List of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Leadership Computing Challenge allocations

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Year Title Principal Investigator Site Supercomputer Allocation (in CPU hours)
2010 A Scalable, Efficient, and Accurate Community Ice Sheet Model (SEACISM)[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Katherine Evans Argonne National Laboratory 1,000,000
2010 A Scalable, Efficient, and Accurate Community Ice Sheet Model (SEACISM)[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Katherine Evans Oak Ridge National Laboratory 5,000,000
2010 Aerodynamics Exploration for Advanced Aero‐Propulsion Technologies[1] GE Global Research, Jixian Yao Argonne National Laboratory 4,500,000
2010 Materials Design From First Principles Calculations[1] Argonne National Laboratory, Larry Curtiss Argonne National Laboratory 20,000,000
2010 Prototype Ultra High‐Resoluation Climate‐Weather Modeling Studies[1] NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, S.J. Lin Argonne National Laboratory 25,000,000
2010 Simulation of Large Conformational Transitions in Macromolecular Systems using Leadership Computing[1] Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago, Benoit Roux Argonne National Laboratory 28,500,000
2010 Direct Multiobjective Optimizaton of Storage Ring Lattices for the APS Upgrade and Beyond[1] Argonne National Laboratory, Michael Borland Argonne National Laboratory 36,000,000
2010 Nucleon Structure down to the Physical Pion Mass[1] Massachusetts Institute of Technology, John Negele Argonne National Laboratory 37,800,000
2010 Scalable, Explicit Geometry, Whole Core Nucelar Reactor Simulations[1] Argonne National Laboratory, Micheal Smith Argonne National Laboratory 38,000,000
2010 Collaboratory for Very Large Scale Turbulence Simulations on Petascale Computing Platforms[1] Stanford University, Parviz Moin Argonne National Laboratory 50,000,000
2010 Improving Light Water Reactor Fuel Reliability Via Flow Induced Vibration Simulations[1] Argonne National Laboratory, Andrew Siegel Argonne National Laboratory 75,000,000
2010 Stochastic Nonlinear Data‐Reduction Methods with Detection & Prediction of Critical Rare Events[1] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Guang Lin Oak Ridge National Laboratory 5,000,000
2010 ASCR Joule Metric[1] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Kenny Roche Oak Ridge National Laboratory 150,000,000
2010 The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors[1] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Doug Kothe Oak Ridge National Laboratory 30,000,000
2010 AR‐5 Calculations[1] National Center for Atmospheric Research, Peter Gent Oak Ridge National Laboratory 80,000,000
2010 Exascale Computing for Accelerating Deployment of Retrofittable CO2 Capture Technologies via Simulation Tools with Quantified Uncertainty[1] University of Utah, Philip Smith Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3,200,000
2010 Large scale particle‐in‐cell simulations of laswer‐plasma interactions relevant to Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE)[1] University of California, F. S. Tsung Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3,250,000
2010 First Principles Design of Advanced Thermal Energy Storage Materials[1] National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Su‐Huai Wei Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 5,000,000
2010 A multi‐decadal reforecast data set to improve weather forecasts for renewable + energy applications[1] NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Thomas Hamill Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 14,500,00
2011 Understanding the factors that affect the efficiency of bio-catalytic processes[2] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pratul Agarwal Oak Ridge National Laboratory Jaguar (supercomputer)
2011 Petascale kinetic plasma simulation of the interaction among laser speckles in laser‐driven inertial fusion energy settings[2] Los Alamos National Laboratory, Brian Albright Oak Ridge National Laboratory Jaguar (supercomputer)
2011 Reliable Predication of Performance of High Lift Systems of Commercial Aircraft[2] Boeing, John Bussoletti Oak Ridge National Laboratory Jaguar (supercomputer)
2011 Toward Crystal Engineering from First Principles[2] University of Texas at Austin, James R. Chelikowsky
2011 Fundamental combustion simulations to enable clean energy breakthroughs in low-carbon gas-turbine combustion systems[2] Sandia National Laboratories, Jacqueline H. Chen
2011 Projections of Ice Sheet Evolution Using Advanced Ice and Ocean Models[2] Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, William D. Collins
2011 First Principles Calculations of Interfaces in Electrical Energy Storage Systems[2] Argonne National Laboratory, Larry A. Curtiss
2011 The interactions between vaporizing liquid droplets and a turbulent flow: Fully resolved direct numerical simulation[2] University of California, Said Elghobashi
2011 Uncertainty Quantification in Large-Scale Ice Sheet Modeling and Simulation[2] University of Texas, Omar Ghattas
2011 Electrocatalyst Durability from First Principles Calculations[2] Argonne National Laboratory, Jeffrey Greeley Argonne National Laboratory Blue Gene/P
2011 Controlling Nanoparticle Interactions to Engineer New Materials[2] Sandia National Laboratories, Gary S. Grest
