List of Animals of Farthing Wood characters

This is a list of fictional characters who appear in the Animals of Farthing Wood, for both the books and the television series.

Original Farthing Wood animals

Animal name Description Books TV series Gender Mate Offspring First appearance Last appearance
Fox A red fox who was the leader of the Farthing Wood animals. He’s very tolerant and loyal, although after arriving in White Deer Park the many stresses (White Deer Park foxes, winter, poachers) turn him temporarily incensed. In Series 3 and the 5th-final book, he had a darker coat of fur since he was getting old. In the end of the TV series (not the books) he puts Plucky in charge of the Farthing Wood animals. Yes Yes Male Vixen Bold, Charmer, Friendly, Dreamer The Wood in Danger (1x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Badger Fatherly figure and second-in-command of the animals. He had a special bond with Mole, and later on Mossy. Badger passes away peacefully later on in the TV series, but ends the books having acquired a mate-of-sorts in the young sow badger Frond. Yes Yes Male N/A None The Wood in Danger (1x01) Shadows (2x10)
Toad A boisterous common toad who discovered White Deer Park by being captured in a jam jar. He acted as guide on the journey, and caused concern on a few occasions when he was nearly killed by fire, a car and a carp fish. In the TV series he survives, but he is killed by Bully in the books. Yes Yes Male Paddock None (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Owl Pompous tawny owl who often scouted for the group and voiced her opinion on everything. She breaks down later on in the series and leaves the Park, however soon turns back to her old self. She returns with a mate. In the books she is male and called Tawny Owl, and his relationship with his mate (Holly) disintegrates (but returns again). Yes (as Tawny Owl) Yes Female (TV) male (books) Hollow (TV) Holly (books) Three unnamed The Wood in Danger (1x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Weasel TV series: Female, loud, cheeky and childish – the group's comic foil. Books: Male, and the quiet loner of the group, though he shares a loose friendship with Adder and feuds with Tawny Owl. Yes Yes Female (TV) male (books) Measly (TV) unnamed (books) Cleo and Fido (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Adder Viciously sarcastic and sharp-witted European adder. Throughout the journey, the animals, particularly the tiny fieldmice, voles and shrews, are wary of his commitment to the Oath. Very much the foil to the other animals' pretensions or idealism. Adder is male with red eyes in the books and a female in the TV series. Yes Yes Female (TV) male (books) Sinuous None (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Kestrel Lookout and scout for the group as they travelled. She mysteriously disappeared after the second season. In the books she is a male and had moved away to find food without the risk of eating a Farthing Wood animal before the beginning of the 5th book. Yes Yes Female (TV) male (books) None (TV) unnamed (books) None (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Reconciliation (2x13)
Mole Worm-greedy mole who often got lost or left behind along the journey. He digs tunnels to help the Animals get in and out of places during the journey. Best friend of Badger. Died in the first winter in White Deer Park, leaving his mate, a son named Mossy and an unnamed daughter which was mentioned at Springtime. He is sometimes referred to as Moley (often by Badger). Mole was sometimes transported by Badger on the Journey because he was very slow due to his small feet and short-sighted eyes. Yes Yes Male Mirthful Mossy and unnamed daughter (TV) Mossy and multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) New Enemies (2x04)
Pheasants Two game birds who were often afraid of being shot at, and who had a very poor relationship. Both perished early in the series, shot separately by a farmer. Yes Yes Both Each Other None The Wood in Danger (1x01) False Haven (1x04) (Hen Pheasant)/Snare for the Unwary (1x05) (Cock Pheasant)
Rabbits TV series: Father Rabbit, a hypochondriac, and Mother Rabbit who often says "Don't Panic!". Both usually panicked in dangerous situations. The pair had two babies at the beginning of the series, but one was shot by a man. They had another baby during the rest of the series. Mother Rabbit was eventually killed by Scarface. Father Rabbit is sometimes known as Rabbit. Books: Multiple rabbits went on the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park in the books. Their leader is referred to as Rabbit. All of the original rabbits had died before the beginning of the 5th book due to their short life span, but they had many offspring. Yes Yes Both Mother and Father Rabbit were mates (TV) multiple pairs (books) Three unnamed (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Whistler's Quarry (1x09) (one of the babies)/Reconciliation (2x13) (Mother Rabbit)/Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13) (Father Rabbit)
