List of Cultural Properties of Japan - paintings (Nara)

This list is of the Cultural Properties of Japan designated in the category of paintings (絵画 kaiga) for the Prefecture of Nara.[1]

National Cultural Properties

As of 1 April 2012, one hundred and thirty-five Important Cultural Properties have been designated (including fourteen *National Treasures), being of national significance.[2][3][4]

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
*Landscape, ink and light colour on paper, attributed to Shūbun
shihon bokuga tansai sansui zu (den-Shūbun hitsu)
1445 Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
dated to Bun'an 2 by the postscript to the third of the accompanying poems[5] 108.0 centimetres (42.5 in) by 32.7 centimetres (12.9 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
*Amida Triad with Boy Attendant, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Amida sanzon oyobi dōji zō
Heian period Nara Hokke-ji three scrolls 34°41′32″N 135°48′15″E / 34.692359°N 135.804094°E
*Riding an Ox, colour on silk, by Li Di
kenpon chakushoku kiboku zu (Li Di hitsu kigyū)
Southern Song Nara Kintetsu
(kept at the Yamato Bunkakan)
24.2 centimetres (9.5 in) by 23.8 centimetres (9.4 in) 34°41′43″N 135°45′24″E / 34.695385°N 135.756662°E
*Kichijōten, colour on hemp cloth
mafu chakushoku Kichijōten zō
Nara period Nara Yakushi-ji 53.0 centimetres (20.9 in) by 31.7 centimetres (12.5 in) 34°40′06″N 135°47′04″E / 34.668379°N 135.784332°E
*Kusha Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kusha mandara zu
Heian period Nara Tōdai-ji 34°41′20″N 135°50′24″E / 34.688945°N 135.839918°E
Former Jimon-in Partition Paintings, by Sakaki Hyakusen
kyū-Jimon-in shōhekiga
1751 Nara private
(kept at Nara National Museum)
37 panels 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Wall Paintings from the Outer Sanctuary of the Kondō
kondō gejin kyū-hekiga
Nara period Ikaruga Hōryū-ji 12 panels 34°36′52″N 135°44′14″E / 34.614495°N 135.737103°E
Wall Paintings from the Inner Sanctuary of the Kondō
kondō naijin kyū-hekiga
Nara period Ikaruga Hōryū-ji 20 panels 34°36′52″N 135°44′14″E / 34.614495°N 135.737103°E
Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land, light colour on silk, by An Gyeon
kenpon tansai muyū tōgen zu (An Gyeon hitsu)
1447 Tenri Tenri Central Library pair of Joseon hand scrolls; the painting is accompanied by poetry and prose by twenty-one leading writers; the inscription by Prince Anpyeong (third son of Sejong the Great) reads "I am a person who dedicates his body to the palace day and night looking after affairs of state, so how is it that I went to the mountains and forests in my dreams?" Tao Yuanming's utopian Peach Blossom Spring provides the ideological underpinning to the dream[6] 34°35′41″N 135°50′47″E / 34.594657°N 135.846258°E
Descent of Amida and his Retinue, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Amida shōjū raigō zu
Kamakura period Yamatokōriyama Matsuo-dera (松尾寺) 34°38′03″N 135°43′41″E / 34.634055°N 135.728134°E
Descent of Amida with Twenty-Five Bosatsu, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Amida nijūgo bosatsu raigō zu
Kamakura period Nara Kōfuku-in (興福院) 34°41′42″N 135°49′21″E / 34.694997°N 135.822483°E
Descent of Amida, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Amida raigō zu
Heian period Sakurai Hase-dera 34°32′09″N 135°54′25″E / 34.535834°N 135.906823°E
Aizen Myōō, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Aizen Myōō zō
Kamakura period Ikoma Hōzan-ji 142.1 centimetres (55.9 in) by 87.5 centimetres (34.4 in) 34°41′04″N 135°41′12″E / 34.684314°N 135.686699°E
Andō En'e, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Andō Enne zō
1330 Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
warlord depicted as a Zen priest[7] 119.5 centimetres (47.0 in) by 57.9 centimetres (22.8 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Mandala of the One-Syllable Golden Wheel, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku ichiji kenrin mandara zu
Kamakura period private
Mandala of the One-Syllable Golden Wheel, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku ichiji kenrin mandara zu
Kamakura period Takatori Minami Hokke-ji (南法華寺) 34°25′35″N 135°48′35″E / 34.426417°N 135.809861°E
Mandala of the One-Syllable Golden Wheel, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku ichiji kenrin mandara zu
Heian period (C12) Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
Dainichi Kinrin seated on a lion pedestal with a treasure wheel and the seven treasures of a universal ruler[8][9] 79.0 centimetres (31.1 in) by 49.5 centimetres (19.5 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Kashō Daishi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kashō Daishi zō
Jōei Daishi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Jōei Daishi zō
Kamakura period Nara Tōdai-ji 34°41′20″N 135°50′24″E / 34.688963°N 135.839928°E
Spiritual Teachers of the Kegon Ocean Assembly, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kegon kai-e zenchishiki mandara zu
1294 Nara Tōdai-ji 34°41′20″N 135°50′24″E / 34.688963°N 135.839928°E
Kasagi Mandala, colour on silk
kenpoin chakushoku Kasagi mandara zu
Kamakura period Nara Kintetsu
