List of Carmilla episodes

This is a list of episodes for Carmilla, a web series based on the book of the same name.


Season 1 (2014)

No. Title Length Original air date
1"Disorientation"2:37August 19, 2014
Laura Hollis is three weeks into her first semester at Silas University, and working on a journalism project documenting the weirdness of the school. Her roommate, Betty convinces her to take the night off and attend a party. The next morning, Betty is missing. A slimy note left near her bed claims that she no longer attends the school.
2"Missing"3:25August 19, 2014
Laura starts investigating Betty's disappearance. None of the partygoers remember seeing Betty the previous night, and the office of student affairs is completely unhelpful in the matter. Suddenly a girl enters Laura's room and starts making herself at home. She introduces herself as Carmilla, and claims to be Laura’s new roommate.
3"The Roommate"2:03August 19, 2014
Laura starts living with Carmilla, who proves to be a terrible roommate. One day, she pours some of Carmilla's "soy milk" into a bowl of cereal and discovers it to be blood.
4"Freak OUT"1:48August 19, 2014
Laura meets with her "official" and "unofficial" floor dons, Perry and LaFontaine. She shows them the blood and discusses getting rid of Carmilla. Perry, assuring her that Betty will probably return, reveals that other girls have also gone missing.
5"Patterns"4:55August 19, 2014
Laura learns about the girls who have disappeared and then reappeared with no memory of the time in between. She interviews two of them, Sarah Jane and Natalie.
6"Why Bother?"2:45August 19, 2014
Having recorded the events of the previous episodes on her webcam, Laura uploads the videos to the Silas University network to spread awareness of the disappearances. Immediately, alarms go off. Perry, running by the door of the room, tells Laura that a town hall meeting has been called.
7"Town Hall"5:10August 21, 2014
Laura relays the events that transpired at the town hall meeting. Danny, Laura's lit TA, is also introduced, having joined in on the investigation. After Danny leaves, Kirsch and Will, two members of the Zeta Omega Mu fraternity enter, having declared themselves safety escorts.
8"Pitsa i Thanato"3:48August 26, 2014
Kirsch and Will refuse to leave, putting Laura in an awkward position. Carmilla returns to the room and aggresses Kirsch so that he and Will leave.
9"Nancy Drew"3:57August 28, 2014
Laura continues her investigation with Danny. Having the idea to talk to Sarah Jane and Natalie again, they discover that the two girls are now acting like party animals.
10"The Real Betty"3:06September 2, 2014
Inspired by S.J and Natalie's change in behaviour, Laura looks into Betty's life pre-Silas and discovers that she was a very different person. Perry and LaFontaine then run in, warning of the arrival of the dean, who is there to speak with Carmilla.
11"A Visit From The Dean"4:18September 4, 2014
Carmilla hints at her troubles with the Dean to Laura, who empathizes by virtue of having an overprotective father. Laura and Danny then continue investigating. By looking through photos of the parties, they discover that Carmilla has been present at all of them, and was close to the girls who disappeared.
12"Evidence"5:24September 9, 2014
Laura summarizes the investigation so far. Danny, followed by Kirsch, enter the room, and nearly get into a fight before Laura talks them down. That night, Laura experiences a disturbing dream.
13"I, Spy"3:54September 11, 2014
Laura has been continuing to have bad dreams, which bear a resemblance to the ones that Natalie was having before disappearing. Carmilla offers to get her something to help her sleep. Said "something" turns out to be a dried bat wing on a bracelet.
14"Research Trip"5:07September 16, 2014
Laura and LaFontaine relay how they crashed a Faculty Club meeting in an unsuccessful attempt to talk to the dean. Afterward, they headed to the library to try and follow up on a clue. Laura explains what they discovered: Carmilla shows up at Silas every twenty years under a different name, and each of her appearances coincides with the disappearance of several female students. LaFontaine confirms Laura's suspicions — Carmilla is a vampire.
15"My Roommate, The Vampire"2:08September 18, 2014
The group discusses what to do about Carmilla. They decide to trap her to get answers from her, and LaFontaine proposes using Laura as bait.
16"Best Laid Plans"4:43September 23, 2014
As the group tries to figure out a plan of action, Kirsch and Will show up. Laura recruits them and the Zetas for help. Later that night, Carmilla arrives in a pensive mood. Laura takes the opportunity to invite her to the Zetas' upcoming party.
17"It's A Trap"4:00September 25, 2014
Carmilla decides to have a private party instead of going to the Zetas'. The tension between her and Laura is interrupted when Danny arrives with backup and tackles Carmilla. After an offscreen fight, Carmilla is bound and gagged. Then, Kirsch arrives with disastrous news: Natalie is missing, and Sarah Jane is dead.
18"While You Weren't Watching"3:35September 30, 2014
Kirsch tells what happened before leaving to mourn. Laura and the gang discuss what to do with Carmilla. They remove the tape from her mouth, and Carmilla tells them she was not responsible for what happened to Sarah Jane or Natalie.
19"Advanced Interrogation Techniques"4:34October 2, 2014