Hares TV series: A hare who was a bit full of himself, and his mate, Mrs. Hare, who was eventually killed by Scarface. They had a couple of offspring in the park, named Leveret and Dash. Hare disappeared after the second series. Books: Hare and his mate. They had died before the beginning of the 5th book due to old age. They had two sons, one was killed in the park by a stoat, the other was called Leveret by the Farthing Wood Animals and survived. Yes Yes Both Each other Leveret and Dash (TV) Leveret and unnamed son (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Like Father, Like Son (2x08) (Mrs. Hare)/Reconciliation (2x13) (Hare)
Hedgehogs TV series: Pair of hedgehogs who were often among the slowest animals of the group. Both were run over by a lorry on a motorway since they were too prickly to be carried across. Books: Multiple hedgehogs made the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park. Their leader was referred to as Hedgehog. Two old hedgehogs were run over on the motorway, the others made it to the park. All the original hedgehogs had died before the beginning of the 5th book due to old age, but they had many offspring. Yes Yes Both Each other (TV) multiple pairs (books) None (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) (Hedgehog)/The Journey Begins (1x02) (Mrs. Hedgehog) Between Two Evils (1x10)
Squirrels TV series: Grey Squirrel and his mate who were present for the entire series. They are good climbers and the motorway was no trouble for them. Books: Multiple squirrels made the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park. Their leader was referred to as Squirrel. Yes Yes Both Each other (TV) multiple pairs (books) None (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Voles TV series: Vole, who often attempted to assert his authority in the group, and his mother, Mrs. Vole. Mrs. Vole was killed by Scarface. Vole was accidentally killed by the Farthing Wood carnivores in the first winter. Books: Multiple voles made the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park. Their leader was referred to as Vole. Some of the voles had babies during the journey, but they were killed by the Butcher Bird together with some adult voles. All of the original voles had died before the beginning of the 5th book due to old age and being hunted, but they had many offspring. Yes Yes Both N/A (TV) multiple pairs (books) Vole is Mrs. Vole's Son (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) Survival (02x03) (Mrs. Vole)/New Enemies (2x04) (Vole)
Shrews A shrew and his mate. They were the quietest and least noticed of the entire group. Both disappear after the second series. These animals appeared only in the TV series. No Yes Both Each other None The Wood in Danger (1x01) Reconciliation (2x13)
Field mice TV series: Fieldmouse and his mate Mrs. Fieldmouse, who had three babies during the journey to White Deer Park, but they were killed by the Butcher Bird. Mrs. Fieldmouse was accidentally killed by Kestrel shortly after the arrival at White Deer Park. Fieldmouse supposedly perishes at the end of the first winter. Books: Multiple fieldmice made the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park. Their leader was referred to as Fieldmouse. Some of the fieldmice had babies during the journey, but they were all killed together with some adult fieldmice. All of the original fieldmice had died before the beginning of the 5th book due to old age and being hunted, but they had many offspring. Yes Yes (as the Mice) Both Each other (TV) multiple pairs (books) Three unnamed (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) New Friends, Old Enemies (1x07) (babies)/A Hero's Welcome (2x01) (Mrs. Fieldmouse)/New Enemies (2x04) (Fieldmouse)
Lizards / newts TV series: Two newts and their baby. Aquatic creatures who often became desperate for water. Left behind at a marsh during the journey because they couldn't go any further and assumed to have been killed by fire. Books: Multiple lizards made the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park. Their leader was referred to as Lizard. They were left behind at a marsh, because they couldn't go on. There was a fire at the marsh and it is unknown if they survived it. Yes (Lizards) Yes (Newts) Both Each other (TV) multiple pairs (books) Baby newt (TV) multiple unnamed (books) The Wood in Danger (1x01) (adult newts)/The Journey Begins (1x02) (baby newt) Through the Fire and Water (1x03)

