List of Barack Obama presidential campaign endorsements, 2008

This is a list of notable persons and groups who formally endorsed or voiced support for Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign during the Democratic Party primaries and the general election.

Campaign endorsements

U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents

U.S. Senators



U.S. Representatives






Presidential staff and advisors


National political figures








Other academics

  • Stephen B. Burbank, Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania[362]
  • Ellen P. Chapnick, Dean for Social Justice Initiatives at Columbia Law School[371]
  • Ronald Dworkin, Professor of Law and Political Philosophy at New York University[362]
  • Michael Eric Dyson, Professor at Georgetown University[372]
  • John Hope Franklin, Past president of the American Historical Association, Professor Emeritus of History at Duke University, chairman of President Bill Clinton's Initiative on Race in 1999, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995.[373]
  • Francis Fukuyama, Professor of International Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University[374]
  • Alice Kessler-Harris, R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History at Columbia University[371]
  • William R. Harvey, President, Hampton University[375]
  • Scott Kurashige, associate professor of American Culture, History, and Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies at the University of Michigan[376]
  • Lawrence Lessig, Professor at Stanford Law School[377]
  • Grande Lum, Lecturer on negotiation at University of California, Berkeley Law School[378]
  • Manning Marable, Professor of Public Affairs, History and African-American Studies at Columbia University[379]
  • Michael McFaul, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University[197]
  • Michael Nacht, Dean of Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley[197]
  • Martha Nussbaum, Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago[362]
  • Michael Oppenheimer, Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School and Department of Geosciences, Princeton University[197]
  • Frances Fox Piven, Professor of political science and sociology at The Graduate Center at the City University of New York[371]
  • Samantha Power, Professor at Harvard University and Pulitzer Prize-winner[197]
  • Anita Ramasastry, Professor of law at the University of Washington School of Law[260]
  • Riordan Roett, Professor of Western Hemisphere Studies and the Latin American Studies Program of Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University[197]
  • Barnett Rubin, Director of Studies and Senior Fellow of Center on International Cooperation at the New York University[197]
  • Simon Schama, Professor of history and art history at Columbia University[380]
  • Laurence Tribe, Professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School[381]
  • Edward Tufte, Professor Emeritus of Statistics at Yale University[362]
  • David Victor, Professor at Stanford Law School[197]
  • Celeste Wallender, Professor at Georgetown University[197]
  • Barbara Weinstein, President of the American Historical Association (2007)[371]
  • Joseph B. White, President, University of Illinois[382]
  • Cornel West, Professor of Religion at Princeton University[383]

Business people

Fashion designers

Labor unions

Labor leaders & union officials

Social and political activists


Environmental organizations, humane organizations, and wildlife groups

Other organizations

Native American tribes

Entertainers and artists

Actors and actresses





Television and radio personalities


Foreign writers

Athletes and sports

NBA basketball players

NFL football

Major League Baseball (MLB)

