List of Aliados characters

The following is a list of characters in Aliados (2013-), an Argentine telenovela. The series covers social problems such as promiscuity, unwanted pregnancies, bullying, suicide, anorexia, juvenile delinquency, child labour, alcoholism and family violence, among others. It is produced by Cris Morena.

The future of the Earth depends on six young humans: Noah (Peter Lanzani), Azul (Oriana Sabatini), Maia (Mariel Percossi), Manuel (Bernasconi Augustine), Franco (Julian Serrano) and Valentín (Joaquín Ochoa). They all have something in common: they're as powerful as they are weak, as attractive as they are lost, as revolutionary as they are violent and as isolated as they are connected. With the help of The Feminine Energy Creator (Dolores Fonzi), these young people will be assisted by seven beings of light: Ian (Pablo Martinez), Venecia (Jenny Martinez), Inti (Nicholas Francella), Ámbar (Lola Morán), Luz (Oriana Sabatini), Devi (Carolina Domenech) and Gopal (Maximo Espindola). They come from various parts of the universe with the goal of becoming the Allies of these young people and help in the mission of saving the "human project".




Brief description

Peter Lanzani Noah García Iturbe SELF-SATISFACTION AT ANY COST

Noah is a 20-year-old only child, his father is the owner of a tobacco company. Sensual, attractive, a teenage Casanova, without awareness of the damage that his actions and words can cause the people around him. He doesn't commit to anything or anyone. For him, relationships are temporary and are maintained as long as they yield profits, but are later discarded and he moves on without looking back. He's very intelligent, seductive and manipulative, a millionaire sociopath. At the end of the day, "Life is a great company of which he is CEO."


Azul is a 17-year-old girl and the most successful pop singer at the moment. She became famous when she won a TV competition for young talents, "Ídolos Pop." Since then, manipulation has been her everyday gun control. She loves to be the bearer of not thinking, lightness and frivolity. Millions of teens follow her and admire the image she sells them. She knows how to say what people want to hear just so that they all speak well of her. She has no limits. Behind her authoritarianism hides a fragile, self-destructive, woman with severe psychological problems. She is anorexic and bulimic, which developed due to the conflict of her parents.

Mariel Percossi Maia Pinedo THE PLEASURE OF HURTING

Maia lives in a trailer home with her abusive mother. As a result, she's a professional when it comes to harming, breaking and damaging. Perverse and intelligent, she has a bad attitude, mainly toward someone who she wants to hurt. Bullying is her favorite sport. She likes to lead her companions to verbally and physically assault who she decides, while filming the attacks with her cell phone and uploading them to a blog where she collects the videos as trophies. She knows how to blackmail to achieve her goals and not get in trouble for her abuses. She's a talented singer and participated in the "Idolos Pop" competition, but lost to Azul and is bitter because of it.

Agustín Bernasconi Manuel Ramírez THE VOICE OF SUFFERING

Manuel is the negative product of a success-oriented society. He's the son of unhappy parents. His mother is overprotective and constantly passes on her fears. Manuelito is extremely insecure every time he crosses the boundaries of his room, the only place where he feels relatively protected. He speaks in a low voice and has a hard time expressing himself when many people are watching. In the privacy of his room, Manuel is a wonderful singer, but a prisoner of his fears and phobias. For years he has been the victim of bullying, mostly at the hands of Maia. He's always sad and thinks that life is not worthwhile.

Julián Serrano Franco Alfaro ALIENATION IN A PURE STATE

Franco is a young marginal with no education, no job, no family, no love. Ever since he can remember, the streets have been his school. Surviving is the only thing that motivates him. He knows well that only the strong can keep breathing in the wild world he inhabits. He's violent, hyperactive and addicted to conflict. He likes everything that he doesn't have. He's happy only when he's in the Murga, dancing and stealing. Franco is cruel and direct. He's not afraid to say what he feels even though it will generate a problem or fight. He'd rather watch than to say, risk than to ask, shoot than to lose.

Joaquín Ochoa Valentín Gaitan PRISONER OF HIS LONELINESS

Valentín is 12-years-old and has never heard someone tell him "I love you." He was abandoned by his mother at an orphanage as a baby. He grew up in a hostile environment where assaults and abuses continue on a daily basis. Every day they force him to work and he must, at all costs, earn money in the streets. He's a modern slave, a victim of the selfishness of a society that when seeing him wandering hungry and dirty, act as if they do not see. Valentín feels hatred and resentment, he knows that the world around him kicked him to the side of the road. He has no hope, just the urge to hit and scream.

Light Beings

Actor Character Brief description
Pablo Martínez Ian King/
Joaquín Gaitán

Ian lives in a place without space or time, where the past and future are fused in an eternal now. His body is seen as physical, but it is not composed of atoms or molecules. He surrendered himself to the mission for which he was called, no questions asked, and without knowing how or why he appeared on earth, carrying only basic information about the action to be performed. He is the leader of the Light Beings and has to guide his companions on Earth and, at the same time, discover what is his personal mission. Calm, kindness and strength of character are his main characteristics. He's wise, but is still in the process of evolution and knows just as much as he doesn't know.

