List of Baten Kaitos Origins characters

This is a list of characters in the video game Baten Kaitos Origins.


Since the game is a prequel, many characters that appear in Baten Kaitos also appear in Baten Kaitos Origins. Geldoblame is 25, Almarde is 19, Gibari is 14, Ladekahn is 12, Savyna is 5, and Kalas and Lyude will soon be born. Other characters include Anna, the barkeeper from Nashira, who is 9 in Baten Kaitos II, and Palolo II, father of Palolo III. Many of the characters actually have the same roles as in the original, so for example, Anna still works at or runs the Nashira bar, despite being only a child. Another example is Giacomo, the scythe wielding Imperial Officer in Baten Kaitos, who appears again as a villain at age 13; the battle that takes place with him features a remix of the track Chaotic Dance, now named Chaotic Dance 2.

Furthermore, entities such as the "Lord of The Lava Caves" (resembling an angler fish), while only mentioned in Baten Kaitos, are actually fought in this game. Many of these major encounters can be fought again if the player has the appropriate quest Magnus, e.g., the "Lava Lord's Skull". This can be done late in the game by visiting a scientist within the Colosseum after becoming champion.

According to the game plot, the player takes on the role of an invisible spirit residing within the heart of Sagi. In practice, the player directly guides the actions of the three main characters. These characters are Sagi, Guillo, and Milliarde (Milly). The key characters are as follows:

Playable characters

Guardian Spirit

A creature (in reality, the player) that watches over Sagi and his party. Sagi occasionally addresses the spirit by turning toward the screen and asking him to make a decision. These decisions can affect what magnus come up in battle. For example: if you make good decisions with you spirit, healing magnus will come up when low on health.


Voiced by:Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese), Crawford Wilson (Engish)

The protagonist of Baten Kaitos Origins, Sagi joined the Imperial army at age 15 in the hope of helping his mother Gena and his adopted siblings. He then is recruited by the Dark Service, an elite paramilitary group which is answerable only to Baelheit. Eager to prove himself he was given a questionable mission to assassinate Emperor Olgan. While on this mission he ends up in the middle of a power struggle that will lead to him discovering who he is and what destiny awaits him. Being the rookie of the army meant he was often picked on and didn't have many friends except for Guillo and Valara who often looked out for him. While attempting to assassinate the Emperor however he instead discovers his lifeless body slumping over his table. To add insult to injury he is then attacked by his fellow platoon men who betray him by orders of Baelheit. With the help of Geldoblame he escapes with his life and is sent on the run with his friend and companion, Guillo. During his journeys a mysterious connection reveals itself between himself and the "Malpercio's afterlings/Umbras". When they are killed Sagi often has pain-laden blackouts during which he is transported to a different time and place, with a different group of people. Though these people claim to have known him (by the name Marno) since he was a small child, Sagi has no memory of them whatsoever. All these mysteries are revealed as the story unravels. Ultimately Sagi discovers that he is not as eveyone originally thought, "a spiriter", but is instead a byproduct of the late emperor's scheme to produce a "man-made spiriter". He is a "Maledieter", a child infused with a shard/body part of the long dead God Malpercio, thus granting him incredible power and once mastered makes him even more powerful than a normal spiriter.


Voiced by:Yukari Nozawa (Japanese, Female), Tetsuo Komura (Japanese, Male), Maura Gale (English, Female), TC Carson (English, Male)

At the beginning of the game this strange creature is thought to be a primitive type of paramachina, a semi autonomous combat robot used by the Alfard Empire. However, unlike the mindless paramachina, Guillo is able to speak and think for itself. Its appearance also differs greatly from that at a typical paramachina. Guillo is often referred to as a puppet. It is outspoken, and greatly dislikes Milliarde; it often calls her a wench, questions her motives, and threatens to eat her ("Sagi, that's it! She's due for an eating! You have to let me, I can't take it anymore!"). Guillo has no memory whatsoever of its life prior to being unearthed by a young Sagi. Guillo's body appears to be hollow, as a child in Gena's care once hid inside it during a game of hide-and-seek. Guillo always speaks with two voices simultaneously, one male and one female. It seems fond of making similes about animals indigenous to the Baten Kaitos universe (such as "I've seen braver fantails guarding their ducklings!"). Guillo also often threatens to eat people (particularly Milly), though if it ever actually does so (or how it would go about eating anything, given that it has no mouth) is unclear. It also seems to enjoy foods, though similar to the previous statement, how it enjoys the food is unknown. When Guillo is alarmed, its normally shadowed-over eyes suddenly glow blue. When Guillo is hurt or angry, they glow red. Though Guillo is often referred to with male pronouns by fans, Guillo is referred to as an "it" in official material. Guillo is also considered by some fans to be transgender. Though Guillo was crafted as a sexless puppet, it has the voices of both a man and a woman. Guillo also has a very masculine personality, yet its chest plate has the impression of breasts and its feet resemble high heels. Its victory pose is rather feminine, holding one hand on its hips, the other to its face. It also declares itself part of a potential love "quadrangle" for the affection of the main character, Sagi, who is male, though it may have meant sibling love, friendship, or simply loyalty.