Wrestlers and boxers


Notable family members of political figures

Other notable individuals

Foreign political figures

See also


  1. Rhee, Foon (June 3, 2008). "Carter to formally endorse Obama". The Boston Globe. Retrieved April 10, 2009.
  2. "Bill Clinton endorses Obama bid". BBC News. June 25, 2008. Retrieved April 10, 2009.
  3. Graham-Felsen, Sam (June 16, 2008). "Message from Al Gore: "My Endorsement"; Watch the Live Stream Tonight at 8:30 pm EDT". Retrieved April 10, 2009.
  4. Gore, Al (June 16, 2008). "My endorsement". Retrieved April 10, 2009.
  5. "Former VP Mondale Now Supports Obama". WCCO-TV. June 4, 2008. Retrieved April 10, 2009.
  6. Senator Daniel Akaka Endorses Barack Obama; Delegate Countdown – 151 To Go
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Bragg, Dennis (2008-06-03). "MT superdelegates side with Obama". Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 "Endorsements '08". The Hill. Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  9. Senator Jeff Bingaman Endorses Barack Obama
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Sargent, Greg (2008-06-04). "Bloc of Neutral Senators Says It's Time To Get Behind Obama". TPM Election Central. Talking Points Memo. Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  11. Byrd endorses Obama for president Paul J. Nyden, The Charleston Gazette, May 19, 2008
  12. Byrd endorses Obama Alexander Mooney, CNN, May 19, 2008
  13. Senator Casey endorses Obama Reuters, March 28, 2008
  14. Senator Clinton Endorses Barack Obama
  15. U.S. Sen. Kent Conrad backs Obama
  16. Dodd to endorse Obama
  17. Dorgan to Endorse Obama
  18. Durbin Taps Obama For President
  19. Senator Russ Feingold: "I voted for Barack Obama"
  20. Johnson backs Obama
  21. Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama
  22. Sen. Edward Kennedy to endorse Obama, officials say
  23. Kerry to endorse Obama
  24. Minn. Sen. Klobuchar endorses Obama for president
  25. Leahy Endorses Obama, Likens Him To Bobby Kennedy
  26. AP: Sen. McCaskill to endorse Obama
  27. "John Hood New Jersey Senator Menendez Rallies Miami Republicans for Obama; Florida Pols Avoid Bush". The Huffington Post. 2008-10-11. Retrieved 2008-10-13.
  28. Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson Endorses Obama
  29. Liberto, Jennifer (2008-06-09). "Sen. Nelson endorses Obama". St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  30. 30.0 30.1 MacKay, Scott (2008-06-09). "R. I. Democrats endorse Obama". The Providence Journal. Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  31. Rockefeller Endorses Obama
  32. Webb Thrashes Sarah Palin
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Obama Picks Up Support from Nunn and Boren
  34. Bill Bradley To Endorse Obama – Politics on The Huffington Post
  35. Jean Carnahan endorses Obama
  36. Former Rhode Island senator endorses Obama
  37. Breaking: Lincoln Chafee endorses Barack Obama
  38. Ex-Senate Leader Daschle endorses Obama, February 21, 2007
  39. Edwards to endorse Obama
  40. "Senator John Glenn Speech @ Obama Rally". YouTube. 2012-02-18. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  41. Liberto, Jennifer (2008-06-03). "Graham endorses Obama". The Buzz: Florida Politics. St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  42. Gary Hart endorses Obama | Politics West
  43. Jesse Jackson backs Obama for president
  44. Jesse Jackson Endorses Barack Obama
  45. "My Choice: Obama". Washington Post. October 28, 2008.
  46. McGovern urges Clinton to drop out
  47. Another Superdelegate for Obama
  48. Republican former senator backs Obama United Press International, October 26, 2008
  49. 49.0 49.1 – obamaendorsement-0404apr04,0,177149.story Former Connecticut governor Weicker endorses Obama Stephanie Reitz, Newsday, April 5, 2008
  50. Barack Obama has picked up the torch
  51. Obama will break through gridlock
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.6 52.7 52.8 52.9 52.10 52.11 52.12 52.13 52.14 52.15 52.16 52.17 52.18 52.19 52.20 52.21 52.22 Rangel Leads N.Y. Delegation in Endorsing Obama
  53. Rep. Tom Allen (D-ME) Endorses Obama; Delegate Countdown – 153 To Go
  54. Doyle, Altmire backing Obama
  55. Andrews: Clinton campaign tried to exploit racial divisions
  56. Congressman Brian Baird Endorses Obama
  57. Barrow will back Obama
  58. Congressman Baca Endorses Obama
  59. Feminists for McCain?
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 60.5 60.6 60.7 60.8 Endorsements '08
  62. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Endorses Barack Obama for President
  63. 63.0 63.1 Chairmen Henry Waxman and Howard Berman Endorse Barack Obama; Delegate Countdown – 130.5 To Go
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 Arkansas Democrats Back Obama After Clinton Suspends Campaign
  65. Barack 2, Hillary 0; Bishop backs Obama
  66. 66.0 66.1 Blumenauer endorses Obama
  67. Boucher jumps into Obama's camp with endorsement
  68. Pennsylvania Superdelegate Brady for Obama
  69. Superdelegate Braley endorses Obama, Thomas Beaumont, The Des Moines Register, April 30, 2008
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 Four Florida Members Of Congress Who Backed Hillary Come Out For Obama
  71. Butterfield now endorses Obama
  72. Why I Am Supporting Barack Obama, Lois CappsHuffington Post, April 30, 2008
  73. Capps endorses Obama, Michael Collins Ventura County Star, April 30, 2008
