Liliana V. Blum

Liliana V. Blum (born 1974) is a Mexican short story writer. She is one of the first Mexican writers of her generation to be translated into English.


Liliana V. Blum was born in Durango, Mexico, in 1974. She is the author of The Curse of Eve and Other Stories, forthcoming from Host Publications. English translations of her stories have appeared in various literary journals, including Eclectica, Mslexia, storySouth, Blackbird, and "The Dirty Goat"

She received her bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Kansas and her master's degree from Tec de Monterey.

Blum has lived in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas since 1997.

Writers who influenced her work include Rosario Castellanos, Margaret Atwood, and Bret Easton Ellis.

In 2005, Her story "Kisses on the Forehead" was selected for storySouth's Million Writers Award Notable Stories.


The Curse of Eve and Other Stories

The Curse of Eve and Other Stories is Blum's first book to appear in English. It contains twenty-four stories, and most of them have female protagonists.

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