Animals who joined the group during the journey

Animal name Description Books TV series Gender Mate Offspring First appearance Last appearance
Vixen Fox's mate whom he met at a fox hunting reserve while separated from the other animals. She joined the animals and took the oath after escaping a fox hunt. She is shown to be wise and beautiful. Yes Yes Female Fox Bold, Charmer, Friendly, Dreamer New Friends, Old Enemies (1x07) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Whistler A helpful, droll and friendly heron whom the group met in a quarry. He was shot in the wing, and thus makes a whistling sound when he flies. He took the oath when he joined The Farthing Animals. He helped the animals on numerous occasions during the journey. He often flies around White Deer Park and he sometimes has bad news with what he had seen on his flight. Yes Yes Male Speedy (TV) unnamed (books) None (TV) multiple unnamed (books) Whistler's Quarry (1x09) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)

Residents of White Deer Park

Animal name Description Books TV series Gender Mate Offspring First appearance Last appearance
The Great White Stag Leader of all animals in White Deer Park. He perishes after drinking from the poisoned stream (probably caused by the Poachers), causing rats to take over White Deer Park. He is sometimes referred as Stag which is in fact his real name. Yes Yes Male Yes (unmentioned) Multiple unnamed (TV and books) Laird (grandson, TV only) So Near and Yet So Far (1x13) Comings and Goings (3x01)
The Warden A kindly man who looks after White Deer Park and everything in it. He helped the animals on several occasions, such as caring for Badger when he hurt his front paw and stopping the poachers, but he was of no help in getting rid of the rats. Later in the series, he had been sending some of the animals (including Plucky) to a new Nature Reserve but they were rescued by Whistler. He leaves White Deer Park at the end. His real name was never mentioned. Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Winter (2x02) Homeward Bound (3x12)
Scarface A vicious fox, with a prominent scar over his right eye. He is the leader of the White Deer Park foxes. His family (apart from Ranger) and pack had a great feud with the Farthing animals (including Vixen, Whistler and their offspring) even after the Great White Stag told him to leave the Farthing animals alone and prevented him from feuding. He is killed in White Deer Park by Adder when he takes a drink from a stream. In the TV series he is responsible for killing Mrs Vole, Dreamer, Mrs Hare and Mother Rabbit. In the books, he killed Dreamer, Mrs Hare and several Farthing Wood voles, fieldmice and rabbits. In the TV series, he and the other White Deer Park foxes are blue foxes. Yes Yes (as a blue fox) Male Lady Blue (TV) unnamed (books) Ranger, Bounder and multiple unnamed (TV) Ranger, Blaze and multiple unnamed (books) A Hero's Welcome (2x01) Reconciliation (2x13)
Lady Blue Scarface's mate and the mother of his cubs. Vixen had torn off her ear in a vicious fight. Yes (unnamed) Yes Female Scarface Ranger, Bounder and multiple unnamed (TV) Ranger, Blaze and multiple unnamed (books) A Hero's Welcome (2x01) Reconciliation (2x13)
Measley A lovesick weasel who fell in love with Weasel as soon as she arrived at White Deer Park. When Scarface followed Weasel around everywhere he hid from the latter until Scarface died. Later he and Weasel went to look for a new home outside White Deer Park. Weasel had given birth to Fido and Cleo just as they left. They made friends with Rollo the dog and a piglet who has made his name up and they had trouble with wildcats and a wild boar, and later Measly decided to return to White Deer Park and get rid of the rats. He is frequently insulted by Weasel, who usually refers to him as "Measly Twerp". No Yes Male Weasel Cleo and Fido A Hero's Welcome (2x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Speedy Conceited female heron who became Whistler's mate. Yes (unnamed) Yes Female Whistler Various unnamed chicks A Hero's Welcome (2x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Ranger Scarface and Lady Blue's son, later Charmer's mate. He didn't accept the great feud between his family and the Farthing Wood animals. Yes Yes Male Charmer Rusty and various unnamed cubs A Joke Backfires (2x05) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Bounder Another of Scarface and Lady Blue's cubs. Killed by Adder, who mistook him for his father (this is because the weasel's had given her the wrong message) and as punishment for that, the real Scarface attacked Adder and bit her tail. Yes (unnamed) Yes Male Unknown Unknown A Joke Backfires (2x05) Like Father, Like Son (2x08)
Hurkel A strange badger who befriends Mossy the mole. He tries to be kind to everyone. He only appeared in the TV series. No Yes Male Shadow Three unnamed cubs Comings and Goings (3x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Sinuous An adder who became Adder's mate. In the TV series the character is male and he is ambushed by a gang of rats mistaking him for Adder and strangled to death by a very large town rat as punishment for trying to kill their leader. The character is female in the books and is bitten to death by many rats to avenge Brat's death. Yes Yes Male (TV) female (books) Adder Various unnamed adders Comings and Goings (3x01) A Bigger Oink (3x09)