  74. Capuano endorses Obama for president
  75. 75.0 75.1 Reps. Jim Costa (CA-20) and Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) Endorse Obama; Delegate Countdown −59 To Go
  76. Congressman André Carson Endorses Barack Obama for President
  77. Rep. Castor Says She'll Support Obama
  78. Kentucky Congressman Ben Chandler Endorses Barack Obama for President
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 79.5 79.6 79.7 79.8 79.9 79.10 79.11 Another Member of the CBC Pledges Support for the Obama Campaign
  80. AP Newsbreak: SC Congressman Clyburn endorsing Obama
  81. Jewish Rep. Cohen Battles Antisemitism and Racism In Re-Election
  82. Courtney Endorses Obama The Hartford Courant, May 21, 2008
  83. 83.0 83.1 83.2 Texans among Congressional Hispanics pledging to support Barack Obama
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 Obama Seeks Congressional Support for Presidential Race –
  85. Why I’m Supporting Barack Obama (Rep. Danny Davis)
  86. Another California superdelegate for Obama
  87. 87.0 87.1 Obama narrows Clinton lead in superdelegates, CNN, May 9, 2008
  88. Rep. DeGette Switches Support to Obama
  89. Delahunt says Obama will restore US image abroad
  90. DeLauro To Endorse Obama On Saturday
  91. 91.0 91.1 Former Clinton backers swing behind Obama
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 Debbie Stabenow makes final Michigan superdelegate switch from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama
  93. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) Endorses Obama for President
  94. More superdelegates go Obama's way Foon Rhee, Boston Globe, May 13, 2008
  95. More Pa. superdelegates line up behind Obama
  96. Release on Rep. Chet Edwards’ Obama Endorsement
  97. Donna Edwards Endorses Obama Too
  98. Ellison Endorses Obama, lauds 'unifying spirit' Minneapolis Star Tribune, February 20, 2007.
  99. Rahm Emanuel Endorses Obama
  100. Clinton Superdelegate Reveals He Voted for Obama
  101. Anna Eshoo endorses Obama for president
  102. Etheridge to back Obama
  103. 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.5 103.6 103.7 103.8 103.9 103.10 26.5 Superdelegates Endorse Barack Obama
  104. U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah endorses Barack Obama for president
  105. Obama backer wins House seat in Republican stronghold – Yahoo! News
  106. Gonzalez endorses Obama
  107. Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva Endorses Barack
  108. Herseth Sandlin to endorse Obama
  109. Obama picks up superdelegate Hill, Sylvia A. Smith, Fort Wayne Journal Gazettte, April 30, 2008
  110. Hirono endorses Obama
  111. Congresswoman Mazie Hirono endorses Barack Obama for President: Update
  112. Hodes tells why he believes Obama can make a difference
  113. Superdelegates back Obama
  114. Hoyer officially for Obama
  115. Jesse Jackson Jr. backs Obama in ad
  116. Jefferson endorses Obama for president
  117. Riding Super Tuesday Momentum, Obama Builds Strong Grassroots Organization in Texas
  118. U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen endorses Barack Obama for presidential nomination
  119. Patrick Kennedy to join father in endorsing Obama for president
  120. Todd Spangler and Chris Christoff, Kilpatrick, 4 other Mich. superdelegates pick Obama Detroit Free Press, June 3, 2008
  121. U.S. Rep. Kind: Pledges super delegate vote to Senator Barack Obama
  122. Smith, Ben (2008-01-01). "Kucinich throws Obama a bone – Ben Smith". Politico.Com. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  123. R.I. Democrats endorse Obama
  124. 124.0 124.1 Congressmen Larson, Murphy to endorse Barack Obama
  125. Rep. Rick Larsen endorses Barack Obama for president
  126. Lewis says he's supporting Obama February 27, 2008
  127. Congressman Lipinski backs Obama for president March 26, 2008
  128. Congressman Dave Loebsack Endorses Obama
  129. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) endorses Barack Obama January 14, 2008
  130. Utah superdelegates behind Obama
  131. Rep. Betty McCollum endorses Barack Obama
  132. Rep. Jim McDermott Endorses Obama; Delegate Countdown – 132.5 To Go
  133. McIntyre backs Obama
  134. Michaud last Maine superdelegate to endorse
  135. Congressman Brad Miller (D-NC) endorses Barack Obama; Delegate Countdown – 168 To Go
  136. George Miller endorses Obama
  137. Obama overtakes lead in superdelegates for first time, Stephen Ohlemacher, AP, May 10, 2008
  138. Congressman Alan B. Mollohan Endorses Barack Obama; Delegate Countdown – 43 To Go
  139. Moore to endorse Obama for president Kansas City Star, June 3, 2008
  140. As Crunchtime Arrives, All-Out Appeal in Region –
  141. House Latinas Irked by Obama’s Neglect
  142. Congressman Obey endorses Obama
  143. Congressman John Olver (D-MA) endorses Obama; Delegate Countdown – 39 To Go
  144. Pascrell holds out hope for Clinton vice presidency
  145. Perlmutter endorses Obama
  146. Rep. Peterson backs Obama
  147. 147.0 147.1 North Carolina Congressmen Mel Watt and David Price endorse Obama
  148. Pomeroy endorses Obama
  149. Rahall endorses Barack Obama Huntington, WV – The Herald-Dispatch
  150. Texas Demos laud Clinton's call to back Obama in fall
  151. Ruppersberger backs Obama
  152. Ryan Endorses Obama
  153. 153.0 153.1 Remaining Colo. supers endorse Obama
  154. Obama in northern NV, as poll shows him behind
  155. Ladies' Choice