Jenny Martinez Venecia Buker LOVE IN ACTION

Venecia isn't a fully enlightened being, she is in the process of learning as a student. Her astral body has inhabited "Hiranyaloka" for 280 years (measured in Earth time). Although she's not the oldest of souls, she has spent enough time in the astral world to completely forget what it was like to feel human. She maintains the young form of her last birth. Like any astral being, to reach this stage, she needed first to be born and die hundreds of times between animals and humans. On Hiranyaloka, she resides in the realm of the infinite joy of ideas. For any inhabitant of that plane, having to go to Earth is more like work than a prize. She and Noah have a relationship of the soul. Their souls were chosen long ago and will always be reborn to reunite with each other.

Nicolás Francella Inti FIRE THAT HEALS

Inti lives in a way that is unnoticeable to the human eye, on the fire side of the planet Upsilon Andromedae B. This planet has a surface as hot as lava and another as cold as a glacier. For the inhabitants of Upsilon Andromedae b, by having a subtle elemental constitution, it's very easy to take human form, merging with the soul and body of any person, a second before they die. The result is a temporary "pact of souls" that lasts the duration of the mission on earth. Inti vibrates in the green color of healing. He has in his hands and eyes the highest concentration of energy. He works to achieve harmony in the worst places. He harmonizes and heals the pain of body and soul. His chakra is the most developed solar plexus.


Ámbar is a different teenager, restless, full of questions. She loves science, machines, technology and everything her family never did or wanted to do. Her home planet, Sirius, is of extraordinary dimensions, inhabited by beings of very short stature who live in large spaces where nature prevails. Her parents are dedicated to the land, the trees, the birds, the connection with nature and their soles. Among these small and wise beings, Ámbar is the one who most resembles her rudimentary human cousins. Her physical form can be absorbed by gaseous, cloud-like elements, which act as "transportation" for those who inhabit her planet. She comes to earth to prevent abuse, mistreatment and injustice.

Oriana Sabatini Luz THE NEW MESSAGE

Luz is one of the thousands of millions of forms of non-physical life that inhabit the causal world. The causal world exists as our thoughts exist. It's a space time of pure ideas where the atmosphere is so subtle for the human perception as the tree is for fish. Luz chose to live under aqueous forms. She is water, energy, light and liquid sound. Beings like Luz can travel as Crystal spheres, anywhere in the universe that contains water, in any of their stages. By means of water, Luz connects with the soul of any living being, entering to inhabit and guide them from the inside. Luz lives within the soul of Azul during the time that pass on Earth, her mission. Whenever Luz is within Azul, triggering suggestions in the form of thoughts and ideas, the eyes of "her mission" change color.


Devi is one of the "awake" individuals; human beings of light, waiting for the right moment to make their life message. They have no special powers, as shown by the example love is the path to freedom and happiness. Outgoing, sweet, extremely intelligent and wise, Devi (Little Goddess) cultivates friendship as one of the great gifts of humanity. She is loyal, funny, simple but with a very strong character whenever she feels something "is off center." She's only 12 years old, but when speaking everyone listen to her as if she were 100. Her predominant colors are violet and indigo, she is the being of light that transmutes karma of the people she interact with. Her gift is the work of the spirit from simplicity. She has total development of the third eye chakra, so she "sees everything".


Gopal is a 17-year-old boy who was born in another land and quickly became "the one who breaks rules." Since he was small, with the good intention to further improve the perfection of his world, he's gotten his kind parents into tons of trouble. In a land without problems, that is a gift. From the perspective of his home, the planet is reflected, the physical, touchable dense material, but following the vision of the mirror, there is another land, reflected, the spiritual, where matter is less dense, the minds of its inhabitants are more clean and order, calm, knowledge and truth are forms of continual manifestation. Gopal is extremely lovable, nice, a great friend, intelligent, fun and witty, but has yet to learn how to not convert solutions to problems.

Supporting characters

Actor Character Brief description
Boy Olmi Justo García Iturbe Noah's father. Doesn't know Noah is a sociopath and ignores the true life he leads. Killed his brother after discovering his betrayal. Leader of Morks.
Ana Celentano Elena García Iturbe Noah's mother. She cheated on her husband with his brother, Fermin, with whom she fell madly in love. Half sister of Natalia.
Noemí Frenkel Josefina Ramírez Manuel's mother. Is overprotective of him. Always fights with her husband. She doesn't know all that her son suffers at school. She's a Mork.
Eugenia Guerty Natalia Pinedo Maia's mother. Became pregnant by a famous tennis player and was paid by him not to talk. Abuses her daughter. Illegitimate half-sister of Elena.
Paula Reca Mary Devi's adoptive mother. Is very sweet, supports her daughter in everything. She and her husband are the only humanss to know about light beings.
Michel Noher Taylor Devi's adoptive father. He is attentive and fair. He and her wife are the only human beings to know about the light beings.
Alejandro Botto Fermín García Iturbe Noah's biological father. Was murderer by his brother years ago. Came back as a soul. Secretly helps the Light Beings to fulfill their missions.
Federico Lama Paul Vega Azul's manager. He really cares about the health and welfare Azul, despite the mistreatment he receives from her, he loves her. He is a Mork.
Mercedes Funes Matilda Sánchez Azul's mother. Azul hates her for thinking that she ruined her life and that she doesn't love her. She's the sister of Ian and Valentín's father.
Nicolás Francella Matías Arce Noah's best friend. by Franco He was shot and before his body died, Inti took possession of him.
Eliseo Rentería Daimon He was recruited by Fermin. He secretly helps the Light Beings to fulfill their missions.
Manuela Viale Emma A woman who had sex with Noah and as a result got pregnant. He offered her money to keep quiet about their son, but she wouldn't accept it.

