List of Cultural Properties of Japan - paintings (Yamaguchi)

This list is of the Cultural Properties of Japan designated in the category of paintings (絵画 kaiga) for the Prefecture of Yamaguchi.[1]

National Cultural Properties

As of 1 October 2013, fifteen Important Cultural Properties (including one *National Treasure) have been designated, being of national significance.[2][3][4]

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
*Landscapes of the four seasons, ink and light colour on paper, by Sesshū
紙本墨画淡彩四季山水図 雪舟筆
shihon bokuga tansai shiki sansui zu Sesshū hitsu
1486 Hōfu Hōfu Mōri Hōkōkai (防府毛利報公会)
(kept at the Mōri Museum (毛利博物館))
also known as Sesshū's Long Landscape Scroll (山水長巻)[5][6][7] 15.9 metres (52 ft) by 37 centimetres (1.21 ft) 34°03′48″N 131°35′18″E / 34.06346792°N 131.58833068°E

Prefectural Cultural Properties

As of 1 May 2013, twenty-eight properties have been designated at a prefectural level.[4][8]

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
Kumano Honchi Butsu Mandala, colour on silk
絹本着色熊野本地仏曼荼羅図 付 納箱
kenpon chakushoku Kumano honchi butsu mandara zu tsuketari osame-bako
Kamakura period/Nanboku-chō period Hōfu Suō Kokubun-ji (周防国分寺)) designation includes storage case 139.5 centimetres (4.58 ft) by 70.0 centimetres (2.297 ft) 34°03′45″N 131°34′47″E / 34.062561°N 131.579679°E

See also


External links