  156. 156.0 156.1 156.2 6 L.A. Leaders Decide To Back Barack
  157. MSNBC: U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz Endorses Senator Obama
  158. Black Lawmakers Rethink Clinton Support
  159. U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott endorses Obama for president
  160. Congressman Joe Sestak's (PA-07) Endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
  161. Shea-Porter endorses Obama as 'our future'
  162. Obama lands a key backer in Adam Smith
  163. Space endorses Obama
  164. Spratt to cast superdelegate vote for Obama
  165. Pete Stark endorses Obama Josh Richman, Oakland Tribune, May 16, 2008
  166. Betty Sutton Endorses Obama
  167. Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) Endorses Obama
  168. Thompson endorses Obama
  169. Tsongas throws support to Obama
  170. Following Clinton, Tubbs Jones backs Obama
  171. Tom Udall to cast superdelegate vote for Obama
  172. Maryland Superdelegate Van Hollen Backs Obama
  173. Indiana Rep. Pete Visclosky endorses Obama Chicago Tribune, May 14, 2008
  174. U.S. Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) endorses Barack Obama for President
  175. Rep. Waters switches to Obama CNN Political Ticker, June 3, 2008
  176. Leahy, Welch endorse Barack Obama Vermont Public Radio. January 18, 2008
  177. Congressman Wilson backs Obama
  178. Congressman David Wu Endorses Barack Obama for President
  179. Yarmuth to endorse Obama
  180. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Endorses Barack Obama
  181. Walter Alarkon (2008-02-06). "Overlooked Asian voters boost Clinton". The Hill. Retrieved 2008-02-09.
  182. Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo Endorses Barack Obama; Delegate Countdown – 107 To Go
  183. John B. Anderson endorses Obama Chicago Tribune, January 7, 2008
  184. Obama Picks Up More Endorsements
  185. Edwards' Campaign Manager to Endorse Obama
  186. Congressman Carson's Open Letter To Indian Country
  187. 187.0 187.1 187.2 187.3 187.4 More Major Endorsements and the Asian American Supporter Toolkit
  188. "Geraldine Ferraro on the 2008 Election . NOW on PBS". 2008-10-31. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  189. Barack Obama gets former Rep. Lee Hamilton's endorsement
  190. Obama Wins Backing of 9/11 Commission Co-Chairman Lee Hamilton
  191. Former West Virginia Secretary of State and U. S. Congressman Ken Hechler Endorses Senator Barack Obama for President
  192. Andy Jacobs endorses Obama
  193. Radio Iowa: Jim Leach endorses Obama
  194. 194.0 194.1 194.2 Yarmuth Announces Obama Kentucky Leadership Page One, May 7, 2008
  195. Former Rep. Romano Mazzoli for Obama
  196. McCloskeys back Obama – Inside Politics – with Lisa Vorderbrueggen
  197. 197.0 197.1 197.2 197.3 197.4 197.5 197.6 197.7 197.8 197.9 197.10 197.11 197.12 197.13 197.14 197.15 197.16 197.17 197.18 197.19 197.20 197.21 197.22 197.23 197.24 197.25 197.26 197.27 197.28 197.29 197.30 197.31 197.32 197.33 197.34 197.35 197.36 197.37 197.38 197.39 Over 70 Foreign Policy Experts Announce Endorsement of Barack Obama for President
  198. Obama's Major Endorsement
  199. Fmr. U.S. Congressman and 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer endorses Obama
  200. Wynn endorses Obama
  201. Puerto Rico Governor to endorse Obama Politico, February 13, 2008
  202. Puerto Rico's governor backs Obama CNN, February 13, 2008
  203. Gov. Blagojevich Releases Statement on Obama NBC, February 10, 2007
  204. Culver endorses Obama
  205. Iowa Governor Chet Culver endorses Barack Obama for President February 7, 2008
  206. Wisconsin governor endorses Obama for president Chicago Sun-Times, January 5, 2008
  207. Gov. Freudenthal endorses Barack Obama Wyoming Tribune-Eagle, April 2, 2008
  208. Gregoire endorses Obama for president Seattle Times, February 8, 2008
  209. In Oklahoma: Henry backs Obama Michael McNutt,, April 23, 2008
  210. Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry Endorses Obama
  211. Governor deJongh endorses Barack Obama for President Governor de Jongh, January 3, 2008
  212. Obama Wins Virginia Governor's Support Associated Press, February 17, 2007
  213. Cole, Michelle (2008-06-06). "Kulongoski, Hooley endorse Obama". The Oregonian. Retrieved 2010-08-03.
  214. Napolitano will endorse Obama Arizona Republic, January 11, 2008
  215. Patrick will endorse Obama, not Clinton
  216. Richardson Endorses Obama
  217. Obama Wins Backing of Kansas Governor
  218. "O'Malley backing Obama – Baltimore Sun". 2008-06-19. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  219. "Baldacci Endorses Obama – WABI TV5". 2008-06-07. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  220. "Obama Philadelphia fund-raiser features Clinton backers Nutter, Rendell". Chicago Sun-Times.
  221. Northeast Ohio. "Gov. Ted Strickland and others endorse Barack Obama |". Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  222. "Corzine supports Barack Obama |". 2008-06-05. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  223. "Easley introduces Obama | projects". 2008-06-09. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  224. AP File Photo. "Jennifer Granholm, five other Michigan superdelegates switch support to Barack Obama". Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  225. Obama gets endorsement from Andrus in Democratic race
  226. Carey Likes Clinton, Too, but Backs Obama March 2, 2008
  227. Carlson, ex-GOP Minn. governor, backs Obama October 23, 2008
