Lionel's Kingdom

Lionel's Kingdom (Turma da Mata) is a set of fictional characters created in the 1960s-70s and appearing at the Monica's Gang comic strips. All characters are animals, with the contact with human beings hardly happening. However, the animals are very personified, with almost all of them walking by two feet (except for Tim Turtle), most of them wearing clothes, and obviously, all of them being able to speak. Their home is a forest, presumably in Brazil, although featuring mostly African animals.



  1. Mauricio writes...My Unforgettable Elephant
  2. de Sousa, Mauricio (2008). "Boa Notícia". Mônica - Romance (in Portuguese) (6 ed.). São Paulo: Panini Comics. pp. 108–112.
  3. de Sousa, Mauricio (2005). "O Casamento do Jotalhão". Mônica - Festas (in Portuguese) (47 ed.). São Paulo: Editora Globo. pp. 104–109.
  4. de Sousa, Mauricio (1998). "Um, dois três coelhinhos...Quatro, cinco, seis coelhinhos...". In Solange M Lemes. Mônica (1 ed.). Editora Globo. pp. 67–74.
  5. Back, Paulo; Mauricio de Sousa (March 2010). "Arquivos do Mauricio". In Erico Rodrigo Maioli Rosa. Cebolinha. Turma da Mônica Coleção Histórica 16 16 (2 ed.). Panini Comics. p. 22.

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