(kept at the Yamato Bunkakan)
34°41′43″N 135°45′24″E / 34.695385°N 135.756662°E
Daylilies and Dogs at Play, colour on silk, attributed to Mao Yi
kenpon chakushoku kanzō yūku zu
Southern Song Nara Kintetsu
(kept at the Yamato Bunkakan)
25.3 centimetres (10.0 in) by 25.8 centimetres (10.2 in) 34°41′43″N 135°45′24″E / 34.695385°N 135.756662°E
Kankyō Jūroku Kansō, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku kankyō jūroku kansō zu
Kamakura period Nara Amida-ji (阿弥陀寺) 34°40′40″N 135°49′36″E / 34.677833°N 135.826727°E
Yoshino Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Yoshino mandara zu
Kamakura period Nara Saidai-ji 34°41′37″N 135°46′46″E / 34.693559°N 135.779504°E
Kokūzō Bosatsu, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku ichiji kenrin mandara zu
Kamakura period (C14) Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
the cloud arising from the bodhisattva's head and the landscape below are unusual features[10] 77.0 centimetres (30.3 in) by 38.5 centimetres (15.2 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Five Great Myōō, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku go dai Myōō zō
Kamakura period Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
Fudō in the centre, with Gōzanze to the bottom right (East) and, clockwise, Gundari, Daiitoku, and Kongōyasha[11] 125.5 centimetres (49.4 in) by 86.7 centimetres (34.1 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Four Saintly Persons, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku shi shō no miei
1256/1377 Nara Tōdai-ji key figures in the history of Tōdai-ji: Emperor Shōmu (rear left), Rōben (front left), Bodhisena (rear right), and Gyōki (front right); by Hokkyō Kanjō (法橋観盛) from Mino Province; 1377 copy of the 1256 version pictured 34°41′20″N 135°50′24″E / 34.688963°N 135.839928°E
Shaka with Eight Great Bodhisattvas, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Shaka hachi dai bosatsu zō
1320 Yamatokōriyama Matsuo-dera (松尾寺) Goryeo Buddhist painting 177.3 centimetres (69.8 in) by 91.2 centimetres (35.9 in) 34°38′03″N 135°43′41″E / 34.634055°N 135.728134°E
Jizō Bosatsu, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Jizō Bosatsu zō
Kamakura period (C13) Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
with a shakujō in his right hand and hōju or sacred gem in his left, standing upon a lotus pedestal atop a flying cloud[12] 101.0 centimetres (39.8 in) by 36.3 centimetres (14.3 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Jizō Bosatsu, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Jizō Bosatsu zō
Kamakura period (C14) Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
with a landscape background; from Chuzō-in (中蔵院) in Tamano, Okayama[13] 92.1 centimetres (36.3 in) by 38.1 centimetres (15.0 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Fugen Bosatsu, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Fugen Bosatsu zō
Heian period (C12) Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
the episode where Fugen appears on a white elephant to protect the followers of the Lotus Sutra is from its Fugen Bosatsu kanhotsu hon (普賢菩薩勧発品)[14] 62.0 centimetres (24.4 in) by 30.7 centimetres (12.1 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Nyoirin Kannon, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Nyoirin Kannon zō
late Kamakura period Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
with six arms and a gold body, as described in the Kanjizai Nyoi Bosatsu Yuga Hōyō (観自在菩薩如意輪瑜伽法要)[15] 101.7 centimetres (40.0 in) by 41.6 centimetres (16.4 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
White-Robed Kannon, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Byakue Kannon zu
1377 Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
white-robed and seated on a grass-covered rock; according to the fifth chapter of the Mahavairocana Sutra, the white is the "whiteness of the pure aspiration of enlightenment"; ink inscription in the upper right corner: 稽首淨聖甘露除焔 | 眞大依怙普施福縁 | 丁巳仲夏 | 壽峯海燁謹題; stylistic considerations date 丁巳 (Yin Fire Snake according to the Sexagenary cycle) to 1377; of Goryeo, Yuan or Ming origin[16][17][18] 99.1 centimetres (39.0 in) by 40.3 centimetres (15.9 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683564°N 135.836678°E
Vimalakirti, colour on silk, by Bunsei
kenpon chakushoku Yuima Kōji zō (Bunsei hitsu)
C15 Nara Kintetsu
(kept at the Yamato Bunkakan)
34°41′43″N 135°45′24″E / 34.695385°N 135.756662°E
Flowers and Birds, ink on paper, six-fold byōbu, by Sesson
shihon bokuga kachō zu (Sesson hitsu rokkyoku byōbu)
C16 Nara Kintetsu
(kept at the Yamato Bunkakan)
pair of screens 34°41′43″N 135°45′24″E / 34.695385°N 135.756662°E
Bamboo with a Sparrow, ink on paper
shihon bokuga chikujaku zu
Nanboku-chō period Nara Kintetsu
(kept at the Yamato Bunkakan)
34°41′43″N 135°45′24″E / 34.695385°N 135.756662°E
Senju Kannon, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Senju Kannon zō
Heian period (C12) Nara National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Nara National Museum)
found inside a 53 cm high wooden statue of Kannon[19] 93.8 centimetres (36.9 in) by 39.5 centimetres (15.6 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E

