List of American saints and beatified people

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D.C., is the largest Catholic church in the United States. A special hall in the crypt level of the Basilica contains statues of American saints.
For more information on the process of sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church, see Canonization.

This page is a list of American saints, blesseds, venerables, and Servants of God, as recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. These people were born, died, or lived their religious life in the present territory of the United States.

The Catholic Church has existed in the United States since the country's earliest history. Indeed, Columbus' expedition of 1492 included Catholic priests among the crew. Catholic missionaries were some of the first explorers in British and French colonial lands in the east, and Spanish lands in the southwest. Maryland was founded as a Catholic colony.

Catholics continue to contribute to American religious life up to the present day. Consequently, several American Catholics have been considered for sainthood over the past 500 years. Most of these Americans were born after 1850.

The first three American saints were canonized in 1930,[1] and since then, only ten other Catholics in the U.S. have been recognized as saints. Many Americans are being investigated for sainthood today, as shown below.

List of American saints

St. Damien of Molokai was canonized the 10th American saint on October 11, 2009.

The following is the list of American saints, including the year in which they were canonized.

Three American saints — Seton, Drexel and Tekakwitha — were born within the geographical territory of the modern United States (Tekakwitha was born a native American, Seton a British subject in the British colony of the Province of New York, and Drexel as an American citizen). Nine other American saints were born in other nations, but ministered in geographical territory that is now a U.S. state: Jogues, Goupil, de Lalande, Duchesne, and Guerin were all born in France; Neumann in Bohemia; Father Damien in Belgium; Mother Cabrini in Italy, and Mother Cope in Germany. The remaining American saint — Pedro Calungsod — was born in the Philippines, but was martyred in what is now the United States territory of Guam.

List of American blesseds

Blesseds have been Beatified which is the third of the four steps in the canonization process.

Some sources, such as Fr. Habig and Abp. Gannon, have included Bl. Frances Schervier as an American Blessed due to her two trips to the United States. Later authors, such as Fr. O'Malley, do not include her, as the total time spent in the United States was only about ten months.

List of American venerables

List of American Servants of God

Servant of God designates someone who is being investigated by the Church for possible sainthood.

Other open causes

Other Americans have been proposed for beatification, and may have active groups supporting their causes. These include:


See also



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