife Flank Escape.
31. Shoto Kata Hazushi – Knife Shoulder Escape.
32. Shoto Tsukkomi Hazushi – Knife Thrust Escape.
33. Tanju Mune Hazushi – Pistol Chest Escape.
34. Tanju Gan Hazushi – Pistol Face Escape.
35. Tanju Hibara Hazushi – Pistol Flank Escape.

Fusegi Jutsu – Chuden level

Defense Techniques 25 Techniques

Keisatsu Torite – Chuden level

also called Keisatsu Gijutsu: Police Arrest Techniques 100 to 120 Techniques

Shinnin no Maki – Okuden level

Scroll of Confidence; 35 Techniques. Sometimes romanized as Shinin, Shinnen, Shinnin: Sometimes written with different characters to mean Scroll of the Spirit Man (Shin Nan, Shin Nin). The AJJF at one time included an additional (36th) technique (Sannin Hazushi), but no longer does so. It is now included in Goshinjutsu (see above).

  1. Isami Tasukinage Throw using Tasuki (sleeve-cord), taking advantage of a rash misstep (isami) – sometimes rendered as Isami Tsuki Nage – Forward entering Thrusting Throw
  2. Obi Hanegoshi – Belt Springing Hip
  3. Tsurikomitaoshi – Lift-pull knockdown
  4. Momijinage – Maple-tree Throw
  5. Gyaku Hayanata – Reverse quick-blade
  6. Hizanage – Knee Throw
  7. Osaekomi Gyakutedori – Armlock from a pin
  8. Kobushijime – Fist lock
  9. Kesa Hazushi – Scarf Escape
  10. Kubijime Tomoe Gyakute – Neck-lock swirl joint-lock
  11. Ninin Nage – Two-man Throw
  12. Gyakutegaeshi – Joint-lock reversal
  13. Hiza-ori Nage – Knee-bend Throw
  14. Gyaku Hagai – Reverse Wing
  15. Ushiro Kannuki – Rear latch
  16. Mae Kannuki – Front latch
  17. Hikitatedorijime – Come-along lock
  18. Udegarami – Arm Entanglement
  19. Ebijime – Shrimp Lock
  20. Ushiro Ebijime – Rear Shrimp Lock
  21. Gyaku-erijime – Reverse lapel strangle
  22. Ushironage – Rear Throw
  23. Ude Shigaramijime – Entangled armlock
  24. Ashi Kannuki – Leg latch
  25. Kesagoroshi – Scarf Killing
  26. Handōjime – Half-body lock
  27. Ashigyaku – Leg-lock
  28. Kabejime – Wall Constriction
  29. Ashigaramidori – Entangled leg-lock
  30. Nidan Gaeshi – Two-step reversal
  31. Satsumajime – "Satsuma" strangle
  32. Tatakikomi – Striking in
  33. Ushiro Nagedori – Hold from a Rear Throw
  34. Saru Shigarami – Monkey Entanglement
  35. Sandan Gaeshi – Three-step reversal

Shin'yō no Maki – Okuden level

Scroll of Trust; 28 Techniques also written with different characters to mean Scroll of the Yang Spirit

  1. Gyaku Hizaguruma – Reverse Knee Wheel
  2. Tsuki Hazushi Kotemaki – Thrusting Escape Forearm Winding
  3. Tsukkomi Dome and Gaeshi – Stop a thrust / reverse a thrust
  4. Sunejime – Shin-lock
  5. Saru Shime or Sarujime – Monkey Constriction
  6. Tobi Tsuki Tenata – Jumping-Thrusting Hand blade
  7. Obi Otoshi – Belt Drop
  8. Sennin Gake – Thousand-man fight – sometimes rendered differently using 'sennin' = 'wizard' and/or 'gake' = 'cliff' or 'kage' = 'shadow'
  9. Munedori – Chest Hold
  10. Tsurigane Otoshi – Hanging-bell Drop
  11. Inazuma – Lightning
  12. Denkō – Lightning
  13. Kasumi Dori – Mist seizure
  14. Shishi Otoshi – Lion Drop
  15. Tawara Gaeshi – Rice bale reversal
  16. Tonbo Gaeshi – Dragonfly reversal
  17. Keri Komi – Kicking in
  18. Riuko or Ryuko – Dragon & Tiger, two rivals
  19. Hayanawa – Quick Rope
  20. Katate Tai Atari – Single hand Body Attack
  21. Tsukimi – Body Thrust
  22. Atemi – Strike the Body
  23. Zozu Kurawase – Strike the viscera
  24. Tora Nirami or Tora Niramu – Tiger Stare
  25. Kiai Dori – Seize with Kiai
  26. Senryu Tome – Stop 1000 dragons
  27. Yuki Chigai – Going along different paths
  28. Munen Muso or Munen Musow – No thought, no conceptions

