List of Canadian plants by family C
Main page: List of Canadian plants by family
This is an incomplete list that may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
- Brasenia schreberi — watershield
- Callitriche hermaphroditica — autumnal water-starwort
- Callitriche heterophylla — large water-starwort
- Callitriche marginata — winged water-starwort
- Calypogeia fissa
- Calypogeia integristipula
- Calypogeia muelleriana
- Calypogeia neesiana
- Calypogeia sphagnicola
- Calypogeia suecica
- Calypogeia trichomanis
- Metacalypogeia schusterana
- Arenaria capillaris — fescue sandwort
- Arenaria congesta — capitate sandwort
- Arenaria humifusa — creeping sandwort
- Arenaria longipedunculata — low sandwort
- Cerastium alpinum — alpine chickweed
- Cerastium arvense — mouse-ear chickweed
- Cerastium beeringianum — Bering Sea chickweed
- Cerastium brachypodum — mouse-ear chickweed
- Cerastium cerastioides — starwort chickweed
- Cerastium fischerianum — Fischer's chickweed
- Cerastium maximum — great chickweed
- Cerastium nigrescens — black mouse-ear chickweed
- Cerastium nutans — nodding chickweed
- Cerastium regelii — Regel's chickweed
- Dianthus repens — carnation
- Honckenya peploides — seabeach sandwort
- Lychnis alpina — alpine campion
- Minuartia arctica — Arctic stitchwort
- Minuartia austromontana — Columbian stitchwort
- Minuartia biflora — mountain stitchwort
- Minuartia dawsonensis — rock stitchwort
- Minuartia elegans — Ross' stitchwort
- Minuartia groenlandica — mountain sandwort
- Minuartia litorea
- Minuartia macrocarpa — longpod stitchwort
- Minuartia marcescens — serpentine stitchwort
- Minuartia michauxii — Michaux's stitchwort
- Minuartia nuttallii — Nuttall's stitchwort
- Minuartia obtusiloba — alpine stitchwort
- Minuartia pusilla — dwarf stitchwort
- Minuartia rossii — Ross' stitchwort
- Minuartia rubella — boreal stitchwort
- Minuartia stricta — rock sandwort
- Minuartia tenella — slender stitchwort
- Minuartia yukonensis — Yukon stitchwort
- Moehringia lateriflora — grove sandwort
- Moehringia macrophylla — largeleaf sandwort
- Paronychia canadensis — forked nailwort
- Paronychia fastigiata — cluster-stemmed nailwort
- Paronychia sessiliflora — low nailwort
- Sagina caespitosa — tufted pearlwort
- Cephalozia affinis
- Cephalozia bicuspidata
- Cephalozia catenulata
- Cephalozia connivens
- Cephalozia lacinulata
- Cephalozia leucantha
- Cephalozia loitlesbergeri
- Cephalozia lunulifolia
- Cephalozia macounii
- Cephalozia macrostachya
- Cephalozia pleniceps
- Cladopodiella fluitans — cladopodiella moss
- Cladopodiella francisci
- Hygrobiella laxifolia
- Nowellia curvifolia
- Pleuroclada albescens
- Schofieldia monticola
- Cephaloziella arctica
- Cephaloziella brinkmani
- Cephaloziella divaricata
- Cephaloziella elachista
- Cephaloziella hampeana
- Cephaloziella massalongi
- Cephaloziella phyllacantha
- Cephaloziella rubella
- Cephaloziella spinigera
- Cephaloziella subdentata
- Cephaloziella turneri
- Cephaloziella uncinata
- Chenopodium leptophyllum — narrowleaf goosefoot
- Chenopodium pratericola — desert goosefoot
- Chenopodium rubrum — coastblite goosefoot
- Chenopodium salinum — Rocky Mountain goosefoot
- Chenopodium simplex — giantseed goosefoot
- Chenopodium standleyanum — Standley's goosefoot
- Chenopodium subglabrum — smooth goosefoot
- Chenopodium watsonii — Watson's goosefoot
- Corispermum americanum — American bugseed
- Corispermum hookeri — Hooker's bugseed
- Corispermum ochotense — Okhotian bugseed
- Corispermum pallasii — Pallas' bugseed
- Corispermum villosum — hairy bugseed
- Cycloloma atriplicifolium — winged pigweed
- Endolepis dioica — Suckley's saltbush
- Krascheninnikovia lanata — winter-fat
- Monolepis nuttalliana — Nuttall's poverty-weed
- Salicornia borealis — boreal saltwort
- Salicornia maritima — jointed glasswort
- Salicornia rubra — western glasswort
- Salicornia virginica — Virginia glasswort
- Sarcobatus vermiculatus — black greasewood
- Sarcocornia pacifica — Pacific glasswort
- Suaeda calceoliformis — American sea-blite
- Suaeda maritima — herbaceous seepweed
- Suaeda moquinii — shrubby seepweed
- Suaeda rolandii — Rolands' sea-blite
- Suckleya suckleyana — poison suckleya
- Helianthemum bicknellii — plains frostweed
- Helianthemum canadense — Canada frostweed
- Hudsonia ericoides — golden-heather
- Hudsonia tomentosa — sand-heather
- Lechea intermedia — narrowleaf pinweed
- Lechea maritima — beach pinweed
- Lechea mucronata — hairy pinweed
- Lechea pulchella — Leggett's pinweed
- Lechea stricta — upright pinweed
- Lechea tenuifolia — slender pinweed
- Athalamia hyalina
- Peltolepis quadrata
- Climacium americanum — tree moss
- Climacium dendroides — tree climacium moss
- Hypericum anagalloides — tinker's-penny
- Hypericum ascyron — great St. John's-wort
- Hypericum boreale — northern St. John's-wort
- Hypericum canadense — Canadian St. John's-wort
- Hypericum dissimulatum — disguised St. John's-wort
- Hypericum ellipticum — pale St. John's-wort
- Hypericum gentianoides — orange-grass St. John's-wort
- Hypericum kalmianum — Kalm's St. John's-wort
- Hypericum majus — larger Canadian St. John's-wort
- Hypericum mutilum — slender St. John's-wort
- Hypericum prolificum — shrubby St. John's-wort
- Hypericum punctatum — common St. John's-wort
- Hypericum scouleri — western St. John's-wort
- Hypericum sphaerocarpum — roundfruit St. John's-wort
- Triadenum fraseri — marsh St. John's-wort
- Triadenum virginicum — Virginia marsh St. John's-wort
- Echinocystis lobata — wild mock-cucumber
- Marah oreganus — coast manroot
- Cuscuta cephalanthi — buttonbush dodder
- Cuscuta coryli — hazel dodder
- Cuscuta gronovii — Gronovius dodder
- Cuscuta megalocarpa — bigfruit dodder