Trey A rude, bad-tempered stag who becomes leader of the deer herd after The White Stag dies. He looks like the Great White Stag except that he has grey fur. He prevents anyone other than the deer herd from drinking the clean water and eating the juiciest grass. The other stags fought against Trey for leadership after Fox has a talk with him. During a hurricane a tree falls on top of him and pins him to the ground but he is rescued by Fox and the Great White Stag's grandson, and nursed back to health by the Warden along with Shadow. After this, he is no longer leader of the herd and his temper is improved and he also started to be nice to the Non-Deer. In the books, after being injured by the falling tree, he is taken away by the Warden and is never seen again. Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Comings and Goings (3x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Laird The Great White Stag's grandson, who becomes leader of the herd after Trey. He only appeared in the TV series, although the Great White Stag did have a different grandson in the books. No Yes Male N/A N/A The Worst Kind of Hurricane (3x11) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Ginger Cat The Warden's pet cat, who befriends Badger when he is injured and being cared for by the Warden. In the TV series, he is a grey-furred cat just called Cat. His real name was never mentioned. Yes Yes (as Cat) Male N/A N/A Winter (2x02) Homeward Bound (3x12)
Bully The leader of the rats who attempted to take over the park. He hates non-rats (which is what he calls anybody that isn't a rat). In the books' end Vixen killed him to avenge Toad's death and threw him over the boundary fence as a signal to all the other rats that the battle was won. In the end of the TV series Cleo bites his tail off, causing all the animals including the rats laughed at him. Afterwards he returned to the sewers. He isn't scared of anything expect weasels. In both endings all the other rats (not Spike in the TV series) left White Deer Park, back to where they were before they came to the park. Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Comings and Goings (3x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Spike Bully's minion, who befriends Toad and eventually joins the Farthing Wood animals in the TV series. The other rats were unaware of this until after they captured Toad. In the books he is a mean rat like the others and kills Mossy the mole. Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Comings and Goings (3x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Brat A yellow rat who is Bully's right hand minion. In the book he is killed by Sinuous, but in the TV series he lived and returned to the sewers (which is where Bully lives as well). Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Comings and Goings (3x01) Scared by Silly Snakes (3x08)
Mateless (Mirthful) Kind mole who became Mole's mate and changed her name to Mirthful.she did not appear in season 3 with Mossy Yes Yes Female Mole Mossy and unnamed daughter (TV) Mossy and multiple unnamed (books) New Enemies (2x04) (as Mateless) Reconciliation (2x13) (as Mirthful)
Paddock Toad's mate whom he met when caught in a jar while his homing instincts were drawing him back to Farthing Wood after his hibernation. Both were rescued by Whistler and he took them to the Warden so they could be freed. Yes Yes Female Toad Various unnamed tadpoles Home is where the Heart is (2x06) Blood is Thicker Than Water (2x12)
Blaze Ranger's brother who tries to search for Adder after Scarface's death. He only appeared in the books. Yes No Male Unknown Unknown N/A N/A
Russet A female cousin of Ranger who becomes Friendly's mate. She only appeared in the books. Yes No Female Friendly Pace and multiple unnamed N/A N/A
Trip A male cousin of Ranger who often joins him in accompanying the Farthing Wood animals. He only appeared in the books. Yes No Male Unknown Unknown N/A N/A
Frond A female badger who moves into Badger's set and cares for him in his old age, but they apparently do not become mates. She only appeared in the books. Her role in the third series is taken by Shadow, while Badger's is taken by Hurkel. Yes No Female N/A N/A N/A N/A
The Beast A huge, vicious cat who terrorizes the inhabitants of White Deer Park, before leaving to answer the mating call of a female giant cat. He only appeared in the books. Yes No Male Another Giant Cat N/A N/A N/A
The Large Town Rat Bully's minion, a hulk-like rat who is good at killing other animals and preventing them from entering the rat headquarters and killing Bully. He killed Sinuous (in the TV series) and many edible frogs. He is the largest rat in the plague of rats. Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Out and About (3x02) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)

