List of Canadian plants by genus B
Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada's biodiversity, this page is divided.
Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either intentionally or accidentally. N indicated native and X indicated exotic. Those plants whose status is unknown are marked with a ?.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
- This is an incomplete list that may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
- Baptisia
- X Baptisia australis
- N Baptisia tinctoria — yellow wild-indigo
- Barbarea
- N Barbarea orthoceras — erect-fruit wintercress
- X Barbarea vulgaris — yellow rocket, common wintercress
- Bartonia
- N Bartonia paniculata subsp. paniculata — twining screwstem, branched bartonia Threatened
- N Bartonia virginica — yellow screwstem, yellow bartonia
- Bartsia
- N Bartsia alpina — velvetbells, alpine bartsia
- Beckmania
- N Beckmannia syzigachne — American slough grass
- Belis
- X Bellis perennis — English daisy
- Berberis
- X Berberis aquifolium — Oregon grape, Oregon hollygrape, holly barberry
- X Berberis repens
- X Berberis thunbergii — Japanese barberry, purple Japanese barberry
- X Berberis vulgaris — European barberry, common barberry
- X Berberis × ottawensis (B. thunbergii × B. vulgaris) — Ottawa barberry
- Berterboa
- X Berteroa incana — hoary alyssum, hoary false madwort
- Betula
- N Betula alleghaniensis — yellow birch
- N Betula cordifolia — heartleaf birch, mountain white birch, mountain paper birch
- N Betula glandulosa — American dwarf birch, glandular birch, scrub birch, dwarf resin birch, resin birch, tundra dwarf birch
- N Betula lenta — sweet birch, cherry birch
- N Betula minor — dwarf white birch
- N Betula neoalaskana — Alaska birch, Alaskan paper birch, Alaska white birch
- N Betula occidentalis — water birch, western birch, western river birch, spring birch
- N Betula papyrifera — paper birch, white birch, canoe birch
- X Betula pendula — European white birch, weeping birch, silver birch
- N Betula populifolia — grey birch, fire birch, old field birch, poverty birch
- X Betula pubescens — downy birch, European white birch
- N Betula pumila — dwarf birch, bog birch, swamp birch
- N Betula × neoborealis (B. occidentalis × B. pumila)
- N Betula × purpusii (B. alleghaniensis × B. pumila)
- N Betula × sandbergii (B. papyrifera × B. pumila) — Sandberg's birch
- N Betula × sargentii (B. glandulosa × B. pumila) — Sargent's birch
- Bidens
- X Bidens aristosa — tickseed beggarticks
- X Bidens bipinnata
- N Bidens cernua — nodding beggarticks, nodding burr marigold
- N Bidens connata — purplestem beggarticks, purplestem swamp beggarticks, connate beggarticks, southern tickseed
- N Bidens discoidea — swamp beggarticks, small beggarticks, discoid beggarticks, few-bracted beggarticks
- N Bidens frondosa — Devil's beggarticks, Devil's pitchfork, stick-tight, largeleaf beggarticks
- N Bidens hyperborea — estuary beggarticks, coastal beggarticks, northern estuarine beggarticks, seacliff beggarticks
- N Bidens laevis — smooth bur-marigold
- X Bidens pilosa — hairy beggarticks
- X Bidens polylepis — awnless beggarticks
- N Bidens tripartita — threepart beggarticks, trifid burr-marigold
- N Bidens vulgata — tall beggarticks, stick-tight, big Devil's beggarticks
- Blephilia
- N Blephilia ciliata — downy woodmint
- N Blephilia hirsuta — hairy woodmint
- Blysmus
- N Blysmus rufus — red bulrush
- Boehmeria
- N Boehmeria cylindrica — false nettle, bog-hemp, smallspike false nettle
- Bolboschoenus
- N Bolboschoenus fluviatilis — river bulrush, river clubrush
- N Bolboschoenus maritimus — saltmarsh bulrush, bayonet grass, saltmarsh clubrush
- Borago
- X Borago officinalis — common borage, beeplant, beebread
- Botrychium
- N Botrychium acuminatum — pointed moonwort
- N Botrychium ascendens — upswept moonwort, triangle-lobed moonwort
- N Botrychium campestre — prairie moonwort, prairie dunewort
- N Botrychium dissectum — lacyleaf grapefern, cutleaf grapefern, cutleaf moonwort
- N Botrychium hesperium — western moonwort
- N Botrychium lanceolatum — lanceleaf grapefern, triangle moonwort
- N Botrychium lunaria — common moonwort, moonwort grapefern
- N Botrychium matricariifolium — daisyleaf moonwort, matricary grapefern, matricary moonwort, chamomile grapefern
- N Botrychium minganense — Mingan's moonwort
- N Botrychium multifidum — leathery grapefern
- N Botrychium oneidense — Lake Oneida grapefern, blunt-lobed grapefern
- N Botrychium pallidum — pale moonwort
- N Botrychium pseudopinnatum — false northwestern moonwort
- N Botrychium rugulosum — St. Lawrence grapefern, rugulose grapefern, ternate grapefern
- N Botrychium simplex — little grapefern, least moonwort
- N Botrychium spathulatum — spatulate moonwort, spoonleaf moonwort
- N Botrychium virginianum — rattlesnake fern
- Bouteloua
- N Bouteloua curtipendula — sideoats grama
- Brachyelytrum
- N Brachyelytrum erectum var. erectum — bearded shorthusk
- N Brachyelytrum erectum var. glabratum — northern shorthusk
- Brasenia
- N Brasenia schreberi — watershield, purple wendock
- Brassica
- X Brassica juncea — Chinese mustard, Indian mustard, brown mustard, leaf mustard, Sarepta mustard
- X Brassica napus — rutabaga, canola, Swedish turnip, rapeseed, colza, oilseed rape, annual rape
- X Brassica nigra — black mustard
- X Brassica oleracea — cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, chou broccoli
- Braya
- N Braya humilis — low northern rockcress, low braya
- Briza
- X Briza maxima — big quaking grass, large quaking grass
- X Briza media — perennial quaking grass
- Bromus
- X Bromus aleutensis — Aleut brome
- X Bromus arvensis — field brome
- X Bromus briziformis — rattlesnake brome
- X Bromus carinatus — California brome
- N Bromus ciliatus — fringed brome
- X Bromus commutatus — meadow brome, hairy brome
- X Bromus danthoniae — oat brome
- X Bromus erectus — erect brome, upright brome, meadow brome
- X Bromus hordeaceus — soft brome
- X Bromus inermis subsp. inermis — smooth brome, Hungarian brome, awnless brome
- N Bromus kalmii — Kalm's brome, prairie brome, wild chess
- N Bromus latiglumis — broad-glumed brome
- N Bromus nottowayanus — Nottoway brome grass
- N Bromus pubescens — hairy woodland brome
- N Bromus pumpellianus subsp. pumpellianus — Pumpell's brome
- X Bromus racemosus — spiked brome
- X Bromus secalinus — rye brome, cheat, chess
- X Bromus squarrosus — corn brome
- X Bromus sterilis — poverty brome
- X Bromus tectorum — cheat grass
- X Bromus × pseudothominii (B. hordeaceus × B. lepidus) — soft brome
- Buchnera
- N Buchnera americana — bluehearts Endangered
- Buddleja
- X Buddleja davidii — butterfly bush, orange-eye, summer lilac
- Buglossoides
- X Buglossoides arvensis — corn gromwell, bastard alkanet
- Bupleurum
- X Bupleurum rotundifolium — roundleaf thorowax
- Butomus
- X Butomus umbellatus — flowering rush