  228. Codey to endorse Obama | Politicker NJ
  229. Politics Extra: Gilligan endorses Obama
  230. Former Florida Senator and Governor Bob Graham Endorses Sen. Obama
  231. Daily Kos: Dem State Legislators from Reddest States are for Obama
  232. Ex-SC Gov. Hodges Endorses Obama
  233. Craig, Tim (2008-09-13). "Linwood Holton to Campaign for Obama". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  234. Former Vt. Governor Hoff endorses Obama
  235. 239.0 239.1 Two Former Oregon Governors Endorse Obama
  236. Obama wins former Alaska governor's endorsement
  237. Dueling electability conference calls
  238. Governor John Patterson: A Man of the Times
  239. Former DNC Chair Romer backs Obama Mike Dorning, The Swamp from the Tribune's Washington Bureau, May 13, 2008
  240. Schor, Elana (2008-08-13). "Obama chooses Mark Warner to deliver keynote speech at convention". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  241. Weld backs Obama Foon Rhee, The Boston Globe, October 24, 2008
  242. Former Gov. Mark White endorses Obama
  243. Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail
  244. Packer, George (October 20, 2008). "First Colin Powell, Now...". The New Yorker (online only).
  245. 200 former U.S. diplomats endorse Obama
  246. Brzezinski Embraces Obama Over Clinton for President, August 24, 2007
  247. "Barack Obama | Stephen Fox's Blog: 200 Ex-Diplomats Endorse Obama for Foreign Policy Overhaul Necessity, including 2 Former Secretaries of State". 2008-10-02. Retrieved 2013-01-19.
  248. 252.0 252.1 Obama luring ex-Bill Clinton aides
  249. Former Reagan adviser endorses Obama
  250. Obamacans: Prominent Republicans Line Up Behind Obama
  251. Obama Picks Up Support from Romney Backer Robert Barnes, Washington Post, March 24, 2008
  252. Endorsing Obama Doug Kmiec, Slate, March 23, 2008
  253. Guest Editorial: Doug Kmiec, 'A Prayer From Barack Obama' Douglas W. Kmiec, Catholic Online, March 4, 2008
  254. Professor Doug Kmiec Endorses Barack Obama Professor Doug Kmiec, Catholic Online, March 24, 2008
  255. "Former Bush aide voting for Obama". CNN. 2008-10-23. Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  256. 260.0 260.1 260.2 260.3 Obama Announces Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders National Leadership Council
  257. 261.0 261.1 Weiner, Rachel (2008-07-28). "Obama Huddling With Economic Advisers: Two Bush Officials Join Team". Huffington Post.
  258. Former Clinton Official Backs Obama
  259. "Powell endorses Obama for president"Republican ex-secretary of state calls Democrat ‘transformational figure’". MSNBC. 2008-10-19. Retrieved 2008-10-19.
  260. "Meet the Press' transcript for October 19, 2008". MSNBC. 2008-10-19. Retrieved 2008-10-19.
  261. Obama for President Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog, April 18, 2008
  262. Another former Clinton administration official goes for Obama Foon Rhee, The Boston Globe, April 18, 2008
  263. Republican Ruckelshaus backs Obama
  264. "Barack Obama: the new JFK" The Guardian, July 25, 2007.
  265. "Potential Obama Treasury Secretary: Income Inequality A Crisis". Huffington Post. 2008-10-16.
  266. Former Clinton Campaign Chair Backs Obama
  267. Transforming the Political Map – Hawai'i Style
  268. 272.0 272.1 272.2 272.3 272.4 Sweet: In Chicago, Obama flags military backers Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times, March 12, 2008
  269. Dean John Hutson Endorses Obama
  270. General Joins Obama in Iowa
  271. For general, Obama's character befits a commander in chief
  272. On My Switch From Clinton to Obama, Joseph J. Andrew, Huffington Post, May 1, 2008
  273. Good News From Hawai‘i: 3 More Superdelegates
  274. 278.0 278.1 278.2 278.3 Three former U.S. SEC chairmen endorse Obama Reuters, May 14, 2008
  275. 279.0 279.1 Party Fears Racial Divide, Jonathan Weisman and Matthew Mosk, Washington Post, April 26, 2008
  276. Former DNC Chair Paul G. Kirk, Jr. Endorses Obama, May 2, 2008
  277. Sargent, Greg (2008-09-16). "TPM Election Central Talking Points Memo Terry McAuliffe To Campaign Extensively For Obama In Virginia". Talking Points Memo. Retrieved 2008-09-16.
  278. Raising Obama: Politics & Power:
  279. Paul Volcker, Former Fed Chairman, Endorses Obama
  280. Judge Patricia M. Wald: 'Why this older woman is for Obama'
  281. 285.0 285.1 285.2 285.3 285.4 285.5 285.6 285.7 285.8 285.9 285.10 285.11 285.12 285.13 285.14 285.15 285.16 285.17 285.18 285.19 285.20 285.21 285.22 285.23 285.24 285.25 285.26 285.27 285.28 285.29 285.30 43 North Carolina Mayors Endorse Senator Obama
  282. WIS News 10 – Columbia, South Carolina, Several prominent South Carolinians publicly supporting Obama
  283. 287.0 287.1 287.2 287.3 287.4 287.5 More N.C. mayors for Obama
  284. Shirley Franklin says she’s ‘150 percent’ for Barack Obama
  285. 289.0 289.1 289.2 289.3 289.4 289.5 289.6 289.7 289.8 289.9 289.10 289.11 289.12 Ind. mayors support Obama, Clinton
  286. Austin mayor endorses Obama
  287. Dixon endorses Barack Obama
  288. Mountain State's an uphill climb for Obama USA Today, May 9, 2008
  289. Boise Mayor Dave Bieter Endorsement...
  290. 294.0 294.1 294.2 Former Brownsville mayors endorse Obama
  291. Camp Hill mayor switches parties The Patriot-News, March 20, 2008
  292. Daley Endorses Obama For President Chicago Tribune, February 10, 2007
  293. Mallory's statement on Obama February 25, 2008