Offspring of the Farthing Wood animals

Animal name Description Books TV series Gender Mate Offspring First appearance Last appearance
Bold Fox and Vixen's son, born in White Deer Park. He received the name because he had a sturdy build and liked to wander far afield. In the books he (instead of Friendly) shared the prejudice against the White Deer Park foxes. He left the park for the city during the TV series after his father was being hard on him, but is convinced by his mate Whisper to return to White Deer Park for the sake of their cubs. He died on his return and his parents arrived just in time to say goodbye. In the books, he left the park after the death of Scarface. Yes Yes Male Whisper Plucky (TV), Husky and multiple unnamed (books) A Joke Backfires (2X05) Reconciliation (2x13)
Charmer Fox and Vixen's daughter, defies her parents to become Ranger's mate. She received the name because she looked Charming on her birth. Yes Yes Female Ranger Rusty and various unnamed cubs A Joke Backfires (2x05) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Friendly Fox and Vixen's son. He is loyal to his family and does his best to keep on his father's good side. He received the name because he was smiling on his birth and he was very friendly throughout his life. In the TV series, he shares his father's prejudice against the White Deer Park foxes more than his siblings. Yes Yes Male Russet Pace and Various unnamed cubs A Joke Backfires (2x05) Reconciliation (2x13)
Dreamer Fox and Vixen's daughter, who was killed as a cub by Scarface. She received the name because she was sleeping peacefully at the point she was given that name. Yes Yes Female None None A Joke Backfires (2x05) The Feud Begins (2x07)
Plucky Fox's great-grandson, the grandson of Bold and Whisper and the son of Husky in the books. He is Bold's son and Fox's grandson in the TV series. In the TV series he became the leader of the Farthing Wood animals in the end. Yes (as Husky's son) Yes (as Bold's son) Male N/A N/A Comings and Goings (3x01) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Mossy Mole's son, who pretended to be his father to save Badger from the pain of his passing during his old age. He is killed by Spike in the books. Yes Yes Male Unnamed female mole Various unnamed pups Home is where the Heart is (2x06) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Cleo Weasel and Measly's daughter. She was the White Deer Park hero because she got rid of the rats. She and Fido only appeared in the TV series. No Yes Female N/A N/A Out and About (3x02) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Fido Weasel and Measly's son. He and Cleo only appeared in the TV series. No Yes Male N/A N/A Out and About (3x02) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Leveret Son of the Farthing Wood hares. In the books, he goes on the journey to White Deer Park with his parents and brother, who is killed by a stoat in the first winter. He made only a brief season 3 appearance. Yes Yes Male Unnamed female hare Dash and Various unnamed leverets The Feud Begins (2x07) Reconciliation (2x13)
Dash Daughter of the Farthing Wood hares in the TV series. She often races against Plucky. In the books she is Leveret's daughter. Yes (as Leveret's Daughter) Yes (as the Hares' Daughter) Female N/A N/A The Feud Begins (2x07) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Husky Son of Bold and Whisper, who becomes one of the victims of the Beast. He only appeared in the books. Yes No Male Unnamed Plucky and multiple unnamed N/A N/A
Pace Son of Friendly and Russet. He only appeared in the books. Yes No Male Unnamed female fox Various unnamed cubs N/A N/A
Rusty Son of Charmer and Ranger. He only appeared in the books. Yes No Male Unnamed female fox Various unnamed cubs N/A N/A

Other characters

Animal name Description Books TV series Gender Mate Offspring First appearance Last appearance
Whisper A vixen; Bold's mate, whom he meets outside the park. She convinced Bold to return to White Deer Park when she was expecting his cub, but Bold perished on their arrival at White Deer Park. Yes Yes Female Bold Plucky (TV), Husky and multiple unnamed (books) Shadows (2x10) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Shadow Kind female badger who looked after Bold and became Hurkel's mate when she came to White Deer Park. She didn't come to White Deer Park in the books. Yes (though she never went to White Deer Park) Yes Female Hurkel (TV) unnamed (books) Three unnamed cubs Like Father, Like Son (2x08) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Rollo English Mastiff who befriends Bold and Whisper. In season 2 of the TV series he is a St. Bernard who befriends Bold and Whisper. In season 3 he is a sheepdog who becomes the weasel's weaseldog and eventually the Warden's pet. He didn't leave White Deer Park with the Warden because he wanted to be with his friends the weasels. Yes Yes Male N/A N/A Time of Reckoning (2x11) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Hollow/Holly Owl's mate, whom he/she meets at the former site of Farthing Wood. It took longer for them to get back to White Deer Park due to Owl getting her talons stuck in cement, even after breaking out and getting back to White Deer Park. He is a male in the TV series and a female in the books. Yes Yes Male (TV) female (books) Tawny Owl (Owl) Three unnamed owlets The Long Tailed Visitor (3x07) Bully, Bully, Bully (3x13)
Robber A crow who looked after and befriended Bold. He is called Crow in the TV series. Yes Yes (as Crow) Male N/A N/A Like Father, Like Son (2x08) Reconciliation (2x13)
Moth-Eaten Rook A rook who falls in love with Owl. He followed her back to the former site of Farthing Wood. He only appears in the TV series. No Yes Male Yes (unnamed) Yes (unnamed) Water, Water (3x03) Adventure for the Birds (3x06)
I'll Never Be Sausages A friendly domestic orphan piglet whom the weasels met when they were searching for a new home outside White Deer Park. He made friends with Cleo and Fido until they went back to White Deer Park. He only appeared in the TV series. No Yes Male N/A N/A Scared By Silly Snakes (3x08) The Worst Kind of Hurricane (3x11)