Liberalism in the Czech lands

This article gives an overview of liberalism in the Czech lands. It is limited to liberal parties with substantial support, mainly proved by having had a representation in parliament. The sign ⇒ denotes another party in that scheme. For inclusion in this scheme it is not necessary that parties label themselves as a liberal party.


When liberalism started in Bohemia and Moravia, the Czech lands were member states of Austria-Hungary. Liberals in the region started as part of the conservative nationalist National Party (Národní strana) or Old Czechs, but from 1874 they formed their own party: the National Liberal Party (Národní strana svobodomyslná), also known as the Young Czechs. Czech liberals usually do not call themselves liberals, but prefer labels such as progressive or even national socialist (which has nothing to do with the German variant).


The liberal movement is currently unsuccessful in this country. Liberal parties are small or in decline and are unable to cooperate. They were unsuccessful at the 2004 European elections. At these elections the European Democrats (Evropští demokraté) proved to be a liberal alternative, but it joined the EPP.

National Liberal Party

Czech People's Party / Czech Progressive Party

Radical Progressive Party

From National Social Party until Liberal National Social Party

Radical State Rights Party / Progressive State Rights Party

National Labour Party

German Democratic Freedom Party

From Civic Movement until Party for the Open Society

Civic Democratic Alliance

Freedom Union

Liberal leaders

Liberal thinkers

In the contributions to liberal theory the following Czech thinkers are included:

See also