  294. Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson Endorses Barack Obama for President
  295. Obama Endorsed by Columbus Mayor AP, October 26, 2007
  296. Cumberland Mayor Daniel McKee Endorses Barack Obama
  297. McLin announces support for Obama Dayton Daily News, March 5, 2008
  298. That big Iowa endorsement...
  299. AP Newsbreak: Durham mayor Bill Bell backs Obama for presidency
  300. 304.0 304.1 Obama supporters rally in New Jersey
  301. Mayor announces his support for Obama's bid
  302. Mayor Whitaker endorses Obama
  303. Flint Mayor Don Williamson endorses Barack Obama for president USA Today, October 22, 2008
  304. Greensboro mayor endorses Obama
  305. Honolulu Mayor Hannemann Endorses Obama!
  306. Omaha mayor endorses Obama
  307. 311.0 311.1 Obama Make Surprise Visit to Diner in Reading
  308. Las Cruces support for Obama is in full swing – News
  309. Foster, Lowenthal endorse Obama
  310. Mansfield mayor endorses Obama for president Manfield News Journal, February 25, 2008
  311. Wis. Obama Supporters Excited Over Win
  312. McCollum Endorses Obama
  313. Montana: A June Battleground?
  314. ConnecticutBLOG
  316. More superdelegates go Obama's way Foon Rhee, The Boston Globe, May 13, 2008
  317. Booker, Healy endorse Obama
  318. Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey endorses Barack Obama for President
  319. Celebrity Endorsements A Growing Trend in Presidential Race
  320. Unconventional '08
  321. Seattle Mayor Nickels endorses Obama for president
  322. Crowd savors Obama's return
  323. Michigan Superdelegate for Obama; Delegate Countdown – 43.5 To Go
  324. Iorio endorses at Obama event St. Petersburg Times, May 21, 2008
  325. Obama campaign lays the foundation in Ohio
  326. 330.0 330.1 330.2 330.3 330.4 330.5 330.6 330.7 330.8 330.9 330.10 330.11 330.12 330.13 330.14 330.15 330.16 330.17 330.18 330.19 330.20 330.21 330.22 330.23 330.24 330.25 330.26 330.27 330.28 330.29 330.30 330.31 330.32 330.33 330.34 330.35 330.36 330.37 330.38 330.39 330.40 330.41 330.42 330.43 330.44 330.45 330.46 330.47 330.48 330.49 330.50 330.51 330.52 330.53 330.54 330.55 330.56 330.57 330.58 330.59 330.60 330.61 330.62 330.63 330.64 330.65 330.66 330.67 330.68 330.69 330.70 330.71 330.72 330.73 330.74 330.75 330.76 330.77 330.78 330.79 330.80 330.81 330.82 330.83 330.84 330.85 330.86 330.87 330.88 330.89 "Newspapers that have endorsed Obama". DemConWatch. 2008-10-19. Retrieved 2008-10-19.
  327. "Obama for president: Opinion". Anchorage Daily News. 2008-10-25. Retrieved 2008-10-26.
  328. 332.0 332.1 332.2 332.3 332.4 332.5 332.6 332.7 332.8 332.9 332.10 332.11 332.12 332.13 "Obama Scores 15 Newspaper Endorsements On Sunday, McCain Zero". The Huffington Post. 2008-10-12. Retrieved 2008-10-13.
  329. Aspen Daily News
  330. " – Boston Globe Editorials – One week of Editorials – Globe". The Boston Globe. 2008-10-13. Retrieved 2008-10-13.
  331. "We endorse Barack Obama for president". Chicago Sun-Times. 2008-10-19. Retrieved 2008-10-19.
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  433. IAFF Endorses Senator Obama
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  448. Union That Endorsed Edwards Will Back Obama
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  450. UAN Leaders Cite Obama’s Commitment to Working Families, Health Care Solutions
  451. United Association (UA) Becomes First International Union to Endorse Barack Obama for President
  452. Barack Obama gets US auto industry backing
  453. Iowa Union Endorsement For Obama
  454. Large Union Backs Obama; Another Is Likely to Do Same
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  456. Edwards' Union Supporters Going to Obama?
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  458. Steelworkers endorse Obama for president
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  467. Another Failed 'Farrakhan Test'
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  480. Environment New Jersey Endorses Barack Obama for President
  481. Environment New Mexico Endorses Barack Obama for President
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  483. Environment Texas Endorses Barack Obama for President
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  642. And Larry David Thinks He's Frightened?
  643. Down to the Wire
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  669. Jimmy Buffett to Headline 'Last Chance for Change' A Rally for Barack Obama in Tampa Nov. 2nd
  670. Win Butler Supports Obama –
  671. Mariah Talks Babies, Britney, Barack
  673. YouTube – Yes We Can Video: Natalie Cole on Barack Obama
  674. Obama Hope Vote Campaign With Common
  675. 693.0 693.1 "Stars Show Support for Obama at BET Awards Hollyscoop". Hollyscoop. 2008-06-25. Retrieved 2008-08-16.
  676. Supporting Obama
  677. Sheryl Crow: Baby Wyatt Is the Real 'Rock Star'
  678. With Primaries in Two States, Obama Looks to End Race
  679. Tom Delonge – 1.10.08 – Interview –
  680. Celine sings Obama's praises
  681. DJ Z-Trip – Obama Mix
  682. Bob Dylan Says Barack Obama Is 'Changin' America
  683. Eminem pledges support for Barack Obama
  684. Melissa Etheridge 'Comes Out' for OBAMA!
  685. John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants Helps Buskers Leave Early
  686. Twisted Sister guitarist says ‘I Want Barack’
  687. Death Cab finds life on the road to their liking
  688. Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon Joins Obama Youth