Prefectural Cultural Properties

As of early 2014, forty properties have been designated at a prefectural level.[4][20][21]

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
Nigatsu-dō Mandala
Nigatsudō mandara zu
Muromachi period Nara Tōdai-ji 34°41′21″N 135°50′39″E / 34.689263°N 135.844252°E
Mandala of the Two Realms, gold paint on indigo paper
konshi kindei ryōkai mandara zu
Kamakura period Nara Saidai-ji
(kept at Nara National Museum)
34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
Shaka Triad with Sixteen Benevolent Deities, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Shaka sanzon jūroku zenjin zu
Kamakura period Nara Saidai-ji
(kept at Nara National Museum)
34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
Kōgyō Daishi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kōgyō Daishi zō
Kamakura period Sakurai Hase-dera 34°32′09″N 135°54′25″E / 34.535834°N 135.906823°E
Jūichimen Kannon, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku honzon Jūichimen Kannon mikage
Muromachi period Sakurai Hase-dera 34°32′09″N 135°54′25″E / 34.535834°N 135.906823°E
Kasuga Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kasuga Mandala zu
Muromachi period Sakurai Hase-dera 34°32′09″N 135°54′25″E / 34.535834°N 135.906823°E
Zennyo Ryūō, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Zennyo Ryūō zu
Muromachi period Tawaramoto Rakuden-ji (楽田寺) 34°33′10″N 135°47′39″E / 34.552651°N 135.794266°E
Mandala of the Two Realms, colour on wooden boards
ita-e chakushoku ryōkai mandara zu
1424 Kōryō Daifuku-ji (大福寺) 34°33′59″N 135°45′08″E / 34.566523°N 135.752301°E
Yoshino Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Yoshino mandara
Muromachi period Yoshino Nyoirin-ji (如意輪寺) 34°21′52″N 135°52′04″E / 34.364552°N 135.867866°E
Nirvana painting, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku butsu nehan zu
1380 Asuka Tachibana-dera (橘寺) 280.5 centimetres (110.4 in) by 206.4 centimetres (81.3 in) 34°28′12″N 135°49′03″E / 34.470043°N 135.817430°E