At the end of the journey Guillo sacrifices its existence to save Sagi and Milly; nonetheless, its head is recovered and can be seen after the credits roll. Mysteriously its eyes still glow red after losing its body, suggesting its personality and "life" may transcend having a body.


Voiced by:Yu Kobayashi (Japanese), Shanelle Workman (English)

She is a strong-willed and surprisingly powerful girl that saves Sagi and Guillo during their escape from the empire and a first confrontation with Giacomo. Although her real name is Milliarde, she asks to be called simply Milly and claims that it was because she simply can't stand seeing people get hurt that she intervened. At first it seems apparent that she has ulterior motives, as she was sent by her father to verify whether Sagi was a spiriter or a maledieter. However, she falls in love with Sagi, confesses her past deed, and eventually becomes a welcomed member of the party. Despite being sent to "Magic School" in Anuenue and being brought up in a secluded and pampered aristocratic family, Milly often dreamed of adventure. She is a practical thinker and often slept through the more "impractical" classes during Magic School. During her early years she was chaperoned to and from school but often stopped at the "Nekkar Quietlands" to gather rocks and gaze at the changing color spring. She is the daughter of Baelheit, and a product of machina infusion in humans, making her stronger than a normal human and a cyborg in the process. At the end of their journey she witnesses her father's death, her own origins and ultimately finds happiness at Sagi's side as they are wed and live in Mira with Duke Calbren. It is highly possible that Sagi and Milly are Lady Melodia's (the main antagonist in Eternal Wings) biological parents. The fact that Melodia seemingly has an inherent connection to Malpercio, as well as her physical appearance to both Sagi and Milly (particularly her true hair color, a shade of blue similar to that of Sagi) further support this theory.



Voiced by:Daisuke Gori (Japanese), Neil Kaplan (English)

A potentate who lived 1000 years prior to the beginning of the game's story. He appears to have invented and/or propagated the magnus card technology that is a staple of the Baten Kaitos world. Soon, he took this power to the next level: by amplifying the power of a person's heart, he became capable of transforming people into magnus, absorbing them for an unknown purpose. His campaign of "promagnation" - encouraging all people to strengthen and rely solely upon their hearts, and killing or forcibly transforming those who refuse - is an important aspect of the game's story. Wiseman always wears an unusual suit of armor; with a bird-like head, large, crystalline eyes, and feathered, winglike arms. Though his body is human-like, it is incorporeal. His wings of the heart are unlike any other character's, forming a circle of floating, daggerlike objects. The strength of his heart is said to be "beyond reckoning," which gives him enormous magical power.

Little else is known about Wiseman, including his origins. Human or otherwise, Wiseman always refers to himself in the plural sense; whether this is a use of the royal we or an indication that he is some form of conglomerate being is unclear. Given his motivations and history, it is probable he is the first Magnus of Life, the opposing force to the entity Malpercio.


Voiced by:Bin Sasaki (Japanese), Fred Tatasciore (English)

The creator of machina, Baelheit is a strong supporter of Emperor Olgan's new world vision and popular among Alfard's citizenry. Always serious and forthright, this Alfard lord seeks to secure power once the Emperor hatches his plans. It is revealed during the game that he is a spiriter, a human who shares his soul with an otherworldly being known as a Guardian Spirit. His spirit, Daimon, although not a sinister entity, appears to be the motivator behind his plans, for reasons unknown. It is possible Daimon makes an appearance in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean as Kalas's spirit, though this is never overtly stated.

Baelheit bears many resemblance to Eternal Wings. While fighting him, the music that play is a remix of "The True Mirror", the normal battle music from Eternal Wings. Also, he uses attacks similar to Kalas' Spirit Attacks, Hellfire being a direct copy, and Seraphim Soul being a huge reference to Shining Seraph. Even his words when executing these attacks are direct copies.