  689. Lynn Sweet: Sweet blog: Check out live blogging of Obama Macy Gray ...
  690. Dead to hold concert for Obama. Acc. 2008-02-01.
  691. Obama has Faith (and Tim)
  692. My Morning Jacket's Jim James to Play Obama Benefit
  693. Prominent Native Americans for Barack
  694. 714.0 714.1 714.2 714.3 Sweet extra: Obama musical line-ups in Chicago, L.A. Macy Gray headlines in Chicago; Goo Goo Dolls in L.A.
  695. 715.0 715.1 Master P Endorses Barack Obama
  696. Springsteen, Joel to perform NY Obama fundraiser
  697. Carole King Gives Canvassing Advice to Pennsylvanians
  698. 718.0 718.1 Jeff Tweedy & Friends with Barack Obama
  699. News : Headlines : Kris Kristofferson Endorses Obama : Great American Country
  700. 52nd and locust: amel was here (and 20,000 others)
  701. Lauper, Cyndi (August 24, 2008). Hope. The Huffington Post. Retrieved on August 30, 2008.
  702. Annie Lennox Reacts to Obama's Victory
  703. Robert DeNiro Hits the Campaign Trail for Obama
  704. Ludacris and Tommy Lee talk politics
  705. "Coldplay Promotes Barack Obama on 'Saturday Night Live' | Hollywood Today". Retrieved 2008-12-08.
  706. Mos Def Likes Obama, the 'Best-Looking Guy for the Job'
  707. Nas Runs To The Aid Of Obama
  708. No Age Tangle With CBS Over Obama T-Shirt
  709. 731.0 731.1 731.2 Barack Obama "Get up and Vote" show @ Bowery Ballroom
  710. 732.0 732.1 Bright Eyes man supports US presidential hopeful | News | NME.COM
  711. Don Omar Supports Barack Obama
  712. Pearl Jam Tape Song For Barack Obama – Starpulse Entertainment News Blog
  713. Will.I.Am Gathers Common, Nick Cannon, Scarlett Johansson For Barack Obama Video
  714. REM back Barack Obama at New York show
  715. SOHH Survey: Hillary To Win PA, Rapper Endorsements Mean Little
  716. Rock The Vote, Unless You're Republican
  717. "Billy Joel And Bruce Springsteen Rock Obama Fundraiser, McCain Grovels To Dave". The Huffington Post. 2008-10-17. Retrieved 2008-10-17.
  718. "Shakira Lauds Obama's 'True American Message' – Shakira". People Magazine. 2008-10-03. Retrieved 2008-10-04.
  719. Russell Simmons endorses Obama for president
  720. Morrison, Patt (2008-10-19). "The Patti Smith-Barack Obama Experience". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 2008-11-04.
  721. Eretz Yisrael
  722. Dear Friends and Fans
  723. Springsteen endorses Obama for president USA Today
  724. Barton, Laura (2008-04-15). "The long march". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  725. indiepixie – Exclusive Interview: Michael Stipe talks about new album Accelerate
  726. Streisand Endorsement
  727. James Taylor schedules concerts for Obama
  728. The New Scientists: TV On The Radio Interviewed
  729. Andres Useche – Si Se Puede (Yes We Can)
  730. Ushering in Obama In Atlanta | The Trail |
  731. Tegan and Sara Get Political At Terminal 5
  733. a boy's life: ch-ch-ch-changes
  734. Pete Wentz to Host Obama Fund-Raiser
  735. Oprah, Stevie Wonder, Maria Shriver pitch Obama
  736. " Photos – Barack Obama's Biggest Fans (Perez Hilton)". Us Weekly. Retrieved 2008-08-16.
  737. To some extent, presidential race is contest of 'cool'
  738. APA Stars for Obama
  739. Lisa Ling in Austin
  740. The Daily Telegraph, Republican intellectuals turn on John McCain
  742. BBC NEWS | Americas | Oprah campaigns for Obama in Iowa
  743. Why I Support Obama by Judy Blume
  744. Buckley, Christopher (October 10, 2008). "Sorry, Dad, I'm Voting for Obama". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 2008-10-10.
  745. 768.0 768.1 768.2 768.3 768.4 SF Bay Area Writers Rally Around Obama
  746. "Unstoppable Obama" February 14, 2008
  747. "A Tory For Obama"
  748. The Obama Phenomenon Bob Herbert, The New York Times, January 5, 2008
  749. Hitchens, Christopher (October 13, 2008). "Vote Obama". Slate. Retrieved 2008-10-13.
  751. 774.0 774.1 "Why Should I Vote for You?"
  752. Miranda July
  753. Garrison Keillor endorsement podcast
  754. Stephen King backing Barack Obama
  755. The Black Snob: John McWhorter Loves Barack Obama, The Rest of You Black People, Not-So-Much
  756. Toni Morrison Endorses Obama, The New York Times, January 28, 2008
  757. Author Toni Morrison endorses Obama
  758. "Politics". xkcd. 2008-01-28. Retrieved 2008-02-06.
  759. Paglia, Camille (April 20, 2008). "Why women shouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved April 28, 2010.
  760. 5 questions with Ann Patchett
  761. Why I'm Supporting Barack Obama
  762. "Suuri amerikkalainen romaani musiikin voimasta". Gummerus. 2008-09-15. Retrieved 2008-10-19.
  763. Spiegel Online: Bush Is Too Horrendous to Be Forgotten
  764. Why Andrew Sullivan Endorses Barack Obama
  765. Studs for Obama
  766. Watch Alice Walker's endorsement and share it with your friends
  767. Obama is the change that America has tried to hide Alice Walker, The Guardian, April 1, 2008
  769. I Owe My Interest in American Politics to Sarah Palin
  770. Legendary Journalist Roger Wilkins Visits South Carolina for Barack
  771. Huffington Post: My Heart Belongs to Hillary But I'm Voting for Obama
  773. Cruz, Juan (2008-02-08). "Ser invisible... eso sería lo más". El País (in Spanish). Retrieved 2008-02-08.
  774. "JK Rowling wants to see a Democrat in the White House". The Earth Times. 2008-02-08. Retrieved 2008-08-02.
  775. Anne Frank's step sister endorses Obama
  777. Michael Baisden Show- Greg Anthony publicly endorses Barack Obama