The gang keeps Carmilla tied up in her room for several days trying to get information out of her. Finally, Laura persuades Carmilla to tell her side of the story.
20"Sock Puppets and European History"7:08October 7, 2014
Carmilla tells the story of her life as a human, her death and subsequent revival, and her life as a vampire, while Laura narrates with hand puppets. She reveals that the "mother" who revived her and directed the kidnapping schemes is none other than the dean of Silas.
21"Strategic Planning"3:58October 9, 2014
The next night, Will arrives to free Carmilla. He is revealed to be another vampire working for the dean. He and Carmilla get into a fight over Laura, and Carmilla ends up punching him. He leaves, with Carmilla in pursuit.
22"Afterbite"2:24October 14, 2014
Carmilla returns, having failed to catch Will, and prepares to flee Silas to avoid the wrath of the dean. Laura talks her out of it, arguing her best option is to stay.
23"We Need To Talk About Carmilla"3:50October 16, 2014
Laura deals with failing her lit midterm and explains Carmilla's freedom to LaFontaine. Perry, having fled the room before hearing an explanation, returns with a fight-ready Danny.
24"Breaking Up (With An Amazon) Is Hard To Do"3:26October 21, 2014
Carmilla quickly dispatches Danny and Laura gets them both to stand down. Danny and Laura get into an argument, which ends with Laura breaking off their tentative relationship.
25"Basic Parasitology"4:09October 23, 2014
The next day, LaFontaine returns with the test results for the slime: it's cerebrospinal fluid, and contains parasites. Perry reaches a breaking point and demands that things be normal.
26"The Standard Issue"3:50October 28, 2014
LaFontaine and Perry argue, and Perry leaves. Laura has another bad dream later, in which she sees an evil and hungry light. She, Carmilla, and LaFontaine head to the library for more research.
27"Required Reading"5:13October 30, 2014
Laura, LaFontaine, and Carmilla are back from the library with an ancient book. They have also rescued J.P. Armitage, a records clerk from 1874 whose consciousness was sucked into the library catalogue and who now exists digitally on a flash drive. The next day, Perry bursts in looking for LaFontaine, who has vanished.
28"Blame Enough For All"4:46November 4, 2014
Laura and Perry deal with feelings of guilt. Laura tries to warn Kirsch about Will, but he doesn't believe that Will is a danger.
29"PTSD & Brownies"3:47November 6, 2014
Laura and Carmilla are woken up by Perry early in the morning and resume their research. They manage to find a hidden entry on the demonic light, Lophiiformes. Later LaFontaine reappears, with no memory of having vanished.
30"Monsters, Lies & Videotapes"3:30November 11, 2014
An audio recording on LaFontaine's phone reveals that the kidnapped girls are alive and together somewhere, and that the ritual is scheduled for the new moon. LaFontaine starts to undergo the personality change associated with the parasites.
31"Of Hearts And Holy Hand Grenades"4:59November 13, 2014
Laura has a talk with Danny that ends disastrously. J.P. finds information on a weapon called the Blade of Hastur, which is unreachable except to Carmilla. Meanwhile, Laura finds a necklace on her desk and, assuming it to be from Carmilla, puts it on. Later, she is possessed through it by the dean.
32"Mommy Dearest"5:15November 18, 2014
The dean, acting through Laura, destroys J.P.'s flash drive then presents an offer to Carmilla: keep Laura from interfering, and she'll take Kirsch for the ritual instead. Refuse, and she'll take Laura away right then and there. Carmilla accepts her deal.
33"Pep Rally"4:46November 20, 2014
Laura tries appealing to the student body at a school event, but it quickly turns sour. Afterward, she discovers the video of herself being possessed by the dean. She confronts Carmilla with it and turns her away.
34"Do Not Go Into The Light"3:39November 25, 2014
Laura gets the idea to use LaFontaine to find the ritual. She, LaFontaine and Perry head off. Carmilla is viewing the footage of them later when Danny bursts in, having received a text for help. They head off to join the fight. Skipping to the aftermath of the fight, everyone but Carmilla is gathered in Laura's room. Laura tearfully says that they won, but Carmilla is dead.
35"Heroic Vampire Bull****"5:37November 27, 2014
The characters take turns explaining the events of the climactic showdown.
36"Life Goes On"7:50December 2, 2014
After another time skip, Laura is recording again to talk about the aftermath of the battle, including the return of Betty, strange tremors, and the discovery of J.P.'s backup. Perry enters to tell Laura that the Zetas have found Carmilla at the site of the battle, just before Danny enters carrying her. Laura revives Carmilla with the carton of blood, and they kiss. In a post-credits scene, LaFontaine bursts into the room in a panic. It becomes apparent that Lophiiformes is still very much alive, as evidenced by the tremors. The town hall alarms then go off.
Special"The Christmas Special"7:20December 24, 2014
Laura, Carmilla, LaFontaine and Perry have taken refuge at an old diner while fleeing from Silas. There, they encounter a strange and sinister baker who tries to turn them into gingerbread. Carmilla easily kills her and the group has a Christmas celebration.

Season 2 (2015)

A second season was confirmed to be in production; it is expected to begin airing in spring 2015.[1]