Special guest stars

Actor Character Brief description
Dolores Fonzi Ella Female Creative Energy
Juan Leyrado Él Male Creative Energy

Other characters

Actor o actriz Personaje Breve descripción
Roly Serrano Morales Tutor legal de Valentín, antes de ser adoptado.
Santino Ferrazzuolo Manuel Ramírez A la edad de 5 años
Lucila Viggiano Gala Novia de Joaquín/Ian. Cuida de su cuerpo en el faro, con la esperanza que él despierte del coma.
Khaled Hallar Presentador Presentador de Ídolos Pop.
Tommy Dunster Mario Medina Padre de Azul. Fue un famoso médico genetista, pero hoy es prófugo de la justicia por razones desconocidas. Ayudo a Josefina a concebir a Manuel. Fue reclutado por Fermín. Ayuda a los seres de luz en secreto para que ellos cumplan sus misiones.
Magalí Moro Manuela Gaitán Mamá de Joaquín y Valentín, fué casada con el hermano de Matilda. Trabaja de maquillista. Fue reclutada por Fermín. Ayuda a los seres de luz en secreto para que ellos cumplan sus misiones.
Marcelo Serre Jorge Luis Ramírez Padre de Manuel. Es un hombre infeliz, que no pudo cumplir sus sueños en el pasado. Es dominado por su esposa, la cuál ama mucho. Apoya a Manuel y cree profundamente en el talento de su hijo. Es reclutado por Fermin. Ayuda a los seres de luz en secreto para que ellos cumplan sus misiones.
Camila Flamenco Agustina Amiga de Maia y Ambar.
Iván Espeche Mariano Arce Padre de Matías, es un famoso juez. Resulta no ser el padre biológico de Matías.
Patrizia Camponovo Lara Arce/Mirta Pereira Madre de Matías/Inti, cambio su identidad a muchos años. En realidad es la madre de Franco. Es un Mork, y denuncia a Franco por el intento de robo en su casa.
Julián Rubino Santiago Amigo de Franco.
Micaela Riera Lorena Amiga de Franco.
Julieta Bartolomé Juana Chica que se convertio en novia de Noah, por cuenta de los negocios de Justo.
Facundo Parolari Facundo Matón que molesta a Manuel en la escuela.
Julieta Vetrano Nina Amiga de Maia que le hace una broma pesada a Manuel.
Tomás Fidalgo Tomás Hijo de Noah y Emma. No es aceptado por Justo, pero si por su abuela Elena.
Santiago Magariños Rolo Amigo de Noah.
María Cecilia Rapacini Amanda Ama de llaves de la casa García Iturbe. Fue reclutada por Fermín. Ayuda a los seres de luz en secreto para que ellos cumplan sus misiones
Juan Sorini Mateo Alfaro Hermano de Franco. Esta en la prisión.
Juan Carlos Policía Policía que le pide a Azul la documentación del auto.
Valentina Zenere Mara Ulloa Hija de Félix y Sonia, y media hermana de Maia.
Eugenia Alonso Norita Mamá de Juana la novia de Noah.
Diego Mariani Félix Ulloa Papá de Maia y Mara. Quiere a Maia y se arrepiente por haberla ignorado toda su vida. Desea que puedan establecer la relación de padre e hija. Es un Mork. Denuncia a Maia por el secuestro de Mara.
María Roji Sonia Ulloa Mujer de Félix y mamá de Mara. Acepta y apoya a Félix para establecer un vínculo con Maia.
Analia Malvido Elsa Mucama de Azul.
Marcio Mansilla Mauro Compañero de Manuelito.
Verónica Pelaccini Ada Es la enviada de "Ella", encarregada de supervizar las misiones de los seres de luz.
Cecilia Miserere Lourdes Madre de Analia, una fan de Azul.
Silvina Diez Luciana Es una psicóloga que atendio Noah por sus ataques de pánico.
Edgardo Castro Luis Alfaro/Fernando Padre de Franco, trabaja como guardaespaldas para Justo. Fue reclutado por Fermín. Ayuda a los seres de luz en secreto para que ellos cumplan sus misiones.
Jorge Digilio Gael Medico que atendio a Manuel y Maia después del ataque en el canal de televisión. Se interesa por Maia. Casi fue muerto por Daimon. Segun Fermin es un Mork, un ser oscuro.
Juan Manuel Rodil Homero Asistente de Justo.
Cristian Pasman Empleado de Justo Persona que estaba dando una charla en la empresa de Justo.

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