Municipal Cultural Properties

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
Kasuga Deities Departing from Kashima Shrine, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kashima dachi shin-ei zu
1383 Nara Kasuga Taisha designation includes the wooden rod or jikugi around which the bottom of the hanging scroll was wound, until its removal during restoration work in 1891, and which bears an ink inscription naming the artist - Nijō Eiin - and dating the work to the 30th day of the 9th month of Eitoku 3: 永徳三年九月三十日 八月十三日春日ハシラタテノ日筆ハシメナリ 二條英印筆 107.1 centimetres (42.2 in) by 36.2 centimetres (14.3 in) 34°40′53″N 135°50′54″E / 34.681455°N 135.848458°E
Kasuga Deities Departing from Kashima Shrine, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kashima dachi shin-ei zu
Nanboku-chō/Muromachi period Nara Kasuga Taisha 107.6 centimetres (42.4 in) by 39.0 centimetres (15.4 in) 34°40′53″N 135°50′54″E / 34.681455°N 135.848458°E
Taima Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Taima mandara zu
Kamakura period Nara Raikō-ji (来迎寺) 166.3 centimetres (65.5 in) by 152.9 centimetres (60.2 in) 34°35′36″N 135°56′48″E / 34.593394°N 135.946594°E
Tosō Tenjin, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Tosō Tenjin zō
early/mid-C15 Nara Sugawara Tenmangū (菅原天満宮)
(kept at Nara National Museum)
holding a branch of plum blossoms; with gasan or accompanying text by Gukyoku Reisai (愚極礼才) (1370-1452)[22] 88.6 centimetres (34.9 in) by 33.0 centimetres (13.0 in) 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
Eison (Kōshō Bosatsu), colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kōshō Bosatsu zō
Kamakura period Nara Saidai-ji
(kept at Nara National Museum)
34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
Eison (Kōshō Bosatsu), colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kōshō Bosatsu zō
Kamakura period Nara Tōshōdai-ji 34°40′32″N 135°47′05″E / 34.675553°N 135.784836°E
Shinkū, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Jishin oshō zō
Kamakura period Nara Hokke-ji 34°41′33″N 135°48′15″E / 34.692403°N 135.804201°E
Legends of Yata Jizō, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku Yata Jizō engi
Muromachi period Nara private one scroll 34°42′17″N 135°44′03″E / 34.704726°N 135.734239°E
Kasuga Gongen Genkidai
Kasuga Gongen genkidai
Kamakura period Nara Kasuga Taisha six panels 34°40′53″N 135°50′48″E / 34.681482°N 135.846548°E
Tsutsui Junkei, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Tsutsui Junkei zō
Momoyama period Nara Denkō-ji (伝香寺) 110.4 centimetres (43.5 in) by 41.1 centimetres (16.2 in) 34°40′50″N 135°49′33″E / 34.680622°N 135.825772°E
Town and Country, emaki
kenpon chakushoku tohizu maki
Edo period Nara Konbu-in (興福院)
(kept at Nara National Museum)
1 scroll 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
Congratulating Empress Meishō on her 70th Birthday, colour on paper with gold ground, byōbu
shihon kinji chakushoku Meishō-in nanajū ga getsuji e byōbu
Edo period Nara Enshō-ji pair of six-panel screens 34°38′37″N 135°50′44″E / 34.643730°N 135.845593°E
Grazing in Springtime and Autumn Fields, colour on paper, byōbu
shihon chakushoku shunkō hōboku denen shūshoku zu byōbu
Edo period Nara Enshō-ji pair of six-panel screens 34°38′37″N 135°50′44″E / 34.643730°N 135.845593°E
Tamaya Partition Paintings
Tamaya shōhekiga
mid-Edo period Kyoto Konbu-in (興福院)
(kept at Kyoto National Museum)
20 panels by Watanabe Shikō (渡辺始興) 34°59′24″N 135°46′23″E / 34.989925°N 135.773163°E
Former Fukuju-in Partition Paintings, by Nagasawa Rosetsu
旧福寿院障壁画 長沢芦雪筆
kyū Fukuju-in shōhekiga Nagasawa Rosetsu hitsu
late-C18 Nara Yakushi-ji
(kept at Nara National Museum)
29 panels 34°41′01″N 135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836645°E
Ema with Storage Box
ema-ban tsuketari shūnōbako
Muromachi period Nara Kasuga Taisha 5 ema 34°40′50″N 135°50′37″E / 34.680423°N 135.843662°E
Toyotomi Hidenaga
Toyotomi Hidenaga gazō
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Shungakuin (春岳院) 118 centimetres (46 in) by 55 centimetres (22 in) 34°39′03″N 135°47′03″E / 34.650764°N 135.784171°E
Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu
Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu gazō
Edo period Yamatokōriyama private
Rikugi-en, emaki
Rikugi-en, emaki
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Yanagisawa Bunko (柳沢文庫) 3 scrolls 34°39′04″N 135°46′49″E / 34.650985°N 135.780394°E
View of Kōriyama Castle
Kōriyama-jō no zu (Kyōhō 9-nen)
1724 Yamatokōriyama Yanagisawa Bunko (柳沢文庫) 34°39′04″N 135°46′49″E / 34.650985°N 135.780394°E
View of Kōriyama Castle
Kōriyama-jō no zu (Ansei nenkan)
1854-60 Yamatokōriyama Yanagisawa Bunko (柳沢文庫) 34°39′04″N 135°46′49″E / 34.650985°N 135.780394°E
Maps of the Town Divisions
machi wari zu
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Yanagisawa Bunko (柳沢文庫) 29 items 34°39′04″N 135°46′49″E / 34.650985°N 135.780394°E
Map of Residences with Roads and Names
Gokachū Nakayashiki kōji wari namae-zu
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Yanagisawa Bunko (柳沢文庫) 34°39′04″N 135°46′49″E / 34.650985°N 135.780394°E
Old View of Kōriyama Castle
Kōriyama-jō kozu
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Hatsushi-in (発志院) 34°38′50″N 135°45′39″E / 34.647238°N 135.760766°E
Kasuga Akadōji, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kasuga Akadōji gazō
1488 Yamatokōriyama Uetsuki Jinja (植槻神社) 73.9 centimetres (29.1 in) by 31.5 centimetres (12.4 in) 34°39′14″N 135°46′54″E / 34.653977°N 135.781596°E
Occurrences of Kasuga Festival
Kasuga omatsuri no shidai (jōgekan)
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Yanagisawa Bunko (柳沢文庫) two scrolls 34°39′04″N 135°46′49″E / 34.650985°N 135.780394°E
Illustrated Legends of Uetsuki Dōjō, emaki
Uetsuki dōjō engi emaki
Edo period Yamatokōriyama Uetsuki Jinja (植槻神社) 1 scroll 34°39′14″N 135°46′54″E / 34.653977°N 135.781596°E
Chinese Lions, fusuma
karajishi zu to fusuma-e
1761 Yamatokōriyama Yakuon Hachiman Jinja (薬園八幡神社) 8 panels 180 centimetres (71 in) by 97 centimetres (38 in) 34°38′48″N 135°47′13″E / 34.646554°N 135.786992°E