Shinjin no Maki – Okuden level

Scroll of Belief; 35 Techniques (some groups include only 25 or 32 techniques); also rendered as "Shingin no Maki" due to prior methods of romanization. Some groups use different characters meaning "Scroll of Spirit Man" or "Scroll of the Original Mind/Spirit" (Shingen no Maki), or alternatively Scroll of the Divine Man (Shinjin no Maki).

  1. Ten To or Tento
  2. Riyo Mou or Ryomo
  3. Kasumi
  4. Cho Tou or Choto
  5. Jin Chiu or Jinchu
  6. Matsukaze
  7. Gebi
  8. Murasame
  9. Shichu or Hichu
  10. Danchu
  11. Kyosen aka Kyoto
  12. Suigetsu
  13. Myo Sho
  14. Kiyoin or Kyoin
  15. Tsukikage
  16. Inatsuma or Inazuma
  17. Hoka (Soto) Shiyaku Zawa
  18. Uchi Shiyaku Zawa
  19. Yakou or Yako
  20. Sen Riyu or Senryu
  21. Uchi Kibisu
  22. Kouri or Kori
  23. In Nou or Inno
  24. Doku Ko or Dokko
  25. Kaychiu or Keichu
  26. Mikazuki
  27. Kyoin aka Waki Kage
  28. Wan Sho
  29. Kyo Shin
  30. Haya Uchi
  31. Gan Ka
  32. Sori or Kusanagi
  33. Do Ko
  34. Katsu Satsu or Kassatsu
  35. Myo Jo

Kappō – Kuden level

Resuscitation Techniques, 11 Techniques originally taught by Professor Okazaki and later augmented in 1969 by Robert Reish to 35 techniques.

The original 11 techniques include:

  1. Hon Katsu (basic restoration)
  2. Ura Katsu (reverse restoration)
  3. Tanden Katsu (abdomen restoration)
  4. Nodo Katsu (mental depression restoration)
  5. Dekishi Katsu (drowning restoration)
  6. Hanaji Tome (nosebleed stop restoration)
  7. Kin Katsu (testicle blow restoration)
  8. Se Katsu (main restoration)
  9. Ashi Katsu (foot restoration)
  10. Kubi Kappō (hanging restoration)
  11. No Kappō (head restoration)

Note that the names of the 11 "original" techniques varied between different students of Professor Okazaki. The above names are the most commonly used.

Seifukujutsu – Betsuden level

Restoration Therapy 52 Techniques and Long-Life Massage

Taught as a separate tradition (betsuden) even to non-practitioners of Danzan Ryu.

Curriculum Order

The Yawara list is almost always taught as the first list in a curriculum, given its overall usefulness. The first seven techniques, consisting of escapes from simple grips, were once referred to as Te Hodoki (untying of hands), and were the first things taught to a prospective student. While learning the Te Hodoki, the individual's character was observed and assessed, and the teacher would decide whether or not to accept him as a student. Yawara instruction is usually integrated with instruction in breakfalls (sutemi/ukemi), and (once the student can fall safely) with the first techniques of the Nage Te list. Following this comes the rest of Nage Te, Shime Te, Goshinjutsu (Jokyu Yawara) and Oku-no-Te, by the time a student is roughly brown belt. The Kiai no Maki Techniques are generally taught as the student approaches the black belt level, in addition to some or all of Shinin-no-Maki. Shin'yō-no-Maki and Shinjin-no-Maki are not introduced until after the black belt has been attained, in most schools. Seifukujutsu, Kappo, meditation techniques, Randori, massage, first aid, and nerve strikes may also be integrated into the curriculum at varying levels, depending on the instructor.


  1. "Techniques of Danzan Ryu". American Jujitsu Institute. Retrieved 2014-09-28.
  2. Arrington, George E. "Yawara". Retrieved 2014-09-28.
  3. "Goshen Jitsu (women's self-defense)". Medford Judo Academy. Retrieved 2014-09-28.

External links