2011 First principles-based design of novel solar thermal fuels[2] Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jeff C. Grossman
2011 High Resolution Design-Cycle CFD Analysis, Supporting CO2 Compression Technology Development[2] Ramgen Power Systems LLC, A.D. Grosvenor Oak Ridge National Laboratory Jaguar (supercomputer)
2011 Simulating Regional Climate at Convection Permitting Resolution[2] Greg Holland
2011 Petascale Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Strongly Correlated and Energy Storage Materials[2] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Paul R. C. Kent
2011 Large-eddy simulation for turbomachinery[2] United Technologies Research, Gorazd Medic
2011 Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise Using Large Eddy Simulation[2] Stanford University, Parviz Moin
2011 Non-icing Surfaces for Cold Climate Wind Turbines[2] General Electric, Masako Yamada
2011 Sensitivity and uncertainty of precipitation of a climate model[2] Argonne National Laboratory, Laura Zamboni
2012 Designing Bioinspired Catalysts for Energy Harvesting & Renewable Energy[3] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pratul Agarwal 5,000,000
2012 Petascale Atomistic Simulations of Ultra Scaled Transistors[3] Global Foundries, Behtash Behin-Aein 8,000,000
2012 Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) Approach to Nuclear Reactions[3] University of Washington, Aurel Bulgac 12,000,000
2012 Generation of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation in Tokamak Plasma to enable Stable Fusion Energy Production[3] Princeton University, Choong-Seock Chang 20,000,000
2012 Projections of Ice Sheet Evolution Using Advanced Ice and Ocean Models[3] Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, William Collins 13,000,000
2012 Protein Folding and Computational Models[3] Stony Brook University, Ken A. Dill 2,000,000
2012 Impact of the Inlet Boundary Condition on High-Pressure Turbine Temperature Predictions[3] General Electric, Anne Dord 34,000,000
2012 Liquid-solid interfaces in electrocatalysis from first principles[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Jeffrey Greeley 20,000,000
2012 Controlling Nanoparticle Assembly to Engineer New Materials[3] Sandia National Laboratories, Gary Grest 30,000,000
2012 Supercomputer Enabled Accelerated Development of Revolutionary Supersonic Shock Wave Based Turbomachines: Achieving DOE Goals for Compressing Carbon Dioxide and Achieving High Energy Efficiency via High Resolution CFD[3] Ramgen Power Systems LLC, Allan Grosvenor 40,000,000
2012 Exploring the Nature of the Lightest Massive Particles in the Universe[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Katrin Heitmann 10,000,000
2012 Gyrokinetic Simulations of Multiscale Electro Turbulence for Improved Predictive Modeling of Tokamak Plasmas[3] University of California, Christopher Holland 30,000,000
2012 HPC Colony: Adaptive System Software for Improved Resiliency and Performance[3] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Terry Jones 6,000,000
2012 Computational high throughput screening of organic materials for solar energy and lighting[3] University of Central Florida, Abdelkader Kara 6,000,000
2012 Transforming Modeling and Simulation for Nuclear Energy Applications[3] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Douglas Kothe 15,000,000
2012 High level studies of excited states in light harvesting systems and complex emergent phenomena[3] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Karol Kowalski 5,000,000
2012 Massively Parallel High Fidelity Simulation of Spray Atomization[3] United Technologies Research, Xiaoyi Li 20,000,000
2012 Gyrokinetic Simulation of Energetic Particle Turbulence and Transport[3] University of California, Zhihong Lin 20,000,000
2012 Predictive simulations of cuprate high-temperature superconductors[3] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Thomas Maier 50,000,000
2012 Petascale Thermal Hydraulic Simulations in support of CESAR[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Elia Merzari 30,000,000
2012 Coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics in solar photocatalytic water splitting[3] California Institute of Technology, Thomas Miller 22,000,000
2012 Prediction of Multiscale, Multiphysics Turbulent Flow Phenomena Using Unstructured Large Eddy Simulation[3] Stanford University, Parviz Moin 80,000,000
2012 U.S.-Russia Collaboration on Verification and Validation in Thermal Hydraulics: Nek5000 and Conv3D Simulation of “SIBERIA” Experiment[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Aleksandr Obabko 30,000,000
2012 Ab Initio Hyper-Nuclear Physics[3] College of William & Mary, Konstantinos Orginos 70,000,000
2012 Dynamics of conformational transition in thermo-sensitive polymers and hydrogels[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Subramanian Sankaranarayanan 50,000,000
2012 Validation work for heterogeneous nuclear reactor calculations[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Micheal Smith 30,000,000
2012 Reducing Uncertainty of Climate Simulations Using the Super-Parameterization[3] George Mason University, Christiana Stan 11,000,000
2012 VUQ Assessment of a Large Eddy Simulation Tool for Clean-Coal Technology[3] University of Utah, Jeremy Thornock 20,000,000
2012 Multiscale Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Carboxysomes[3] Argonne National Laboratory, Gregory Voth 8,000,000
