List of Apache Software Foundation projects
This list of Apache Software Foundation projects contains the software development projects of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
- Abdera: implementation of the Atom Syndication Format and Atom Publishing Protocol
- Accumulo: secure implementation of BigTable
- ActiveMQ: a message broker supporting different communication protocols and clients, including a full Java Message Service (JMS) 1.1 client.
- Allura: Python-based an open source implementation of a software forge
- Ant: Java-based build tool
- APR: Apache Portable Runtime, a portability library written in C
- Archiva: The Build Artifact Repository Manager
- Beehive: a Java visual object model
- Bloodhound: a defect tracker based on Trac[1]
- Camel: a declarative routing and mediation rules engine which implements the Enterprise Integration Patterns using a Java based domain specific language
- Celix: Implementation of the OSGi specification, based on C
- CloudStack: software to deploy and manage cloud infrastructure
- Cocoon: XML publishing framework
- Commons: Reusable Java libraries and utilities too small to merit their own project
- Continuum: a continuous integration server
- Cordova: a mobile development framework
- CXF: web services framework
- DB: database systems
- Directory: a directory server supporting LDAP and other protocols
- Excalibur: Inversion of Control container named Fortress and related components
- Felix: Implementation of the OSGi Release 5 core framework specification
- Flex: a cross-platform SDK for developing and deploying rich Internet applications.
- Flink: Fast and reliable large-scale data processing engine.
- Forrest: documentation framework based upon Cocoon
- Flume: a large scale log aggregation framework
- Geronimo: a Java EE server
- Gradle: is a project automation tool that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven
- Gump: integration, dependencies, and versioning management
- Harmony: a Java implementation
- Hadoop: Java software framework that supports data intensive distributed applications
- HiveMind: Services and configuration microkernel
- HTTP Server: a Web server
- mod_perl: module that integrates the Perl interpreter into Apache server
- mod_python: module that integrates the Python interpreter into Apache server. Deprecated in favour of mod_wsgi.
- iBATIS: Persistence framework which enables mapping sql queries to POJOs
- Incubator: for aspiring ASF projects
- Jackrabbit: implementation of the Java Content Repository API
- Jakarta: server side Java, including its own set of subprojects
- James: Java email and news server
- jclouds: an open source multi-cloud toolkit for the Java platform
- Kafka: message broker software
- Labs: a place for innovation where committees of the foundation can experiment with new ideas
- Lenya: a content management system (CMS) based on Apache Cocoon
- Logging: a cross-language logging services for purposes of application debugging and auditing
- Lucene: text search engine library written entirely in Java
- Solr: enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library
- Lucy: A loose port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C and targeted at dynamic language users.
- Mahout: A machine learning and data mining solution. Mahout
- Marmotta: an open platform for Linked Data.
- Maven: Java project management and comprehension tool
- MINA: Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Application, a framework to develop high performance and high scalability network applications. MINA
- FtpServer: FTP server written entirely in Java
- MyFaces: JavaServer Faces implementation
- OFBiz: Open for Business: enterprise automation software
- Olingo: Client and Server for OData
- OODT: Object Oriented Data Technology, a data management framework for capturing and sharing data
- Oozie: Oozie is a workflow scheduler system to manage Apache Hadoop jobs.
- OpenJPA: Java Object Persistence
- OpenNLP: a natural language processing toolkit.
- OpenOffice: Office suite, as of June 2011.[2]
- PDFBox: a Java based PDF library (reading, text extraction, manipulation, viewer)
- Pivot: a platform for building rich internet applications in Java
- POI: Poor Obfuscation Implementation, a library for reading and writing Microsoft Office formats
- Portals: web portal related software
- Qpid: AMQP messaging system in Java and C++
- Santuario: XML Security in Java and C++
- ServiceMix: enterprise service bus that supports JBI and OSGi
- Shale: Web application framework based on JavaServer Faces
- SpamAssassin: email filter used to identify spam
- Stanbol: extend traditional content management systems with semantic services
- Stonehenge: SOA interoperability
- Stratos: a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) framework
- Struts: Java web applications framework
- Subversion: an open source version control (client/server) system
- Tapestry: Component-based Java web framework
- Tika: a content analysis toolkit for extracting metadata and text from digital documents of various types, e.g., audio, video, image, office suite, web, mail, and binary
- Tcl: Originally "Tool Command Language", a dynamic GUI scripting language
- Tomcat: a web container for serving servlets and JSP
- Traffic Server: an HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server. Traffic Server
- UIMA: an unstructured content analytics framework
- Velocity: a Java template creation engine
- Wave: online real-time collaborative editing
- Web services: Web service related systems
- Axis: an open source, XML based Web service framework
- Muse: an implementation of the WS-ResourceFramework (WSRF), WS-BaseNotification (WSN), and WS-DistributedManagement (WSDM) specifications
- Rampart: an implementation of the WS-Security standard for the Axis2 Web services engine
- Tuscany: a SCA implementation, also providing other SOA implementations
- Wicket: Component-based Java web framework
- Xalan: XSLT processors in Java and C++
- Xerces: a validating XML parser
- XMLBeans: XML-Java binding tool
- XML Graphics: conversion of XML formats to graphical output
- Zookeeper: Coordination service for distributed applications
- ↑ "Bloodhound Project Incubation Status". Apache Software Foundation. Retrieved 21 March 2013.
- ↑ Heise Media UK Ltd (June 2011). "OpenOffice proposed as Apache project". The H Open. Retrieved 1 June 2011.
"Alphabetical Index". The Apache Software Foundation. 2013. Retrieved 2013-03-08.