Light Cavalry Overture

Light Cavalry Overture is the overture to Franz von Suppé’s operetta Light Cavalry (German: Leichte Kavallerie),[1] premiered in Vienna in 1866.[2] Although the operetta is rarely performed or recorded, the overture is one of Suppé's most popular compositions, and has achieved a quite distinct life of its own, divorced from the opera of which it originally formed a part. Many orchestras around the world have the piece in their repertoire, and the main theme of the overture has been quoted numerous times by musicians, cartoons and other media.


The overture has been recorded many times, including by these notable conductors:


F. von Suppé's Light Cavalry Overture
Franz von Suppé's overture to the opera Leichte Kavallerie, played by the United States Marine Band and directed by Colonel John R. Bourgeois. Date of performance: 1993.

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  1. Hamienet. "Franz von Suppé's Light Cavalry Overture". Retrieved 6 December 2011.
  2. Lamar University. "Lamar Civic Orchestra goes Gershwin with ‘Memorable Music’". Retrieved 6 December 2011.