  778. Barkley supporting Obama's White House bid
  779. 804.0 804.1 804.2 804.3 804.4 804.5 804.6 804.7 804.8 Athletes and Obama: An Update The Washington Post, June 19, 2008.
  780. Edwards, Brett (2008-06-17). "Keith Olbermann Has No Idea Who Chauncey Billups Is". FanHouse. Retrieved 2008-08-07.
  781. "Billups Makes Surprise Appearance for Obama". WXYZ-TV. 2008-06-17. Retrieved 2008-08-07.
  782. "Rockets' Steve Francis makes pro-Obama fashion statement before Celtics game". Projo Sports Blog. 2008-11-05. Retrieved 2009-11-08.
  783. 808.0 808.1 "Athletes and the Primaries". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  784. "Lebron donates cash to Obama's Basketball Blog". Inside Hoops. 2008-07-31. Retrieved 2008-09-17.
  786. "Joakim Noah: "Je soutiens Barack Obama"" (in French). 2008-02-17. Retrieved 2008-07-04.
  787. Oden's foray into politics a good sign The Oregonian, February 27, 2008.
  789. Obama picks up endorsement from "the Bus" Bloomberg News US, March 2008.
  790. Former NFL Player Organizes Support for Barack
  791. Oregon State coach gives Obama a hand
  792. Brown coach a popular Obama surrogate
  793. 'This is our moment,' Obama tells packed arena in Dallas
  794. Lovie endorses Obama; will he finally open up? David Haugh, Chicago Tribune, April 4, 2008
  795. "AOL Video", January 2008.
  796. , quarterback Charleston Daily Mail, May 2008.
  797. 822.0 822.1 822.2 822.3 822.4 822.5 822.6 TampaBay support Obama
  798. Political Contribution Search
  799. "Bugs & Cranks » Jimmy Rollins Gets Political, Prefers Obama". Retrieved 2008-12-08.
  800. "Barack Says!"
  801. 826.0 826.1
  802. Obama Is Latest To Receive Dated Pop-Cultural Endorsement
  803. Kevin Nash supports Obama-Youtube
  804. "USC's Pete Carroll votes 'yes' . . . on voting"
  805. Joining the Obama pit crew: Junior Johnson
  806. Shore, Rebecca (2008-09-08). "Olympic heroes medal in marketing – 09.08.08 – SI Vault". Sports Illustrated. Retrieved 2008-09-15.
  807. Billie Jean King supports Obama
  808. AUDIO: Billy Mills on Barack Obama
  809. Uncommitted’s small victory, and a Carter son moves for Obama
  810. Obama not capitalizing on grass roots, Dukakis says – The Boston Globe
  811. A Nixon for Obama, Michael Luo, The New York Times, April 21, 2008
  812. Why I'm Backing Obama
  813. Caroline Kennedy endorses Obama, says he can inspire like her dad
  814. Under Microscope, Obama Still Has Many Admirers
  815. Kennedy warms up Valley crowd for expected Obama appearance
  816. YouTube – Joe Kennedy on Obama
  817. YouTube – Ye We Can Video: Max Kennedy on Robert F. Kennedy and Obama
  818. Kennedy Family Supports Obama In Houston
  819. Rory Kennedy endorses Barack Obama
  820. "– Transcripts – CNN LARRY KING LIVE". CNN. 2008-10-03. Retrieved 2008-10-11.
  821. Wife of former NH gov. backs Obama
  822. "Ron Reagan Making It Official I Endorse Barack Obama". The Huffington Post. 2008-10-31. Retrieved 2008-11-01.
  823. "Support from Environmental Leaders". Organizing for America. February 10, 2008. Retrieved February 28, 2010.
  824. Maria Shriver Backs Obama
  825. Breaking: California First Lady Maria Shriver Endorses Barack Obama
  826. Silverman, Stephen M. (2008-09-17). "Former Miss Alaska I Beat Sarah Palin in a Beauty Pageant – Sarah Palin". People Magazine. Retrieved 2008-09-17.
  828. Poker players deal Obama a full house
  829. F.E.C. IMAGE 28930628841
  830. – O, by the Way: Poker legend backs Obama
  831. Bush's spiritual adviser backing Obama
  832. Edwards' No. 1 supporter turns to Obama
  833. Chicago Sun-Times,091008ebertpalin.article. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  834. Widow of Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers, Endorses Barack Obama
  835. King is hopeful for an Obama victory
  836. Super Fat Tuesday – Get out and vote!!!
  837. "Chatalogical Humor", February 12, 2008
  838. Former Edwards National General Chairman and 49 Other Edwards Supporters Throw Support to Barack Obama
  839. Balkenende annoyed at Bos' support for Obama
  840. Winnett, Robert (2008-09-09). "Gordon Brown backs Barack Obama for US president". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  841. German SPD leader breaks with customs, backs Obama
  842. 868.0 868.1 868.2 Cowell, Alan (2008-06-05). "Foreign Reaction to Obama's Claim Is Favorable". New York Times. Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  843. 869.0 869.1 "Excitement in France over Obama victory". International Herald Tribune. 2008-06-06. Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  844. "Fabius enthousiaste sur Obama". Le Figaro (in French). Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  845. YouTube – George Galloway Barack Obama
  846. "Gonsalves endorses Obama".
  847. "Daniel Hannan says he was wrong to support Obama". The Daily Telegraph (London). 2010-06-14.
  848. Hope in America, Hope in Canada
  849. "Tory Johnson backs Obama campaign". Financial Times. 2008-08-02. Retrieved 2008-08-02.
  851. Manuel: We all want Obama to win
  852. Nicaraguan leader calls Obama's campaign 'revolutionary'
  853. "Reinfeldt gets behind Obama". Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå/The Local. 2008-02-05. Retrieved 2008-02-05.
  854. "Royal aurait voté pour Obama". Le Figaro (in French). Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  855. "Echoes of Obama in Veltroni Campaign". Reuters. 2008-04-04. Retrieved 2008-06-22.

External links