See also


  1. "Cultural Properties for Future Generations". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 22 June 2014.
  2. 国宝・重要文化財 [Number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 June 2014. Retrieved 22 June 2014.
  3. "Database of National Cultural Properties: 国宝・重要文化財(美術品)(絵画 奈良県)" (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 22 June 2014.
  4. 4.0 4.1 文化財指定件数 [Number of Cultural Properties] (in Japanese). Nara Prefecture. 1 April 2012. Retrieved 22 June 2014.
  5. "Hue of the Water, Light on the Peaks". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 23 June 2014.
  6. Ahn Hwi-Hoon. "Koreana: Joseon Prince’s Dream Journey to Peach Orchard Paradise". Korea Foundation. Retrieved 23 June 2014.
  7. "Portrait of Ando En'e". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 28 June 2014.
  8. "Mandala of the One-Syllable Golden Wheel (Skt., Ekaksarosnisacakra), (J., Ichiji Kinrin Mandara)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 29 June 2014.
  9. "Ichijikinrin 一字金輪". Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System. Retrieved 29 June 2013.
  10. "Kokuzo (Akasagarbha)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 30 June 2014.
  11. "Five Great Myoo (Vidyarajas)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 30 June 2014.
  12. "Jizo (Ksitigarbha)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 30 June 2014.
  13. "Jizo (Ksitigarbha)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 30 June 2014.
  14. "Fugen (Samantabhadra)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 28 June 2014.
  15. "Nyoirin Kannon (Cintamanicakra)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 28 June 2014.
  16. "Byakue Kannon". Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System. Retrieved 23 June 2014.
  17. 白衣観音像 [Byakue Kannon] (in Japanese). Nara National Museum. Retrieved 23 June 2014.
  18. "White-Robed Kannon (Pandaravasini)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 23 June 2014.
  19. "Thousand-Armed Kannon (Sahasrabhuja); Kannon (Avalokitesvara)". National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 22 June 2014.
  20. 奈良県指定有形文化財 [Nara Prefectural Tangible Cultural Properties] (in Japanese). Nara Prefecture. 2014. Retrieved 28 June 2014.
  21. 都道府県別指定等文化財件数(都道府県分) [Number of Prefectural Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 May 2013. Retrieved 22 June 2014.
  22. "gasan". Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System. Retrieved 28 June 2014.

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