Voiced by:Chafurin (Japanese), Dwight Schultz (English)

The right hand man of Verus, as well as an unusually "close friend." A man of unflinching integrity, Geldoblame is a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge. He comes across as a good-natured and respectable man, yet when his belongings are examined it shows an admiration of children's toys and even an infatuation with Quaestor Verus. He is deeply concerned about the future of the Alfard Empire, and looks toward Verus as a mentor and as a dear friend.

After being betrayed by Verus in Tarazed, Geldoblame assumes the title of emperor, seemingly going insane in the process.


Voiced by:Wataru Yokojima (Japanese), Roger L. Jackson (English)

A self-proclaimed legendary spiriter. Some fear that spiriters are doomed to influence the fate of the entire world, a stigma that Verus and Sagi share. Though crippled during the old wars, he remains a proud, stalwart warrior. As such, Emperor Olgan has placed his trust in Verus and appointed him as the commander of Alfard's Imperial army. Nevertheless, he assists his fellow spiriter, Sagi, when he can. Late in the game, it is revealed that his claiming to be a spiriter was merely a farce, as was his being crippled. Some fans theorize that he is either Wiseman reborn, or has always been under Wiseman's control throughout the entire game, considering his rather frightening transformation in personality at Tarazed; and seemingly enigmatic, dubious nature on occasions. It is hinted that he may be Sagi's biological father.


Voiced by:Mitsuaki Madono (Japanese), Kirk Thornton (English)

(Age 27) Commander of Baelheit's personal army, the Dark Service, as well as Savyna's biological or adoptive father. Shanath, along with the Machina Vanguard had his very own machina arma. Similar to Heughes' arma, his was strapped to his back with a wing like structure, head gear, and claw like hand gear. Long after his death it is revealed that he was a double agent working for both Baelheit and Verus at the same time. While he worked for them both, he had his own ambitions, which were never revealed during the plot. It is believed that Shanath is the son of Emperor Olgan, and was an experiment for the maledeiter project.


Voiced by:Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Tasia Valenza (English)

(Age 18) A high-ranked officer in Baelheit's army. She believes and respects the power of machina. In her eyes, machina will secure Alfard's power over the island nations, ushering in an era in which she will assuredly reap the benefits. As such, she bears no love for spiriters like Sagi and Verus, claiming that theirs is the old way. Her motto is "work is work", and she tends to care not about the welfare of others when it comes to her work as a member of the Machina Vanguard. Though she is seen as rather socio-pathic, in truth, she has a somewhat friendly side shown to Sagi, despite Sagi and Valara being enemies.


Voiced by:Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Crispin Freeman (English)

(Age ??) Another officer at Baelheit's service and a member of the Machina Vanguard along with Valara and his brother Nasca. He is shown cold and ruthless, although he cares a lot for his brother, even to the point of being overprotective. He is also very proud of his strength, and shows a lot of passion for the power of machina like his brother Nasca. His particular machina is rather different from Valara's and Nasca's in that it's an arm cannon that is strapped to his back, which holds the capability of not only a good defense, but offense as well. Considering Heughes holds his own natural powers, it's possible that the arma extracts Heughes' powers and amplifies them, but nothing is known for sure.


Voiced by:Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese), Avrielle Corti (English)

(Voiced by Avrielle Corti) (Age ??) The younger brother of Heughes, and a member of the Machina Vanguard. He has a strong desire to prove himself as a worthy and non-dependent soldier to both Valara and his brother. Like his older brother Heughes, he has a strong passion for machina and the expansion of Alfard's regime across the sky. Some of his behaviorisms can be seen as rather maniacal based on some rambling he does as well as laughing. His particular machina arma is closer to Valara's in design than Heughes'. His machina arma is a rather large tank-like structure with a strong plethora of cannon firepower.


Voiced by:Shinichiro Miki (Japansese), Yuri Lowenthal (English)

(Age 13) A skilled scythe wielding young Imperial warrior who enlisted in the Dark Service at the age of 13. More than anything else Giacomo desires power. He has taken a particular dislike to Sagi as he is the first person to beat him in battle. He has an extreme rivalry with Sagi, which comes to an end after being defeated by him several times and finally in Pherkad. Upon his defeat Giacomo exclaimed "Power. .. I want power!!! Overwhelming strength beyond that of any Man! I'd give everything I have. .. for that. ..". These words are a precursor to the man he would become in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.

Non Playable Characters (NPC's) and Other Characters