Lieutenant Governor of Montana

Lieutenant Governor of Montana is an official in the state of Montana that ranks just below the Governor of Montana.

List of Lieutenant Governors


      Democratic       Republican

Living former lieutenant governors

As of April 2015, five former lieutenant governors were alive, the oldest being Ted Schwinden (19771981, born 1925). The most recent death of a former lieutenant governor was that of Tim Babcock (19611962), on April 7, 2015.

Lt. GovernorLt. Gubernatorial termDate of birth
Ted Schwinden 19771981 August 31, 1925
Denny Rehberg 19911997 October 5, 1955
Judy Martz 19972001 July 28, 1943
John Bohlinger 20052013 April 21, 1936
John Walsh 20132014 November 3, 1960